iTerm2 - text not wrapping with emoji in zsh prompt - zsh

I am making a personal theme for oh-my-zsh! but with my current prompt the text doesn't wrap onto a new line and instead does this:
PROMPT='☕️ %B%F{#74A12E}%~$FG[040]%F{#6f4e37}$(git_prompt_info)%b $reset_color➜ '


Jupyter-notebook can't do indentation

why I can't use indentation and always automatically get the new line as the image below when I hit "enter", how could I change it to be indented?
Preview error indentation
It might be the editor you are using or extensions you've installed.
You can press "tab" to manually indent the code.

Copy to clipboard on empty selection in the Jupyter notebook

I would like to disable the default copy on empty selection in the Jupyter notebook. A corresponding problem in the Sublime text editor can be solved easily as explained in an answer to the Sublime: how to disable empty copy question (similarly for VSCode as in How to stop copying the white space, on a blank line, in Visual Studio Code?).
Jupyter scenario: whilst the text selection is empty, press the copy keyboard shortcut (ctrl+c / command+c).
Current behavior: copies the current line to clipboard, overwriting its content.
Expected behavior: do nothing and keep the clipboard content intact.
Please avoid flame wars: I realize this is a feature for some people and I don't ask for changing the defaults. However, I find it useful not to lose the copied selection by mistake while hitting ctrl+c / command+c instead of ctrl+v / command+v and having to go through ctrl+z stack popping. Peace!

(R) Markdown: how to define a new paragraph without inserting an empty line?

I am using R Markdown in RStudio to write a presentation, together with the VIM key bindings.
In VIM, I can type { to move up a code block, and } to move down a code block.
It is my understanding that code blocks in this setting are separated by newlines.
I want to use this keybinding to move up and down different slides of my presentation.
But I also want to put more than one paragraph in a single slide. Is there an alternative in Markdown to write a new paragraph without inserting a new line?
I figured I can just "simulate" a new paragraph like that
Line line line\
New paragraph
It will display "like" a new paragraph but doesn't require a blank line, allowing me to use the { keybinding to switch between slides

How could I remove text inside quotes in atom editor?

I came from vim. Its biggest win is commands like ci< when <this text is removed if cursor is placed inside angle brackets>
How can I do that in hackable editor for the XXI century?
You can do this using the vim-mode-plus plugin. It natively supports your example, and many other text-object style commands taken straight from Vim, e.g. all of these would work as well:
And it should work with ', ", (, and other delimiters, just like Vim.
There is a function that comes with the editor named bracket-matcher:select-inside-brackets that highlight everything inside the bracket (but not the bracket itself). You may then press backspace or delete button to remove the content, or any other button to replace the content. For windows, the default key combination is ctrl-alt-m.
If you are not using windows, or you may have accidentally overwritten the settings, you may open Setting > Keybindings and search bracket-matcher:select-inside-brackets. It should tell you what is the correct key combination.

How to edit files "inline" from within the terminal

When you launch an editor, it replaces the space used by the terminal, and display the first line of your file on top, possibly followed by empty space if your file is a one liner.
Is there an editor which keeps the terminal display, and only renders the first line, and of course let you navigate downward to the place you want to edit, only moving replacing in the viewport one line at a time ?
