Nginx serve files on specific location from specific folder - nginx

I want NGINX to serve serve files from a location within a server.
As an example, I would like the url http://domain/ss/image.png to serve the file located within /home/data/screenshots/image.png
So far, I have attempted to use a regex in this manner
location ~ ^/ss/(.*) {
root /home/data/screenshots;
add_header content-type "image/png";
try_files $1 /$1;
however it appears that this location is never reached, being handled by the location spefcified to / (which in my case is a redirect).
I am not flexible with renaming/changing any of the file structure of the project and want to achieve this result with just the NGINX config modification.

As described by Richard's comment on the question, it appears that my regex approach was correct, however my issue was the usage of the try_files function.


Is there a way to write regex for http2_push in nginx conf?

I suppose that Nginx requires absoulte path for http_push files. But my static files names are changed after build every time. So, can I add some regex to make Nginx push all jpeg, css, etc.
I tried this:
location /index.html {
try_files $uri /index.html;
http2_push `/*.jpeg`;
But Nginx says: non-absolute path "/*.jpeg"
No, it is not possible. Neither with regex, nor with glob pattern aka wildcard (which your question basically is).
But if you proxying (or get a response from backend by fastcgi, etc) you can do it dynamically by setting of http2_push_preload on; and by adding multiple Link preload headers to response corresponding some match (or glob pattern) you need.
See Automatically Pushing Resources to Clients for details.

NGINX – Serving multiple SPA’s on a single server

We have a development server with lots of single page apps that also handle routing in the frontend.
Normally for a single page app I would assume you need to configure something like:
location /some/path {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html?$args;
Now on our development server it is quite a lot of work to re-configure nginx for every small test app people put on there.
I want to:
Serve the file if found
Serve the index.html file if the path is a folder
If not found, go back one folder and try look for index.html and serve that
Try previous step until you find an index.html file
Stop trying when you reach the defined root path e.g. /some/path, if that doesn’t have an index.html, return the folder content
If some sort of while loop is not possible (performance is less critical since it's for development purposes only), I could limit it to up to 6 folders back. That should cover most SPA's.
Let's say I have a single page app on:
And one goes to:
It should try:
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/id3 (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/id3/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/subpage2/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/page1/index.html (no match)
/some/path/my-app/index.html (MATCH !)
P.S. I'm mainly a front-end developer, my nginx knowledge is very limited.
You can use a named location as the last parameter of a try_files statement to perform an internal rewrite to climb up the directory tree. Nginx will limit this to about 10 iterations before declaring a redirection loop.
For example:
root /path/to/root;
index index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ #rewrite;
location #rewrite {
rewrite ^/(.+/)?. /$1 last;
The index and try_files directives handle looking for index.html, and the rewrite statement truncates the URI by removing one or more characters following a /.

Nginx URL routing

I think this is kind of basic stuff, but I'm struggling to find proper guide that would explain these things:
I have a index.php file and nginx config so that works ok.
But I need to change nginx config so that that address produces blank page, and index.php only works from I could put index.php inside lists directory, but isn't there more subtle solution?
And here's the hard part:
Users should be able to access
userName and listName should be used as GET-parameters.
Can anyone help how I could achieve this kind of config with nginx?
You're asking a few (relatively basic) questions, and I would suggest you start with their free e-book
You can define where nginx looks for index files with the root clause, and though they normally use the URL context relative to the server's root, it can be override in each location.
You can use portions of URLs as variables, which can be passed as paramters too.
location = /lists { # '=' will match exactly, no trailing url
root /path/where/index.php/lives;
try_files $uri /index.php;
location /lists { # this will match anything under that url
rewrite ^/lists/(\d+)/?$ /lists?user=$1; # matches username
rewrite ^/lists/(\d+)/(\d+)/?$ /lists?user=$1&list=$2; # matches username/list
location /{ #everything else
root /path/where/index.html/lives; #index.html is empty file.
try_files $uri /index.html;

double try_files directive for the same location in nginx

I discovered a nginx config snippet in serveral gists and config examples (mostly for PHP apps):
#site root is redirected to the app boot script
location = / {
try_files #site #site;
#all other locations try other files first and go to our front controller if none of them exists
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ #site;
But I just do not get it: Does the first try_files directive ever match? To me this looks like some nonsense hacking.
Please confirm or explain why not - thanks :)
This is what happens here:
The first location = / is only used when the path in the request is /, e.g. The second location /is used for all other URLs, e.g. or
The reason for the first location is to avoid any interference from index-directives that do a redirect to index.html or something similar.
Inside the first location the try_files-directive first looks for a file named #site, which does not exist and then redirects to the named location #site. The reason for this construct is that the redirect to the named location is purely internal, i.e. the #site location can not be accessed directly from the client and the $uri is kept unmodified during this redirect (which would not be the case for other redirects). The first parameter #site can be anything except a real existing file. I prefer to call it DUMMY for clarity.
The second location tries static files first and, if not found, then also redirects to the named location.

Nginx match location for root path and all other paths separately

I am running Play framework server behind nginx server. At the root path, I am serving static website and all other paths should be redirected to the Play server. I have the following default.conf file in /etc/nginx/conf.d (The system is RHEL 6.7)
# to match the root path only to serve static website
location = / {
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
index index.html index.htm;
# try_files $uri $uri.html $uri/ /index.html;
# to match the cms login page
location /cms/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9000/;
# to match all the requests from the cms
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9000/;
However, this configuration doesn't match the root path request. It gives 404 error. However, if I remove the third location rule, then it serves the static page at the root path.
Also, I noticed that first time I tried this, it worked. But now, it's not working any more. Please help.
The result you are getting is most likely due to the 2nd and 3rd location blocks not having "index" directives set. Except for well understood specific reasons, such as overriding the default index file type(s), the "index" should always be set at least within the server context or, preferably, within the http context. Similarly, the "root" directive should be set in the server context.
With your config, when a request hits the 3rd location block, there is no information your what to do with it. Actually, the 2nd block should not be needed from what you have described.
Also, as you are proxying to what appears to be another webserver, you need to ensure that this has the equivalent of "index" and "root" set.
Not sure exactly how the backend you are using works with respect to these. If not configurable there, then you must ensure that that every request hitting it has the URI spelt out fully.
To start with, depending on how exactly things are set up on your server, I will move the "index" and "root" directives up to the "server" level
