Using Blazor Wasm as an app shell in piral - blazor-webassembly

I chanced on Piral Framework for implementing micro-frontends and I wanted to implement it in my project.
However, my application comes as a Blazor wasm project and my aim is to use this current project as my app shell.
Is there any example on how I could implement that?
I can't really find my way around the documentation too.
Kindly note that I am a beginner. Thanks in advance.

For the app shell you cannot use Blazor.WASM. You can, however, make your app shell really lightweight (i.e., don't put almost anything in there) and have all the necessary layout parts defined in Blazor.
The idea boils down to the sample given at:
Now instead of having pilet(s) in React / Angular / ... you use Blazor.
For Blazor pilets (and extensions using Blazor) you can check out the documentation at the README of Piral.Blazor:
Make sure to follow the instructions closely and use the right branch (named after the version of Blazor you are targeting).

After searching around on how to actually implement the concept of micro-frontends using Blazor WASM as my app shell, I still didn't find any solution which helped me. So I came up with a custom solution which I wrote about in a blog.
Basically, the solution makes use of the JS interop of Blazor as a medium of communicating between the other JS frameworks or libraries.
Kindly have a read:


Single Page Application Project Templates for.NET 4.5 and Angular

Has there ever been a more confusing/difficult time to be a web developer using the Microsoft stack? That's not really my question... I know that the answer is a categorical no. :)
The single page app template that comes with VS 2013 is deplorable.
I've been working on building up a similar project template that uses Angular JS on the client, but I'm starting to spin my wheels a bit porting over the external (openId/oauth) login features.
I believe this is because of the lack of good, single-point-of-truth, and current documentation for Katana's auth/security bits and also because of how unreadable the client side code is in the S.P.A. template in visual studio 2013.
I know that I can get through it, but while I'm struggling with it, I'm wondering:
Are there any good community provided project templates or example code bases in existence that use .NET 4.5 (MVC5/Web Api 2), Angular JS, the new ASP.NET Identity stuff, and the Katana packages?
There's HotTowel.Angular, but it takes no stance on security. Besides, it's a Nuget package, which can't or shouldn't dictate as much as a proper project template can.
I agree with your observations. I have found the following setup that seems to meet your requirements and I think works very well (I don't have a template), I would suggest the following:
Create an empty WebApi2 project and adopt authentication/authorization depicted here
Use a regular index.html in the base directory as a launching point for your angular application. You can either maintain your client packages with nuget, npm, or bower.
Use whatever technique you like for organization of client code.
Personally, I would create 3 projects, One for client code, ( One for your api ( and one for your Model/Repository/Data Access layer.
Here is an open-source project that might be what you're looking for!

meteor support for angularjs, skipping handlebars

I am NOT much used to handlebars, can i completely skip handlebars and use angular. I see couple of libraries of angular in mtr which one to use, please suggest? Also provide any feedback if there will be problems in my app if i completely go the angular way in meteor.
I don't know angular very well, but I've already tried using meteor with KnockoutJS. My first impressions are that this should work fine. However, one important thing to keep in mind is that those frameworks use totally different dependency tracking system and in some cases it can be tricky to synchronize them with meteor, e.g. with reactive data sources like Collection.
Loneleeandroo has a great package on GitHub called ngMeteor to use for integrating the two frameworks together. It's really, really slick. Here's a link for you:
Hope this helps!
The angular-meteor project has the most traction on github, is actively maintained, and has a well done tutorial.

Action Script Project : Tutorials for Action Script Project using flex sdk

I need to work on Action Script project. I need to generate a swiff file by creating an action script project using flex sdk . I dont know how to start this thing. I have installed flex 4.5.1 and I know how to create flex project. Can u please suggest me some tutorials for working with action script project using flex sdk.
well, there are lots of free tutorials in the internet, for example on youtube. you wouldn't be able to really learn actionscript but you will understand basics, so learning will be much easier. here, take a look. also, i can strongly recommend lynda's training courses -- yes, you have to pay for them, but they've got free trial membership. also, take a look at google, you know... you don't expect someone actually to teach you personally, don't you?...

Springsource Tool Suite and creating an Application from scratch

I have looked around for a beginners tutorial to start creating a Spring app using the STS IDE. There seems to be nothing around, its either hand build it or the tutorial doesn't work and is many versions off the current IDE. I am very new to Spring and need to get going on this. Any links you can throw my way I would appreciate it.
STS provides Template Projects. Open File -> New -> Spring Template Project.
Now you can choose the type of application you want to create. If you want to create a web application choose Spring MVC Project. This will create a complete project with a controller, a view, maven integration and everything else you need. You can immediately run this application in tc Server.
I think the green beans series from springsource is a good start:
Integrated in the IDE is also a task focused tutorial to learn basic steps inside the ide ( help->task focused tutorials...
I may be late, but I think this tutorial might be helpful (for those who are looking for sts tutorial like me):
and this one is good:

Dojo or flex with Grails?

I plan to build a database management system using Grails as the main framework. On the client side, I'm thinking whether to use dojo or flex to make a nice front end.
Could some experts here enlighten me on the pros and cons of choosing either, or both?
or any other options?
I tried using Dojo in a project and even brought a few books. And while Dojo Looks good I found that JQuery and JQuery-UI was a lot lighter and worked faster.
This is just my opinion and it may help you.
From the description of the flex plugin at
"This plugin was created as an experiment to prove that it's possible to communicate from Flex to Grails services without any configuration in Flex. There
is no plan to add functionality or whatsoever. It's not sure if the plugin works in production mode as it is only tested in development mode. This plugin
can be seen as an example on how to integrate Flex and Grails with Convention over Configuration in mind."
There is no scaffolding generation for flex, see this bug
Another disadvantage of Flex is its lack of accessibility for screen reader users with the default configuration. There is some work being done to address this but it isn't publically available yet.
I don't have experience with DOJO but according to this link if you use the standard Grails Ajax tags you should be able to switch libraries with out to much trouble and won't be tied to Dojo. For fancy UI stuff such as tabbed interfaces and data tables I've found GrailsUI works well for me. A demo project showing its features can be found at although you'll have to check the code out to run it.
I am developing an information-management application with Dojo 1.9.2 and Grails 2.3.9 (lots of simle/complex forms, listing screens...etc). The application has a single-page interface as well (a workspace) which was the primary reason for a heavy JavaScript library.
Overall, Dojo is fairly suitable for this kind of workload and I haven't bumped into any show-stoppers yet.
I needed to do a lot of work on integrating the Dojox DataGrid into the application (extending QueryReadStore to fit with Grails better...etc) and a set of custom widget extensions (e.g. a real, working AutoComplete).
After this larger, initial integration work is done, you can expect a fairly smooth ride.
