How to get continuous HTTP data? - http

I'm trying to get live trading data from the Internet via HTTP, but it is updated continuously, so if I GET the data, it will keep downloading as long as there is data available. Until I stop the downloading stream, then I can access the data.
How to access the stream of data while the downloading is in progress?
I tried using Indy's TIdHTTP, so I can use SSL, but I tried the IdIOHandlerStream, but it was already used for IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL. So I'm absolutely clueless here.
This is in response to a "multipart/form-data" request.
Please guide me...
Lrequest.Values['__RequestVerificationToken'] := RequestVerificationToken;
Lrequest.Values['acct'] := 'demo';
Lrequest.Values['pwd'] := 'demo';
Response.Text := Onhttp.Post('https://trading/data', Lrequest);
Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Time) + ': ' + Response.Text);
on E: Exception do
Form1.Memo1.Lines.Add(TimeToStr(Time) + ': ' + E.ClassName +
' error raised, with message : ' + E.Message);
The data is an endless JSON string, like this:
and so on, and so on...

You can't use TIdIOHandlerStream to interface with a TCP connection, that is not what it is designed for. It is meant for performing I/O operations using user-provided TStream objects, ie for debugging previously captured sessions.
TIdHTTP is not really designed to handle endless HTTP responses in most cases, as you have described. What is the exact format that the server is delivering its live data as? What do the HTTP response headers look like? It is really difficult to answer your question without know the exact format being used.
However, that being said, there are some cases to consider, depending on what the server is actually sending:
if the server is using a MIME-based server-push format, like multipart/x-mixed-replace, you can enable the hoNoReadMultipartMIME flag in the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property, and then read the MIME data yourself from the TIdHTTP.IOHandler after TIdHTTP.Get() exits. For instance, you can use TIdMessageDecoderMIME to help you parse the MIME parts, see New TIdHTTP hoNoReadMultipartMIME flag in Indy's blog, or Delphi Indy TIdHttp and multipart/x-mixed-replace with Text and jpeg image.
Otherwise, if the server is using Transfer-Encoding: chunked, where each data update is sent as a new HTTP chunk, you can use the TIdHTTP.OnChunkReceived event. Or, you can enable the hoNoReadChunked flag in the TIdHTTP.HTTPOptions property, and then read the chunks yourself from the TIdHTTP.IOHandler after TIdHTTP.Get() exits. See New TIdHTTP flags and OnChunkReceived event in Indy's blog.
Otherwise, you could give TIdHTTP.Get() a TIdEventStream to write into, and then use that stream's OnWrite event to access the raw bytes. Or, you could write your own TStream-derived class that overrides the virtual Write() method. Either way, you would be responsible for manually parsing and buffering the raw body data as they are being written to the stream.
Otherwise, you may have to resort to using TIdTCPClient instead, implementing the HTTP protocol manually, then you would be solely responsible for reading in the HTTP response body however you want.


Send a File as well as parameters (through JSON) inside one HTTP request

I am creating a server using Go that allows the client to upload a file and then use a server function to parse the file. Currently, I am using two separate requests:
1) First request sends the file the user has uploaded
2) Second request sends the parameters to the server that the server needs to parse the file.
However, I have realised that due to the nature of the program, there can be concurrency problem if multiple users try to use the server at the same time. My solution to that was using mutex locks. However, I am receiving the file, sending a response, and then receiving the parameters and it seems that Go cannot send a response back when the mutex is locked. I am thinking about solving this problem by sending both the file and the parameters in one single HTTP request. Is there a way to do that? Thanks
Sample code (only relevant parts):
Code to send file from client:
handleUpload() {
const data = new FormData()
for(var x = 0; x < this.state.selectedFile.length; x++) {
data.append('myFile', this.state.selectedFile[x])
var self = this;
let url = *the appropriate url*, data, {})
.then(res => {
//other logic
Code for handleParser():
let parserParameter = {
SourcePath : location,
ProjectName : this.state.projectName
// fetch the the response from the server
let self = this;
let url = *url*
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(parserParameter),
}).then( (response) => {
if(response.status === 200) {
//success logic
}).catch (function (error) {
console.log("error: ", error);
The question is not really about Go or reactjs or any particular software library.
To solve your problem you'd first need to understand how HTTP POST works,
hence I invite you to first read this intro on MDN.
In short:
There are multiple ways to encode the data sent in a POST request.
The way the receiver should deal with this data depends on how it's encoded by the sender.
The sender has to communicate the encoding with its request — usually via the Content-Type header field.
I won't go into the details of possible encodings — the referenced introductory material covers them, and you should do your own research on them, but to maybe recap what's written there, here is some perspective.
Back in the 80s and 90s the web was "static" and the dreaded era of JavaScript-heavy "web apps" did not yet come. "Static" means you could not run any code in the client's browser, and had to encode any communication with the server in terms of plain HTML.
An HTML document could have two ways to make the client rendering it to send something back to the server: a) embed an URL which would include query parameters; this would make the client to perform a GET request with these parameters sent to the server; b) embed an HTML "form" which, when "submitted", would result in performing a rather more complex POST request with the data taken from the filled in form.
The latter approach was the way to leverage the browser's ability to perform reasonably complex data processing — such as slurpling a file selected by the user in a specific form's control, encoding it appropriately and sending it to the server along with the other form's data.
There were two ways to encode the form's data, and they are both covered by the linked article, please read about them.
The crucial thing to understand about this "static web with forms" approach is that it worked like this: the server sends an HTML document containing a web form, the browser renders the document, the user fills the form in and clicks the "submit" button rendered by the browser; the browser collects the data from the form's controls, for entries of type "file" it reads and encodes the contents of those files and finally performs an HTTP POST request with this stuff encoded to the URL specified by the form. The server would typically respond with another HTML document and so on.
OK, so here came "web 2.0", and an "XHR" (XMLHttpRequest) was invented. It has "XML" in its name because that was the time when XML was perceived by some as a holy grail which would solve any computing problem (which it, of course, failed to do). That thing was invended to be able to send almost arbitrary data payloads; XML and JSON encoding were supported at least.
The crucial thing to understand is that this way to communicate with the server is completely parallel to the original one, and the only thing they share is that they both use HTTP POST requests.
By now you should possibly see the whole picture: contemporary JS libs allow you to contruct and perform any sort of request: they allow you to create a "web form"-style request or to create a JS object, and serialise it to JSON, and send the result in an HTTP POST request.
As you can see, any approach allows you to pass structured data containing multiple distinct pieces of data to the server, and the way to handle this all is a matter of agreement between the server and the client, that is, the API convention, if you want.
The difference between various approaches is that the web-form-style approach would take care of encoding the contents of the file for you, while if you opt to send your file in a JSON object, you'll need to encode it yourself — say, using base64 encoding.
Combined approaches are possible, too.
For instance, you can directly send binary data of a file as a POST request's body, and submit a set of parameters along with the request by encoding them as query-parameters of the URL. Again, it's up to the agreement between the client and the server about how the latter encodes the data to be sent and the former decodes them.
All-in-all, I'd recommend to take a pause and educate yourself on the stuff I have outlined above, and then have another stab at solving the problem, but this time — with reasonably complete understanding about how the stuff works under the hood, and how you intend to wield it.

Posting binary buffer payload using Node-RED

I am trying to send a byte array through POST using Node-RED. I can successfully create the buffer using this module and storing it in msg.payload. However I can't figure out how to add it as a parameter in a http request node.
The receiving application requires enclosing quotes. So I use the payload in the following url: localhost:port/path?var=\"{{payload}}\", but it gives
"Error converting http params to args: invalid character '\' looking for beginning of value"
If using it in the request url without quotes: localhost:port/path?var={{payload}} nothing gets through (I can see on the other end).
I am using Protobuf due to the application on the other side, but I've also tried creating a buffer, as described here. However, nothing changes.
POSTs should not have arguments in the URL. The data should all be in the body.
Do you need to make the msg.payload an object with keys matching the arg names.
msg.payload = {
var = [buffer]
You will probably have to play around with the content-type header as by default I believe Node-RED will send a JSON body and you probably want application/x-www-form-urlencoded
You can set the headers by adding a msg.headers object

Why Tomcat returns different headers for HEAD and GET requests to my RESTful API?

My initial purpose was to verify the HTTP chunked transfer. But accidentally found this inconsistency.
The API is designed to return a file to client. I use HEAD and GET methods against it. Different headers are returned.
For GET, I get these headers: (This is what I expected.)
For HEAD, I get these headers:
According to this thread, HEAD and GET SHOULD return identical headers but not necessarily.
My question is:
If Transfer-Encoding: chunked is used because the file is dynamically fed to the client and Tomcat server cannot know its size beforehand, how could Tomcat know the Content-Length when HEAD method is used? Does Tomcat just dry-run the handler and count all the file bytes? Why doesn't it simply return the same Transfer-Encoding: chunked header?
Below is my RESTful API implemented with Spring Web MVC:
public class ChunkedTransferAPI {
ServletContext servletContext;
#RequestMapping(value = "bootfile.efi", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD })
public void doHttpBoot(HttpServletResponse response) {
String filename = "/bootfile.efi";
try {
ServletOutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
InputStream input = servletContext.getResourceAsStream(filename);
BufferedInputStream bufferedInput = new BufferedInputStream(input);
int datum =;
while (datum != -1) {
datum =;
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
In my code, I didn't explicitly add any headers, then it must be Tomcat that add the Content-Length and Transfer-Encoding headers as it sees fit.
So, what are the rules for Tomcat to decide which headers to send?
Maybe it's related to how Tomcat works. I hope someone can shed some light here. Otherwise, I will debug into the source of Tomcat 8 and share the result. But that may take a while.
HTTP HEAD and GET different result
Content-Length header with HEAD requests?
Does Tomcat just dry-run the handler and count all the file bytes?
Yes, the default implementation of javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.doHead() does that.
You can look at helper classes NoBodyResponse, NoBodyOutputStream in
The DefaultServlet class (the Tomcat servlet that is used to serve static files) is more wise. It is capable of sending the correct Content-Length value, as well as serving GET requests for a subset of the file (the Range header). You can forward your request to that servlet, with
ServletContext.getNamedDispatcher("default").forward(request, response);
Although it seems strange, it might make sense to send the size only in response to a HEAD request and chunked in response to a GET request, depending on the type of data that has to be returned by the server.
While your API seems to provide a static file, you also talk about dynamically created files or data, so I will be talking in general here (also for webservers in general).
First let's have a look at the different usages for GET and HEAD:
With GET the client is requesting the whole file or data (or a range of the data), and wants it as fast as possible. So there is no specific reason for the server to send the size of the data first, especially when it could start sending faster/sooner in chunked mode. So the fastest possible way is preferred here (the client will have the size after the download anyway).
With HEAD on the other hand, the client usually wants some specific information. This could just be a check on existance or 'last-changed', but it could also be used if the client wants a certain part of the data (with a range request, including a check to see if range requests are supported for that request), or just needs to know the size of the data up front for some reason.
Lest's look at some possible scenarios:
Static file:
HEAD: there's no reason to not include the size in the response-header because that information is available.
GET: most of the time the size will be inluded in the header and the data sent in one go, unless there are specific performance reasons to send it in chunks. On the other hand it seems you are expecting chunked transfer for you file, so this could make sense here.
Live logfile:
Ok, somewhat strange, but possible: downloading a file where the size could change while downloading.
HEAD: again, the client probably wants the size, and the server can easily provide the size of the file at that specific time in the header.
GET: since loglines could be added while downloading, the size is unknown up front. Only option is to send chunked.
Table with fixed-sized records:
Let's imagine a server needs to send back a table with fixed-length records coming from multiple sources/databases:
HEAD: size is probably wanted by the client. The server could quickly do a query for count in each database, and send the calculated size back to the client.
GET: instead of doing a query for count in each database first, the server better starts sending the resulting records from each database in chunks.
Dynamically generated zip-files:
Maybe not common, but an interesting example.
Imagine you want to provide dynamically generated zip-files to the user based on some parameters.
Let's first have a look at the structure of a zip-file:
There are two parts: first there's a block for each file: a small header followed by the compressed data for that file. Then there's a list of all the files inside the zip-file (including sizes/positions).
So the prepared blocks for each file could be pre-generated on disk (and the names/sizes stored in some data structure.
HEAD: the client probably wants to know the size here. The server can easily calculate the size of all the needed blocks + the size of the second part with the list of the files inside.
If the client wants to extract a single file, it could directly ask for the last part of the file (with a range-request) to have the list, and then with a second request ask for that single file. Although the size is not necessarily needed to get the last n bytes, it could be handy if for example if you wanted to store the different parts in a sparse file with the same size of the full zip-file.
GET: no need to do the calculations first (including generating the second part to know its size). It would be better and faster to just start sending each block in chunks.
Fully dynamically generated file:
In this case it wouldn't be very efficient to return the size to a HEAD request of course, since the whole file would need to be generated just to know its size.

get a "raw" request\response from MITM Proxy

i', scripting mitm proxy ( to write HTTP and HTTPS request and responses to a file according to their IP (each client can then access it's own requests\responses) for unit tests for mobile.
As far as i can see for now i can't just use str(Flow.request) or repr(Flow.request) to get a "raw" print of the response\request like i get in fiddler, i need to reconstruct it from the internal data of the Request and Response objects.
anyone knows of a better way ? i'm using :
def response(ScriptContext, Flow):
To access the request or response being intercepted, i'm not changing anything, just observing.
For now the proxy is on 8080, later on it's to be transparent proxy on 80 and 443.
If anyone has done it before i'll be happy if you can share some info.
For those people who want to copy request/response data to clipboard while end up here:
## export the current request/response as curl/httpie/raw/request/response to clipboard
# press colon : and input one of commands and enter
export.clip curl #focus
export.clip httpie #focus
export.clip raw #focus
export.clip raw_request #focus
export.clip raw_response #focus
Mitmproxy: 5.0.1
Source code
couple of things.
first youcan build the raw response yourself using str(flow.request.headers) and request.httpversion and the like.
however it seems that _assemble() and _assemble_headers() do the trick just fine.
so basically:
def request(context, flow):
req = flow.request;
print("Request: -----------------");
except Exception as ee:
def response(context, flow):
res = flow.response;
print("Response: -----------------");
if res.content:
size = len(res.content);
size = min(size, 20);
if res.content[0:size] != res.get_decoded_content()[0:size]:
except Exception as ee:
as you can see if the decoded body is not similar to the non decoded one (i can check for gzip content type though) i'm printing the decoded message as well.
This should be saved to files according to current dates and each file is named after the client ip taken from request\response.client_conn object. This pretty much solved my problem.
Some check with fiddler shows that the request are reproducable later on which is just what i needed.

Lua : Fetch a webpage

I want to fetch a webpage and get the result in a string, but I don't know how to do it. I search online and didn't find how to do it.
I'd simply use Lua Socket which comes with an http submodule. You can simply use http.request to get a webpage into whatever container you'd want (default is string, but you can use a table, a file, stdio, ... using ltn12 filters and sinks).
As an example:
local http=require'socket.http'
local body, statusCode, headers, statusText = http.request('')
print('statusCode ', statusCode)
print('statusText ', statusText)
print('headers ')
for index,value in pairs(headers) do
print("\t",index, value)
If you can't find an exact http client library, you could implement on yourself, or build on someone else's work.
In that link, although it is called libhttpd, but the author clearly states that it can be used for anything. Looks like a more usable wrapper around lua sockets.
if you don't have socket (like me), but you have the http library/module, then you could try this:
http.get("", nil, function(code, data)
if (code ~= 200) then
print("HTTP request failed")
print(code, data)
it works for me
you can find more info in the docs
