missing data in Firebase / Google analytics - firebase

We accidentally unlinked our Google analytics account from Firebase and linked it to another project in another organisation.
Status quo is that in current project we do have new data from the time we proceeded the unlinking and in the old project we have old data before the time we did the unlinking. Is there any way how to merge those projects to have all data in one place ?

Your analytics data resides within Google Analytics property and not in the Firebase project. If you delete or unlink the property, then your data is unlinked from your project as well. BQ integration is disabled during this period and sometimes the exporting apps are not getting enabled after relinking.


Link my Firebase project to BigQuery via REST API

I'm trying to create and configure Firebase project (mobile apps) automatically.
I can create the project itself and android application via terraform.
I also managed to create iOS app and link Google Analytics account (created manually via analytics console) to project using Firebase Management REST API
What I couldn't manage:
If I need to link firebase project to BigQuery: I can create bigquery dataset (and other necessary resources) with terraform but I couldn't find the way to link it to the firebase project and enable all the integration options via REST API or terraform provider (like it can be done manually via firebase GUI console: Project settings -> Integrations -> BigQuery -> Link: Google Analytics, Crashlytics, Performance Monitoring etc.)
Does any one know how it can be done? Or if I just missed the documentation where it's described - please, share the link.
Thanks in advance.
P.S.: If someone also knows how to create Google Analytics acc also via REST API or terraform - please, share this info or the link with proper documentation.

Should I use GA4 or firebase to configure my app?

I have added my app to GA4 using data streams. It seems it is associated with a firebase project id. But the project doesn't appear in the "Your apps" section of the Firebase console. If I add my app in Firebase section, it generated a different project id.
So is it necesssary to configure both?
In the Firebase console I got somehow two projects with the same name.
It seems that when creating a GA4 property, it will also create the project in the Firebase console.
To answer my own question, when creating a "data stream" for an app, it will automatically add the app to the Firebase console. If not, that because you are in the wrong project.
I guess that if I had added the app to the Firebase console first, it would have been added to the "Data Streams" section for the GA4 also. (As long as the Firebase project is linked to the GA4 property though)

Consolidating Firebase messaging and Google Analytics in Xamarin Forms Android project

In our Xamarin Forms app we have been using Firebase for push notifications for few years. For that purpose, we have a project in Firebase Console.
Now I needed to add Google Analytics (GA4) functionality. Based on documentation, in https://analytics.google.com/ I created a property for our project, and added a data stream for Android platform (and another data stream for iOS also, by the way). That allowed me to download a config file google-services.json to be added to the app project. A new project corresponding to the newly created data stream appeared in the Firebase console.
The problem is that the app project already has google-services.json file used for the push notifications. If I replace it with the new google-services.json, push notifications stop working. If I leave the existing google-services.json, GA4 would not work.
Of course, the google-services.json files differ. The project_number, project_id, storage_bucket, client_id etc are different, and the existing file has
"firebase_url": "https://api-1234567891482864589-273909.firebaseio.com",
which does not exist in the new file. The package_name is the same in both files.
How can I consolidate the projects to make both Firebase functionalities work? I would prefer to keep the newest project.
From document [GA4] Firebase integration
Link Google Analytics 4 properties to Firebase, we could find that :
Create a project
When you create a project in Firebase, you have the option to
integrate with Analytics. If you already have one or more Google
Analytics accounts, you can associate your project with one of those.
If you do not already have a Google Analytics Account, a new one will
be created for you with the name Default Account for Firebase.
Firebase users who have access to that project are given Analytics
user roles based on their Firebase roles (see User access above).
For more, you can check Part : Link your Firebase project to Analytics in above link.
The steps:
Set up a new Analytics link
Open your Firebase project.
Open Project settings > Integrations.
On the Google Analytics card, click Link.
Select an Analytics Account or create a new one.
If you select an existing account, you have the option to select an existing Google Analytics 4 property in that account or to create a new property.
If you create a new account, then a new Google Analytics 4 property is created for you and your project is linked to that property.
Learn more about setup and limits
Configure your Analytics settings.

Where can i find the link to my newly created app in firebase?

Im trying to locate the link that is supposed to be created along with my app on Firebase(according to the udacity Firebase course).
I found many links but none of them were accepted by the "after lesson quiz" on udacity.
The content that they have is according to the old UI of Firebase so i cant follow it step by step.
Unfortunately that course is for Firebase 2.x (www.firebase.com) and is out of date. In the legacy Firebase docs, under step 5 : Read & Write to your Firebase Database, you can see that creating a Firebase reference required the actual web address for you app. This is no longer true.
The new and correct way to setup your Firebase app does not require you to use this web address. The steps for setting up a Firebase app now are HERE.

How to Differentiate Staging/Dev and Production Build for Android/IOS in Google Firebase for Analytic and Crash

Recently I have Added the my Android and iOS project to Firebase with alpha version.I want to See different Analytic and Crash for Staging and Production. Can anyone help on this.
You have several options, depending upon what your needs are. The bottom line is that you should, at the very least, assign different application IDs to the different variants of your app, so they can be separate in the Firebase Console. You can have multiple apps per project (each assigned a different ID), or multiple projects with an app in each one, depending upon what works best for your team and your app.
The actual implementation can get complicated from here on out, so I suggest you read this blog post to learn about the options for your Android app, and how it affects the operation of the various Firebase features in that app.
I think of 2 ways to do so:
Using app version + date range: If you know your app in staging was version X from day N to N+10, you can select theses filter in Firebase analytics to display only the analytics coming from that configuration. This also work for crash reporting.
I prefer: Using a remote config & user property:
Setup in remote config a key as "environment" with some values like "alpha", "beta", "prod". You can then specify the value per platform/app version.
On the phone, read that value in remote config and track a user property in Firebase Analytics that reflect that value.
Finally in the Firebase console you can filter by user property (& app version if necessary).
With this option, when you move an app version out of alpha to beta (for instance) you just need to go in remote config, and change the value for that app version to "beta". This solution doesn't work for crash reporting.
You can use a different Firebase project for each stage so that the analytics are completely distinct. See more on that in the response to this question.
Create a user property Environment, give values such as Dev, Staging and Prod to it on build time.
Change the user property from client side to any of the above three mentioned values based on the build type.
Apply filter by Environment user property on firebase console to see the analytics data.
