ASP.Net Razor Identity -

I am almost new to ASP.Net razor pages. Just one problem
I created a Visual studio project recently but I cant seem to find the pages
for Identity (Login, Create account etc)
Can someone pls tell me where they went or whatever.
I would really appriciate it.

If this is a .NET core or .NET 5/6 project then the Razor pages for Identity are in the DLL.
If you wish to customise these pages then you have to scaffold the Identity UI pages. This MS documentation should provide the steps to do this:


Integrating mvc with WebForm

There is a problem that I have two applications.
One is used ASP.NET MVC, while the other is used ASP.NET WebForm.
I wonder if there are some ways to integrate two applications.
You can say anything about the idea of the integration or show some links talk about this.
PS: I do know that Webform is out of time,so do not tell why not change the Webform to MVC.
You could have them both as hybrid application. To do this (Visual Studio 2013+):
Click New Project > Web Forms, In the window select template as Web Forms and select options on Web Forms and MVC.
Add your existing files for Web Forms and MVC in the same solution.
Now config your Global.asax for MVC and declare appropriate routes and bind them in code.
Optional: You could also Scaffold to have WebAPI in your solution.
You this link for details of implementation with sample project.

How to migrate a ASP website from .net framework 1.1 to 4.0

Im trying to migrate few applications from .net framework 1.1 to framework 4.0.
For web Application, i just use the conversion wizard to migrate.
But for Web sites, what is the procedure to migrate and recompile the website.
I dont have a solution a or projects, its a folder containing many asp pages.
I opened like open -> websites -> selected the folder containing all the asp files in VS2010.
there is no web.config or global.asax. So how will i know whether it has been converted or not.
Also please tell me how to compile a website, i have build the folder containing all the asp pages. Is that it? where do the assemblies for the web sites located.
Im really new to Website development and this is the first time im working with Web site projects.
So please some one help me on this. Please ask if you dint get the question.
Here is the Link to Upgrade an ASP.NET Web Application to ASP.NET 4.I hope this might be helped.further doubts please drop comment.

Using .NET MVC inside Webforms Project?

This question is coming from a Front-End developer new to .NET.
I'm working on a web app that was built a while ago using Webforms. I was asked to integrate two new features to this application. The features would be accessible via two new tabs added to the navigation bar.
What I want to happen is, when the user clicks on the new tab, the application loads up the MVC project as a view inside of the Web Forms app. Here's a link to a picture to explain it better:
The way the project was originally setup is we have the original Webforms project, and we created an MVC project which are siblings inside the same parent folder. The backend devs think this will work fine for them. I have no idea how to get the two projects to load up simultaneously. There hasn't been much work done on either side yet so we're open to ideas of how to restructure this.
I should also add that for the new features the Back-end is just serving up JSON, and I will use AngularJS on the Front-End as opposed to Razor.
Other potentially relevant project info:
Using Visual Studio 2012 (I think we have access to 2013 however)
Webforms (2.0 or 3.5 possibly) 4.5 / Forms Authentication

I want to set up forms authentication in my site. I have created one from a blank template in visual studio. I already have a database setup but it doesnt have any user tables. All of the reference material that I am able to find online is either for very old asp versions (which I assume things have changed) or tell you to use the visual studio templates. I want to know how to add this stuff to my current project and am hoping someone has good reference recommendations.
Have a look at Jon Galloway's SimpleMembership, Membership Providers, Universal Providers and the new ASP.NET 4.5 Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC 4 templates

.net cms for QnA that can be integrated with existing web form application

i have a working web form website build in 3.5.
i want a QnA section or pages or module in my website.
i have searched for cms in .net which can fulfill this requirement and can be integrated with my existing website (not in MVC) but have not found a suitable one.
can u guide me some cms for this.
If you have usercontrols in your application, I would suggest that you use dot net nuke. You can easly convert your usercontrols in DNN modules.
