Wireshark not showing SNMP - networking

I am having an issue with wireshark capture. The wireshark doesn't show SNMP protocol but as UDP and complaints as malformed packet.1: https://i.stack.imgur.com/EXcfN.jpg May I know the reason and solution for this issue.
Thanks and Regards,

Looks like your packet is cut out in the middle.
Notice that both the IP and the SNMP length field are indicating longer payload than there actually is (they are even marked red for that reason).
Somewhere in the way from the sender to wireshark the packet was cut short. could be because of a malfunctioning router, BER, or just corrupted pcap file.
Wireshark has a really hard time trying to dissect packets (remember it doesn't know the configurations on the end components), but it does it's best with heuristics defined by the community. A malformed packet not being dissected right is not surprising.
If you decide to change WS's heuristics on your PC you may as well do that using LUA plugins.


Do i need a gateway and subnet mask for an embedded system that does nothing other wait for incoming traffic?

I've got an embedded system that just sits their waiting for incoming TCP/IP comms. It's got a static IP address. Do I need to actually set a subnet mask and gateway address as the system NEVER talks out other than when it is talked to?
If I do, please explain why.
You can sometimes cheat and do such a thing with IP. The mac addresses should be there, assuming no broadcast, and the ip header has the source/destination, you can flip both around and the ports. You would still need to respond to the ARP looking for you, but the cheat is not sending an ARP looking for them basically ignoring the timeout. To do it correctly you need to keep a table locally and a timer and if you have never seen that ip address or the last time you saw it was more than a minute ago or whatever your timeout is, then you need to ARP for it to be able to respond. TCP is a much larger pain in the ..., with UDP you can do this kind of thing quite easily, swap macs, swap ip, swap ports, fill in the payload, checksum if you want or not, and send it back. Put code in to respond to the ARP. Dont see off hand why TCP would be any different.
Now assuming you are talking about some operating system, embedded or otherwise with a full stack, then that stack is likely going to want that information, but it is operating system/stack specific as to whether you can put bogus numbers in or not for situations where they dont need to be examined to respond to a particular connection. Of course that is not a programming question and this is a programming site, so I assume that is not what you are asking.

Packet capture on wireless network (libpcap)

I have a small home network that I would like to analyze and capture the traffic on. What are my options for doing this? Ultimately, I would like to use a packet capture library, such as libpcap, to sniff the network in real-time as my router receives packets. I'm mainly interested in HTTP traffic. Thus far, when I run my program, I only seem to be able to see packets sourced or destined to my machine. Is there a way that I may inspect any traffic that travels through my wireless modem/router?
From the research I've done, it seems that the only way this is possible is through ARP poisoning or using a CISCO router that features Embedded Packet Capture.
Has anyone tried either of these and how successful were you? Are these my only options or is there something I may have overlooked?
Hi :) I think ARP poisoning and so on is not so easy to drop in.. ;) but you could start by trying one of the most famous network packets analyzer: Wireshark. Networking is very far to be easy.. :P but Wireshark will help you a lot and, btw, supports also libcap. Hope that helps :)

determine network packet structure

There is an old program a member of this online community made for everyone to use, but he is no longer around and no longer supports it. I wanted to help the community by extending it's features somewhat. To do that, I need to know how data is sent from it. How can I capture the network traffic it sends, and determine what it's sending?
WireShark is your friend. Available for UNIX and Windows.
Wireshark is a network packet analyzer. A network packet analyzer will
try to capture network packets and tries to display that packet data
as detailed as possible.
Wireshark User's Guide
#Kerrek SB's Tip: use tcpdump -s0 -w /tmp/data -i eth3 or so to create the dump file, and analyze it with Wireshark later as an unprivileged user.

Wireshark physical packet

How does wireshark interpret physical packets?
As far as I know, all packets look to be the same, so how does it decode them to pass to next higher protocol?
When it's used to capture live traffic it knows the type of the interface and therefore the L2 encapsulation of packets, and when it reads a pcap file, the file has a field in the header indicating network type.
There are probably a number of different mechanisms. You can download the dissectors and study the source to find out the various methods.
I wrote a dissector for a network sniffer and ported it to Ethereal and then Wireshark (or maybe someone else ported it; I don't remember). But the basic logic is that the dissector gets added to the list of possible dissectors. Wireshark calls a dissector and it decodes the packet if it can. If not, it calls the next one in the chain.
In the code I wrote, I simply analyzed the packet (UDP in my situation) to determine if it fit the profile of the desired packet using checksums and known data in the packet. If it decided it was the packet I was interested in I just extracted the various pieces of interesting data from the packet. The function tvb_get_ptr returns a pointer to the start of the data.

Measuring Dropped packets in Network through wireshark

Monitoring the all network traffic from one port on the switch and captured the all traffic bu using wireshark.
Here i found all packet captured in the summary result and it has dropped packet information also. This is some thing lost packets in the network or at the wireshark point?
I was in ambiguous...i am testing in ethernet based and TCP/IP based protocol.
One more possible case if my server is installed with wireshark and its capturing the all packets coming and going from this point. At this point also found the packet dropped in the wireshark summary.
So any one help in this issue....any explanation appreciated.
Surely wireshark is only telling you about packets it has dropped? I can't see how it could possibly know about any others.
