Using Superscript and subscript in editor - telegram

Is there support for superscript and subscript HTML Tag formatting in the editor? There is support for limited HTML tags at the moment, but is it possible to make use of them directly in the online editor?

for superscript u could use \u00b
for example
i wrote
the result is
[Ne]3s2 with "2" superscript


How do I embed a hyper link text into the p tag text?

I am using Scrapy and having trouble when dealing with hyper links. The article will have a name but that would be a hyperlink to another page. I can't figure out how to embed the tag text with the tag text. I am trying to practice on this article.
response.css('div.article-body p::text').extract()
You want to use a css wild card selector.
response.css('div.article-body p *::text').extract()
Alternatively, if you wanted everything inside div.article-body
response.css('div.article-body *::text').extract()
I think the easier way would be to use the XPath functions string() or normalize-space() like:
response.css('.article-body > p').xpath('normalize-space(.)').extract()

a-text component not support Arabic text

no support for Arabic text in a-text component, also all the A-Frame’s built-in fonts doesn't support Arabic.
a-frame v: 0.6 ,
testing in Chrome ,
You can either:
1. use a custom font, by pointing a url to the .fnt file ( and the .png font file) as described in the documentation. Its done by simply defining
font:urlto.fntfile;fontImage:urlto.pngfile in the text component or primitive.
2. As described in the docs, rendering 2D text is no easy task, so You could make a transparent image containing Your text in arabic.
(2) Seems to be simpler, but it's a pain when You need to change a typo, or sth in the text. I use it for Polish characters anyway.
You will need to generate a custom font from a fontset that contains Arabic characters. In WebGL, we don't get fonts for free, they are converted into glyphs and vertices.
A more recent component aframe-troika-text provides a simpler solution that can render directly from a referenced font file.

HTML5 declaration about new and old tags

I'm sorry for how ridiculous this question might seem and for my english.
I'm just stuck and can't understand this.
How can we still use the <u>....</u> in HTML5 and the result be the same with <span style="text-decoration: underline;">......</span> ?
Didn't it stop to have support?
I mean how isn't <u>....</u> supported in HTML5 if i can still use it on full way?
Thank you, and once again sorry
The u is not invalid in HTML5. It just changed it's definition (see here):
The u element represents a span of text with an unarticulated, though explicitly rendered, non-textual annotation, such as labeling the text as being a proper name in Chinese text (a Chinese proper name mark), or labeling the text as being misspelt.
So it's not recommended to use u to underline text as you're pointing out correctly. A proper way is to use CSS and text-decoration: underline;.
<u> has slipped back into HTML5 for a couple rare, non-conforming instances dealing with other languages and things like spell check. Essentially, to cover any instance when a user will expect an underline.
A helpful link on why <u> is back after being depreciated in HTML4 -->
As found out, thank to you
"Regardless of whether an element is deprecated (HTML 4, XHTML 1) or non-conforming (HTML5) or just plain uncool, browser makers still have to support it for backward compatibility with all those web pages".
Thank you guys!
The <u> and </u>tags DO work just like <span style="text-decoration: underline;">......</span>They both underline all the text in their enclosed elements. However, having all those formatting tags in your HTML code can make the code very difficult to read. As dersvenhesse says, an alternative would be to use the text-decoration property and set it to underline.

Italicize text containing a link

I have an RST where I want an italicized link. However, the markup
*Warning: `Watch this <>`_!*
renders in HTML as
<em>Warning: `Watch this <>`_!</em>
That is, the italics render but the link doesn't. How do I get italics around the link?
The problem is that reST markup cannot be nested.
I managed to get it work with this:
Warning: |text|_
.. _text:
.. |text| replace:: *Watch this*
Another option in this case is to use unicode italic text:
𝘞𝘒𝘳𝘯π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨: `𝘞𝘒𝘡𝘀𝘩 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘴 <>`_!
Although this does mean that you are stuck with the specific formatting of those unicode characters (you can get a serif version too).

Flex s:text htmltext missing out/cutting the full html text

I am trying to implement htmlText for a text component as the returned string is in html format (with the html tags etc). If I put a text=.... i get the full text, but with the tags (which i want converted to html). So i use htmlText=.... and it formats it fine, but cuts half the text from the variable. The text im supposed to get back has tons of html tags, and maybe its cutting it somewhere because of the tag its not able to escape... How do i fix this? Any solutions?
Not all tags are supported in the htmlText property. Here's a list of the tags that can be handled :
An example though would make debugging easier :)
