how to implement ios & android google login in capacitor? - firebase

I am using capacitor-firebase-auth to set up my app. Already follow below guide line to setup, but the result still return
"CapacitorFirebaseAuth" plugin is not implemented on ios
URL: undefined
is anyone know what is problem?
Add custom URL schemes to your Xcode project:
Open your project configuration: double-click the project name in the left tree view. Select your app from the TARGETS section, then select the Info tab, and expand the URL Types section.
Click the + button, and add a URL scheme for your reversed client ID. To find this value, open the GoogleService-Info.plist configuration file, and look for the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID key. Copy the value of that key, and paste it into the URL Schemes box on the configuration page. Leave the other fields blank.

You need to add the URL that is requested in the info.plist file of your project, you will find this in the main target of your app [1]:
Btw, you will probably also need to add GoogleService-Info.plist to your project as well if you haven't already, you can find this in the project settings of your firebase panel (cog icon top left on firebase dashboard) and setup the SDK for iOS etc.
If you don't know your reversed-client ID, follow the instructions above to get the GoogleService-Info.plist, it is located in that file. Firebase will also give you instructions as to how to configure your project.


How can I prevent somebody who has my google-services.json from accessing my project?

I would like to know how can I prevent somebody who has my google-services.json file associated with one of my Firebase Firestore projects from accessing my project.
you don't need to create a new google-service.json after you make any changes to console,
it will be automatically created,
you just need to download it from
settings -> Project settings -> select your package/bundle-id -> click the download icon
I don't there's a way to you can change those credentials for the same project. Even if you delete that app and recreate it in Firebase project, it'll change the mobilesdk_app_id only. Creating a new project maybe the only way to get a completely new google-services.json
I'm not sure which SSH keys you are referring to but if you are just re-configuring your application then you can visit and then select the app name you are looking for. You'll have an option to download google-services.json there. The rest of configuration process should remain the same.

How to set up Firebase with PhoneGap?

I'm trying to build an application with three text fields for a name, email, and contact. When the form is submitted, the data should be saved to Firebase.
I've followed the following steps to set up the environment:
I created an account on Firebase.
I set up a new project over there.
I provided the package name of my personal project (which is created by using command prompt by entering the command 'phonegap create TestProject')
Then, I selected 'Add Firebase to your Android App' on the website, and downloaded the google-services.json file.
I have pasted that file in the root folder of my project.
Now, according to the cordova-plugin-firebase docs, I should enter a command in the command prompt to add the Firebase plugin to my project, but it returns an error.
As an alternative, I've also tried to add the plugin to the config.xml file manually (as mentioned on the website above). But still, it's not working.
I have also followed this YouTube tutorial. but I'm still stuck at the same stage.
Can anyone please help me to fix this issue?

Universal Link does not open app in ad hoc installable build

I have added universal link support for an app. The following are added
aasa file is added at the root of the Website URL.
The entitlements file contains the appropriate URL
When the device is connected and app is installed using Xcode in Debug mode, the Universal linking works (Tapping on a link present in Mail opens the app).
However, when the app is archived and installable is created, tapping on the link opens the app in Safari Browser instead of opening the installed app.
Am I missing any other detail specifically while creating an archived installable ?
Add the .entitlements file in the Build Phases -> Copy Bundle Resources option.
While exporting validate that the entitlement for Associated Domain is available. If not, then turn the Capability On/Off, Close Xcode and reopen and then retry. Once it is available, then export the Archive.
Lastly, set a valid path "/somepath" instead of simply "*" in the aasa file.
Making the above changes helped to get it working.

my NativeScript app dosent display the google maps

here is my code :
i took the map component code from here :
the map component should display the google maps but nothing is shown.
*i installed google maps sdk, and setup the api key in the android platform.
its the first time i'm working with api in my app.
can someone light my eyes and tell me what is the problem?
The api key is missing and you should register custom element in main.ts file, and the 2 files to copy from the nativescript-google-map module were missing from your app folder
and as well as the key too.
I forked your repo and update the app, also created a .gitignore file to exclude unnecessary files and folder from repo.
I tested and it works fine.
You will have to update these files with your appropriate Google API key
> do-here/app/main.ts
> do-here/app/App_Resources/Android/values/nativescript_google_maps_api.xml
> do-here/app/App_Resources/Android/src/main/res/values/nativescript_google_maps_api.xml
and update this file to redirect all unauthorized access back to login page, changed it to test the map page
ok first thank you a lot KielSoft
i solved it by typing in the cli :
tns tun android --clean

How to delete current app from project in Firebase?

I tried out new version of Firebase.
I have created new project. Added there necessary apps. After that I added the test app, which I don't need any more. But I could not find a button that can remove this test application without deleting the entire project.
You can delete apps from a project via Project Settings > Select App > Advanced Options > Delete this app on the Firebase console.
Please note : This is about deleting a Project, which I was unable to do so. So I have posted my steps which may help others. I have successfully deleted my project.
1) Click on the Project which you want to delete.Then you will see the below screenshot.
Now follow the screen as attached
then scroll down and you will have the option to delete the project.
At the bottom there is an Advance menu. There is the DELETE THIS APP button.
you can delete app as well as project, option can be change at any time depends on fire base (02/10/2017)
go to fire base console click on project that you wants to delete click on setting icon on left top,
select Project settings go down to bottom, and you can see DELETE PROJECT button.
Confirming the earlier answers provided, here's a detailed step-by-step.
Go to Project settings. (Alternatively, from the home screen of the Project View, click on the ... (Settings button on the right side of the app's name), then click MANAGE .
Under Your Apps section, select the app you want to delete.
Click on Advanced Options.
Click on DELETE THIS APP , A note will be shown:
Caution, this is a permanent action. Deleting your app will delete the corresponding Analytics data, but not your app's API keys or OAuth clients.
A prompt will be displayed on the upper right corner of your Console would show up confirming the deletion.
Go to setting of project
Copy project ID
Click on a delete project at the bottom.
Enter Project ID and delete project.
Step 1: From "Project Overview" select settings of the app you want to delete.
Step 2: Click "Delete This App" button on the bottom of your app details.
Ok the feature has been added. Project settings > select the app > Advanced Options > Delete this app
Yes you can delete delete current app from project in Firebase, here i how to do that (setting->perission->all projects) :
You must delete all Role except Owner in Manage Permission in before delete current app from project in Firebase
We can delete project who is having permission.
Only owner of project can delete it.
Even empty project also can be
deleted by only owner.
To delete/ remove project you need to shutdown and then delete it will take time as per your project size.
Go to Projet overview click on (gear icon) > Settings > Advanced
opens new window:
Google cloud platform > manage resources> Select project and click on delete
Go the console project list, click on the project,
tap on the project overview at the sidebar section, you will find delete project at the bottom of section
Delete an app
Sign in to Firebase, then open your project.
Click the Left Side Menu ->Project Overview Settings icon, then select Project settings.
Then Scroll Down the Your apps card,
Under the Your apps card,
click Delete project open popup.
Check that the desired app is being deleted, then click Delete Project app permanently.
Gear Icon near top left -> Project Settings -> Delete Project (in the middle below "your apps" container).
