Clear entry text from ViewModel using RelayCommand - xamarin.forms

I would like to clear entry text from my ViewModel which is binded there. In the code below I tried it by using a RelayCommand, but it doesn't work.
What i want to accomplish: When clicking button named AddQuestionToQuiz, a function is executed by using Command on the button. The function OnCreateQuizClick(), located in my ViewModel, is triggerd and this function needs to clear my entry text, which i don't get for the moment.
I also tried to use a regular Command instead of using a RelayCommand, but also here it doesn't want to work.
Code is used to clear entry text when clicking on a button from your ViewModel, implementing INotifyPropertyChanged Interface
.xaml - code
<Button x:Name="AddQuestionToQuiz" WidthRequest="200" Command="{Binding CreateQuizCommand}" Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle}" Text="Add question to quiz"></Button>
ViewModel - code
internal class CreateQuizPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Quiz Name Input
public String QuizNameInput { get; set; }
private String quizQuestionInput = "";
public String QuizQuestionInput
get { return quizQuestionInput; }
set { quizQuestionInput = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public RelayCommand CreateQuizCommand { get; set; }
public CreateQuizPageViewModel()
CreateQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(OnCreateQuizClick);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void OnCreateQuizClick()
QuizQuestionInput = "";

.xaml - code
<Button x:Name="AddQuestionToQuiz" WidthRequest="200" Command="{Binding CreateQuizCommand}" Style="{StaticResource ButtonStyle}" Text="Add question to quiz"></Button>
ViewModel - code
internal class CreateQuizPageViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Quiz Name Input
public String QuizNameInput { get; set; }
private String quizQuestionInput = "";
public String QuizQuestionInput
get { return quizQuestionInput; }
set { quizQuestionInput = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
public RelayCommand CreateQuizCommand { get; set; }
public CreateQuizPageViewModel()
CreateQuizCommand = new RelayCommand(OnCreateQuizClick);
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public void OnCreateQuizClick()
QuizQuestionInput = "";


List parameter on child component not updating

I have a child component for filtering a search (DropdownFilter) which takes an input of a list of suggestions and a function to update that list.
For some reason DropdownFilter.Suggestions isn't being updated after it is initially set and I don't know how to update it again. Any information about how to update the property after it is initially bound would be great!
<input id="search" #onfocus="SearchFocused" #onblur="SearchUnfocused" #oninput="UpdateSearchText" />
#foreach (var suggestion in Suggestions)
#code {
public Action<string> SearchFieldChanged { get; set; }
//public RenderFragment<TSuggestion> SuggestionTemplate { get; set; }
public List<string> Suggestions { get; set; }
private bool searchFocus = false;
private void SearchFocused(FocusEventArgs args) {
searchFocus = true;
private void SearchUnfocused(FocusEventArgs args) => searchFocus = false;
private void UpdateSearchText(ChangeEventArgs args)
public void Refresh() {
#page "/example"
<div class="container-fluid dropdown-holder">
<DropdownFilter #ref="dropdown" Suggestions="#maskResults" SearchFieldChanged="UpdateSearchResults" />
#code {
DropdownFilter dropdown;
public class MaskResult {
public string name;
static readonly string[] allMasks = {
public List<string> maskResults = allMasks.ToList();
private void UpdateSearchResults(string search)
search = search.ToLower();
maskResults = allMasks.Where((mask) =>
return mask.ToLower().StartsWith(search);
I think that you are trying to create a Datalist, please check this answer:"
datalist How to bind selected item to object
If you add a StateHasChanged() call just here it should work:
private void UpdateSearchResults(string search)
search = search.ToLower();
maskResults = allMasks.Where((mask) =>
return mask.ToLower().StartsWith(search);
StateHasChanged(); // Add this line
As I understand, if you update manually a Parameter of a component, there are some cases where Blazor does not get automatically the info that it needs to update its components. So if you call StateHasChanged, it will reevaluate all Parameters of the childreen of the component where you do the call.
I'll let someone correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks and good luck :)

Media Plugin not displaying an image after capture MVVM

I am using Media Plugin and everything worked fine until i have decided to move my logic to ViewModel.
This is my Xaml
<Frame BackgroundColor="LightGray" HasShadow="True">
Source="{Binding postViewModel.SelectedPhoto}"
My Binding to MasterViewModel
MasterPostsViewModel ViewModel;
protected override void OnAppearing()
BindingContext = ViewModel = new MasterPostsViewModel(Navigation);
My Master
class MasterPostsViewModel : BaseViewModel
public PostViewModel postViewModel { get; set; }
public CategoriesViewModel categoriesViewModel { get; set; }
public MasterPostsViewModel(INavigation navigation)
postViewModel = new PostViewModel();
categoriesViewModel = new CategoriesViewModel();
postViewModel = new PostViewModel(navigation);
Taking Picture in View Model
private MediaFile _selectedPhoto;
public MediaFile SelectedPhoto { get => _selectedPhoto; set => SetValue(ref
_selectedPhoto, value); }
private async Task TakePicture()
await Permission();
var imageSource = await DependencyService.Get<IMessage>().ShowActionSheet(AppResources.AlertPhoto, AppResources.AlertNewPhoto, AppResources.AlertGallery);
if (imageSource == AppResources.AlertNewPhoto)
var imageFileName = await CrossMedia.Current.TakePhotoAsync(new StoreCameraMediaOptions()
Name = $"{DateTime.UtcNow}.jpg",
DefaultCamera = Plugin.Media.Abstractions.CameraDevice.Rear,
PhotoSize = PhotoSize.Medium,
SaveToAlbum = true
if (imageFileName == null) return;
SelectedPhoto = imageFileName;
I can see tthe adress of the picture however the picture doesnt display on my xaml. I have tried to follow this
Bind Plugin.Media fromViewModel
But still didnt work. Please some suggestion on what am i doing wrong
I use you code and write a demo with binding a string, it works well. You can have a look at the code and may get some idea from it.
Code in xaml:
<!-- Place new controls here -->
<Label Text="{Binding postViewModel.SelectedPhoto}"
VerticalOptions="CenterAndExpand" />
<Button Text="click me" Command ="{Binding postViewModel.NewCommand}"/>
Code behind:
public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage()
MasterPostsViewModel ViewModel;
protected override void OnAppearing()
BindingContext = ViewModel = new MasterPostsViewModel(Navigation);
class MasterPostsViewModel
public PostViewModel postViewModel { get; set; }
public MasterPostsViewModel(INavigation navigation)
postViewModel = new PostViewModel();
class PostViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
string _selectedPhoto;
public ICommand NewCommand { private set; get; }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public PostViewModel()
SelectedPhoto = "default text";
NewCommand = new Command(TakePicture);
private void TakePicture()
SelectedPhoto = "test text After click button";
public string SelectedPhoto
if (_selectedPhoto != value)
_selectedPhoto = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("SelectedPhoto"));
return _selectedPhoto;
Sample project has been uploaded here.

Calling GetImageAsPngAsync of FFImageLoading from ViewModel class?

Using for Xamarin Forms
SuccessCommand="{Binding CcCommand}"
Source = "{Binding Photo1}">
My ViewModel Class:
class AboutMeViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public ICommand CcCommand { get; set; }
public AboutMeViewModel()
CcCommand = new Command<CachedImageEvents.SuccessEventArgs>(ffFinishLoading);
void ffFinishLoading(CachedImageEvents.SuccessEventArgs ea)
// Here I would like to call 'GetImageAsPngAsync'
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
At ffFinishLoading I would like to call GetImageAsPngAsync but I can't find a way to do it at ViewModel class as I have no option for reference forms:CachedImage from the XAML file to ViewModel file.
Any help will be much appreciated.
var stream = await ImageService.Instance.LoadUrl(Photo1).AsPNGStreamAsync();

Sending data from Main to Detail and Updating Object in MainViewMode

I have the following recyclerview where it contains list of TestViewModel objects. In this object I have age, gender and name properties. I am trying to achieve when user click on a list item, it takes user to detail view where user could able to update and click on the save button, then it updates the selected item properties.
The following piece of code in MainViewModel where I receive the message from DetailViewModel works when user enter values in the detail and updating each property,
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem.Age = obj.messageTest.Age;
_selectedItem.Name = obj.messageTest.Name;
_selectedItem.Gender = obj.messageTest.Gender;
but the following piece of code does not work where I am trying to update the object by itself directly.
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem= obj.messageTest;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedItem);
Code Implementation is as follows:
local:MvxBind="ItemsSource TestsViews; ; ItemClick ItemSelected" />
public MainViewModel SelectedItem
get { return _selectedItem; }
_selectedItem = value;
new DetailViewModel.Parameter
Age = _selectedItem.Age,
Name = _selectedItem.Name,
Gender = _selectedItem.Gender,
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedItem);
public virtual ICommand ItemSelected
return new MvxCommand<TestViewModel>(item =>
SelectedItem = item;
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem.Age= obj.messageTest.Age;
_selectedItem.Name= obj.messageTest.Name;
_selectedItem.Gender= obj.messageTest.Gender;
public class TestMessage : MvxMessage
public MainModel messageTest { get; set; }
public TestMessage(object sender, MainModel editTest) : base(sender)
messageTest = editTest;
public TestViewModel EditTest
get { return _editTest; }
_editTest = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => EditTest);
public DetailViewModel(IMvxMessenger messenger)
_messenger = messenger;
public void Save()
public void UpdateValues()
var message = new TestMessage(this, _editTest);
_messenger.Publish(message, typeof(TestMessage));
public void Init(Parameter param)
_editTest = new TestViewModel();
_editTest.Age = param.Age;
_editTest.Name = param.Name;
_editTest.Gender = param.Gender;
public class Parameter
public double Age { get; set; }
public int Gender { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
DetailView xml
local:MvxBind="Text EditTest.Age, Converter=Nullable;" />
public class TestViewModel : BaseViewModel
public string? Name { get; set; }
public double? Age { get; set; }
public int? Gender { get; set; }
public class NullableValueConverter : MvxValueConverter
public override object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value?.ToString()))
return parameter;
return value;
public override object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
if (value == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.ToString()))
return null;
return value;
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem= obj.messageTest;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedItem);
This can't work, because your are just changing the reference of _selectedItem to point to another object. But this object is not included in the list that is used to show in the recycler view. You are not updating a object, just a reference! You should definitely have a look at the basics of C# to understand this kind of data structure. E.g. Reference vs. Value Type
Your code is a bit faulty.
You SelectedItem has the type MainViewModel
Your click command gets a item of type TestViewModel
public virtual ICommand ItemSelected
return new MvxCommand<TestViewModel>(item =>
SelectedItem = item;
Normally this should work:
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem.Age= obj.messageTest.Age;
_selectedItem.Name= obj.messageTest.Name;
_selectedItem.Gender= obj.messageTest.Gender;
but with a TestViewModel like
public class TestViewModel : BaseViewModel
private string? name;
public string? Name { get{ return name; } set { SetProperty(ref name, value); } }
// same for Age and Gender
SetProperty sets the value and calls the OnPropertyChanged event.
Updated Answer
Assigning the _selectedItem a new TestViewModel breaks the reference link it has to the TestViewModel held in the TestsViews data source list. While assigning the individual properties maintains the reference to the orginal TestViewModel in the TestsViews list.
Orginal Answer
As you are updating the backing field, _selectedItem, so when you receive the message event the RaisePropertyChanged event defined in the set of your SelectedItem property will never run. You will have to manually trigger the RaisePropertyChanged in order to trigger the binding update.
Try changing your current method:
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem= obj.messageTest;
To raise the property changed event:
private void OnMessageReceived(TestMessage obj)
_selectedItem = obj.messageTest;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => SelectedItem);

Caliburn Action not firing

<ItemsControl DockPanel.Dock="Right" x:Name="Actions">
<Button x:Name="Action"
Content="{Binding Label}"
Margin="3" Width="30"></Button>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"/>
The above view binds with this viewmodel
public class DeploymentInputViewModel<T> : PropertyChangedBase
public BindableCollection<InputActionViewModel> Actions {get;set;}
I see my buttons. But when clicking it nothing happen.
The viewModels for InputActionViewModel:
public abstract class InputActionViewModel{
public InputActionViewModel()
public virtual Task Action()
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
public string ActionToolTip { get; set; }
public string Label { get; set; }
public object Value { get; set; }
and also
public class InputCertificateActionViewModel : InputActionViewModel
private IShell _shell;
private IWindowsDialogs _dialogs;
private readonly IDeploymentSettingInputViewModel vm;
public InputCertificateActionViewModel(IDeploymentSettingInputViewModel vm)
this.vm = vm;
Label = "...";
ActionToolTip = "Pick a Certificate";
public bool IsManagementCertificate {get;set;}
public bool IsDeploymentCertificate { get; set; }
public async override Task Action()
var subs = await _shell.IdentityModel.GetEnabledSubscriptionsAsync();
foreach(var sub in subs)
using (ManagementClient client = CloudContext.Clients.CreateManagementClient(sub.GetCredentials()))
var cert = _dialogs.SelectItemDialog("Select a certificate", "Pick one", true,
(await client.ManagementCertificates.ListAsync()).Select(c =>
new SelectItem(c.Thumbprint, Encoding.Default.GetString(c.PublicKey), c, (s) => c.Thumbprint.Contains(s))).ToArray())
.Tag as ManagementCertificateListResponse.SubscriptionCertificate;
this.vm.Value = cert.Thumbprint;
}else if(IsDeploymentCertificate)
I am adding actionViewModels by inserting directly into the observable code at startup.
haveActions.Actions.Add(DI.BuildUp(new InputCertificateActionViewModel(vm)
IsDeploymentCertificate = certAttribute.IsDeploymentCertificate,
IsManagementCertificate = certAttribute.IsManagementCertificate,
haveActions is an instance of InputCertificateActionViewModel
Couldn't fit this all in a comment:
I can't have a peek at the Caliburn.Micro at the moment, but it might be something related to calling your method Action.
At a guess though, I'd say that by convention Caliburn.Micro expects to find a method that matches the Action<T> delegate to use for it's Actions, so your public virtual Task Action() won't be located and bound.
Have a quick check by defining a new method with a compatible signature, e.g public void MyMethod() and checking to see if it's located correctly and will function.
If that is the problem, you'll probably want to have a look at the IResult and Coroutines part of the Caliburn.Micro documentation, which looks like it will help you implement your desired behaviour.
