Down load data from HTTPS in R - r

I have a problem with downloading data from HTTPS in R, I try using curl, but it doesn't work.
URL <- ""
download.file(URL, destfile = "./data.csv", method="auto")
I downloaded the CSV file with that code, but the format was changed when I checked the data. So it didn't download correctly.
Would you please someone help me?

I think you might actually have the URL wrong. I think you want:
Then you can download the file directly using library(RCurl) rather than creating a variable with the URL
You can also just load the file directly into R from the site using the following
URL <- ""
out <- read.csv(textConnection(URL))

You can use the '' link, i.e. in the browser, when you go to "" you can click on the link "View raw" (it's above "Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.") and this takes you to the actual data. You also have some minor typos.
This worked as expected for me:
url <- ""
download.file(url, destfile = "./data.csv", method="auto")
df <- read.csv("~/Desktop/data.csv")


Unable to download a file with rvest/httr after submitting search form

This seems like a simple problem but I've been struggling with it for a few days. This is a minimum working example rather than the actual problem:
This question seemed similat but I was unable to use the answer to solve my problem.
In a browser, I go to this url, and click on [Search] (no need to make any choices from the lists), and then on [Download Results] (choosing, for example, the Xlsx option). The file then downloads.
To automate this in R I have tried:
url1 <- "https:/"
sesh1 <- html_session(url1)
form1 <-html_form(sesh1)[[1]]
subform <- submit_form(sesh1, form1)
Using Chrome Developer tools I find the url being used to initiate the download, so I try:
url2 <- "https:/"
res <- GET(url = url2, query = list(format = "xlsx"))
However this does not download the file:
> res$content
I also tried
download.file(url = paste0(url2, "?format=xlsx") , destfile = "down.xlsx", mode = "wb")
But this downloads nothing:
> Content type '' length 0 bytes
> downloaded 0 bytes
Note that, in the browser, pasting url2 and adding the format query does initiate the download (after doing the search from url1)
I thought that I should somehow be using the session info from the initial code block to do the download, but so far I can't see how.
Thanks in advance for any help !
You are almost there and your intuition is correct about using the session info.
You just need to use rvest::jump_to to navigate to the second url and then write it to disk:
url1 <- "https:/"
sesh1 <- html_session(url1)
form1 <-html_form(sesh1)[[1]]
subform <- submit_form(sesh1, form1)
url2 <- ""
#### The above is your original code - below is the additional code you need:
download <- jump_to(subform, paste0(url2, "?format=xlsx"))
writeBin(download$response$content, "down.xlsx")

read_xlsx function fails to import online dataset with valid url

(NB- I am very much a beginner in R.)
This is the code I tried:
For some reason I get the error message:
'path' does not exist:'valid/url'
I know the URL works, I have tested it many times. I am mystified, so any help would be much appreciated.
If I understand your issue correctly, I think you are inputting the URL into the read_xlsx command. Far as I am aware, this will not work if your excel file is online, you will need to download it locally first.
I suggest the following adjustment:
url <- "valid/url"
temp <- tempfile()
download.file(url, temp, mode="wb")
df1 <- read_excel(path = temp)
This will download the excel file into a temporary file, which you can then read into a dataframe, since it will be saved locally.

download xlsx from link and import into r

I know there are a number of posts on this topic and I usually am able to accomplish what I want just fine but I'm having trouble with this one particular link. It's likely related to the non-orthodox layout of the excel file. Here's my workflow:
unemp <- url %>%
That produces an error Error in getinfo.shape(fn) : Error opening SHP file
The problem is not related to the scraping of the data. The problem arises in regards to importing the data into a usable format. For example, read.xls("file.path/file.csv") produces the same error.
For example :
download.file(url, destfile = "./file.xlsx")
use your favorite reader then,
Adding the option fileEncoding="latin1" solved my problem.
unemp <- url %>%

Download URL links using R

I am new to R and would like to seek some advice.
I am trying to download multiple url links (pdf format, not html) and save it into pdf file format using R.
The links I have are in character (took from the html code of the website).
I tried using download.file() function, but this requires specific url link (Written in R script) and therefore can only download 1 link for 1 file. However I have many url links, and would like to get help in doing this.
Thank you.
I believe what you are trying to do is download a list of URLs, you could try something like this approach:
Store all the links in a vector using c(), ej:
urls <- c("http://link1", "http://link2", "http://link3")
Iterate through the file and download each file:
for (url in urls) {
download.file(url, destfile = basename(url))
If you're using Linux/Mac and https you may need to specify method and extra attributes for download.file:
download.file(url, destfile = basename(url), method="curl", extra="-k")
If you want, you can test my proof of concept here:
Hope it helps!
url = c('',
Designated names
names = c('manual1',
Iterate through the file and download each file with corresponding name:
for (i in 1:length(url)){
download.file(url[i], destfile = names[i], mode = 'wb')

How to download an .xlsx file from a dropbox (https:) location

I'm trying to adopt the Reproducible Research paradigm but meet people who like looking at Excel rather than text data files half way, by using Dropbox to host Excel files which I can then access using the .xlsx package.
Rather like downloading and unpacking a zipped file I assumed something like the following would work:
# Prerequisites
# Downloading data from Dropbox location
link <- paste0(
"{THE SHA-1 KEY}",
url <- getURL(link)
temp <- tempfile()
download.file(url, temp)
However, I get Error in download.file(url, temp) : unsupported URL scheme
Is there an alternative to download.file that will accept this URL scheme?
You have the wrong URL - the one you are using just goes to the landing page. I think the actual download URL is different, I managed to get it sort of working using the below.
I actually don't think you need to use RCurl or the getURL() function, and I think you were leaving out some relatively important /'s in your previous formulation.
Try the following:
link <- paste("",
"{THE SHA-1 KEY}",
I just realised there is a source_XlsxData function in the repmis package, which in theory should do the job perfectly.
Also the function below works some of the time but not others, and appears to get stuck at the GET line. So, a better solution would be very welcome.
I decided to try taking a step back and figure out how to download a raw file from a secure (https) url. I adapted (butchered?) the source_url function in devtools to produce the following:
download_file_url <- function (
..., sha1 = NULL)
stopifnot(is.character(url), length(url) == 1)
filetag <- file(outfile, "wb")
request <- GET(url)
writeBin(content(request, type = "raw"), filetag)
This seems to work for producing local versions of binary files - Excel included. Nicer, neater, smarter improvements in this gratefully received.
