Which app is in charge of URL redirection in a WordPress site? - wordpress

I just wonder which app is in charge of URL redirection in a WordPress site.
In my site, there is a real folder at /downloads/files/. Now I find there are some 404 errors in accessing https://www.datanumen.com/downloads/files/sitemap.xml, so I want to redirect the URL to https://www.datanumen.com/sitemap.xml
I try several methods:
Add the following redirect in .htaccess in the root folder:
Redirect 301 /downloads/files/sitemap.xml https://www.datanumen.com/sitemap.xml
But that does not work.
Install Redirection plugin and setup a redirection from
But still not work.
So I am curious that in a WordPress site, when I input a URL, will the URL be processed by WordPress system first(in which method 2 will take effect), or processed by Apache first(in which method 1 will take effect)? Why both methods do not work?

Apache/.htaccess catches the request first. It is Apache that sends the request to WordPress/PHP.
However, looking at the HTTP response in the browser...
cf-cache-status: HIT
server: cloudflare
The 404 response you are seeing is coming from your CDN's cache. The request isn't even reaching your application server in order to process the redirect.
HOWEVER, are these legitimate requests for your sitemap XML file? This seems unlikely. So, I'd question whether these requests need to be redirected in the first place?
Note that /sitemap.xml is itself redirected to /wp-sitemap.xml so /sitemap.xml would not seem to be the correct target anyway.

client sends ip packet to a host and specifies that the data in the ip packet is for a particular port number, apache listens on specific port numbers as do most network applications, if the ip packet is for one of the port numbers apache is listening on the operating system will route the ip packet to apache, apache then can see a request for file i.e. html,pdf,jpeg,etc. apache then retrieves that file,image,etc from the server storage medium i.e. ssd or hdd, if the file contains php code then apache will parse the php itself before serving the file to the client.
hardware for server computer i.e. cpu,gpu,ram,memory
operating system i.e. linux
server app than run on the operating system i.e. apache
php files i.e. wordpress
So basically Apache acts first i.e. the server configuration files then when Apache parses the wordpress php files, the php script is executed secondly.


NGINX redirect to URL if the requested server returns status code

I have a basic nginx server set up and now I want to make specific different servers.
I have one central server which hosts a website, and two java applications which both serve APIs.
Unfortunately, it is hard for me to redirect the users to a specific URL if they do something wrong in the java application.
I want it so that when the Status Code that the proxied Server (the server I got proxied to by nginx) returned is a specific one, it redirects you to a specific URL.
Fixed it using a NGINX built in feature: http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#error_page

How to whitelist good bots in fail2ban

We have a server running nginx and wordpress. Access logs have been disabled to reduce disk I/O and increase performance. I have enabled custom logs for multiple specific uri which logs host date/time method and uri into a specific files. For some uri like /phpmyadmin or /xmlrpc.php I am directly banning the IP the moment server receives a request. Now I want to white-list known search engines like AOL.com Baidu Bingbot/MSN DuckDuckGo Googlebot Teoma Yahoo! and Yandex. I know how to white-list an IP, but have no idea how to while-list a whole lot of spiders.

Test HTTP redirect to HTTPS on the live production server

I have a production server with a live website configured to use SSL. It has also been configured to redirect any HTTP URLs to the HTTPS.
I would like to be able to view the website from the server and test the redirect taking place. Instead I get an error message about permissions.
If I type the the HTTP url from a different machine I am able to view the website, i.e. the HTTP url has automatically been converted into an HTTPS url.
The question is how can I test the HTTP redirect from the production server?
You either make the webserver also listen to localhost (, or you make the test bind to the external IP of the host.

Removing http301 redirect from client's cache

I have a server/client architecture where the client hits the ASP.NET server's service at a certain host name, IP address, and port. Without thinking, I logged on to the server and set up permanent HTTP301 redirection through IIS from that service to another URL that the machine handles via IIS (same IP and port), mistakenly thinking it was another site that is hosted there. When the client hit the server at the old host name, it cached the permanent redirect. Now, even though I have removed the redirection, the client no longer uses the old address. How can I clear the client's cache so that it no longer stores the redirect?
I have read about how permanent HTTP301 can be, but in this case, it should be possible to reset a single client's knowledge of the incorrectly-learned host name. Any ideas?
The HTTP status code 301 is unambiguously defined in RFC 2616 as
any future references to this
resource SHOULD use one of the
returned URIs
which means you have to go ask all your clients to revalidate the resource. If you have a system where you can push updates to your clients, perhaps you can push an update to use the same URI again, but force a revalidation.
Nothing you do on the server side will help - in fact, by removing the permanent redirect in IIS you have already taken all measures you should.

Weird IIS7 http redirection behavior

I have a web server running Windows Server 2008 with IIS7. I have a bunch of websites which are all bound to the same IP address, but with different host header values. Most of the host headers are something like www.sitename.com.
I also have a corresponding website entry for each which listens for the host "sitename.com" and does a redirect to "www.sitename.com" within IIS7 (to cater for non-www requests). Now this is all pretty straight forward, but I've noticed the when setting up the Http Redirection, some wierd things happen:
Firstly, the "redirect" website entries must be pointed at a different physical directory than the site it's trying to redirect to, otherwise the redirection settings get set for both sites at once.
Secondly, sometimes whilst setting up Http Redirection on an individual site, Http Redirection gets set at a server level, and all sites start redirecting to that one URL.
How does this happen? Under what circumstances could setting Http Redirection on an individual site affect all sites? This is scary!!!
You need to point each of the websites to different physical location so that Http Redirection module can make a webconfig file for each of them.
