Cannot Install Library - r

I'm fairly new to R and have never had this issue before. I am running R v4.0.3.
I am trying to install the Tveten/capacc library for R and I am getting the following errors:
Error using install.packages
Error using devtools
I have also been to GitHub, followed the advice there and installed and ran through the source with the same error.
If anyone has any advice, it would be very much appreciated!
EDIT: Changed names of images.


How to install RoBMA in r

I am trying to install RoBMA package in r but it constantly returning an error or it says
The downloaded binary packages are in
I tried use this using the following code:
install.packages("RoBMA", repos = "/var/folders/vw/l7bfwbt17_b5xwkl593ckppr0000gp/T//RtmpfuP3x6/downloaded_packages")
but it still doesn't work. I tried this as well
But still doesn't work. Does anyone know how to install this package. I updated my r and rstudio but not sure what is the issue

the code execution cannot proceed because kpathsea631.dll was not found

I failed to compile a R Markdown file and the error message is "The code execution cannot proceed because kpathsea631.dll was not found".
I updated the Visual C++ Redistributable and reinstalled R, Rstudio and MiKTeX. All of these methods failed. Could any help me with this?
I am using Win10 system.
I got the same error message using TinyTex instead of MiKTex. Like you, I also deinstalled very much and installed it again but I think basically it is already sufficient to reinstall TinyTex (as long as the error message stems from pdflatex.exe).
So, remove.packages("tinytex"), go to the folder C:/Users/username/AppData/Roaming/TinyTex and make sure you delete/deinstall it as well.
When installing tinytex again, make sure you follow the steps explained here:

Trouble accessing help documentation for a package I created

I'm new to R so I hope this isn't incredibly obvious. I created a package that contains two functions. I provided documentation using roxygen2 for each of the functions, documented and built the package as well as installed and restarted multiple times. I also pushed it up to github and have done everything I can think of to do, yet I cannot access the help files that I created. I always receive this error:
No documentation for ‘myfunc’ in specified packages and libraries: you
could try ‘??myfunc’
Not only is ?myfunc not working, but when I attempt to install my own package to my own RStudio console, but I also receive this error:
Warning in install.packages : package ‘yourpackage*’ is not
available (for R version 3.6.1)
What exactly is going wrong here, and how can I attempt to fix it? I've built packages before and this time I've followed all the same steps I've been taught to use and have used in the past, but for some reason, I'm being met with these errors. I would appreciate any and all help you all have to offer. Thank you in advance!

error in installing packages in R studio :it shows unable to install packages

Please see error in image error and anyone familiar with R studio solve the error as soon as possible.
try this, hope it will work

errors when installing older dplyr package in R

Im a bit new to R and need to use/adapt someone else code in R.
My supervisor uses R version 3.2.2 with the dplyr package version 0.4.3 (to overcome errors and problems with the original code).
I tried to install the older dplyr package with different methods:
- installed devtools package and then used the url devtools::install_url("")
- manual installation (where I downloaded the file and tried to install it.) Installation seemed to have worked but when I run the code it gives a fatal error massage
Every way I've tried so far either gives a lot of error messages or a fatal error and shutdown.
When using help ?dplyr it gives a pop-up that there is an error. Does anybody have any other ideas to install this package?
