Memory Problem: Average-Linkage Clustering - r

Data with a million rows and 18 columns need to be clustered using Average-Linkage Clustering, which in turn requires calculating the Euclidian distance between rows. While doing so, d <-dist(data), R gives the following error:
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 3725.3 Gb
My computer has a memory of 32 Gb. What should be my approach?

The distance matrix, even only its upper diagonal, will always need about 2TB of memory. Moreover, a fast implementation of hierarchical clustering has time complexity $O(n^2)$. You can try two things:
Use the function hclust.vector from the fastcluster package, which does not require a distance matrix as input and thereby saves space complexity at the expense of time complexity.
Use a different clustering algorithm that is not based on all pairwise distances, e.g. k-means.
You can also try s hybrid approach by first condensing the data with 2. and then applying 1.


Memory management in phylogenetic tree pairwise distance calculations

I have a metametabolite dendrogram (FTICR-MS data) and I'm measuring the pairwise branch lengths to create a null using randomized distribution.I'm using Bob Danczak's script here, which uses cophenetic() to calc the pairwise distances, then running a for loop to calculate the random distributions. My input is a large list (phylo) of 46.1 MB. Rightfully so I am receiving the error: Error in dist.nodes(x) : tree too big but I really need to calculate these distances. What are some memory-managing techniques to circumvent this issue? I'm certain it's the package and not my computer (8 cores, 64G RAM) though I'm never 100% confident when it comes to computers!

Is it possible in R to calculate all eigenvalues of a very large symmetric n by n dense matrix in blocks to conserve RAM?

To provide some context, I work with DNA methylation data that even after some filtering can still consist of 200K-300K features (with much less samples, about 500). I need to do some operations on this and I have been using the bigstatsr package for other operations, which can use a Filebacked Big Matrix (FBM) to determine for instance a crossproduct in blocks. I further found that this can work with RSpectra::eigs_sym to get a specified number of eigenvalues, but unfortunately not all. To get all eigenvalues I have mainly seen the base R eigen function being used, but with this I run out of RAM when I have a matrix that is 300k by 300k.

Slepc shell matrices with multiple processes

I currently use explicit matrix storage for my generalized Eigenvalue equation of the form $AX = \lambda BX$ with eigenvalue lambda and eigenvector $X$. $A$ and $B$ are pentadiagonal by blocks, Hermitian and every block is Hermitian as well.
The problem is that for large simulations memory usage gets out of hand. I would therefore like to switch to Shell matrices. An added advantage would be that then I can avoid the duplication of a lot of information, as A and B are both filled through finite differences. I.e., the first derivative of a function X can be approximated by $X_i' = \frac{X_{i+1}-X_{i-1}}{\Delta}$, so that the same piece of information appears in two places. It gets (much) worse for higher orders.
When I try to implement this in Fortran, using multiple MPI processes that each contain a part of the rows of $A$ and $B$, I stumble upon the following issue: To perform matrix multiplication, one needs the vector information of $X$ from other ranks at the end of each rank's interval, due to the off-diagonal elements of $A$ and $B$.
I found a conceptual solution by using MPI all to all commands that pass the information from these "ghosted" regions to the ranks next-door. However, I fear that this might not be most portable, and also not too elegant.
Is there any way to automate this process of taking the information from ghost zones in Petsc / Slepc?

dist() function in R: vector size limitation

I was trying to draw a hierarchical clustering of some samples (40 of them) over some features(genes) and I have a big table with 500k rows and 41 columns (1st one is name) and when I tried
I got this error
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 1101.1 Gb
How can I get around of this limitation? I googled it and came across to the ff package in R but I don't quite understand whether that could solve my issue.
Generally speaking hierarchical clustering is not the best approach for dealing with very large datasets.
In your case however there is a different problem. If you want to cluster samples structure of your data is wrong. Observations should be represented as the rows, and gene expression (or whatever kind of data you have) as the columns.
Lets assume you have data like this:
data <-*40), ncol=40))
What you want to do is:
# Create transposed data matrix
data.matrix.t <- t(as.matrix(data))
# Create distance matrix
dists <- dist(data.matrix.t)
# Clustering
hcl <- hclust(dists)
# Plot
You should remember that euclidean distances can be rather misleading when you work with high-dimensional data.
When dealing with large data sets, R is not the best choice.
The majority of methods in R seems to be implemented by computing a full distance matrix, which inherently needs O(n^2) memory and runtime. Matrix based implementations don't scale well to large data , unless the matrix is sparse (which a distance matrix per definition isn't).
I don't know if you realized that 1101.1 Gb is 1 Terabyte. I don't think you have that much RAM, and you probably won't have the time to wait for computing this matrix either.
For example ELKI is much more powerful for clustering, as you can enable index structures to accelerate many algorithms. This saves both memory (usually down to linear memory usage; for storing the cluster assignments) and runtime (usually down to O(n log n), one O(log n) operation per object).
But of course, it also varies from algorithm to algorithm. K-means for example, which needs point-to-mean distances only, does not need (and cannot use) an O(n^2) distance matrix.
So in the end: I don't think the memory limit of R is your actual problem. The method you want to use doesn't scale.
I just experience a related issue but with less rows (around 100 thousands for 16 columns).
RAM size is the limiting factor.
To limitate the need in memory space I used 2 different functions from 2 different packages.
from parallelDist the function parDist() allow you to obtain the distances quite fast. it uses RAM of course during the process but it seems that the resulting dist object is taking less memory (no idea why).
Then I used the hclust() function but from the package fastcluster. fastcluster is actually not so fast on such an amount of data but it seems that it uses less memory than the default hclust().
Hope this will be useful for anybody who find this topic.

dist function with large number of points

I am using the dist {stats} function to calculate the distance between points, my problem is that I have 24469 points, and the output for the dist function gives me a vector with 18705786 length, instead of the matrix. I tried already to export as.matrix, but the file is 2 large.
How can I have access to what points corresponds each distance?
For example which(distance<=700) gives me the position in the vector, but how can I get the info to what points this distance corresponds to?
There are asome things you could try, also depending on what you need exactly:
Calculate the distances in a loop, and only keep those that match the criterium. Especially when the number of matches is much smaller than the total size of the distance matrix, this saves a lot of RAM usage. This loop is probably very slow if it is implemented in pure R, that is alos why dist does not use R but I believe C to perform the calculations. This could mean that you get your results, but have to wait a while. Alternatively, the excellent Rcpp package would allow you to write this down in C/C++, making it much much faster probably.
Start using packages like bigmemory in storing the distance matrix. You then build it in a loop and store it iteratively in the bigmemory object (I have not worked with bigmemory before, so I don't know the exact details). Then after building the matrix, you can access it to extract your desired results. Effectively, all tricks to handle large data in R apply to this bullet. See e.g. R SO posts on big data.
Some interesting links (found googling for r distance matrix for large vector):
Efficient (memory-wise) function for repeated distance matrix calculations AND chunking of extra large distance matrices
(lucky you!)
