Changing a certain index in a string to a preferred character - ada

When I try creating a subprogram that receives a string and a character and I for instance want to change the first index in the string to the character then return the result I'm not getting it to work...
This is how I tried doing it:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
procedure Test is
function Change_Index_In_String(
Str : in String;
Char : in Character
) return String is
Str(Str'First) := C
return Str;
end Change_Index_In_String
Str : String(1..5);
Char : Character;
Put("Type a string (5 characters): ");
Put("Type a character: ");
Put("Your new string is: ");
Put(Change_Index_In_String(Str, Char))
end Test;
How am I supposed to do this? I'm getting errors in my complier like this:
assignment to "in" mode parameter not allowed
expected type "Standard.Character"
found type "Standard.String"
I am aware on how to return the a certain index in a string as a character, like doing return Str(Str'Last) etc but what about changing a certain index and then returning it?
In the terminal if I type the string Stack and the character W it should return and print out Wtack

One of the key design decisions to make is whether your subprogram is modifying state (a procedure), or returning a new value (a function).
If you want to modify an argument to a subprogram, then A) it needs to be marked out or in out, and B) it should probably be a procedure.
If you want to write a function, you should work on a copy of the input data, rather than trying to modify the argument passed into the function.
Consider the below example of both approaches in one program.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Test is
function Change_First(s : in String; c : in Character) return String is
s2 : String(s'range) := s;
s2(s2'First) := c;
return s2;
end Change_First;
procedure Sub_First(s : in out String; c : in Character) is
s(s'First) := c;
end Sub_First;
s : String(1..5) := "Hello";
Put_line(Change_First(s, 'W'));
Sub_First(s, 'Y');
end Test;
This gives us as output:

Much is undefined for your function. What should happen if the String is null ('Length = 0)? What should the bounds of the returned String be? One simple solution for one set of answers is
function F (S : in String; C : in Character) return String is
(C & S (S'First + 1 .. S'Last) )
with Pre => S'Length > 0 and S'First < Integer'Last,
Post => (F'Result'First = 1 and
F'Result'Length = S'Length) and then
(F'Result (F'Result'First) = C and
F'Result (F'Result'First + 1 .. F'Result'Last) = S (S'First + 1 .. S'Last) );


Function and procedure subprogram

I need to only use one function and one procedure and unfortunately I didn't manage to solve this problem.
The problem goes as following:
Create a subprogram that has three parameters. One string and two sign.
The subroutine must pick the first and last character in the string. The main program will then print these two characters.
Create a subprogram that retrieves a character, from the keyboard, which represents a truth value (see driving example).
The subprogram must send back the corresponding truth value to the main program.
In the terminal it should look like:
Type a string containing 6 characters: Overfl
First character is: O
Last character is : l
Type F or T (for False or True): T
You typed True
This is how my code looks like:
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Test is
procedure String_Check(
S : in String;
Char_1, Char_2 : out Character
) is
Char_1 := S(S'First);
Char_2 := S(S'Last);
end String_Check;
function Character_Check return Boolean is
Check : Integer;
Put("Type F or T (For False or True): ");
if Check = 'T' then
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Character_Check;
Char_1, Char_2 : Character;
Check : Character;
S : String(1 .. 6);
Put("Type a string containing 6 characters: ");
String_Check(S, Char_1, Char_2);
Put("First character is: ");
Put("Last character is: ");
Put("You typed ");
if Character_Check then
end if;
end Test;
My code runs but it doesn't fulfill the given requirements. I guess I can't use a function in my second subprogram because the instruction says "create a subprogram that receives a character from the keyboard". How am I supposed to do Get in a function? But if I make my second program to a procedure I have to make my first program to a function. How am I supposed to do return for two values at the same time?

Using multidimensional array in Ada

In this code, I need help writing a multidimensional array with a range between 2020-01-01 to 2119-12-31.
My code works but as you see there are no arrays in it. How can I write this code with only arrays?
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
Procedure Date is
type date_type is record
Str : string (1..8);
Length : Natural := 0; end record;
A: date_type;
Put ("Enter a date between 2020-01-01 to 2119-12-31 : ");
Get_Line (A.Str, A.Length);
exit when A.Length = 8;
Put_Line ("Wrong input. Try again.");
end loop;
Put_Line (A.Str (1 .. 4) & "-" & A.Str (5 .. 6) & "-" & A.Str (7 .. 8));
end Date;
Perhaps, rather than a multi-dimensional array you should consider using a record such as
type Year_Number is range 1900..3000;
type Month_Number is range 1..12;
type Day_Number is range 1..31;
type Date_Rec is record
Year : Year_Number;
Month : Month_Number;
Day : Day_Number;
end record;
subtype Year_String is string (1..4);
subtype Month_String is string (1..2);
subtype Day_String is string (1..2);
function To_Date (Yr : Year_String; Mnth : Month_String; Dy : Day_String)
return Date_Rec is
Result : Date_Rec;
Result.Year := Year_Number'Value (Yr);
Result.Month := Month_Number'Value (Mnth);
Result.Day := Day_Number'Value (Dy);
return Result;
end To_Date;
You can now pass around instances of Date_
Rec doing whatever you want with the date.
If you go this far then you might want to consider using the Time type described in Ada Language Reference Manual sections 9.6 and 9.6.1.
You haven't asked a reasonable question here because "I want to use arrays" is not a good reason to use an array.
"This problem can be best solved with an array ... but how do I deal with ... ?" would be a reasonable question, but you haven't stated a problem,let alone one that needs an array.
This is important because "using an array" is thinking in the solution domain, like "using a chisel". It's not the way to think about programming in Ada, (or IMO in any language).
Try thinking in the problem domain first : instead of "I want to use a chisel", I think "I want to recess this hinge so the door fits precisely" and a chisel is the neatest way of doing the job.
Then "How can I best validate a date?" would be one reasonable question, or "how can I store events that happen on each day for 100 years?"
The answer to the first question is probably in the Ada.Calendar package. Possibly the Value function in Ada.Calendar.Formatting, with an exception handler to catch incomprehensible strings and make the user try again.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Calendar.Formatting;
procedure date is
Date : Ada.Calendar.Time;
Done : Boolean;
Put ("Enter a date between 2020-01-01 to 2119-12-31 : ");
Done := TRUE;
A : String := Get_Line & " 12:00:00";
Date := Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Value(A); -- validate it's a date
Done := Ada.Calendar.Year(Date) >= 2020
and Ada.Calendar.Year(Date) < 2120; -- validate correct range
when Constraint_Error => Done := False; -- Formatting.Value failed
exit when Done;
Put("Try Again : ");
end loop;
end date;
The answer to the second is probably a 1-dimensional array indexed by Day_Count from Ada.Calendar.Arithmetic but let's use the wrong tool : a 3D array indexed by your range of years, Month_Number and Day_Number from the Ada.Calendar base package.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Calendar; use Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Calendar.Formatting;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
procedure date is
Date : Ada.Calendar.Time;
Done : Boolean := TRUE;
Event_Array : array(2020 .. 2119,
Ada.Calendar.Day_Number) of Unbounded_String;
Event_Array := (others => (others => (others => Null_Unbounded_String)));
Event_Array(2020,11,3) := To_Unbounded_String("nothing much");
Put ("Enter a date between 2020-01-01 to 2119-12-31 : ");
Done := TRUE;
A : String := Get_Line & " 12:00:00";
Date := Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Value(A);
Done := Ada.Calendar.Year(Date) >= 2020
and Ada.Calendar.Year(Date) < 2120;
when Constraint_Error => Done := False;
exit when Done;
Put("Try Again : ");
end loop;
Put_Line("Today " & Ada.Calendar.Formatting.Image(Date) & " : " &
To_String(Event_Array(Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date))) & " happened");
end date;
Test with the string 2020-11-03

Interfacing Ada to C - getting Wide Strings from wchar_t *

I'm interfacing to a USB device (on Debian Stretch) using hidraw, and I need to process some information supplied by the USB device in the form of wchar_t* which I need to convert into (Ada) Wide_String. This is giving some trouble and I'm not seeing a clean way forward using the facilities in Interfaces.C and Interfaces.C.Strings.
All files are edited down without destroying their consistency. They will build, but without one of these, they won't actually run.
The problem is that device information like Serial Number and Product Name are presented by the Linux device driver as an access stddef_h.wchar_t from which I want to return a Wide_String or even a normal String) and I'm not seeing any good way to get there.
Interfaces.C.Strings has function Value (Item : in chars_ptr) return String; but no equivalent exists for Wide_String that I can see. So I think I need an equivalent Value function for wide characters.
The approach below uses To_Ada (from Interfaces.C) to return a Wide_String given a wchar_array. It fails, of course, because an access wchar_t is not convertible to a wchar_array.
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
-- ugliness to convert pointer types
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
-- this does NOT create the required wchar_array pointer
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
and the inevitable result
Wide string
Execution terminated by unhandled exception raised STORAGE_ERROR :
stack overflow or erroneous memory access
A similar character by character approach would be possible ... if (and I can't believe I'm saying this!) you could increment access types...
Feels like there's something missing from Interfaces.C here... what am I missing? any ideas to get round this relatively trivial seeming stumbling block?
EDIT : I'm leaning towards some brazen theft from the Interfaces.C.Strings sources with appropriate changes, but I'd welcome alternative suggestions.
The rest of this below is the full story so far (including all code necessary to reproduce)
Step 1 : generate low level Ada bindings automatically using gcc.
gcc -c -fdump-ada-spec-slim /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
producing the low level binding package hidapi_hidapi_h
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
with stddef_h;
with System;
package hidapi_hidapi_h is
-- see source file /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
type hid_device_info is record
path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:51
vendor_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:53
product_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:55
serial_number : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:57
release_number : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:60
manufacturer_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:62
product_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:64
usage_page : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:67
usage : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:70
interface_number : aliased int; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:75
next : access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:78
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, hid_device_info); -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:49
function hid_enumerate (arg1 : unsigned_short; arg2 : unsigned_short) return access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:132
pragma Import (C, hid_enumerate, "hid_enumerate");
end hidapi_hidapi_h;
This is a low level binding, exposing C types (and the binding generator has decided that the wchar_t in Interfaces.C isn't good enough, it wants one from stddef.h too, so...
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
package stddef_h is
-- unsupported macro: NULL ((void *)0)
subtype size_t is unsigned_long; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:216
subtype wchar_t is int; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:328
end stddef_h;
Because it is a low level binding; we want to hide it (and implement RAII etc) behind a simpler and more usable high level binding, so ... (below)
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
private with hidapi_hidapi_h;
private with System;
package hidapi is
type id is new natural range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with private;
-- find first matching devices by enumeration : the RA part of RAII.
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device;
-- accessors for device characteristics on enumerated device
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with record
member : access hidapi_hidapi_h.hid_device_info;
addr : System.Address;
end record;
end hidapi;
and its implementation, containing the problem function value to return a Wide_String.
with hidapi_hidapi_h;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with stddef_h;
package body hidapi is
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
first : access hid_device_info;
first := hid_enumerate(unsigned_short(vendor_id), unsigned_short(product_id));
if first /= null then
return H : hid_device do
H.member := first;
H.addr := System.Null_Address;
end return;
else raise Program_Error;
end if;
end enumerate;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.serial_number);
end Serial_No;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.product_string);
end Product_String;
end hidapi;
And of course a test case to exercise it...
with Hidapi;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
procedure Test_Hid is
usbrelay_vendor_id : constant := 16#16c0#;
usbrelay_product_id : constant := 16#05df#;
Device : Hidapi.hid_device := Hidapi.Enumerate(usbrelay_vendor_id, usbrelay_product_id);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Serial : " & Device.Serial_No);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Product : " & Device.Product_String);
end Test_Hid;
One answer, slavishly copying the approach in the package body for Tnterfaces.C.Strings with necessary changes.
The naughty stuff is in functions "+" and Peek which use Unchecked Conversions on pointers,
to permit address arithmetic. Not pointer increment, but pointer+offset. One change is that the offset has to be scaled for 4 byte characters. I haven't set that scaling in a portable manner, but note that "+" will overload for each different return type so that offsets will be scaled appropriately for different named access types.
to allow the stddef_h.wchar_t to be viewed as a Wide_Wide_Character in the absence of any type conversion function. Whether the representation is correct is another matter (here, it is) but this technique could also be used to fake the input type of a suitable conversion function like To_Ada in Interfaces.C.
The remainder is straightforward character by character handling. One other change (so far) is to return Wide_Wide_Character rather than Wide_Character (because as the stddef_h package above reveals, the stored characters are 32 bit, same size as I'm happy to change my interface, but Wide_String could be easily handled by Ada.Strings packages.
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type w_w_char_ptr is access all char32_t;
-- Two Unchecked_Conversions to allow pointer arithmetic
-- And a third to allow the resulting storage to be interpreted as Wide_Wide_Char
function To_Sd_wchar_ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, sd_wchar_ptr);
function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, System.Address);
function To_Wchar_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, w_w_char_ptr);
-- pointer + offset arithmetic, with offset scaled for size of stddef_h.wchar_t;
-- TODO: attempted better way of computing word size ran into type errors
function "+" (Left : sd_wchar_ptr; Right : size_t) return sd_wchar_ptr is
return To_Sd_wchar_ptr (To_Address (Left) + Storage_Offset (Right) * 4);
end "+";
function Peek (From : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_t is
return To_Wchar_Ptr(From).all;
end Peek;
function Strlen (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return size_t is
Item_Index : size_t := 0;
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Peek (Item + Item_Index) = char32_nul then
return Item_Index;
end if;
Item_Index := Item_Index + 1;
end loop;
end Strlen;
function Value (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_array is
Result : char32_array (0 .. Strlen (Item));
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Put_Line("String length " & size_t'image(Strlen(Item)));
-- Note that the following loop will also copy the terminating Nul
for J in Result'Range loop
Result (J) := Peek (Item + J);
end loop;
return Result;
end Value;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_wide_string
function Value (Item : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_Wide_String is
return To_Ada (Value (sd_wchar_ptr(Item)));
end Value;

Compare a string input to an Enumerated type

I am looking to do a comparison of a string to and enumeration. I have written a sample code of what I am attempting. Since a String and and Enumerated type are different, how do I go about doing this properly in Ada?
WITH Ada.Text_IO; USE Ada.Text_IO;
TYPE StopLightColor IS (red, yellow, green);
response : String (1 .. 10);
N : Integer;
Put("What color do you see on the stoplight? ");
Get_Line (response, N);
IF response IN StopLightColor THEN
Put_Line ("The stoplight is " & response(1..n));
END ColorTest;
First instantiate Enumeration_IO for StopLightColor:
package Color_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(StopLightColor);
Then you can do either of the following:
Use Color_IO.Get to read the value, catching any Data_Error that arises, as shown here for a similar instance of Enumeration_IO.
Use Color_IO.Put to obtain a String for comparison to response.
As an aside, Stoplight_Color might be a more consistent style for the enumerated type's identifier.
Another possibility:
Get_Line (response, N);
Color : StopLightColor;
Color := StopLightColor'Value(response(1..N));
-- if you get here, the string is a valid color
Put_Line ("The stoplight is " & response(1..N));
when Constraint_Error =>
-- if you get here, the string is not a valid color (also could
-- be raised if N is out of range, which it won't be here)
Answering your actual question:
Ada doesn't allow you to compare values of different types directly, but luckily there is a way to convert an enumerated type to a string, which always works.
For any enumerated type T there exists a function:
function T'Image (Item : in T) return String;
which returns a string representation of the enumerated object passed to it.
Using that, you can declare a function, which compares a string and an enumerated type:
function "=" (Left : in String;
Right : in Enumerated_Type) return Boolean is
return Left = Enumerated_Type'Image (Right);
end "=";
If you want to do a case-insensitive comparison, you could map both strings to lower case before comparing them:
function "=" (Left : in String;
Right : in Enumerated_Type) return Boolean is
use Ada.Characters.Handling;
return To_Lower (Left) = To_Lower (Enumerated_Type'Image (Right));
end "=";

Ada 95 Check if enter was pressed

I am new to Ada.
How can I check if enter was pressed?
The while loop should be able to check whether the input character is a white space or an enter key.
Furthermore, how can I check the user input type, like the type() or typeof() function in other languages?
FUNCTION ReadValue RETURN Unbounded_String IS
ValueChar : Character;
Result : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String("NULL");
WHILE ValueChar /= ';'LOOP
IF IsValidNameInput(ValueChar) THEN
Result := Result & ValueChar;
ValueIntegerFlag := CheckValue(Value);
RETURN Result;
END ReadValue;
Read the characters one-at-a-time without special ENTER handling using Get_Immediate instead of Get - ARM A.10.7(9).
You can do checks on the class of the character you’ve just read using Ada.Characters.Handling - ARM A.3.2 - something like
function Is_Valid_Name_Input (Ch : Character) return Boolean is
return Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Graphic (Ch)
and then not Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Space (Ch);
end Is_Valid_Name_Input;
(probably not quite what you want, since it makes &*^$$^ a valid name!)
Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Line_Terminator detects ENTER (on Unix; probably on Windows too).
You can check whether a string corresponds to an integer by trying the conversion and catching the exception when it fails:
function Check_Integer_Value (Str : Unbounded_String) return Boolean is
Dummy : Integer;
Dummy := Integer'Value (To_String (Str));
return True;
when Constraint_Error =>
return False;
end Check_Integer_Value;
With regard to ReadValue:
Don’t initialize Result - it starts off as the empty string (and you really don’t want to start with the string ”NULL”).
It skips the first character input.
What’s that Skip_Line for?
Try something like
function Read_Value return Unbounded_String is
Value_Char : Character;
Result : Unbounded_String;
Get_Immediate (Value_Char);
exit when Value_Char = ';';
if Is_Valid_Name_Input (Value_Char) then
Result := Result & Value_Char;
end if;
end loop;
return Result;
end Read_Value;
