Leaving edit mode without any changes still leaves markdown text formatted as code - jupyter-notebook

First time using Jupyter Notebook, and I'm following online tutorials to try to understand how they work.
One thing I don't understand is why, after double-clicking in a markdown cell and then pressing Esc to go from Edit Mode to Command Mode, the text is still displayed as if it were code, instead of (formatted) text:
Clicking outside of the cell doesn't change this either - only by running the cell does it turn back to formatted text. But this happens even when I've not made any changes to the cell's contents, and it seems strange to require that the cell be re-run just to exit edit Mode?!

I figured the answer is, simply, that even markdown cells that haven't been edited still need to be (re-)rendered, once one has activated edit mode for them.


Is there a way to preserve the highlight when wrapping a selection with quotes/brackets in RStudio?

In many IDEs, there's a feature where you can highlight a section of code and then press a key like ", ', (, or [ (to name a few) to surround the highlighted section with the corresponding open/close characters of the given key. In Jupyter Notebooks, the highlighted portion stays highlighted after surrounding the code with the desired characters. However, in RStudio the text cursor falls to the end of the highlighted section after pressing the key to surround the code with.
I find the behavior of this feature in Jupyter much more desirable since I can press either the left or right arrow keys to immediately place the text cursor on either side of the selected code (without touching the mouse no less). But in RStudio I find myself constantly surrounding code in parentheses or quotes then spamming the left arrow key to get the text cursor to the beginning of the code I just highlighted.
Is there a way to change this setting in RStudio to match the behavior in Jupyter Notebooks? This is the only other question I've found relating to this behavior in RStudio, but unlike OP I want to alter the behavior of this setting, not turn it off completely.
I have looked in Tools > Global Options... under the Code tab (per the link above), but don't see any obvious solution there.
EDIT: I found from this question that I can use Option+J and Option+L (Mac) or Alt+J and Alt+L (Windows) to navigate the cursor to the other end of a word quickly, but I'm still curious if anyone knows of a way to match the settings in RStudio with the behavior of Jupyter Notebooks.

Compiler shows source text

Whenever I recompile, it won't show me the pdf output. Instead, it shows the source text.
If I scroll, both windows scroll, as if they are connected or the same.
Furthermore, whenever I click on another .tex file, I very briefly see the output before it becomes the source text again.
Anyone knows how to fix this?

Is there a way to keep editing cell and rendered cell open at the same time in a Jupyter Notebook?

I.e. for one cell in the notebook, the editing version and rendered version are presented side-by-side so you don't lose your place between editing and checking the rendered version. Particularly for Markdown cells.
Are there any plugins or add-ons which achieve this? Perhaps there is a hacky way to have two browser windows where one updates rendered cells in real time and the other is used for editing. I guess even something as simple as the "render cell" command being piped to a different window would do the trick.

Is there a keyboard shortcut in Jupyter Notebook to begin typing in newly created cell?

I assumed that there would be a keyboard shortcut to begin typing within a newly created Jupyter Notebook cell, but I titled my question asking if it even exists to not build any assumptions. If it does exist, please also include in your answer the shortcut to use.
I will try to provide as much relevant information as possible that will help in answering my question:
I installed Jupyter Notebook on my Windows 10 PC from their website (not using Anaconda). I view and edit Jupyter Notebook files in my Google Chrome browser. After running a cell with Ctrl+Enter, I press b to create a new cell below. I would like to immediately begin typing within that cell without having to click inside that cell with a mouse.
Thank you
There is a builtin-shortcut that does exactly what you want. Just enter a cell an press Alt + Enter. This will execute the current selected cell, insert a new cell below it and enter edit mode.
Notice, that this also works if you are not in edit mode.
My setup is a little bit different than yours. Here is a reference.

Issue while pasting from MS Word to Rad Editor

When I copy a content from Ms Word and Paste to Rad Editor it works fine first time by showing a pop up and asking me whether I want to strip formatting. But on subsequent pastes to the same Editor or other RadEditors in the same page requires Pasting twice. (ie: Pressing Ctrl+V twice).
How can I solve this issue. I'm using a very basic RadEditor. nothing fancy.
Is this a know issue of RadEditor?
Try setting the StripFormattingOptions property to "MSWord" and test. If the problem still persists upgrade to the latest and greatest build of the Telerik.Web.UI.dll.
