I'm writing a program that should connect to remote virtual machines and then do distributed execution.
I have this warning:
"Warning: Identity file /home/luigal/.ssh/id_rsa not accessible: No such file or directory.".(Even if the file exists and the path is correct)
The program crashes when I try to do :
addprocs(worker;sshflags="-i /home/luigal/.ssh/id_rsa",exename="/usr/local/bin/julia", tunnel=true,dir="/home/luigal/HGEpidemics-main/")
This is the project I am working on:
I need to do this work on:
Someone can help me?
The console says:
I am trying to run the example grakn migration "phone_calls" (using python and JSON files).
Before reaching there, I need to load the schema, but I am having trouble with getting the schema loaded, as shown here: https://dev.grakn.ai/docs/examples/phone-calls-schema
-Mac OS 10.15
-grakn-core 1.8.3
-python 3.7.3
The grakn server is started. I checked and the 48555 TCP port is open, so I don't think there is any firewall issue. The schema file is in the same folder (phone_calls) as where the json data files is, for the next step. I am using a virtual environment. The error is below:
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn server start
Storage is already running
Grakn Core Server is already running
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn console --keyspace phone_calls --file phone_calls/schema.gql
Unable to create connection to Grakn instance at localhost:48555
Cause: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
UNKNOWN: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1, use getErrors() for more: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=5f59fd46): com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.ConnectionInitException: [JanusGraph Session|control|connecting...] init query OPTIONS: error writing ). Please check server logs for the stack trace.
I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Nevermind -- I found the solution, in case any one else runs into a similar problem. The server configuration file needs to be edited: point the data directory to your project data files (here: the phone_calls data files) & change the server IP address to your own.
I am running owncloudcmd to sync files from a local* path to an ownCloud/Nextcloud server, all running Debian 8. However it fails with the error:
[5] csync_statedb_query sqlite3_compile error: disk I/O error - on
query PRAGMA quick_check; [6] csync_statedb_load ERR: sqlite3
integrity check failed - bail out: disk I/O error. #### ERROR during
csync_update : "CSync failed to load the journal file. The journal
file is corrupted."
I am not very familiar with csync or sqlite so I am a bit in the dark and although I can find talk of this issue through googling, I can't find a fix. The data in this case can be dumped to start over so I'm happy to flush any database or anything else. I've trying removing the created csync and journal files assuming one of them was corrupted but it doesn't seem to change anything.
I have read talk about changing PRAGMA settings to ignore the error (or check) but I can't see how this is implemented either.
Is anyone able to show me how to clear out the corruption?
*the local file is a mounted path to an AWS S3 bucket but I think this is irrelevant because it is working on other systems fine.
So I have an Access database that I am trying to see on a windows server 2008 R2 (server name: WrenLab02); this server has the network discovery on, has the folder shared with that title, and is able to be pinged from the ubuntu computer; however now I want to call the folder that the files are in (which I tested on the server itself and works), but on the Ubuntu it keeps saying file directory not found.
On the Ubuntu computer in R:
FilePath <- file.path("//WrenLab02/Clinical/")
if (file.exists(FilePath)) {
} else {
I know the path exists; I've tried it from another computer (which worked). Even I tried putting "smb://Wrenlab02/Clinical/" as the file director and still the setwd() cannot set the file path.
Maybe I just don't have the folder properly mapped to the Ubuntu, I tried to mount it and it is logged in and I can look at the files inside the folder and indeed the path says smb://WrenLab02/Clinical/. So I don't know where to go from here.
I figured it out; if anyone else is trying to pull files from a windows machine and you are working on a Lynx or Unbuntu machine this code should help you out.
However now I am trying to use odbcConnect from RODBC package; this will connect me to a database from another server
WrenLIS <- '/run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=wrenlab01,share=administration/DATABASE/CLINICAL DATABASE/PatientContactDB.accdb'
cns <- odbcConnect(dsn="WrenLIS", uid="nferranti", pwd="H0ckey")
but it wont connect I keep getting an error that says:
Warning messages:
1: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=WrenLIS;UID=nferranti;PWD=H0ckey") : [RODBC] ERROR: state IM002, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
2: In RODBC::odbcDriverConnect("DSN=WrenLIS;UID=nferranti;PWD=H0ckey") : ODBC connection failed
I am having problems opening RStudio, it worked fine before I got my mouse pad reconfigured. Here goes... When I open the program, it loads but appears blank. The menu tabs appear but do not populate when clicked. I've read a few answers to this one of which involved deleting the 'RStudio-Desktop' within the local files but did not solve the issue. I managed to run the RStudio diagnostic and below is the error message. OS is Windows 7.
I would be grateful if anyone can provide some insight regarding this.
Attempting to launch R session...
PATH=C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.1\bin\x64;C:\WINDOWS\Orant\product\11.2.0\client
32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x86;C
:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\OpenCL SDK\3.0\bin\x64;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\b
in\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files (x86)\M
icrosoft Application Virtualization Client;C:\Program Files (x86)\QuickTime\QTSy
R session launched, attempting to connect on port 44157...
Connected to R session, attempting to initialize...
13 Oct 2016 16:04:22 [rsession-B859XXXX] ERROR system error 5 (Access is denied)
[path=//mshsrmsapppXXXX/B859XXXX$]; OCCURRED AT: rstudio::core::Error rstudio::
core::FilePath::makeCurrentPath(bool) const C:\Users\Administrator\rstudio\src\c
pp\core\FilePath.cpp:978; LOGGED FROM: int main(int, char* const*) C:\Users\Admi
QApplication::qAppName: Please instantiate the QApplication object first
C:\Program Files\RStudio>
Error 5 would suggest that the application is being written to those directories which does not have write privileges.
Make sure those folders have write privileges.
You can also try running RStudio application as Administrator.
To do so, Click on Start -> RStudio ( right click) -> Run as administrator.
I had similar problems installing R and RStudio on Windows 8.1 in C:\Program Files. From Vista, Windows places multiple restrictions on systems folders such as %windir% and %ProgramFiles%.
Uninstall and re-install in a folder where you are not restricted, such as C:\Apps or similar. You should hopefully have no further issues.
I'm writing a simple application to create a Documentum folder structure from a directory structure on disk. When I run the application through SpringSource Tool Suite, it works fine. When I package it as a jar, with all dependencies, and run it, I receive the following error:
at com.documentum.fc.common.impl.preferences.PreferencesManager.locateMainPersistentStore(PreferencesManager.java:372)
at com.documentum.fc.common.impl.preferences.PreferencesManager.readPersistentProperties(PreferencesManager.java:333)
at com.documentum.fc.common.impl.preferences.PreferencesManager.<init>(PreferencesManager.java:41)
at com.documentum.fc.common.DfPreferences.initialize(DfPreferences.java:64)
at com.documentum.fc.common.DfPreferences.getInstance(DfPreferences.java:43)
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSimpleDbor.getDefaultDbor(DfSimpleDbor.java:78)
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfSimpleDbor.<init>(DfSimpleDbor.java:66)
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfClient$ClientImpl.<init>(DfClient.java:344)
at com.documentum.fc.client.DfClient.<clinit>(DfClient.java:754)
Here is the line in my code where this error occurs:
IDfClient client = DfClient.getLocalClient();
The jar includes the dfc.properties file, which I specify on the command line using
For the record, the full command line looks like this (slightly anonymized):
java -Ddfc.properties.file=dfc.properties.dev -jar MyTest-jar-with-dependencies.jar baseDirectory baseDocumentumFolder
Thanks much for your time!