I want to create a function which replaces the a chosen row of a matrix with zeros. I try to think of the matrix as arbitrary but for this example I have done it with a sample 3x3 matrix with the numbers 1-9, called a_matrix
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
I have done:
zero_row <- function(M, n){
n <- c(0,0,0)
And then I have set the matrix and tried to get my desired result by using my zero_row function
mat1 <- a_matrix
zero_row(M = mat1, n = 1)
zero_row(M = mat1, n = 2)
zero_row(M = mat1, n = 3)
However, right now all I get is a matrix with only zeros, which I do understand why. But if I instead change the vector n to one of the following
n <- c(0,1,1)
n <- c(1,0,1)
n <- c(1,1,0)
I get my desired result for when n=1, n=2, n=3 separately. But what i want is, depending on which n I put in, I get that row to zero, so I have a function that does it for every different n, instead of me having to change the vector for every separate n. So that I get (n=2 for example)
1 4 7
0 0 0
3 6 9
And is it better to do it in another form, instead of using vectors?
Here is a way.
zero_row <- function(M, n){
stopifnot(n <= nrow(M))
M[n, ] <- 0
A <- matrix(1:9, nrow = 3)
zero_row(A, 1)
zero_row(A, 2)
zero_row(A, 3)
I would like to randomly assign positive integers to G groups, such that they sum up to V.
For example, if G = 3 and V = 21, valid results may be (7, 7, 7), (10, 6, 5), etc.
Is there a straightforward way to do this?
Editor's notice (from 李哲源):
If values are not restricted to integers, the problem is simple and has been addressed in Choosing n numbers with fixed sum.
For integers, there is a previous Q & A: Generate N random integers that sum to M in R but it appears more complicated and is hard to follow. The loop based solution over there is also not satisfying.
non-negative integers
Let n be sample size:
x <- rmultinom(n, V, / G, G))
is a G x n matrix, where each column is a multinomial sample that sums up to V.
By passing / G, G) to argument prob I assume that each group has equal probability of "success".
positive integers
As Gregor mentions, a multinomial sample can contain 0. If such samples are undesired, they should be rejected. As a result, we sample from a truncated multinomial distribution.
In How to generate target number of samples from a distribution under a rejection criterion I suggested an "over-sampling" approach to achieve "vectorization" for a truncated sampling. Simply put, Knowing the acceptance probability we can estimate the expected number of trials M to see the first "success" (non-zero). We first sample say 1.25 * M samples, then there will be at least one "success" in these samples. We randomly return one as the output.
The following function implements this idea to generate truncated multinomial samples without 0.
positive_rmultinom <- function (n, V, prob) {
## input validation
G <- length(prob)
if (G > V) stop("'G > V' causes 0 in a sample for sure!")
if (any(prob < 0)) stop("'prob' can not contain negative values!")
## normalization
sum_prob <- sum(prob)
if (sum_prob != 1) prob <- prob / sum_prob
## minimal probability
min_prob <- min(prob)
## expected number of trials to get a "success" on the group with min_prob
M <- round(1.25 * 1 / min_prob)
## sampling
N <- n * M
x <- rmultinom(N, V, prob)
keep <- which(colSums(x == 0) == 0)
x[, sample(keep, n)]
Now let's try
V <- 76
prob <- c(53, 13, 9, 1)
Directly using rmultinom to draw samples can occasionally result in ones with 0:
## number of samples that contain 0 in 1000 trials
sum(colSums(rmultinom(1000, V, prob) == 0) > 0)
#[1] 355 ## or some other value greater than 0
But there is no such issue by using positive_rmultinom:
## number of samples that contain 0 in 1000 trials
sum(colSums(positive_rmultinom(1000, V, prob) == 0) > 0)
#[1] 0
Probably a less expensive way, but this seems to work.
G <- 3
V <- 21
m <- data.frame(matrix(rep(1:V,G),V,G))
tmp <- expand.grid(m) # all possibilities
out <- tmp[which(rowSums(tmp) == V),] # pluck those that sum to 'V'
out[sample(1:nrow(out),1),] # randomly select a column
Not sure how to do with runif
I figured out what I believe to be a much simpler solution. You first generate random integers from your minimum to maximum range, count them up and then make a vector of the counts (including zeros).
Note that this solution may include zeros even if the minimum value is greater than zero.
Hope this helps future r people with this problem :) <- function(min, max, total) {
# generate random numbers
x <- sample(min:max, total, replace=TRUE)
# count numbers
sum.x <- table(x)
# convert count to index position
out = vector()
for (i in 1:length(min:max)) {
out[i] <- sum.x[as.character(i)]
out[] <- 0
}, 3, 5)
# [1] 3 1 1 0, 5, 10)
#[1] 4 1 3 0 2
Note, I also posted this here Generate N random integers that sum to M in R, but this answer is relevant to both questions.
I have two data frames, df1 with reference data and df2 with new data. For each row in df2, I need to find the best (and the second best) matching row to df1 in terms of hamming distance.
I used e1071 package to compute hamming distance. Hamming distance between two vectors x and y can be computed as for example:
x <- c(356739, 324074, 904133, 1025460, 433677, 110525, 576942, 526518, 299386,
92497, 977385, 27563, 429551, 307757, 267970, 181157, 3796, 679012, 711274,
24197, 610187, 402471, 157122, 866381, 582868, 878)
y <- c(356739, 324042, 904133, 959893, 433677, 110269, 576942, 2230, 267130,
92496, 960747, 28587, 429551, 438825, 267970, 181157, 36564, 677220,
711274, 24485, 610187, 404519, 157122, 866413, 718036, 876)
xm <- sapply(x, intToBits)
ym <- sapply(y, intToBits)
distance <- sum(sapply(1:ncol(xm), function(i) hamming.distance(xm[,i], ym[,i])))
and the resulting distance is 25. Yet I need to do this for all rows of df1 and df2. A trivial method takes a double loop nest and looks terribly slow.
Any ideas how to do this more efficiently? In the end I need to append to df2:
a column with the row id from df1 that gives the lowest distance;
a column with the lowest distance;
a column with the row id from df1 that gives the 2nd lowest distance;
a column with the second lowest distance.
Fast computation of hamming distance between two integers vectors of equal length
As I said in my comment, we can do:
hmd0 <- function(x,y) sum(as.logical(xor(intToBits(x),intToBits(y))))
to compute hamming distance between two integers vectors of equal length x and y. This only uses R base, yet is more efficient than e1071::hamming.distance, because it is vectorized!
For the example x and y in your post, this gives 25. (My other answer will show what we should do, if we want pairwise hamming distance.)
Fast hamming distance between a matrix and a vector
If we want to compute the hamming distance between a single y and multiple xs, i.e., the hamming distance between a vector and a matrix, we can use the following function.
hmd <- function(x,y) {
rawx <- intToBits(x)
rawy <- intToBits(y)
nx <- length(rawx)
ny <- length(rawy)
if (nx == ny) {
## quick return
return (sum(as.logical(xor(rawx,rawy))))
} else if (nx < ny) {
## pivoting
tmp <- rawx; rawx <- rawy; rawy <- tmp
tmp <- nx; nx <- ny; ny <- tmp
if (nx %% ny) stop("unconformable length!") else {
nc <- nx / ny ## number of cycles
return(unname(tapply(as.logical(xor(rawx,rawy)), rep(1:nc, each=ny), sum)))
Note that:
hmd performs computation column-wise. It is designed to be CPU cache friendly. In this way, if we want to do some row-wise computation, we should transpose the matrix first;
there is no obvious loop here; instead, we use tapply().
Fast hamming distance computation between two matrices/data frames
This is what you want. The following function foo takes two data frames or matrices df1 and df2, computing the distance between df1 and each row of df2. argument p is an integer, showing how many results you want to retain. p = 3 will keep the smallest 3 distances with their row ids in df1.
foo <- function(df1, df2, p) {
## check p
if (p > nrow(df2)) p <- nrow(df2)
## transpose for CPU cache friendly code
xt <- t(as.matrix(df1))
yt <- t(as.matrix(df2))
## after transpose, we compute hamming distance column by column
## a for loop is decent; no performance gain from apply family
n <- ncol(yt)
id <- integer(n * p)
d <- numeric(n * p)
k <- 1:p
for (i in 1:n) {
distance <- hmd(xt, yt[,i])
minp <- order(distance)[1:p]
id[k] <- minp
d[k] <- distance[minp]
k <- k + p
## recode "id" and "d" into data frame and return
id <-, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(id) <- paste0("min.", 1:p)
d <-, ncol = p, byrow = TRUE))
colnames(d) <- paste0("mindist.", 1:p)
list(id = id, d = d)
Note that:
transposition is done at the beginning, according to reasons before;
a for loop is used here. But this is actually efficient because there is considerable computation done in each iteration. It is also more elegant than using *apply family, since we ask for multiple output (row id id and distance d).
This part uses small dataset to test/demonstrate our functions.
Some toy data:
df1 <-, ncol = 2)) ## 5 rows 2 cols
df2 <-, ncol = 2)) ## 3 rows 2 cols
Test hmd first (needs transposition):
hmd(t(as.matrix(df1)), df2[1, ]) ## df1 & first row of df2
# [1] 2 4 6 2 4
Test foo:
foo(df1, df2, p = 2)
# $id
# min1 min2
# 1 1 4
# 2 2 3
# 3 5 2
# $d
# mindist.1 mindist.2
# 1 2 2
# 2 1 3
# 3 1 3
If you want to append some columns to df2, you know what to do, right?
Please don't be surprised why I take another section. This part gives something relevant. It is not what OP asks for, but may help any readers.
General hamming distance computation
In the previous answer, I start from a function hmd0 that computes hamming distance between two integer vectors of the same length. This means if we have 2 integer vectors:
x <- sample(1:100, 6)
y <- sample(1:100, 6)
we will end up with a scalar:
# 13
What if we want to compute pairwise hamming distance of two vectors?
In fact, a simple modification to our function hmd will do:
hamming.distance <- function(x, y, pairwise = TRUE) {
nx <- length(x)
ny <- length(y)
rawx <- intToBits(x)
rawy <- intToBits(y)
if (nx == 1 && ny == 1) return(sum(as.logical(xor(intToBits(x),intToBits(y)))))
if (nx < ny) {
## pivoting
tmp <- rawx; rawx <- rawy; rawy <- tmp
tmp <- nx; nx <- ny; ny <- tmp
if (nx %% ny) stop("unconformable length!") else {
bits <- length(intToBits(0)) ## 32-bit or 64 bit?
result <- unname(tapply(as.logical(xor(rawx,rawy)), rep(1:ny, each = bits), sum))
if (pairwise) result else sum(result)
hamming.distance(x, y, pairwise = TRUE)
# [1] 0 3 3 2 5 0
hamming.distance(x, y, pairwise = FALSE)
# [1] 13
Hamming distance matrix
If we want to compute the hamming distance matrix, for example,
x <- sample(1:100, 5)
y <- sample(1:100, 7)
The distance matrix between x and y is:
outer(x, y, hamming.distance) ## pairwise argument has no effect here
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
# [1,] 2 3 4 3 4 4 2
# [2,] 7 6 3 4 3 3 3
# [3,] 4 5 4 3 6 4 2
# [4,] 2 3 2 5 6 4 2
# [5,] 4 3 4 3 2 0 2
We can also do:
outer(x, x, hamming.distance)
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 0 5 2 2 4
# [2,] 5 0 3 5 3
# [3,] 2 3 0 2 4
# [4,] 2 5 2 0 4
# [5,] 4 3 4 4 0
In the latter situation, we end up with a symmetric matrix with 0 on the diagonal. Using outer is inefficient here, but it is still more efficient than writing R loops. Since our hamming.distance is written in R code, I would stay with using outer. In my answer to this question, I demonstrate the idea of using compiled code. This of course requires writing a C version of hamming.distance, but I will not show it here.
Here's an alternative solution that uses only base R, and should be very fast, especially when your df1 and df2 have many rows. The main reason for this is that it does not use any R-level looping for calculating the Hamming distances, such as for-loops, while-loops, or *apply functions. Instead, it uses matrix multiplication for computing the Hamming distance. In R, this is much faster than any approach using R-level looping. Also note that using an *apply function will not necessarily make your code any faster than using a for loop. Two other efficiency-related features of this approach are: (1) It uses partial sorting for finding the best two matches for each row in df2, and (2) It stores the entire bitwise representation of df1 in one matrix (same for df2), and does so in one single step, without using any R-level loops.
The function that does all the work:
# X corresponds to your entire df1, but is a matrix
# Y corresponds to your entire df2, but is a matrix
# Matrix with four columns corresponding to the values
# that you specified in your question
fun <- function(X, Y) {
# Convert integers to bits
X <- intToBits(t(X))
# Reshape into matrix
dim(X) <- c(ncols * 32, nrows)
# Convert integers to bits
Y <- intToBits(t(Y))
# Reshape into matrix
dim(Y) <- c(ncols * 32, nrows)
# Calculate pairwise hamming distances using matrix
# multiplication.
# Columns of H index into Y; rows index into X.
# The code for the hamming() function was retrieved
# from this page:
H <- hamming(X, Y)
# Now, for each row in Y, find the two best matches
# in X. In other words: for each column in H, find
# the two smallest values and their row indices.
t(apply(H, 2, function(h) {
mindists <- sort(h, partial = 1:2)
ind1 = which(h == mindists[1])[1],
val1 = mindists[1],
hmd2 = which(h == mindists[2])[1],
val2 = mindists[2]
To call the function on some random data:
# Generate some random test data with no. of columns
# corresponding to your data
nrows <- 1000
ncols <- 26
# X corresponds to your df1
X <- matrix(
sample(1e6, nrows * ncols, replace = TRUE),
nrow = nrows,
ncol = ncols
# Y corresponds to your df2
Y <- matrix(
sample(1e6, nrows * ncols, replace = TRUE),
nrow = nrows,
ncol = ncols
res <- fun(X, Y)
The above example with 1000 rows in both X (df1) and Y (df2) took about 1.1 - 1.2 seconds to run on my laptop.
I have a matrix in which I would like to find those columns that are very similar (I am not looking to find identical columns)
# to generate a matrix
Mat<- matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=1000, nrow=400)
I personally thought of "cor" or "all.equal" and I did as follows, but did not work.
indexmax <- apply(Mat, MARGIN = 2, function(x) which(cor(x) >= 0.5, arr.ind = TRUE))
what I need as output is show which columns are highly similar and the degrees of their similarity (it can be correlation coefficient)
similar means their values are similar within some threshold (for example over 75% of the values residuals (e.g. column1-column2) are less than abs(0.5)
I would also love to see how then this is different from correlated. do they result in identical results ?
Using correlation you could try (with a simpler matrix for demonstration)
Mat <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 10)
corr <- cor(Mat)
res <-which(lower.triangle(corr)>.3, arr.ind = TRUE)
data.frame(res[res[,1] != res[,2],], correlation = corr[res[res[,1] != res[,2],]])
row col correlation
1 8 1 0.3387738
2 6 2 0.3350891
Both row and col actually refer to the columns in your original matrix. So, for example, the correlation between column 8 and column 1 is 0.3387738
I'd take linear regression approach:
Mat<- matrix(rexp(200, rate=.1), ncol=100, nrow=400)
combinations <- combn(1:ncol(Mat), m = 2)
sigma <- NULL
for(i in 1:ncol(combinations)){
sigma <- c(sigma, summary(lm(Mat[,combinations[1,1]] ~ Mat[,combinations[2,1]]))$sigma)
sigma <- data.frame(sigma = sigma, comb_nr = 1:ncol(combinations))
And residual standard error as an optional criteria.
You can further order data frame by sigma and get best/worst combinations.
If you want a (not so elegant) straightforward approach that's likely to be very slow for matrices of your size, you can do this:
Mat <- matrix(runif(40000), ncol=100, nrow=400)
col.combs <- t(combn(1:ncol(Mat), 2))
similar <- data.frame(Col1=NULL, Col2=NULL, Corr=NULL, Pct.Diff=NULL)
# Compare each pair of columns
for (k in 1:nrow(col.combs)) {
i <- col.combs[k, 1]
j <- col.combs[k, 2]
# Difference within threshold?
diff.thresh <- (abs(Mat[, i] - Mat[, j]) < 0.5)
pair.corr <- cor(Mat[, 1], Mat[, 2])
if (mean(diff.thresh) > 0.75)
similar <- rbind(similar, c(i, j, pair.corr, 100*mean(diff.thresh)))
In this example there are 2590 distinct pairs of columns with more than 75% of their values within 0.5 of each other (elementwise). You can check the actual difference and correlation coefficient by looking at the resulting data frame.
> head(similar)
Col1 Col2 Corr Pct.Diff
1 1 2 -0.003187894 76.75
2 1 3 0.074061019 76.75
3 1 4 0.082668387 78.00
4 1 5 0.001713751 75.50
5 1 8 0.052228907 75.75
6 1 12 -0.017921978 78.00
Perhaps it's not the best solution, but gets the job done.
Also, if you're unsure why I used mean(diff.thresh), it's because the sum of a logical vector is the number of TRUE elements. The mean is the sum divided by the length, which means that in this case it's the fraction of values within the threshold.
I can't imagine it should be that difficult, but probably, coming from Python, my mindset is biased.
I know I'm going to carry out 50 calculations and the result of each calculation, together with two parameters characterizing the calculation, should build up a data frame.
So my approach is to instantiate the data frame and then I want to add the results whenever they become available. Please see the indicated row below:
# Number of simulations
nsim = 50
# The data frame which should carry the calculation (parameters and solutions).
sol <- data.frame(col.names=c("ni", "Xbar", "n"))
# Fifty values for n.
n <-, 5000, length.out=nsim)
for(ni in n)
# A random sample containing possible duplicates.
X <- sample(seq(-ni, ni, length=ni+1), replace=T)
Xbar <- round(mean(X), 3)
sol <- rbind(sol, c(ni, Xbar, n)) # <<-- How to do this correctly??
This doesn't work.
There are two ways to do this correctly. One is to pre-define your data.frame (its size) and then populate it iteratively in a for-loop:
nsim <- 10 # reduce to 10 to simplify output
n <-, 5000, length.out=nsim)
sol <- setNames(data.frame(matrix(nrow=nsim, ncol=3)), c("ni", "Xbar", "n"))
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
for(ni in seq_along(n)) {
Xbar <- round(mean(sample(seq(-n[ni], n[ni], length=n[ni]+1), replace=T)), 3)
sol[ni,] <- c(ni, Xbar, n[ni])
Alternatively, you can use sapply on your n vector to create a vector of results and then cbind everything back together:
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
sol <- data.frame(
ni = seq_along(n),
Xbar = sapply(n, function(ni) {
round(mean(sample(seq(-ni, ni, length=ni+1), replace=T)), 3)
n = n
Either way, you'll end up with a nice dataframe:
> str(sol)
'data.frame': 10 obs. of 3 variables:
$ ni : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$ Xbar: num 0.667 -0.232 -14.599 -26.026 36.51 ...
$ n : num 5 560 1115 1670 2225 ...
1) Check what your initial sol contains.
> sol <- data.frame(col.names=c("ni", "Xbar", "n"))
> sol
1 ni
2 Xbar
3 n
Not what you want. See this question.
2) Make sure does what you expect - check the documentation of (or just the output of) e.g. look at what n contains:
> n
[1] 5.0000 106.9388 208.8776 310.8163 412.7551 514.6939 616.6327
[8] 718.5714 820.5102 922.4490 1024.3878 1126.3265 1228.2653 1330.2041
[15] 1432.1429 1534.0816 1636.0204 1737.9592 1839.8980 1941.8367 2043.7755
[22] 2145.7143 2247.6531 2349.5918 2451.5306 2553.4694 2655.4082 2757.3469
[29] 2859.2857 2961.2245 3063.1633 3165.1020 3267.0408 3368.9796 3470.9184
[36] 3572.8571 3674.7959 3776.7347 3878.6735 3980.6122 4082.5510 4184.4898
[43] 4286.4286 4388.3673 4490.3061 4592.2449 4694.1837 4796.1224 4898.0612
[50] 5000.0000
Is that what you meant?
3) Given (1) the problems are not surprising, but in any case, just carry out the first time through the loop a line at a time. See what happens:
sim = 50
sol <- data.frame(col.names=c("ni", "Xbar", "n"))
X <- sample(seq(-ni, ni, length=ni+1), replace=T)
Xbar <- round(mean(X), 3)
sol <- rbind(sol, c(ni, Xbar, n))
Warning message:
In `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, ri, value = 5) :
invalid factor level, NA generated
> print(sol)
1 ni
2 Xbar
3 n
4 <NA>
Now the behavior is unsurprising; we can't add three columns to something with one column.
4) You don't want to do it this way anyway. It's better to initialize sol to be its final size and then fill it in.
See, for example, this answer
However, the more common R idiom would be to avoid loops where possible; there are a number of functions that will let you create the whole thing at once.
First of all, can you clarify the expected output format that you expect?
As of now, on modifying the code to generate a data frame, the following output will be generated (let me know if this is what you expect & then its not difficult to generate the following) :
ni Xbar n
10.000 2.182 12.000
If this is what you expect, then one way to do this would be as follows:
Step 1: Create Vectors
Step 2: Create Data frame from the above vectors
Step 3: Run your operations in a loop & fill in row by row.
nsim=50, 5000, length.out=nsim)
for ( i in 1:length(n)){
X<- sample(seq(-n[i], n[i], length=n[i]+1), replace=T)
out[i,'Xbar'] <- round(mean(X), 3)
The output is as follows: