CamelCase property names with NJsonSchema C# CodeGeneration - .net-core

does anybody know a way to configure NJsonSchema to use CamelCase property naming durching code generation? I've a JSON schema with property names like message_id which lead to C# property name 'Message_id' where i.e. 'MessageId' whould be a more C#-like way.
With an attribute like '[JsonProperty("message_id"]' it would be no problem to specified the connection between the different names.

So, you asked about code generation. I was having trouble with the schema it generated not matching what was getting sent to my Angular app. So, while this isn't exactly what you were looking for, perhaps it helps you find an answer (maybe?).
To generate the schema with the camel case property names, I'm setting the Default Property Name Handling to CamelCase, but this is using the deprecated call to set these settings directly. There should be some way to use the SerializerSettings directly, but I wasn't quite able to make that work. This isn't production code for me, so it will do.
internal class SchemaFileBuilder<T>
public static void CreateSchemaFile()
public static void CreateSchemaFile(string fileName)
JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings settings = new JsonSchemaGeneratorSettings();
settings.DefaultPropertyNameHandling = PropertyNameHandling.CamelCase;
var schema = NJsonSchema.JsonSchema.FromType<T>(settings);
var json = schema.ToJson();
File.WriteAllText($"Schemas\\{fileName}.schema.json", json);
I set this up as a generic function so I could pass multiple schemas in to either createSchemaFile functions. Here's are some example calls which would generate a Person.schema.json file and a Persons.schema.json file:
SchemaFileBuilder<Dictionary<string, Person>>.CreateSchemaFile("Persons");


Azure functions HttpTrigger, not using HttpMethods class in attribute

Why do functions in AzureFunctions requires to use
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLeve.Anonymous, "get")]
Instead of
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLeve.Anonymous, HttpMethods.Get)]
Of course I cannot use
becase language does not allow to call functions in Attributes
and creating my own
public static class HttpMethodsStrings
public const string Get = "get";
seems redundant since .NET already provides HttpMethods.
You can use System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Http.X constants instead of hard coded strings ("get", "post"). I have put together the piece of code and debugged it and it works fine.
The snippet of the same is shown below -
You can modify your second example to use the nameof operator
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLeve.Anonymous, HttpMethods.Get)]
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLeve.Anonymous, nameof(HttpMethods.Get))]

How can I easily determine if JsonConvert.DeserializeObject() found and set every propery in my object? [duplicate]

In Json.NET, how do I make ALL properties required upon deserialization? I know that I can do this with attributes on the messages, but I don't want to do that. Mainly because it would require my message library to take on an external dependency.
I tried the MissingMemberHandling.Error setting, but it does the opposite of what I want. I'm okay with the JSON having extra properties. I want it to fail when any target object properties are missing in the JSON.
I'm actually deserializing to F# records, and the properties can't ordinarily be null anyway. (They can't be assigned null by normal means in code.) But Json.NET happily defaults properties to null under the covers when data is missing.
F# version of accepted answer
open System
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization
type RequireAllPropertiesContractResolver() =
inherit DefaultContractResolver()
override me.CreateObjectContract(objectType:Type) =
let contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType)
contract.ItemRequired <- new Nullable<Required>(Required.Always)
In the settings
let settings = new JsonSerializerSettings() // default settings
settings.ContractResolver <- new RequireAllPropertiesContractResolver()
If your model has properties that your JSON may omit, and you want that to be an error, add the attribute [JsonObject(ItemRequired=Required.Always)] to your classes:
Type: Required
A value indicating whether the object's properties are required.
Possible values for Required are:
Default: The property is not required. The default state.
AllowNull: The property must be defined in JSON but can be a null value.
Always: The property must be defined in JSON and cannot be a null value.
DisallowNull: The property is not required but it cannot be a null value [if present]. (Json.NET 8.0.1 and later.)
The setting is inherited so can be added to a generic base class.
To do it globally for all objects, subclass the DefaultContractResolver and add the ItemRequired flag to all object contracts:
public class RequireObjectPropertiesContractResolver : DefaultContractResolver
protected override JsonObjectContract CreateObjectContract(Type objectType)
var contract = base.CreateObjectContract(objectType);
contract.ItemRequired = Required.Always;
return contract;
And then later, in settings:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new RequireObjectPropertiesContractResolver() };
If you don't want to require JSON properties when your f# member is optional see this answer to this question and also the question Json.NET make property required based on property type.
This contract resolver applies a default setting of Required.Always to all object properties, but will not override JsonProperty.AttributeRequired when applied directly. If you need that, see e.g. How to override the "Required.Always" in newtonsoft json.
As stated in the question, the setting MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling.Error solves a complimentary problem: if your JSON may have properties that your model omits, and you want that to be an error, use MissingMemberHandling.Error. See: MissingMemberHandling setting.
You may want to cache the contract resolver for best performance.
I know I am late on party here, but... Accepted answer forces all properties to be available, which could be not so good for case when your record contains Option types combining with NullValueHandling.Ignore parameter on JsonSerializerSettings. In that case you would require option type to be present, which is too limiting. We found this solution works for us:
type RequireAllPropertiesContractResolver() =
inherit CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
override __.CreateProperty(memb, serialization) =
let prop = base.CreateProperty(memb, serialization)
let isRequired = not (prop.PropertyType.IsGenericType && prop.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() = typedefof<option<_>>)
if isRequired then prop.Required <- Required.Always
I hope it helps someone.

why and when to use properties

I am very confused with properties in
I just don't understand why we use properties and when I should use them. Could anybody elaborate a little on this.
public class Customer
private int m_id = -1;
public int ID
m_id = value;
private string m_name = string.Empty;
public string Name
m_name = value;
public void DisplayCustomerData()
Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}, Name: {1}", m_id, m_name);
Properties provide the opportunity to protect a field in a class by reading and writing to it through the property. In other languages, this is often accomplished by programs implementing specialized getter and setter methods. C# properties enable this type of protection while also letting you access the property just like it was a field.
Another benefit of properties over fields is that you can change their internal implementation over time. With a public field, the underlying data type must always be the same because calling code depends on the field being the same. However, with a property, you can change the implementation. For example, if a customer has an ID that is originally stored as an int, you might have a requirements change that made you perform a validation to ensure that calling code could never set the ID to a negative value. If it was a field, you would never be able to do this, but a property allows you to make such a change without breaking code. Now, lets see how to use properties.
Taken From CSharp-Station
There are a couple of good reasons for it. The first is that you might need to add validation logic in your setter, or actually calculate the value in the getter.
Another reason is something to do with the IL code generated. If you are working on a large project that is spread over multiple assemblies then you can change the code behind your property without the application that uses your assembly having to recompile. This is because the "access point" of the property stays the same while allowing the implementation code behind it to be altered. I first read about this when I was looking into the point of automatic properties as I didnt see the point between those and a normal public variable.
It's easy.
All fields in class MUST be private (or protected). To show fields to another class yyou can use properties or get/set methods. Properties a shorter.
P.S. Don't declare write-only properties. It is worst practices.
Properties are a convenient way to encapsulate your classes' data.
Quoting from MSDN:
A property is a member that provides a flexible mechanism to read,
write, or compute the value of a private field. Properties can be used
as if they are public data members, but they are actually special
methods called accessors. This enables data to be accessed easily and
still helps promote the safety and flexibility of methods.
Let's consider two common scenarios:
1) You want to expose the Name property without making it changeable from outside the class:
private string m_name = string.Empty;
public string Name
return m_name;
2) You want to perform some checks, or run some code every time the data is accessed or set:
private string m_name = string.Empty;
public string Name
return m_name;
m_name = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) ? "DefaultName" : value;
The most important reason is for validation purpose in setter and manipulation part can be implemented in get part.
For Ex.
Storing weekdays, which should be from 1-7, if we take normal variable and declare it as public, anyone can assign any value.
But in Properties setter you can control and validate.
The next one you can use it for tracking. That means, you can know how many times set and get functions has been called by clients (statistical purpose, may be not useful frequently).
Finally, you can control read only, write only and read/write for the properties according to your requirements.

Flex: How to use flashvars from different classes

I am just learning actionscript, so come across the problem
In my application I often call to different web services, and because I don't want to hardcode urls to them in my code, I am passing urls to the services as flashvars.
Currently I am doing it this way:
public var siteUrl:String;
public var gameId:String;
public function main():void
siteUrl = Application.application.parameters.siteurl;
gameId = Application.application.parameters.gameid;
Where main is a function, which is called on application's creation complete event.
This way I can call both variables from main file of the application but I want to access them from other files. (other as classes)
So is there a way to create class with constants and init values there with flashvars so I can use them everywhere (after importing of course)
The parameters are just stored in that Application.application.parameters object, and that's static. There's no reason you couldn't access that from other classes in your code.
If you want to write a class that wraps the parameters (maybe validates them or something) you could do that fairly easily. You can use a for each loop to loop over all the parameters. Something like:
var params:Object = Application.application.parameters
for(var name:String in params) {
var value:String = params[name] as String;
/* do something with the param */
If you want your class to actually verify things then it could just check for each parameter it expects and store it in a local variable.
It really just depends on your own preferences. Some people are fine with accessing the parameters object when they need it. Some people like having the extra code-completion by having a config class that actually defines all the expected config variables.
Update in response to comment:
Instead of having one module declare the variable and have other modules have to depend on that one to access the property it would be cleaner to have a single config module that everything that needs it would all use.
You could use a static class or singleton or some IoC stuff. Just for simplicity I'll show you a way you can do it with a static class.
class MyConfig {
private static var _infoService:String;
private static var _someOtherParam:int;
public static function get infoService():String { return _infoService; }
public static function get someOtherParam():int { return _someOtherParam; }
public static function initParams():Void {
var params:Object = Application.application.parameters;
_infoService = params.infoservice;
// just assuming you have a method to convert here. don't remember the
// code off the top of my head
_someOtherParam = convertToInt(params.someOtherParam);
Make sure when your app initializes it calls MyConfig.initParams(). You can have that method actually validate that it gets everything it expects and throw exceptions (or return an error) if there's a failure if you want.
Then wherever you need to use that config within your code you just import your config class and access the param. So getting infoService would just be:
var infoService:String = MyConfig.infoService;
Personally I wouldn't use a static class, but it was the easiest to show.

best way to store / lookup name value pairs

I have a list of error codes I need to reference, kinda like this:
Code / Error Message
A01 = whatever error
U01 = another error
U02 = yet another error type
I get the Code returned to me via a web service call and I need to display or get the readable error. So I need a function when passed a Code that returns the readable description. I was just going to do a select case but thought their might be a better way. What is the best way / most effieient way to do this?
Use a Dictionary, (in C#, but the concept and classes are the same):
// Initialize this once, and store it in the ASP.NET Cache.
Dictionary<String,String> errorCodes = new Dictionary<String,String>();
errorCodes.Add("A01", "Whatever Error");
errorCodes.Add("U01", "Another Error");
// And to get your error code:
string ErrCode = errorCodes[ErrorCodeFromWS];
You would use a dictionary. A dictionary uses a hashmap internally for performance, so it is good in that regard. Also, because you want this to go as quickly as possible by the sounds of it, I would statically initialize it in its own class instead of, for example, in an XML file or slimier. You would probably want something like:
public static class ErrorCodes
private static Dictonary<string, string> s_codes = new Dicontary<string, string>();
static ErrorCodes()
s_codes["code"] = "Description";
s_codes["code2"] = "Description2";
public static string GetDesc(string code)
return s_codes[code];
That way, if you wanted to move the back end to a file instead of being static, then you could.
