Material-ui - The style in local and production is different - css

I have had a big problem for some time now.
I'm working on ReactJS with Material-UI, I have a library (which I build with webpack) and then use it on my projects.
The problem is that in local or on StoryBook, the style renders perfectly well. But when the library is built and added to my project via my package.json my style does not apply.
I override the style directly on my css file and I don't go through withStyle/useStyle/makeStyle. I know this is the right way to do it but unfortunately the project was already like that when I got it back
On StoryBook:
And prod:
If anyone has a solution or has seen this somewhere?


Z-index contains # in CSS

I've recently updated from angular 10 to 12.
I use SCSS.
After updating I noticed my logo is behind the content and all my z-index values have # prepended to the values and I don't know the reason why nor can't find any good information on where this change originates from or what is the cause.
Nothing changed in my config files or build pipelines except src package.json updates for packages
I also use angular material as my UI components library and have bootstrap spacing module imported additionally
I know the CSS is invalid. (after build). It's valid in design time but after build in runtime it gets hashtag prepended for whatever reason.
This was NOT the case before updates
Here's the design time
Is this some new angular feature that I'm missing here. Can't find anything relevant in docs.
Is this tied to Ivy?
I believe this could be tied to recent sass API changes moving from #import to #use statements. ng update command should (according to docs) update and refactor scss for me but that's not the case.
Once I'm done refactoring if it fixes the issue I'll post it as answer here
Update to the latest available version of Angular. I had the same issue with 12.0.1, after ng update (12.0.5) the issue was fixed.
Check if it is inheriting the z-index from parent class. If it is then place it outside the parent class.

Use of Ant Design Icons While Offline

I am working on a reactJS application that uses ant design for the UI. Recently we released this application to production where the computers are pretty locked down. This application is an intranet application and these computers have no internet access. So, because of that, the ant design icons on the modals were showing up as empty boxes. I did some digging and saw that the icons are using CSS classes.
For example, this is the CSS class for the red error "X" on the error modal:
I'm not too familiar with the CSS content attribute so I went to and read up on it a bit and tested this particular content value on their Try It page for this attribute and I got the empty box that I got in my production environment.
Does anyone know what needs to be done to import these icons into my project so that they can be used offline?
What I think is happening is that Ant Design is defining the CSS font definition with a URL to the corresponding font-file. Since the computers are offline, it cannot find those definitions.
In the documentation I see that they also provide SVG Icons, which should work completely offline. I think this is worth a try. The steps to implement this can be found here and it should be available from version 3.9.0:
Have you tried downloading the icon library into your project folder? Looks like they have assigned their own codes to their own icons so you'll need to have them offline.
You will nessd the css file tabler-icons.css and the woff file tabler-icons.woff and assign a font-family named tabler-icons within your style.css using #font-face

Can I edit my angular project's CSS files directly from chrome DevTools?

What is the most efficient way to style components in the browser dev tools with the default view encapsulation (emulated)?
My current workflow involves a lot of tedious copying and pasting from the dev tools like this:
Chrome dev tools has the ability to save styling changes made on the DOM to the source css file (Save Changes To Disk With Workspaces), but I don't know if this will work with the way Angular and Webpack use emulated component styles.
There's got to be a quicker workflow than what I am currently doing. Any tips?
You can directly edit your css project files from chrome devtools. Follow this steps:
In angular.json add "extractCss": true like so:
This way you'll see the css files in inspection instead of inner style tags in header
(you can see an example image in step 3 below).
Open chrome devtools, Sources tab, Filesystem left tab and add your project folder:
This is the magic trick, this will let you edit your local files from devtools!
now when you inspect your html for css, you can click the css file and you'll be redirected to your local file:
Edit your changes to the file.
Save the file.
Magic! Your local file was modified!
I LOVE Chrome!
...I don't know if this will work with the way Angular and Webpack use emulated component styles.
TL;DR: You can't do this quite in the way you'd like to.
Angular scopes styles to components, and thus the .some-class-name[ngcontent-c5] notation in the Chrome inspector. As such, dev tools has no way of knowing exactly where to trace the change you made back to, other than the file it originated from using the source map.
As you mention in your question, you can load the project working directory into dev tools (article you posted) and edit the file itself. On save, the angular watcher will register the change and reload. This will work with pure css/js, as well as pre-compiler scss, ts, etc.
So to answer the question: yes, webpack will still recompile when you do that, but not quite in the way you're looking for.

How to check CSS loaded size in Angular Application

Hope you all doing great.
I am using SCSS and Bootstrap in my Angular Application and as we know once Angular app runs, it converts these SCSS files to CSS version of it.
How can I check CSS file size generated as a whole for application as I need to show some reports for optimization tasks.
Any idea. I tried googling and here on Stack Overflow but couldn't find required solution. I can't even see any CSS file in Network tabs of Browsers.
Any Suggestion?
Assuming you are using Angular CLI for your project, which uses webpack internally...
Once you build a project. A dist directory is generated in the project root. Take a look into it and you'll find all the .js and .css bundles it might have generated.
Note - The size will vary based on what kind of build you do. For a production build, the sizes are going to be minimal, for other kinds of builds, if any, the sizes may differ.
You should go first in the Networks tab then reload the page. Once you reload it, click on CSS filter then you would see all the list of CSS included in your app, with the file size.
I didnt find any css generated in Network like above answer but I did a trick.
I went to webpack folder and there I found one generated CSS. ( Searched through a random CSS Selecto ).
I right clicked and saved it on desktop. If you check the properties of this CSS file, it shows the size in KB.

rails and bootstrap - selectively/randomly works

I'm a beginner coder and am trying to integrate my css into my app. Using Rails 4 + Bootstrap 3.
I wrote out the html + css for the front-end of my app prior and it all worked fabulously. I moved everything to my folder and edited my V + C accordingly.
I have installed the bootstrap-sass gem successfully. Have updated my assets application and js. I have a .scss file importing bootstrap and my Google fonts.
Bootstrap, Bootstrap js, and Google fonts are working selectively/randomly on certain pages, but not fully on a page or they just don't work at all or they are there but all messed up now. (ex. modal not working on one page, but js element on another page works) I am trying to call the css files from where they are locally stored.
My questions:
1. Is there something I would need to edit to integrate the two in addition to the above?
2. Do I have to transition my css into another file?
3. If there is no easy way to fix this, should I just start over with my css?
Would appreciate any tips. Thanks!
A good starting point would be to check your sources under the inspector, to make the that the css and javascript are both being required. Also check the console for whether there are any javascript errors.
Assuming you are on google chrome, and on a mac, that would be cmd+alt+i, and ctrl+alt+i on windows.
You can also check which files are being included through checking page source by right clicking most parts of the page.
If they are being required and styles are not being applied then something else is probably getting in the way( i.e. bootstrap javascript files are being required twice, css is being overwritten because of load order, etc)
