Meteor JS failing to complete installation on macbook pro - meteor

I have been trying to install Meteor JS on my macbook pro but I keep getting the following:
Meteor 2.5.1 has been installed in your home directory (~/.meteor).
Writing a launcher script to /usr/local/bin/meteor for your convenience.
This may prompt for your password.
After the semi-colon, there is a key symbol which does not blink, and so it is not allowing me to type in my laptop password.
Could anyone help, please?


Android Terminal does not recognise firebase command

I have this weird situation where I am not able to run firebase commands from android studio. I can run such commands in terminal but not in the terminal inside android studio.
As an example if I run firebase login in terminal, I can login but if run it in android studio I get this error: zsh: command not found: firebase.
See below an image to prove this case.
I tried to run the following command and got the following in terminal
MyMac:my_folder myuser$ which firebase
MyMac:my_folder myuser$ readlink $(which firebase)
If I do the same in Android I get nothing. I suspect it is a matter of Android studio not finding the right path to the firebase files?
Any help?
I am on a macOS Ventura and using Android Studio Electric Eel
Thanks so much!!
How did you install firebase tools (locally or globally)?
if you have globally installed firebase-cli,
I suggest you to look into environment PATH variables for both nodejs and firebase tools.
if you have installed locally as a dependancy,
here is a installation guide to install firebase-cli on macOS.
Eitherway, I suggest you to Invalidate cache and restart your Android studio before running the terminal again.

Can't open app on Simulator MacOS Catalina

I can't install app on my simulator after update to MacOS Catalina, it was fine on earlier versions. But Now when I try to run the app installed in the simulator I get this popup.
I have changed system Security & Privacy setting using this command in the terminal sudo spctl --master-disable and now my it looks like this.
But even after this I can't run the app, any idea, suggestion ?
My Xcode version is 11.1 & target iOS version is 13.1, app runs smoothly when ran using xcode, but exported app is causing this issue.
I was able to solve this problem by running the following command.
xattr -dr <path_to_app>
It turns out if you download app using some browser then it adds a flag which is considered a security threat in catalina, running this commands solves the issue.

Meteor stopped working

I was working on a meteor project (version 1.2, React installed) when suddenly a spew of errors appeared in the command prompt. I could no longer start the server. Entering 'meteor' and nothing happened. I then uninstalled meteor completely and reinstalled (now version 1.3). The problem persisted. The only command I could get to work was 'meteor --help'. Even doing a new create (meteor create newapp) did nothing. The command line carriage returned and did nothing. I'm running under windows 10.
Some people have ran into issues when updating to meteor 1.3. Possible duplicate answered here:
Unable to install meteor 1.3 on win 8.1 laptop
I had this issue too. It's a problem from the 1.3 release on Windows.
In the github issues you can find the solution they found to solve this temporarily; what you have to do is this:
Delete the following folders from C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local.meteor\packages
templating, templating-tools, ecmascript, standard-minifier-css. But some people mention having to delete extra folders too <-- emphasis on this
Then open the console as administrator and run meteor in the folder where your app is, so it starts downloading the missing packages you deleted.
This would be enough for it to work.

Meteor doesn't work in Windows 10

I downloaded the Meteor's official Download from here: Meteor 1.2.1
and the installer is just 1.2mb
Now, after running it: Nothing happens. No permission. Nothing. This page is shown:
And then when I hit Skip this step, this is shown:
Even after restarting, there is no .meteor folder in AppData\Local directory, and Meteor command is still not recognised.
Also, I think, how can a 1.2mbinstall something like Meteor which is like 53mb when installed via curl on OSX or Linux.
Are the Meteor fooling windows? I dont know why the installer doesn't work. The point is: How can it?
Downloaded file is installer not setup.
First install the meteor in your machine.
Then set it in environment variable.

I failed to install ioncube on godaddy. Any advice?

I got this message
Site error: the file /home/content/xx/xxxxxxxx/html/admin/application/controllers/DashboardController.class.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader to be installed by the website operator. If you are the website operator please use the ionCube Loader Wizard to assist with installation."
before and after installing ioncube. I think T've done installation correctly. I use Godaddy with PHP5.3
Any advice?
You will need to install ionCube on your shared hosting account. You can use the Wizard to do so.
You will need to use the x86 and not the x86_64 versions of the ionCube loader.
Once you have this installed you will need to update your php5.ini file. You will want to use the following format in your php5.ini file:
zend_extension = /var/chroot/home/content/XX/XXXXXXX/html/ioncube/
The "xx" and "xxxxxxx" will be the same as are shown in your error.
After this change is made you will need to allow some time for the current PHP processes to die and restart before this change will register. needs to be installed by the server admin. Contact GoDaddy support.
