Scheduler logs different between airflow1 and airflow2 - airflow

Because I can't use the airflow CLI, I'm actually parsing scheduler logs with grep on airflow1 in order to retrieve some infos such as :
check if the dag is triggered or not / if it's successful or not / start timestamp with the pattern "INFO Marking run" :
[2021-12-01 11:06:50,340] {} INFO - [2021-12-01 11:06:50,339] {} INFO - Marking run <DagRun prd_*** # 2021-12-01 10:02:00+00:00: scheduled__2021-12-01T10:02:00+00:00, externally triggered: False>successful
when the dag is not triggered, I use the pattern 'INFO - Created' to retrieve the dag' start timestamp :
[2021-12-01 11:04:49,213] {} INFO - Created <DagRun prd_*** # 2021-12-01T10:02:00+00:00: scheduled__2021-12-01T10:02:00+00:00, externally triggered: False>
It works well on airflow1 but I can't find those data in the airflow2 scheduler logs after migration.
Does the configuration need to be changed ?

You should use Airflow 2 REST API instead.
It was precisely done so that you do not have to parse logs.


DataprocSubmitJobOperator Fails Intermittent With Zombie

We are using Airflow as orchestrator where it schedule workflow every hour. DataprocSubmitJobOperator is configured to schedule dataproc jobs (it uses spark). Spark sync data from source to target (runs for 50 min and then completes to avoid next schedule overlap).
Intermittent Airflow task fails due to zombie Exception. Logs show assertion failure due to pthread_mutex_lock(mu). Airflow Task exits. Underlying dataproc Job keeps running without issue.
Please suggest what can be potential issue/fix?
[2021-12-22 23:01:17,150] {} INFO - Submitting job
[2021-12-22 23:01:17,804] {} INFO - Job 27a2c88d-1308-4407-b965-aa490e2217fb submitted successfully.
[2021-12-22 23:01:17,805] {} INFO - Waiting for job 27a2c88d-1308-4407-b965-aa490e2217fb to complete
E1222 23:45:58.299007027 1267] assertion failed: pthread_mutex_lock(mu) == 0
[2021-12-22 23:46:00,943] {} INFO - Task exited with return code Negsignal.SIGABRT
raw_data_sync = DataprocSubmitJobOperator(

Airflow task succeed but returns sigterm

I have a task in Airflow 2.1.2 which is finishing with success status, but after that log shows a sigterm:
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,031] {} INFO - Done. Returned value was: None
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,224] {} INFO - Marking task as SUCCESS. dag_id=DAG_ID, task_id=TASK_ID, execution_date=20211207T050000, start_date=20211207T061119, end_date=20211207T061145
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,308] {} WARNING - State of this instance has been externally set to success. Terminating instance.
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,309] {} INFO - 0 downstream tasks scheduled from follow-on schedule check
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,310] {} INFO - Sending Signals.SIGTERM to GPID 6666
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,310] {} ERROR - Received SIGTERM. Terminating subprocesses.
[2021-12-07 06:11:45,362] {} INFO - Process psutil.Process(pid=6666, status='terminated', exitcode=1, started='06:11:19') (6666) terminated with exit code 1
As you can see the first row returns Done, and the previous rows of this log showed that all script worked fine and data has been inserted in the Datawarehouse.
In the line number 8 it shows SIGTERM due some external trigger mark it as success but I am sure that nobody used the API, or CLI to mark it as success neither the UI.
Any idea how to avoid it and why could this be happening?
I don't know if maybe increasing the AIRFLOW_CORE_KILLED_TASK_CLEANUP_TIME could fix it, but I would like to understand it.

Airflow Papermill operator: task externally skipped after 60 minutes

I am using Airflow in a Docker container. I run a DAG with multiple Jupyter notebooks. I have the following error everytime after 60 minutes:
[2021-08-22 09:15:15,650] {} WARNING - State of this instance has been externally set to skipped. Terminating instance.
[2021-08-22 09:15:15,654] {} INFO - Sending Signals.SIGTERM to GPID 277
[2021-08-22 09:15:15,655] {} ERROR - Received SIGTERM. Terminating subprocesses.
[2021-08-22 09:15:18,284] {} ERROR - Task failed with exception
I tried to tweak the config file but could not find the good option to remove the 1 hour timeout.
Any help would be appreciated.
The default is no timeout. When your DAG defines dagrun_timeout=timedelta(minutes=60) and execution time exceeds 60 minutes then active task stops with message "State of this instance has been externally set to skipped" logged.

Airflow DAG Run triggered, but never executed?

I've found myself in a situation where I manually trigger a DAG Run (via airflow trigger_dag datablocks_dag) run, and the Dag Run shows up in the interface, but it then stays "Running" forever without actually doing anything.
When I inspect this DAG Run in the UI, I see the following:
I've got start_date set to datetime(2016, 1, 1), and schedule_interval set to #once. My understanding from reading the docs is that since start_date < now, the DAG will be triggered. The #once makes sure it only happens a single time.
My log file says:
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,359] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Started process (PID=21217) to work on /home/alex/Desktop/datablocks/tests/.airflow/dags/
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,359] {} DagFileProcessor0 ERROR - Cannot use more than 1 thread when using sqlite. Setting max_threads to 1
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,365] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Processing file /home/alex/Desktop/datablocks/tests/.airflow/dags/ for tasks to queue
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,365] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/alex/Desktop/datablocks/tests/.airflow/dags/
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,703] {} DagFileProcessor0 WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(BashOperator): foo>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,703] {} DagFileProcessor0 WARNING - schedule_interval is used for <Task(BashOperator): foo2>, though it has been deprecated as a task parameter, you need to specify it as a DAG parameter instead
[2017-07-11 21:32:05,704] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - DAG(s) dict_keys(['example_branch_dop_operator_v3', 'latest_only', 'tutorial', 'example_http_operator', 'example_python_operator', 'example_bash_operator', 'example_branch_operator', 'example_trigger_target_dag', 'example_short_circuit_operator', 'example_passing_params_via_test_command', 'test_utils', 'example_subdag_operator', 'example_subdag_operator.section-1', 'example_subdag_operator.section-2', 'example_skip_dag', 'example_xcom', 'example_trigger_controller_dag', 'latest_only_with_trigger', 'datablocks_dag']) retrieved from /home/alex/Desktop/datablocks/tests/.airflow/dags/
[2017-07-11 21:32:07,083] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Creating ORM DAG for datablocks_dag
[2017-07-11 21:32:07,234] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Finding 'running' jobs without a recent heartbeat
[2017-07-11 21:32:07,234] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Failing jobs without heartbeat after 2017-07-11 21:27:07.234388
[2017-07-11 21:32:07,240] {} DagFileProcessor0 INFO - Processing /home/alex/Desktop/datablocks/tests/.airflow/dags/ took 1.881 seconds
What could be causing the issue?
Am I misunderstanding how start_date operates?
Or are the worrisome-seeming schedule_interval WARNING lines in the log file possibly the source of the problem?
The problem is that the dag is paused.
In the screenshot you have provided, in the top left corner, flip this to On and that should do it.
This is a common "gotcha" when starting out with airflow.
The accepted answer is correct. This issue can be handled through UI.
One other way of handling this is by using configuration.
By defualt all dags are paused on creation.
You can check the default configuration in airflow.cfg
# Are DAGs paused by default at creation
dags_are_paused_at_creation = True
Turning the flag on will start your dag after the next heartbeat.
Relevant git issue
I had the same issue, but it had to with depends_on_past or wait_for_downstream

Example DAG gets stuck in "running" state indefinitely

In my first foray into airflow, I am trying to run one of the example DAGS that comes with the installation. This is v.1.8.0. Here are my steps:
$ airflow trigger_dag example_bash_operator
[2017-04-19 15:32:38,391] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2017-04-19 15:32:38,676] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/gbenison/software/kludge/airflow/dags
[2017-04-19 15:32:38,947] {} INFO - Created <DagRun example_bash_operator # 2017-04-19 15:32:38: manual__2017-04-19T15:32:38, externally triggered: True>
$ airflow dag_state example_bash_operator '2017-04-19 15:32:38'
[2017-04-19 15:33:12,918] {} INFO - Using executor SequentialExecutor
[2017-04-19 15:33:13,229] {} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/gbenison/software/kludge/airflow/dags
The dag state remains "running" for a long time (at least 20 minutes by now), although from a quick inspection of this task it should take a matter of seconds. How can I troubleshoot this? How can I see which step it is stuck on?
To run any DAGs, you need to make sure two processes are running:
airflow webserver
airflow scheduler
If you only have airflow webserver running, the UI will show DAGs as running, but if you click on the DAG, none of it's tasks are actually running or scheduled, but rather in a Null state.
What this means is that they are waiting to be picked up by airflow scheduler. If airflow scheduler is not running, you'll be stuck in this state forever, as the tasks are never picked up for execution.
Additionally, make sure that the toggle button in the DAGs view is switched to 'ON' for the particular DAG. Otherwise it will not get picked up by the scheduler if you trigger it manually.
I too recently started using Airflow and my dags kept endlessly running. Your dag may be set on 'pause' without you realizing it, and thus the scheduler will not schedule new task instances and when you trigger the dag it just looks like it is endlessly running.
There are a few solutions:
1) In the Airflow UI toggle the button left of the dag from 'Off' to 'On'. Off means that the dag is paused, so On will allow the scheduler to pick it up and complete the dag. (this fixed my initial issue)
2) In your airflow.cfg file dags_are_paused_at_creation = True, is the default. So all new dags you create are paused from the start. Change this to False, and future dags you create will be good to go right away (i had to reboot webserver and scheduler for changes to the airflow.cfg to be recognized)
3) use the command line $ airflow unpause [dag_id]
The below worked for me.
Make sure AIRFLOW_HOME is set
in AIRFLOW_HOME have folders dags, plugins. The folders to have permissions r,w,x to airflow user.
Make sure u have atleast one dag in the dags/ folder.
pip install celery[redis]==4.1.1
I have checked the above soln on airflow 1.9.0 Airflow version
I tried the same trick with airflow 1.10 version and it worked.
