Wordpress/Redirection plugin - how to redirect migrated blogger=>Wordpress.com `?m=1` links? - wordpress

I've migrated (Google) Blogger blog into Wordpress.com.
The blog is rather large (300+ posts) and I still get 404s multiple times a day due to URLs ending with ?m=1 query param.
will yield HTTP 404, while
works fine
I use the Redirection Plugin, which does a fairly good job for various other issues - but I can't define a proper expression in its language.
The issue is around not being able to define the target URL as a regex:
Is there any way around it?
Is there any other plugin that will "do this work" and can live side-by-side with Redirections?
Since I work with hosted Wordpress.com - I understand I cannot modify the .htaccess file for a more generic redirect. Any other way to do it?

With the Redirection Plugin you can ignore the query parameters:
But I think you'll need an entry for each of your posts.

I think, it's possible to do using javascript. You might put this code in the header.php or 404.php file (it depends on your theme) or use this plugin to insert the code Insert Headers and Footers
<script type="text/javascript">
var uri = window.location.toString();
if (uri.indexOf("&m=1", "&m=1") > 0) {
var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("&m=1"));
var uri = window.location.toString();
if (uri.indexOf("?m=1", "?m=1") > 0) {
var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("?m=1"));


Redirecting iframes no different url

Some random has purchased a .com domain and I own .net. he has posted an iframe on the site linking to mine, and at the top of if he has posted that "This site is for sale" and I need to stop this happening. is it possible to use PHP or javascript to stop that particular site from either accessing my site, or redirecting his iframe to somewhere else.
Thats easy:
Say he use your file this way
<iframe src="sample.html"/>
just add the following lines to your already existing on Document load function:
window.onload = function(e) {
if ( window.self !== window.top ) {
//Your site is in i frame
//just redirect to his own site if you feel like there will be an endless recursion so nothing will load probably.
//You can put your custom action if this is not what you want
window.self.location = "a.html"
//would be pretty good enough :D

Wordpress + angularJS route + SEO

I'm currently on a project where I want to have :
Wordpress for easy content managment.
AngularJS for some UX (the goal is to have no page reload + nice animation between pages loading) + further functionalities.
And care about the SEO.
In that purpose, I'm using Angular's Route module to get the user a smoother experience, and using the Angular HTML5 "pretty urls" mode to "hook" the page switching (No hashbang -> natural links).
I don't want to generate hashbangs because it's more difficult to maintain (HTML snapshots with phantom.js server etc...) than just leaving Wordpress generate the content as he does it well.
So my intention was to let angularJS controls the user's navigation, and wordpress to generate the content when user will F5 & for the SEO bots(No JS).
But I can't find a clean & clear solution to this problem because either the Angular way will work, either the "PHP" way will work.
Any ideas will be welcome ! :)
Wordpress already provides you with wp_ajax_ hook for AJAX requests. ( link)
In this simple case we need our wp_ajax_ hook to retrieve a page by it's slug.
One easy way is to use get_page_by_path($page_path, $output, $post_type), to get the page we want where $page_path is the slug.
Then return the page data as JSON, return json_encode($pageArray);
Route: Do a simple GET:
.when('/:page_slug', {
templateUrl: 'views/page.html',
controller: 'PageController',
resolve: {
page : function($route) {
return $http.get(wp_ajax_url,
'action': 'the_ajax_hook',
'data': $route.current.params.page_slug
Google recently announced they are updating the Webmaster Tools to show you how a Javascript generated site renders and provide you with tips on how to make your site crawl-able.
Apart from that you can use other services to make your site SEO-friendly today:

How do I prevent Wordpress from stripping the "at" sign (#) from the URL query string?

I am trying to pass an email address to a wordpress page like so:
However, Wordpress turns it into this:
I even try URL encoding it like so:
But Wordpress is too smart and still removes the %40.
I understand that # is a reserved character, but I should be able to still use the URL encoded version. Alas, Wordpress does not want it to be so.
How can I force Wordpress to respect the # sign? I'm guessing I'll either have to hack the internals, or do some mod_rewrite magic.
from http://www.webopius.com/content/137/using-custom-url-parameters-in-wordpress
First, add this to your theme's functions.php file (or make a custom plugin to do it):
add_filter('query_vars', 'parameter_queryvars' );
function parameter_queryvars( $qvars )
$qvars[] = 'email';
return $qvars;
Next, try passing ?email=fakeemail-AT-yeahwho.com in the URL and then converting it back with something like this:
global $wp_query;
if (isset($wp_query->query_vars['email']))
$getemail = str_replace( '-AT-', '#', $wp_query->query_vars['email']);
// now use $getemail
This would only not work in the very rare occurrence of an email that actually has "-at-" in it. You could replace for an even more obscure string like '-AT6574892654738-' if you are concerned about this.
Whatever your final solution, don't hack the core to get it to work. :)
I was having a similar problem and I was able to isolate the issue to an SEO plugin. I'm sure the plugin added a filter to the functions.php but as the plugin wasn't being used uninstalling the plugin also resolved the issue.
I also had this problem, but it wasn't caused by a plugin. It was a result of the 301 redirect that WordPress does with regard to your Site URL having, or not having, a www. in it.
If my Site URL was defined as http://www.mydomain.com, then this would work as expected: http://www.mydomain.com/?email=user#domain.com
If the user came to the site as: http://mydomain.com/?email=user#domain.com (NOTE: no www), then WordPress would redirect to this: http://www.mydomain.com/?email=userdomain.com (NOTE: the stripped # symbol)
My solution was to hard code the www redirect in the htaccess file, so WordPress would never have the opportunity to mess with my URL. This page gives example htaccess lines to redirect non www to www and vice versa: http://dense13.com/blog/2008/02/27/redirecting-non-www-to-www-with-htaccess/
I was having a similar problem today when trying to pass Mailchimp data through to a Gravity Form in Wordpress. I found a solution. The original question stated that Wordpress was also stripping %40, but it didn't for me in this instance.
1) In Mailchimp create a new Merge tag. I called mine 'Email Param' and * |EMAIL2| *
2) Export your list of subscribers
3) Copy the normal 'email' column content into the new 'Email Param' column.
4) Do a Find and Replace for all # symbols to %40
5) Import your list and tick the box that Auto-updates that list
6) Update your URL to include the new parameter
* |EMAIL2| *
That worked for me.

Wordpress custorm URL variables causes strange redirect

I'm trying to have custom variables in my URL for Wordpress site. I have read up as much as I could find on the subject and so far have the following in my functions page:
function add_query_vars($aVars) {
$aVars[] = "mrdrct";
return $aVars;
// hook add_query_vars function into query_vars
add_filter('query_vars', 'add_query_vars');
And the following on my header page:
if(isset($wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'])) {
$mVar = $wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'];
echo "variable is $mVar <br />";
Just to test out if things are being passed correctly and they are. However, when I use a link with the url variable in it - say www.mydomain.com/?mrdrct=myVarable - I am not directed to my homepage of my Wordpress site which is set to a static page with a template on it - I am instead directed to a page with my latest posts on it. I cannot figure out why this is happening - any ideas? Hopefully I've explained this well enough.
When WP sees a query string (? after the URL) it will attempt to display matching posts using it's rewrite rules. If no posts match it will show a 404 error - I would guess you do not have a 404.php file, so WP is showing the default which is index.php (see the Wordpress Template Hierarchy for more details on that).
I'm not 100% sure what you want to achieve, but I'd suggest that you need to look at changing the query when $wp_query->query_vars['mrdrct'] is set. See the WP Codex for query_posts() for a good place to start, if you are not already familier with it.

Wordpress post into Jquery mobile framework

I want to show my wordpress post into jquery mobile application... But so far i didnt got the success. I am using jquery.post() function but my response comes empty....
Request to the desired url goes well , status comes 200 ok but response coming is always blank :( Although the same post function & url is working fine in other php pages....
below is my code
function get_Time(cityCode,date){
{ city: cityCode, date:date},
function (data){jQuery('#print_time').html(data);}
function _get_Time(response)
var time = new Array();
time = response.split('|')
Please give me some solution for showing my wordpress post (only text + links) content into my jquery mobile applicaton....
I am not sure about what you are going to do. It seems to me, like you want to retrieve a certain WordPress post content + additional information via Ajax, I think the easiest way to do it is the following:
Write a custom server-side PHP-Script (which possibly takes a WordPress Slug or ID)
Create a connection to the database in this script, get the post contents you want to have and return these as text or JSON to your JQuery mobile and use it
It might work in a way like this (not tested):
include ‘path-to-wp-directory/wp-blog-header.php’;
if(isset($_REQUEST['post_id'])) {
global $wpdb;
$post_content = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_id=".$post_id." AND post_status='publish'";
echo $post_content;
This is only possible if you have access to the server, of course. If you want to get Post Content from an external WordPress Blog, then you should consider using the RSS Feed.
The following article shows how to load WordPress functions in an external PHP Script, which also might be useful: http://www.bloggingtips.com/2009/01/25/use-wordpress-functions-externally/
