I have an application laravel as backend and vuejs as frontend separately. The problem is I don't know how to deploy this app to the server separately using apache server. I need help please provide me a detail instructions on how to do it. I have successfully deploy the laravel application api but I'm having trouble with the vuejs frontend also I'm using one ip address for this two application.
Thanks for your help.
It is very simple to deploy Vue SPA on the apache server.
Run this command in your project for production build
npm run prod
yarn build
This command will create a dist folder in your Vue project.
spa folder contains index.html and other files (images,css and compiled js filed)
Give path of this index.html in your apache environment.
In ubuntu look like this.
eg /var/www/dist/spa
In ubuntu how we make the symbolic link
ln -s /your_project/dist /var/www/dist
I have problem with my application, which is normally working locally, but when I deploy it on Heroku, then it crashes.
My repo: https://github.com/gkucmierz/cors-proxy
If you search for:
node.js deploy to heroku
You will find that there are certain restrictions to uploading a node.js on heroku.
You should include an application.yml file.
You should include a procfile.
You should modify any interactions with databases to work with postgresql.
I hope I could help.
First of I am new to Aurelia and has just completed a real world project on my development server which I like to run concurrently with WordPress which needs PHP. Back in the days with angular 1.x I used to gulp all the angular dependencies and scripts into a single file and transfer it to the server, which I thought would be the case with Aurelia too but looks like it is more complex in this matter. So please if any one has come around to this problem, any help would be appericated like how can I port Aurelia project to apache server without serving it through node. Or is it possible to run node and apache on same server.
You don't need to run Node to serve your application. Any web server - such as Apache - will do. You only need to bundle your application and upload the files to your server.
If your project was created using the CLI, the application is bundled automatically every time you run au run (or au build), so you can simply upload the scripts directory and the index.html file. This is the minimum; you may need to upload also CSS, images or fonts, depending on your app.
If your project is based on one of the skeletons, you can bundle your app by running gulp bundle, then upload the distdirectory, the jspm_packages directory, the config.js file and the index.html file, plus anny other asset (CSS, images, etc.) you may need.
We are an ASP.NET shop using Windows Server, IIS, Octopus Deploy, etc. We do not use Azure.
In terms of structure and files, my Angular 2 app is very similar to this: https://github.com/DeborahK/Angular2-GettingStarted/tree/master/APM%20-%20Final%20Updated. There is no .sln file or anything like that as it is not an ASP.NET app.
What steps should I take to deploy my Angular 2 app to a server?
My guess so far is to just to run these commands on the server directly from a command window:
- npm install
- npm run lite
Or maybe try create windows service to run these commands?
You will deploy the way you normally do, but eventually what you're going to need to is to create a dist folder (or whatever you want to name it) that has all of your concat'd files / etc. This is what you'll eventually push to IIS etc. Your original Typescript / etc files of course will never get exposed.
How you get your files to a dist is up to you. You can use SystemJS, Gulp, Webpack.
I'd recommend Webpack personally. Basically nothing unusual, you just only want to expose (publically) those minified/concat specific files for Production. IIS just needs to know where they are, and how to serve the initial index.html (Also, up to you, MVC, .NET Core, etc)
I want to use meteor up to deploy my app to the server.
But when I deploy it, I can't find the apk file (usually when you build the app locally, it is located in the same folder as the bundle)
Is there a way to automatically generate the apk file with meteor up? or should I build it locally and point it to the deployment server?
Meteor up wont build your apk by default. You will have to do this yourself.
What is the proper way to deploy webapps on Heroku? I'm installing Moodle, but the same procedure should apply to e.g. Drupal or Wordpress. What I hace done is to unzip Moodle locally, then uploaded it using git to Heroku. When I then visit my site I get the option to install it and select the database, which works fine. The problem is that the install procedure saves information in the filesystem on the server, which gets overwritten next time I deploy my app. So what is the proper way of doing this?
You have to pre-configure your app with all of the database settings before you deploy to Heroku. So either do a fake "install" on your local environment, or manually edit your php config files.
As you've discovered, Heroku's filesystem is not persistent: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/dynos#ephemeral-filesystem.