Communication between to goland services - goland

I need to organize the communication between two goland services but have some problems
func main() {
ctxWithCancel, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
sig := make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt)
defer signal.Stop(sig)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for i := range conf.Services {
if conf.Services[i].Type == "http" {
// call returns HttpService service
http.NewHttpService(ctxWithCancel, wg, &conf.Services[i])
} else if conf.Services[i].Type == "tarantool" {
// call returns Tarantool service
tarantool.NewTarantoolService(ctxWithCancel, wg, &conf.Services[i])
} else {
log.Fatalf("Unknown service name: %v\n", conf.Services[i].Type)
select {
case <-sig:
HttpService and TarantoolService are services with infinite loop and the request handlers(runs as go subroutine).
NewHttpService is http web server and on the request it should take some data from NewTarantoolService service synchronously.
The question is how to communicate HttpService with TarantoolService. Of course I could pass TarantoolService to the http.NewHttpService as parameter - but I want to use disconnectedness services. Please explain how I could achieve this?

You can use If your NewTarantoolService has an infinite cycle you could use the following construction:
for {
select {
case msg :=<-fromHttpChannel:
//Do something
toHttpChannel<- msg
case <-ctx.Done():


check whether http connection is hijacked in go server

I am writing an HTTP server in Go, which uses the following pattern to handle API output:
func handler(w http.ResponsWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer reply(w, r, L)() //L is a Logger
//do things...
func reply(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, log Logger) func() {
cid := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
if log != nil {
log.Debug("[%x] %s %s", cid, r.Method, r.URL.String())
entry := time.Now()
return func() {
if log != nil {
defer log.Debug("[%x] elapsed %d millis", cid, time.Since(entry).Milliseconds())
_, err := w.Write(nil)
if err == http.ErrHijacked {
return //API is a WEBSOCKET entry point, do nothing
//handle common output logic for normal HTTP APIs...
The reason I do this, is that I found this comment in the standard library:
// ErrHijacked is returned by ResponseWriter.Write calls when
// the underlying connection has been hijacked using the
// Hijacker interface. A zero-byte write on a hijacked
// connection will return ErrHijacked without any other side
// effects.
ErrHijacked = errors.New("http: connection has been hijacked")
However following the Write() method, I got this comment:
// Write writes the data to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
// If WriteHeader has not yet been called, Write calls
// WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) before writing the data. If the Header
// does not contain a Content-Type line, Write adds a Content-Type set
// to the result of passing the initial 512 bytes of written data to
// ...
Write([]byte) (int, error)
My questions are:
Is it OK to use my code to safely detect if a HTTP connection is hijacked? I only want to check the connection is hijacked or not, but do NOT want it to add headers for me!
Since the ResponseWriter is an interface, I cannot click through the source code to find out how the standard library implements that method. In general, how can I drill down to the standard library (or any open source code) to find out the implementation of an interface?
Thanks to Cerise, I found the source code of the standard response.Writer:
func (w *response) write(lenData int, dataB []byte, dataS string) (n int, err error) {
if w.conn.hijacked() {
if lenData > 0 {
caller := relevantCaller()
w.conn.server.logf("http: response.Write on hijacked connection from %s (%s:%d)", caller.Function, path.Base(caller.File), caller.Line)
return 0, ErrHijacked
... ....
So, as said in the document, there is NO side effect.

I am not sure how to create and pass a context

I have an HTTP server that when it recieves a request calls on an underlying gRPC server.
I have chosen to abstract away the gRPC call with an interface, to make testing of the http server easier.
The problem is that I am constantly getting the errors:
rpc error: code = Canceled desc = grpc: the client connection is closing
rpc error: code = Canceled desc = context canceled
And as I understand both of these are related to the context getting passed into the grpc call. And that I want the context to be alive throughout both the HTTP and gRPC calls.
type SetterGetter interface {
Getter(key string) (val string)
type Service struct {
sg SetterGetter
ctx context.Context
func (s *Service) getHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
key := r.URL.Query()["key"][0]
res :=
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "Successfully got value: %s\n", res)
func main() {
s := new(Service)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel() = gc.NewClientwrapper(ctx)
http.HandleFunc("/get", s.getHandler)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(port, nil))
And my Getter implementation looks like this:
type clientwrapper struct {
sc pb.ServicesClient
ctx context.Context
func NewClientwrapper(ctx context.Context) *clientwrapper {
cw := new(clientwrapper)
conn, err := grpc.Dial(address, grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithBlock())
if err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("Error could not dial address: %v", err)
defer conn.Close()
cw.ctx = ctx = pb.NewServicesClient(conn)
return cw
func (cw *clientwrapper) Getter(key string) (val string) {
// Make the GRPC request
res, err :=, &pb.GetRequest{Key: key})
if err != nil {
return ""
getVal := res.GetValue()
return getVal
So here I am creating a context in my http servers main menu, and passing it onwards. I do it like this because it worked if I removed my interface and put everything in the main file.
I have also tried to create the context both in the http handler and passing it to the Getter and I have also tried creating it in the Getter itself.
I think the correct approach is to create the context in the http request using the context that gets created by the request and then passing it to the grpc Getter. Like such:
func (s *Service) getHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Create it like such
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), 100*time.Second)
key := r.URL.Query()["key"][0]
// And pass it onwards (of course we need to change function signature for this to work)
res :=, key)
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "Successfully got value: %s\n", res)
So how should I create my context here, to not get these errors?
If your goal is to keep a long-running task running in the background, that doesn't cancel when the request is finalized, then don't use the request's context. Use context.Background() instead.
For example:
func (s *Service) getHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Second)
// ...

How to share data between 2 different API calls?

I am trying to create a framework in which I would receive requests over REST API and would wait for another service (which works over gRPC) to poll and execute the request. This is needed cause the "other" service is very deeply embedded into the network and I can't directly call it. At the same time, I would like to buffer the output of the other service back to the request origin.
Any ideas how I can share this data between 2 different asynchronous API requests? Using the file system is a way... but I was thinking can I do it better via channels or something...?
Kind of pseudo code below:
func RestHandler(payload string) (string, error){
respChan := make(chan string)
workId := placeWorkInQueue(payload)
// Start polling in the background
go pollForResult(respChan, workId)
// wait for result in the channel
var result string
select {
case result = <-respChan:
// implement your timeout logic as a another case: here
return result, nil
// This is poller for just the workId given to it.
func pollForResult(respChan chan string, workId string) {
// Do the polling for workId result
/// Write response to respChan when available
// You may have to implement a timeout to give up polling.
func placeWorkInQueue(s string) string {
// Place the job in queue and return a unique workId
return "unique-id"
Use Redis queues in both directions. The API endpoint writes request and unique id to queue, registers Go channel with unique id as key with central reader in process, and waits on Go channel.
Queue reader gets responses with id from Redis queue and sends response to appropriate Go channel.
// Response represents the response type from the
// remote service.
type Response struct {
ID string
// ... more fields as needed
// Request represents request to remote serivce.
type Request struct {
ID string
// ... more fields as needed
// enqueueRequest writes request to Redis queue.
// Implementation TBD by application.
func enqueueRequest(r *Request) error {
return nil
// dequeueResponse reads a response from a Redis queue.
// Implementation TBD by application.
func dequeueResponse() (*Response, error) {
return nil, nil
Use sync.Map to register waiting Go channels from API request handlers. The key is the unique id for the request and the value is a chan *Response.
var responseWaiters sync.Map
Run queuePump in a single goroutine to dequeue results from Redis queue and send to appropriate channel. Start the gorountine before serving HTTP requests.
func queuePump() {
for {
response, err := dequeueResponse()
if err != nil {
// handle error
v, ok := responseWaiters.Load(response.ID)
if ok {
c := v.(chan *Response)
c <- response
// Remove cahnel from map to ensure that pump never sends
// twice to same channel. The pump will black forever if
// this happens.
The API endpoint allocates a unique id for request, registers a channel with the queue pump, enqueues the request and waits for the response.
func apiEndpoint(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := generateUniqueID()
c := make(chan *Response, 1) // capacity 1 ensures that queue pump will not block
responseWaiters.Store(id, c)
defer responseWaiters.Delete(id)
req := &Request{
ID: id,
// fill in other fields as needed
if err := enqueueRequest(req); err != nil {
// handle error
select {
case resp := <-c:
// process response
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
// handle timeout error

gRPC go: apply interceptor at service level

The gRPC interceptor is applied to the server through ServerOption. see the doc
How can I apply interceptor at service level. For example, I may only need to apply the authenticator interceptor for protected service. Is this possible in go?
In addition of previous answer by eric, you can do something like :
type key int
const (
sessionIDKey key = iota
var (
needTobeAllocate = [1]string{"allocate"}
func run() {
// server option
opts := []grpc.ServerOption{}
opts = append(opts, grpc.UnaryInterceptor(unaryInterceptor))
func unaryInterceptor(ctx context.Context, req interface{}, info *grpc.UnaryServerInfo, handler grpc.UnaryHandler) (interface{}, error) {
if checkAllocate(info.FullMethod) {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, sessionIDKey, "testsession")
return handler(ctx, req)
func checkAllocate(method string) bool {
for _, v := range needTobeAllocate {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(method), v) {
return true
return false
A gRPC Go interceptor receives a StreamServerInfo (or a UnaryServerInfo) param that contains, among other things, the service and method name of the call. You can use that to filter interceptor behavior based on service/method.

Managing channels using a HTTP request context

I have a basic HTTP server that accepts a request and returns data from a data store.
Each HTTP request does the following things:
Create a context with timeout
Create a read request (custom type)
Push read request onto channel
Wait for response and serve data
Here's the basic pseudo code:
package main
import (
type dataRequest struct {
data chan string
ctx context.Context
func handler(reqStream chan dataRequest) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(r.Context(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
req := dataRequest{
data: make(chan string),
ctx: ctx,
select {
case reqStream <- req:
// request pushed to que
case <-ctx.Done():
// don't push onto reqStream if ctx done
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// don't try and serve content if ctx done
case data := <
// return data to client
func main() {
dataReqs := make(chan dataRequest)
go func() {
for {
select {
case req := <-dataReqs:
select {
case <-req.ctx.Done():
// don't push onto data channel if ctx done
case <- "some data":
// get data from store
http.HandleFunc("/", handler(dataReqs))
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
My question is, because the context could finish at any time due to the deadline being exceeded or the client cancelling the request, is my current approach correct for handling this in multiple places or is there a more elegant solution?
seems to me that it'll work.
few comments -
you can return in the first case of <- ctx.Done()
you're already waiting for req.ctx.Done() in the data store handler so you can completely remove the first select {} statement and just publish to the data requests channel. not sure about performance hits for the rare cases when the context is done so early before the request is even published...
