Remove Emoji & Symbol from edit menu in xamarin.mac / xamarin.forms - xamarin.forms

Inside of the Edit application menu. Start Dictation and Emoji & Symbols are added.
I can't find anywhere in the storyboard where this should be removed. And hoped it could be done in the app delegate or similar instead.
I want to remove this as they are not supported.

I had hoped that if it showed in storyboard, you could somehow disable it there. But it is controlled by a "User Default", so do it this way:
On iOS, add to AppDelegate.cs:
public override bool WillFinishLaunching(UIApplication uiApplication, NSDictionary launchOptions)
// Remove "Emojis & Symbols" menu item.
NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetBool(true, "NSDisabledCharacterPaletteMenuItem");
return base.WillFinishLaunching(uiApplication, launchOptions);
On Mac, according to comment below, add:
public override void WillFinishLaunching(UIApplication uiApplication)
// Remove "Emojis & Symbols" menu item.
NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetBool(true, "NSDisabledCharacterPaletteMenuItem");
return base.WillFinishLaunching(uiApplication, launchOptions);
NOTE: Not tested.
Based on


How to handle up button in toolbar - Kotlin

I have manually/programmatically set up an up button in my toolbar for a fragment page with the following code in onCreateOptionsMenu in the fragment:
(activity as AppCompatActivity).setSupportActionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true)
Tapping the system back button will take the user back to the previous fragment but without an up button (that works) I think some users may get lost.
I am having difficulty trying to work out how to catch and handle the up button to pop the fragment off the back stack.
This SO post shows how to catch the the up button click however it is in Java and doesn't go on to explain how you would navigate up.
I think it needs to look something like the code below but there are errors everywhere:
The case is showing an 'Incompatible types:Int and MenuItem' error?
onBackPressed() is showing an 'Unresolved reference' error.
Bad code:
override fun onOptionsItemSelected(item: MenuItem?): Boolean {
when (item) { -> {
return true
else -> return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item)
A comment to another SO post has a potential solution in Kotlin. It catches the click on the up button and goes back to the previous fragment page but then the up button doesn't go away. So the up button now persists even on the top level fragment destinations in my app (the pages corresponding to each tab in the BottomNavigationView).
I think this might have to do with the fact that there is only one activity in my app and the way that I have set up the up button in the fragment as mentioned above? If so, is there a workaround or other way to set up the up button by referencing the fragment instead of the whole activity?
If it helps, this is the code in the RecyclerView inner ViewHolder class in the adapter.kt file that navigates to the fragment page in question:
class AdapterListItemDetails(val items: List<ItemsList>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<AdapterListItemDeatils.ItemsViewHolder>() {
//overrides for OnCreateViewHolder, getItemCount, onBindViewHolder
inner class ItemsViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
var currentItem: ItemsList? = null
var currentPosition: Int = 0
init {
itemView.setOnClickListener(Navigation.createNavigateOnClickListener(, null))
fun setData(itemsList: ItemsList, position: Int) {
itemView.tview_Keys.text = itemsList!!.nameText
this.currentItem = itemsList
this.currentPosition = position
You have to override onBackPressed() method in activity and handle the fragment transactions with your manual code. If you could share some snippet of activity and fragment transactions will help me to give some proper solution.
Hi this is what i usually do:
in an activity find the navController from your navHostFragment
val navController = this.findNavController(
Make sure it's connected to the ActionBar
NavigationUI.setupActionBarWithNavController(this, navController)
Then simply override onSupportNavigateUp, find your navController then navigate up
override fun onSupportNavigateUp(): Boolean{
val navController = this.findNavController(
return navController.navigateUp()

Android TV: Disable collapsing on info_field on ImageCardView

I'm working with Android TV for the first time and I'm learning to use Leanback by modifying the example tv app that is provided.
The issue I'm having is that when I press left on the first item in the lists the navigation drawer opens and focus goes to the headers in the navigation drawer. When this happens, the info_field view in the ImageCardViews collapse behind the image.
What happens: The info field on the ImageCardView hides when I open the navigation drawer.
What I want to Happen: The info field remains visible when I open the navigation drawer.
I'm sure there's a way to do this because I've seen it in some Android TV apps, like Twitch. What's the best way to have the info_field visible when the navigation drawer is open?
I've worked out how to do it. In the CardPresenter, in onCreateViewHolder, when creating the ImageCardView I've overridden the BaseCardView method, setActivated(boolean activated) to always pass 'true' into it's super. And then call setActivated so that it's activated from the beginning. Like this:
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent) {
ImageCardView cardView = new ImageCardView(parent.getContext()) {
public void setActivated(boolean activated) {
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
updateCardBackgroundColor(this, selected);
return new ViewHolder(cardView)
So that did the trick for me. The ImageCardView never collapses.
I think if you look at this SO post you'll get most of the way there. The info view hides due to what leanback calls "expanding".
Try just calling enableMainFragmentScaling(false); in your BrowseFragment and see if that does what you want. If it doesn't feel like exactly what you want, refer to the post I linked to.
Additionally, if you've tried what I recommend in the linked SO post, you could also call the API on the BaseCardView setInfoVisibility() and pass it CARD_REGION_VISIBLE_ALWAYS. This just requires calling on a reference to your card which shouldn't need an override of the Presenter or Card.

Manually Open custom inspector for serializable object

I have a window editor that holds nodes. I would like to open a custom inspector when one of these nodes is selected. The node class is a custom serializable class. Is this possible?.
It seems that custom inspectors can be created manually through the Editor.CreateEditor method but can't see how to let it appear docked like an usual inspector in the unity inspector window.
I would like to achieve the same behaviour that we have when we select a gameobject in sceneview that inmediately show properties for the object (Components, etc...) in the unity inspector.
As I'm not sure what you're asking, here are multiple different solutions;
If you just want your nodes to become the focus of the hierarchy, then in your custom window's OnGUI method, use the code below;
public class NodeManager : EditorWindow
private static NodeManager window;
private Node[] m_nodes;
[MenuItem("Custom Windows/Node Inspector")]
public static void Init()
if(window == null)
window = GetWindow<NodeManager>("Node Manager", true, typeof(SceneView));
public void OnGUI()
m_nodes = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<Node>();
foreach(Node node in m_nodes)
if (GUILayout.Button("Select"))
Selection.objects = new Object[] { node.gameObject };
This adds a Button for each object in your custom window view, that will then select that object in the hierarchy.
I originally found the second response to this question, which goes into the details of parameters of the GetWindow method, and with this you can clearly see how to dock the window (I've converted it from JS to C# below).
(I looked fairly extensively in UnityEditor and UnityEditorInternal namespaces but couldn't find the Hierarchy or the Inspector).
GetWindow<T>(string title, bool focus, params System.Type[] desiredDockNextTo)
Which we can write for this example as;
EditorWindow.GetWindow<NodeInspector>("Node Test", true, typeof(SceneView));
This example docks the windows next to the SceneView window. This functionality can be combined with a custom inspector's OnInspectorGUI method, to automatically launch the custom node window, if it's not already open.
public class NodeInspector : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
Sorry if this isn't what you are looking for, if it's not then please give more details and I will amend my answer to better suit the question.
Hope this helped.
Has a possibility, you can make a custom ScriptableObject and Custom Editor for It, and when open the node inspector, just find a instance of the scriptable object and use Selection.selectedObject = scriptableObject, and in the custom editor, make a static field called 'editor' to draw inside.
It will work.

Sitecore: call methode from context menu item

I have created my own fieldtype ( extension of TreelistEx ).
For this extension i added a second context menu item ( by default TreelistEx already has a "edit" menu item ).
I started off with linking this menu item with a command. This works fine but it doesn't realy answer to my requirements. I would need the menu item to execute a method located in the fieldtype.
TreelistEx works like this with the "edit" menu item. There is no reference to a command ( i checked Commands.config and plenty of other config files ) yet it reaches the Edit method in TreelistEx.cs
Does anyone know how i can achieve the same result ?
( Alternativly: is there a way to pass the source property of the fieldtype to a command )
In the core database you have define a
/sitecore/system/Field types/List Types/YOURTreelistEx
provide a control and set in the web.config below <controlSources>
or provide a class and Assembly, i guess you have done this?
you need to make your own control, or class
And you have in the core db create the item
/sitecore/system/Field types/List Types/YOURTreelistEx/Menu/YOURButton
In the Message field set yourfield:yourbutton
Modify the void IMessageHandler.HandleMessage(Message message) there is also the Command call to the Edit
public override void HandleMessage(Message message)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull((object) message, "message");
if (!(message["id"] == this.ID))
switch (message.Name)
case "treelist:edit":
Context.ClientPage.Start((object) this, "Edit");
case "yourfield:yourbutton":
//Call Your code;
See for Example Creating a custom Sitecore Field

UINavigationController and UINavigationBarDelegate.ShouldPopItem() with MonoTouch

How do I pop up an UIAlertView when the back button of a UINavigationBar (controlled by a UINavigationController) was tapped? Under certain conditions, I want to ask the user an "Are you sure?" type of question so he could either abort the action and stay on the current view or pop the navigation stack and go to the parent view.
The most appealing approach I found was to override ShouldPopItem() on UINavigationBar's Delegate.
Now, there is a quite similar question here: iphone navigationController : wait for uialertview response before to quit the current view
There are also a few other questions of similar nature, for example here:
Checking if a UIViewController is about to get Popped from a navigation stack?
and How to tell when back button is pressed in a UINavigationControllerStack
All of these state "subclass UINavigationController" as possible answers.
Then there is this one that reads like subclassing UINavigationController is generally not a good idea:
Monotouch: UINavigationController, override initWithRootViewController
The apple docs also say that UINavigationController is not intended to be subclassed.
A few others state that overriding ShouldPopItem() is not even possible when using a UINavigationController as that does not allow to assign a custom/subclassed UINavigationBarDelegate to the UINavigationBar.
None of my attempts of subclassing worked, my custom Delegate was not accepted.
I also read somewhere that it might be possible to implement ShouldPopItem() within my custom UINavigationController since it assigns itself as Delegate of its UINavigationBar.
Not much of a surprise, this didn't work. How would a subclass of UINavigationController know of the Methods belonging to UINavigationBarDelegate. It was rejected: "no suitable method found to override". Removing the "override" keyword compiled, but the method is ignored completely (as expected). I think, with Obj-C one could implement several Protocols (similar to Interfaces in C# AFAIK) to achieve that. Unfortunately, UINavigationBarDelegate is not an Interface but a Class in MonoTouch, so that seems impossible.
I'm pretty much lost here. How to override ShouldPopItem() on UINavigationBar's Delegate when it is controlled by a UINavigationController? Or is there any other way to pop up an UIAlertView and wait for it's result before possibly popping the navigation stack?
This post is a bit old, but in case you're still interested in a solution (still involves subclassing though):
This implements a "Are you sure you want to Quit?" alert when the back button is pressed, modified from the code here:
Turns out if you implement the UINavigationBarDelegate in the CustomNavigationController, you can make use of the shouldPopItem method:
CustomNavigationController.h :
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface CustomNavigationController : UINavigationController <UIAlertViewDelegate, UINavigationBarDelegate> {
BOOL alertViewClicked;
BOOL regularPop;
CustomNavigationController.m :
#import "CustomNavigationController.h"
#import "SettingsTableController.h"
#implementation CustomNavigationController
- (BOOL)navigationBar:(UINavigationBar *)navigationBar shouldPopItem:(UINavigationItem *)item {
if (regularPop) {
regularPop = FALSE;
return YES;
if (alertViewClicked) {
alertViewClicked = FALSE;
return YES;
if ([self.topViewController isMemberOfClass:[SettingsTableViewController class]]) {
UIAlertView * exitAlert = [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Are you sure you want to quit?" message:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:#"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:#"Yes", nil] autorelease];
[exitAlert show];
return NO;
else {
regularPop = TRUE;
[self popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
return NO;
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == 0) {
//Cancel button
else if (buttonIndex == 1) {
//Yes button
alertViewClicked = TRUE;
[self popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
The weird logic with the "regularPop" bool is because for some reason just returning "YES" on shouldPopItem only pops the navbar, not the view associated with the navBar - for that to happen you have to directly call popViewControllerAnimated (which then calls shouldPopItem as part of its logic.)
For reference, the route I took after giving up on ShouldPopItem() is to replace the back button with a UIBarButtonItem that has a custom UIButton assigned as it's CustomView. The UIButton is crafted to look like the original back button using two images for the normal and the pressed state. Finally, hiding the original back button is required.
Way too much code for what it's supposed to do. So yeah, thanks Apple.
BTW: Another possibility is creating a UIButton with the secret UIButtonType 101 (which is actually the back button) but I avoided this as it may break at any later iOS version.
Override only UINavigationBarDelegate methods in a UINavigationController subclass and it should simply work. Be cautious that the protocol methods are also called when you push or pop a view controller from inside your code and not only when the back button is pressed. This is because them are push/pop notifications not button pressed actions.
Xamarin does provide the IUINavigationBarDelegate interface to allow you to implement the UINavigationBarDelegate as part of your custom UINavigationController class.
The interface however does not require that the ShouldPopItem method be implemented. All the interface does is add the appropriate Protocol attribute to the class so it can be used as a UINavigationBarDelegate.
So in addition you need to add the ShouldPopItem declaration to the class as follows:
[Export ("navigationBar:shouldPopItem:")]
public bool ShouldPopItem (UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
I've merged this solution with a native Obj-C solution. This is the way I'm currently handling the cancellation of the BACK button in iOS
It seems that it is possible to handle the shouldPopItem method of the NavigationBar in this way:
Subclass a UINavigationController
Mark your custom UINavigationController with the IUINavigationBarDelegate
Add this method with the Export attribute
[Export ("navigationBar:shouldPopItem:")]
public bool ShouldPopItem (UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
Now you can handle popping in the ShoulPopItem method. An example to this is to create an interface like this
public interface INavigationBackButton
// This method should return TRUE to cancel the "back operation" or "FALSE" to allow normal back
bool BackButtonPressed();
Then mark your UIViewController which needs to handle the back button with this interface. Implement something like this
public bool BackButtonPressed()
bool needToCancel = // Put your logic here. Remember to return true to CANCEL the back operation (like in Android)
return needToCancel;
Then in your ShouldPopItem Implementation have something like this
tanks to:
public bool ShouldPopItem(UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
if (this.ViewControllers.Length < this.NavigationBar.Items.Length)
return true;
bool shouldPop = true;
UIViewController controller = this.TopViewController;
if (controller is INavigationBackButton)
shouldPop = !((INavigationBackButton)controller).BackButtonPressed();
if (shouldPop)
() =>
// Workaround for iOS7.1. Thanks to #boliva -
foreach (UIView subview in this.NavigationBar.Subviews)
if(subview.Alpha < 1f)
UIView.Animate(.25f, () => subview.Alpha = 1);
return false;
