picture problem
Note: my credit card work fine in google pay .
how can i contact the support ?
I have had a problem like this previously, most times you may have that same card linked to several google services in which one of them has a pending bill to pay.
There have been errors when a google service has tried charging this card and it failed.
You have an outstanding payment (which is very unlikely to cause an error)
What I did when I had this problem
I'm trying to create a simple subscription payment on sandbox PayPal.
I have a business account on sandbox, with which I have created a subscription plan.
Furthermore, I have a test user on sandbox with a credit card generated here: https://developer.paypal.com/api/rest/sandbox/card-testing/
Everything works fine but when I get to the payment confirmation I get this message: "Sorry, cannot use your chosen payment method to set up subscription item. Please try other payment method"
I tried using other cards or creating another test user but I always get this same error.
I've also posted the question in the paypal community but didn't get any response: https://www.paypal-community.com/t5/Sandbox-Environment/Subscriptions-payment-declined-because-test-card-not-working/m-p/3023752
Second problem: When i make a simple payment it works fine, but when I try the pay in 4, it tells me to setup a card (even though I already have a card setuped) and when I try to resetup it on the payment modal I get the error : "We cannot process your request at this time. Try again later."
I thought maybe if I add credit to my test account I can bypass this. But when I go to the page to add credit (https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/myaccount/money/addmoney/topup) it's blank and there are errors in the console.
So I tried to send money to me test account from another account and it doesn't work either...
I was wondering is there like an option or something I have to activate or disable in the settings so my test will work, or is the PayPal sandbox environment just bugged ?
If you need anymore informations or details don't hesitate to ask, I'm not sure if my explaining was clear.
Create a new sandbox personal account at https://developer.paypal.com/dashboard/accounts . Use that account to test the subscription.
The result of Pay in 4 payments is a PayPal payment. You can already test PayPal payments without Pay in 4 as a funding source. So, do not test Pay in 4 in sandbox. There is no reason to.
We have just move to production and are not able to add any payment method to the GCP.
Google rejects our credit, debit cards due to some error at their end. The support team says its a known issue but they have no timeline to resolve this.
The cards are VISA and Mastercard, match all the requirements as this and have no problem on other platforms.
Their 1st suggestion is to enable invoice based billing but since we are newly founded startup we don't match their criteria of revenue.
The 2nd suggestion was to connect with google cloud partner to process the payment. I have contacted 10 Partners and everyone says they cant help us with payments.
This is a pressing issue for us as free credits will run out in a month. I want to know how others are dealing with this since its not very specific to us.
So till sometime back we were not able to process manual payments, but now we are able to.
As Abhijeet rightly pointed, you can follow this article https://cloud.google.com/billing/docs/how-to/manual-payment and pay in advance so that the production remains up.
Due to regulations from the Reserve Bank of India, you might be unable to charge automatically.
If your usage cost is more than 5000 INR; you cannot use it for automatic payments as per RBI guidelines.
For the time being you can use manual payments for your usage and you can add an extra amount for future use.
Try with any local reseller who can accept more forms of payments or who can help you with invoiced billing. You can find resellers on Google partners page.
From October 1st 2022 Google can no longer save your card details in the current format as per RBI guidelines.
When I pay the 1 rs amount from account by entering my debit card details google responds as:
Contact us to get started
We weren’t able to establish your payments profile. To finish setting up your
free trial, get help from our Support team.
How to fix that ?
My company's product depends on the Google Analytics API, and our quota was suddenly drastically reduced. Does anybody know who to contact at Google to get this fixed quickly? I've re-submitted our application for a higher quota, but if this does not get resolved ASAP, I'm going to have a bunch of angry customers.
If someone went into your project on Developer console and turned on and off the Google Analytics API it will reset the quota to the default, removing any increase you previously where granted. (Just a guess you are going to have to wait for them to re-increase you again)
Side note I should send in a feature request: It should either not reset it or it should pop up asking if you really really really want to turn it on and off.
The gateway I am using is Cardsave (http://www.cardsave.net). I obviously can't store credit cards on my servers, but to store credit cards on their servers, there needs to be an initial transaction. I am writing a billing management website that customers are going to be migrating to from other systems. There wouldn't be a reason to have their clients pay in between billing cycles.
The only solution I can think of is making a small payment to the credit card (like $1, PayPal style) and then either crediting this amount back to the customer on the next billing cycle, or issuing a refund. Is this the correct approach?
Is this the common way of handling recurring monthly 'subscriptions' where the amount is variable every month and don't start right away. For instance, is this how trial periods that require your credit card information to start is handled?
$1 charges are no longer allowed by Visa and MasterCard. You can do $0 authorizations so if your processor allows that you'll probably be able to do your original plan.
Some payment gateway providers, like Authorize.Net, offer services that allow you to create payment profiles and charge against them at any time for any amount. Their service is called Customer Information Manager. You should see if your provider offers a similar service.
For Cardsave Payment gateway you have Automated Subscriptions and Cross Reference Transaction Code Examples
For the reference check out this link: Click Here