Google Forms Calendar Widget with Date Elimination - google-forms

Long story short - I have a Google Form that has a calendar on it for project due dates. I have the form linked up as an integration to that adds lead time when it populates in a queue.
What I want, is to have Google Forms automatically "gray" days starting from "today" up to four business days (Monday to Friday).
Is this a feature that is being overlooked? Or is it something that needs to be coded in?
Just curious how I can implement this process into my form for a more consistent workflow.

It's not possible to customize the "calendar widget" in Google Forms.
NOTE: Google usually don't mention on the documentation the features that aren't included; the Google Forms editor doesn't include any way to do that and Google Apps Script Forms service either.


Is it possible to create a funnel in Google Analytics, based on JavaScript events taking place on one web page?

We have a complex order form with multiple steps all taking place on one page. From a business analysis point of view we've been given a requirement to be able to visualise the progress of users through this form in Google Analytics as a funnel.
Option on step 1 clicked
Option on step 2 clicked
Input on step 3 completed
Checkbox completed
Form submitted
I know we can add various JS events across the form to track the actions that have been taken, but I can't seem to find a way to create a funnel in GA from this. We're using GA with Google Tag Manager.
The goal is to be able to analyse where on this form users are abandoning it, and how long they are spending on the various steps.
Is this possible? My current research suggests that GA couldn't create funnels from events a few years ago, and that it doesn't seem possible still. I don't want to use the method of virtual page views that I have seen floating around, as this comes with too many other negative effects.
If you want a manageable funnel report in Google Analytics, you shouldn't be using events but virtual pageviews. Anyway, if you don't want to use the latter, Google Analytics offers the Events Flow Report (, in which you can see how users activate the different events you have configured, even if it is not strictly what you are looking for.
The alternative is to track these events in Google Analytics and create a funnel with Google Data Studio.

How to show list View in Google Calendar for day's events?

I'm new in google calendar integration and apologize if this is asked earlier:
I have created four resources for Google Calendar from my Gsuite account, as I want the column layout in frontend using the
<iframe src=''></iframe>
generated from integrate calendar but on frontend only the month week and agenda is showing. I have tried different solution but all of them displaying the week & month if I combined all the calendar to one, than also the view is the same
I want to integrate this only with google Iframe, although using full calendar it is also possible.
Please, kindly check the attachment: I want this backend layout, and to the frontend with an additional option of the list view.
If I did understand it correctly what you want here is to have exactly this view as an iframe embedded on your website.
I'm afraid this is not possible to get that view using the iframe you can obtain following this steps:
If you want another view you'll have to build it yourself retrieving the data using Google Calendar API and building the view yourself, or you can also use other existing libraries, like:
It may have a nicer view and the functionalities you are missing, take a look at it!

How to create a timed quiz in google form

I use Google Classroom for my chess club and send out quizzes using Google form. I am trying to find out if it is possible to set up some sort of timer in Google Forms right now. All the answers I can find using google are pretty outdated.
Here's a blog you can check and try for the implementation on How to Schedule your Google Forms and Limit Submissions. Afterwards, you can just add as a material and attach the link using Google Classroom API.
You can use add-ons. It's easy to use and looks good as well.
- timmer shows on the top of the page
- triggers the form to close upon timeout
- only paid version allows you to set logo, text, design and webcam tracking
- You can't customize the time countdown section-wise, countdown as a whole submission
note: you need to configure with a token from web app

How to use analytics screenviews in a website?

I'd like to track screenviews in my website, is this possible or are screenviews just meant to be used on apps? If so, how can I do it? Let me give you an overview of my situation.
I am restructuring a web site. Some of the pages that used to live under differents urls are now living under the same, with a hash id to denote the particular area of the page the user is in. So, for example,, and, are now in, and
Now, I'd like to keep track of users visiting these areas. My initial idea was send a page view when the url is loaded and send a screenview each time the user clicks on the button to change the area of the page (i.e. #content, #problemas or #equations). For doing so, I used something like ga('send', 'screenview', {'screenName': 'content',});. As I couldn't see the screenviews in reports, I played a bit, setting the app name, the app id, the installer id etc before sending the screenview, for example:
ga('set', {
'appName': 'myAppName',
'appId': 'myAppId',
'appVersion': '1.0',
'appInstallerId': 'myInstallerId'
ga('send', 'screenview', {'screenName': 'content',});
So I can't see the screenviews in the real time reports (though I can see the page views). I can't see them in the regular reports either. I decided to create custom reports with dimensions Page and Screen name. There, I see sometimes screenviews are tracked (I think it happens when I set the appid etc before sending it, but not sure about this point).
Are screen views adecuate for tracking this behaviour or should I use just events, as I'm not on an app at all (just a responsive website)?
By the way, I am using Drupal 7 but that shouldn't make a difference.
Thanks in advance for your time and I hope I am making my question clear enhough.
Technically speaking its probably possible to send both pageviews and screenviews to the same Google Analytics web property.
The problem you will have is seeing the information. The way the Website is set up its either application or web account, Screenviews or pageviews. The reports are different, and you cant swap between them.
So you could send screenviews to a web site web property but you would never be able to analyse it on the website you would have to use the API to rip the data out. That and you would be analyzing apples and cars. Screenviews and pageviews are different they cant be analysed together.
Because of this web property's should be kept separate one for application (screenviews) one for web sites (pageviwes).
You should in my opinion do this using events.
+1 for an interesting question that made me think :)
Is possible, actually in BigQuery you can reach both data and see how this interact, both will have the same schema and will be stored in the same dataset(it is linked the raw data view). Even in the same sessions, you can send pageview and screen views having funny results.
But there is some important consideration when you implement this.
You need 2 different views, one Web View and One App View. Both views will let you access to different information and is not possible on the web interface of Google Analytics to access to both info at the same time. Not sure if with the API you can access to both info at the same time, I think that is totally possible
In the App View, you will able to see only information of screenview, events and ecommerce.Is also mandatory the App Name parameter on this hits.
In the Web View, you will able to see only the pageview reports,events and events.
The ecommerce info and events will be reachable from both views, there is no way to know if this comes from a web or an app ( technically). So is tricky to read this kind of reports in that case.
Sessions can experiment stranges behaviors. As example gosht sessions coming from the screen view with no page view, sending events.
Taking this into consideration, as Dalmto says, the best to you is use events or sent virtualpage view.
Mixing pageview and screen view is not recommended by Google but is totally possible.This kind of implementations is only useful when you have an embed web-app and a webpage on the same server and you want to have it all on the same dataset, if this case apply, is highly recommended to add a custom dimension to filter the app info on the web view and the web info on the app view and keep both worlds separated.
As the last point, your code is working, I can see the screen info on the desktop property. But not be able to see it in the web view.

Is there anything wrong with the way I'm implementing a Calendar on my site?

I am setting up a website for students of a school, which must include a schedule page which will show a calendar with events populated by feeds from various teachers' calendars. After trying out a variety of scripts and tools made for showing calendars, I finally hit upon a very shoddy, hacked-together way of doing it, and I want to know if theres any specific things wrong with my implementation.
My requirements from this calendar are posted in a previous question
This is how my implementation is gonna work:
The teachers make their schedules in their own calendar programs and make those feeds available in the iCal format. A common Google account for the school subcribes to all these calendars, and so gets read only access to ALL the teacher's schedules in school.
Google Calendar has a feature that lets you select some of your calendars, and then get the html code for an iframe to embed on your website, so that visitors to the site can see what events are coming up. When I experimented around with the options in the Google 'Configurator', I found that by simply including certain codes in the url called for the iframe contents, you could change which calendars were visible. These codes, or calendar ids, are clearly displayed in the settings for each calendar. Thus, my final solution is thus:
For every student, there is a record stating which courses he has taken, and hence which calendars he should be shown. With some SQL magic, I can retrieve the calendar ids from a pre-prepared database of all the calendar ids, and then generate the correct url for the iframe using php, and display it.
I hope that wasn't too convoluted to understand. Now can anyone tell me if there are any inherent security flaws or bad programming practices etc in this. Something about the whole idea of dynamically generating urls, using iframes, using a common google account etc just screams 'Mistake!'. Can someone tell me if this is an ok way to go about it, or is there some problem with it?
Actually, I think your solution has the potential to be very secure. Using a single google account to collect the read-only calendars into one place is just an organizational shortcut. As long as the calendars themselves are read-only, your single account contains nothing that isn't already public.
Generating URLs is perfectly reasonable, as long as you are combining strings that you've sanitized beforehand. Since your database can only get calendar IDs from your aggregation google account, you know that potentially malicious users can't cause arbitrary characters to end up in your synthesized URLs.
The biggest problem you'll probably run into is that the google embedded calendar iframe only allows up to ten calendar feeds.
The most likely security vulnerability you'll face is the security of all of the teachers' google calendars.
By default, google calendars accept "invitations" and post them as events. You might find that anyone can "invite" a teacher's calendar to prank events and those prank events will then show up on student calendars.
