MyPy complains about Qt.AlignmentFlag - qt

When I upgrade to PySide6 6.2.2, MyPy starts complaining about Qt.AlignmentFlag. Here's a small example:
from PySide6.QtGui import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QLabel, QApplication
app = QApplication()
label = QLabel("Hello, World!")
That still runs fine, but MyPy complains:
$ mypy error: Argument 1 to "setAlignment" of "QLabel" has incompatible type "AlignmentFlag"; expected "Alignment"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
OK, I try converting the AlignmentFlag to an Alignment.
from PySide6.QtGui import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QLabel, QApplication
app = QApplication()
label = QLabel("Hello, World!")
Again, that runs fine, but MyPy now complains about the constructor.
$ mypy error: Too many arguments for "Alignment"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)
Could someone please explain how to use Qt.Alignment and Qt.AlignmentFlag?

Until I find a better option, I'm going to assume that someone messed up the type hints in PySide6 6.2.2, and I'll just tell MyPy to ignore it.
from PySide6.QtGui import Qt
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QLabel, QApplication
app = QApplication()
label = QLabel("Hello, World!")
label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignCenter) # type: ignore

Have you tried using Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter instead of Qt.AlignCenter in the setAlignment function? PySide/PyQt fills that field with the enum value you want at runtime, to have some similarity to how you would do it in C++.
Qt.AlignmentFlag is an enum class and AlignCenter is an enum value.


In PyQt6 or PySide6, is it possible to do alignment with CSS stylesheet? [duplicate]

In PySide2 we could use "qproperty-alignment: AlignRight;", but this no longer works in PySide6. Since there are changes in PySide6 and shortcuts are no longer supported I've tried:
but nothing seems to work.
Here is the minimal reproducible example:
from PySide6 import QtWidgets
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
window = QtWidgets.QLabel('Window from label')
window.setStyleSheet('qproperty-alignment: AlignRight;')
It seems that Qt6 no longer interprets the text "AlignRight" but requires the integer values, for example Qt::AlignRight is 0x0002 so a possible solution is to convert the flags to integers:
from PySide6 import QtCore, QtWidgets
app = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
window = QtWidgets.QLabel("Window from label")
window.setStyleSheet(f"qproperty-alignment: {int(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight)};")
assert window.alignment() & QtCore.Qt.AlignRight

PyCharm loadUi findChild - unresolved attribute reference [duplicate]

Let's say I have a ui file created in Qt Designer that I want to load dynamically to then manipulate the widgets, such as:
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic
class MyWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyWidget, self).__init__(parent)
uic.loadUi('example.ui', self)
# No code completion here for self.myPushButton:
Is there a standard / convenient way of enabling code completion for the widgets loaded this way in PyCharm (2017.1.4)?
At the moment I am using this (written in the constructor after the ui file is loaded):
self.myPushButton = self.myPushButton # type: QtWidgets.QPushButton
# Code completion for myPushButton works at this point
I also thought of this, but it does not seem to do the trick:
assert isinstance(self.myPushButton, QtWidgets.QPushButton)
# PyCharm does not even recognise myPushButton as an attribute of self at this point
Finally, I also thought of using python stubs, such as:
class MyWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.myPushButton: QtWidgets.QPushButton = ...
However, myPushButton is properly recognised in code outside but not in code inside itself, which is kind of the opposite of what I wanted.
I am also considering taking my first approach but with all those lines put in a private method that will never get called, such as:
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic
class MyWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MyWidget, self).__init__(parent)
uic.loadUi('example.ui', self)
# Code completion now works here for self.myPushButton:
def __my_private_method_never_called():
self.myPushButton = self.myPushButton # type: QtWidgets.QPushButton
# Or even this (it should have the same effect if this
# function is never called, plus it is less verbose):
self.myPushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
# If I want to make sure that this is never called
# could raise an error at some point:
raise YouShouldNotHaveCalledThisError()
This seems to work fine, and it also allows me to group all my type hinting code together, isolated from the rest. I could even make some script to write all those lines for me by parsing the ui files. I am just wondering if people reading my code would find this approach very unorthodox, even if I comment clearly why am I writing a technically useless private function.
If anybody is interested, I made the script I mentioned to parse the .ui files and generate stub code ready to be copied to my class:
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree
def generate_stubs(file):
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(file).getroot()
print('Stub for file: ' + os.path.basename(file))
print(' def __stubs(self):')
print(' """ This just enables code completion. It should never be called """')
for widget in root.findall('.//widget'):
name = widget.get('name')
if len(name) > 3 and name[:2] == 'ui' and name[2].isupper():
cls = widget.get('class')
print(' self.{} = QtWidgets.{}()'.format(
name, cls
print(' raise AssertionError("This should never be called")')
def main():
for file in sys.argv[1:]:
if __name__ == '__main__':
This only parses widgets whose names start with 'ui' followed by an uppercase letter, such as 'uiMyWidget', which is the naming convention that I typically follow in the Qt Designer. By doing this, the widgets with names automatically generated by the Qt Designer are ignored (if I cared about these, I would have given them a proper name). It should be straightforward to update this for any other naming conventions, or other type of objects, such as actions.
For convenience, I have set this up as an external tool in PyCharm as well; see screenshot here (change the paths as appropriate). That way, I only have to right-click my ui file in the project window, then External Tools -> Stub Generator for Qt UI Files, and I get the following output in the Run window ready to be copied:
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\python.exe D:\MyProject\bin\ D:\MyProject\my_ui_file.ui
Stub for file: my_ui_file.ui
def __stubs(self):
""" This just enables code completion. It should never be called """
self.uiNameLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel()
self.uiOpenButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
self.uiSplitter = QtWidgets.QSplitter()
self.uiMyCombo = QtWidgets.QComboBox()
self.uiDeleteButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton()
raise AssertionError("This should never be called")
Process finished with exit code 0

Why QDialog not shows any widgets until job completed? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Equivalent to time.sleep for a PyQt application
(5 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
im new to pyqt5,i tried to open dialog and push some text into that dialog
my dialog contain one plaintext ,progressbar and pushbutton
when i run the code its popup the dialog but not shown any thing ,after code execution completes its showing all the widgets and with text
but i need to open the dialog and i want update progress bar
My code
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QDialog,QPlainTextEdit,QScrollArea,QProgressBar,QPushButton)
import sys
import time
class PrograssDialog():
def ShowDialog(self,Dialogs):
self.Pd.setWindowTitle("Script Excution... ")
self.TextArea.insertPlainText(str("Start : %s" % time.ctime())+"\n")
self.Prograssbar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 350, 450, 23))
self.Cancelbutton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(360, 400, 93, 28))
except Exception as msg:
import sys
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
print("Error_analysis " + str(msg)+ str(tb.tb_lineno))
def AddMessage(self,Message):
# print("message added")
def SetPercentage(self,Number):
# print("percent added")
def StopExcution(self):
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
for i in range(100):
There are various problems with your code, I'll try to address all of them.
The main reason for the issue you are facing is that no blocking functions (like time.sleep) should happen in the main Qt thread (which is the thread that shows the GUI elements and allow interactions with them); blocking functions prevent the UI to correctly draw and refresh its contents, if you want to do an operation at specific intervals, you have to use a QTimer;
You should not use a basic python object subclass for this kind of situations, especially since you're only using just one dialog; you should subclass from QDialog instead and implement
To "exit" your program you should not use sys.exit (you are already using it), but use QApplication.quit() instead; also, since you already imported sys at the beginning, there's no need to import it again in the exception;
Function and variable names should not be capitalized; while you can use any casing style you want for your own code, it's common (and highly suggested) practice to always use lowercase initials, and it's also a convention you should stick to when sharing code with others, especially on Q&A sites like StackOverflow; read more on the official Style Guide for Python Code;
Always avoid fixed geometries for children widgets: what others see on their computers will probably be very different from what you see on yours, and you might end up with an unusable interface; use layout managers instead, so that the widgets can resize themselves if required;
You added a scroll area but you never use it; since you're using the same geometry for the text area I believe that you thought you were using for that, but there's no need as the text area already is a scroll area;
Here is how the code could look like in order to achieve what you want:
import time
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
class ProgressDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.textArea = QtWidgets.QPlainTextEdit()
self.textArea.insertPlainText(str("Start : %s" % time.ctime())+"\n")
self.progressBar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar()
self.cancelButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Cancel')
self.countTimer = QtCore.QTimer()
def startCounter(self, maximum, sleepSeconds):
# QTimer interval is in milliseconds
self.countTimer.setInterval(sleepSeconds * 1000)
def timeout(self):
if self.progressBar.value() == self.progressBar.maximum():
self.setPercentage(self.progressBar.value() + 1)
def setPercentage(self, value):
def addMessage(self, message):
self.textArea.insertPlainText(str(message) + '\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
dialog = ProgressDialog()
dialog.startCounter(100, .5)

Strange painting bug in GraphicsView in PyQt 5.7

[updating with smaller example]
We just upgraded to PyQt 5.7 and we have one the last problem left to fix in our application. Here is a standalone example that I created from our application code. Run it and see how the ellipse gets drawn beyond the view borders. This did not occur in 5.5.1. Platform is Windows 7 64 bit (running in a VM). It looks like this:
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsScene, QHBoxLayout, QWidget, QLabel
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsObject, QGraphicsEllipseItem
from PyQt5.QtGui import QBrush
class MyGraphicsItem(QGraphicsObject):
def __init__(self):
# next line could be any type of graphics item:
rect_item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(0, 0, 100, 100, self)
# effect easier to see if paint black:
label_item = QGraphicsProxyWidget(self)
# *** Next line must be there for effect to be visible, but could be any other type of widget
def paint(self, painter, option, widget=None):
def boundingRect(self):
return self.childrenBoundingRect()
def show_problem():
app = QApplication([])
widget = QWidget()
layout = QHBoxLayout()
view = QGraphicsView()
scene = QGraphicsScene()
scene.addItem(MyGraphicsItem()) # *** effect only there if more than 1 item
widget.setGeometry(100, 100, 50, 50)
So Russell confirmed that this is a regression in 5.7 (i.e., problem was not present in PyQt 5.6).
I posted a C++ version of my Python example to Qt Forum. A fellow there was kind enough to fix compilation bugs and run it, and saw the bug: so this is indeed a Qt bug.
There is a bug report at that is almost certainly the same issue. It is not resolved, but by an incredible luck, it links to a post where there is a workaround: set the opacity of proxy widget item to just below 1. In the example app of my post, I added
after setting label_item's widget. I our real app (110k PyQt code) I set the opacity of all QGraphicsProxyWidget instance and it seems to work.
This workaround seems to not have any other side effects, time will tell if there are deeper problems. But it appears to be at least be a temporary solution until the bug gets fixed in Qt. I have submitted a bug report.

Why doesn't menu get added?

I'm clearly missing something here; why doesn't the File menu get added in this little example app?
import sys
from PySide.QtGui import *
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
layout = QHBoxLayout()
self.widget = QWidget()
self.exitAction = QAction('Exit', self, shortcut=QKeySequence.Quit, triggered=self.close)
self.fileMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu('File')
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = Window()
Ok, it looks like this is actually a unicode issue.
Here's another example app:
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division
import sys
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
self.dummyAction = QAction('dummy'), self, triggered=self.dummy)
self.gameMenu = self.menuBar().addMenu('ddddummy'))
print ('dummy'))
layout = QHBoxLayout()
self.widget = QWidget()
def dummy(self):
locale = QLocale.system().name()
qtTranslator = QTranslator()
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
if qtTranslator.load('qt_' + locale, ':/'):
w = Window()
This app doesn't have 'File' or 'Quit' or 'Exit' -- but it works if I comment out the from __future__ line, or surround the quoted strings like'foo')) instead of'foo')
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import sys
from PySide.QtGui import *
class Window(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(Window, self).__init__()
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
This should print 'foo', but prints nothing.
At first glance, your code seems perfectly normal, and it does function just as expected on windows or linux. The issue here is that on OSX, the operating system enforces a standard interface on the menu. Whereas on other operating systems the menu is nested right under your app, and your app owns it...on OSX, the operating system owns it. Hence it is shown in the global menu area.
That being said, OSX is filtering out some reserved keywords like "Quit" or "Exit". The reason for this is because the quit functionality is a standard that is automatically placed in your Application menu. When you run it as a basic python script, the menu will be called "Python". But if you bundle it into an app, it will be named accordingly for your bundled app.
This link here, while not an exact explanation, does mention the differences for a menu on OSX.
For a quick example of fixing your menu, see what happens when you do:
self.exitAction = QAction('Kwit', self)
OSX will not filter out that one. But I suppose its better to follow the native standards which make all app experiences the same on the platform. You would definitely include the "Quit" menu action as you have it now, so that your app will be cross-platform if run on linux or windows and just expect that OSX will relocate it for you.
I've come across this thread because I'm struggling with a similar issue. Here's what I've found...
About your EDIT 2:
Your code will correctly print 'foo' if you substitute the line
for the lines
w = Window()
as you had in your original code. Apparently the return type on the constructor causes chaining to be an issue in python?
I was able to reproduce your EDIT 1 by commenting out the from __future__ line. Otherwise, the code below works as expected in OS X (Mountain Lion 10.8.3 with brewed python). Specifically, the following code puts the "About" action under the "Python" application menu that OS X creates, and also creates a "Help" menu containing the "Website" action.
import sys
from PySide.QtGui import QApplication,QMainWindow, QWidget, QAction
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent)
def create_menus(self):
self.aboutAction = QAction('About', self, triggered=self.on_about)
self.websiteAction = QAction('Website', self, triggered=self.on_website)
self.help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Help')
def create_main_frame(self):
self.mainWidget = QWidget()
def on_website(self):
def on_about(self):
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MainWindow()
I should draw attention to an important point that this thread helped me discover. I've seen a lot of advice for OS X that indicates you should create menu_bar = QMenuBar() independently of QMainWindow and then bind with self.setMenuBar(menu_bar) where self represents QMainWindow. This, in fact, didn't work for me. Instead, what did work, is grabbing the menu bar reference directly from the QMainWindow class itself. For example, and like above, when adding a menu, use self.help_menu = self.menuBar().addMenu('Help') as above.
