Visual Studio 2022 - Visual Basic ASP.NET Web Application -

I 've downloaded/installed Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition but there is no way to find the ability to create a new ASP.NET Web Application (.Net Framework) using Visual Basic. It looks like i can only develop Windows Desktop Application using it.
Has it been deprecated ? If not how can i bring it back to life?

Run the Visual Studio installer.
Inside the .NET group, below the ".NET Framework 4.8 targeting pack", there is a component named .NET Framework project and item templates and make sure that you have installed it.
Visual Studio 2022 Installer - individual components .in NET group
Hovering over the component, the tooltip describes it as:
Enables .NET Framework project templates, item templates & related
features for .NET Framework development.


.NET 6.0 missing when creating a ASP.NET MVC Application in visual basic

I'd like to create a MVC web app using ASP.NET and visual basic.
So, in Visual Studio, i've selected the corresponding template project :
In the next screen, why .NET 6.0 is missing (considering that if I select C# project template, .NET 6.0 is selectable) ?
I used Visual Studio Community 2022 up to date.
Here are the choices that i had when filtered to VB and Web project type:
Which version are you using? .NET 6 is only supported in VS 2022.
Another thing: You selected (.NET Framework) project. You have to select (Core)

Making a Visual Studio Extension with .Net Core

By default, Visual Studio 2022 Extension (Add-in) Project is on .Net Framework (not .Net 5 or 6). When I manually .csproj > PropertyGroup > TargetFramework XML value to net5.0, I run into a compile error.
Some of my projects are made with .Net 5 and it cannot be built with multiple targets (i.e. both .Net 5 and .Net Framework), which are needed to be referenced by my Visual Studio Extension project. Unfortunately, a .Net Framework project cannot reference a .Net 5 project, on the other hand, the vice versa can be partially available.
Is there any way of making Visual Studio Extensions with .Net 5 or later? If it cannot be done, how can I have my Visual Studio Extension project reference a .Net 5 based libraries(.dll)?
Visual Studio itself is currently a .NET 4.8 application, so you can't use .NET 5 stuff in it anywhere.
Visual Studio is adding support for out-of-process extensions, meaning that they run in a separate process from Visual Studio's main devenv.exe process, which runs on .NET Framework 4.x. That means the extension can be written using other technologies, such as .NET 6.
Blog post:
Write your first extension:
Out-of-proc extensibility:
Out-of-proc UI:

How to create an ASP.NET Web Forms Application in .NET v3.5

I am trying to add a new Web Forms project to an existing solution. However, when I choose .NET 3.5, the only option available to me is ASP.NET Empty Web Application, there is no choice of creating a WebForms app.
If I choose > v4.5 then it gives me the option.
How should a WebForms application be created under .NET 3.5?
With 2015 you can create the ASP.NET Empty project, then use "Add Web Form" from the project menu.
Another option is to install VS 2013. I use VS 2013 through 2017 on the same computer, and the latest version that lets me create a .NET 3.5 WebForms project is 2013. The project template is under "Visual Studio 2012" group under ASP.NET projects.
Its possible that there is a project template pack for 2015/2017 that will give you WebForms and 3.5 but my quick search doesn't show anything. Core Diagnostic Events in Visual Studio

Im am experimenting with Core. I am using visual studio 2015 enterprise.
I set up two MVC projects. The first is targeting the .net-framework and the other runs on .net core runtime (dotnet.exe).
I noticed that when I run the app (targeting .net framework) in visual studio, the diagnostics-tools window shows all kinds of events e.g. which controller action was called or if model state was valid.
This diagnostics view does not show any kind of information, when I run a boilerplate mvc project template targeting .net core runtime.
I do understand that .net core applications are executed by the core runtime and not visual studio directly, but is it normal that visual studio does not recognize those diagnostic events anymore ?
If so, what is the recommended way of viewing or log away this information ?

Is it possible to force Visual Studio 2010 to use Visual Basic 10?

To reproduce the error I'm getting:
Create a new Visual Studio 2010 ASP.NET web site in Visual Basic, targeting .NET 2.0
Type "Public Property Test As String"
Observe "Visual Basic 9.0 does not support auto-implemented properties." error
Visual Studio 2010 is happy to use VB 10 against .NET 2.0-targeted Windows Forms applications, this only appears to be an issue with ASP.NET.
Is there a way to force Visual Studio 2010 to use VB 10 when targeting .NET 2.0?
No. A Web Site project is one that compiles within ASP.NET at runtime - as such, you've chosen to ask ASP.NET to run it as a .NET 2.0 project, so it will use the .NET 2.0 vbc Visual Basic compiler that's part of .NET. That compiler has no knowledge of VB 10, and so you're rightly being warned that it will not work.
The reason it can work for other project types is because the compilation is happening using a later compiler (usually the one built into Visual Studio).
