All new calls to cloud translation service are ending in quota error - google-translate

Yesterday, about 1500 PST, my connection to the translation API began emitting errors about exceeding:
Error 8: RESOURCE EXHAUSTED: Quota Error
Quota exceeded for quota metric ‘v2 and v3 general model characters’ and limit ‘v2 and v3 general model characters per day’.
I have googled online, and found this can happen, and that it resets at 0000 hours PST. This time has come and gone, and second day now, the same Error 8 is arriving when attempting to access the service.
I have also signed in to my console, and looked at my quotas. None of them are over-quota, or have they been in the last 7 days. (I’m no where near the limits)
I had a spike (bug) where the code got into a bad state and spammed the API retrying the request, and I’ve found an fixed this issue. This was yesterday, so I don’t know why it’s still giving errors.

OK so I found the answer. My credit card had expired, and the billing was overdue. Unfortunately this is not obvious in any of the errors, or many of the pages the google search results point to (check quotas etc)…hopefully this helps someone else who searches.


Error 402 - Firebase quota storage exceeded

Let me breakdown of what happened. Yesterday I tried to insert some videos from firebase realtime database to my app in the form of recyclerview and the first 2 testing with my physical device, it went fine but then during the third time testing, my app suddenly didn't work and when I checked what was going on, It said this."V/FA: Inactivity, disconnecting from the service" Then when I went into further analysis I soon came to realize it had this error as in the code.
"error": {
"code": 402,
"message": "Quota has been exceeded for this project. Please visit the Firebase pricing page to
learn more.",
"status": "ACCESS_BUCKET"
Im very sure that my storage is less than 100 mb but yet I got this result. However, today it's back working but I want to know what kind of action would invoke this error provided that I have ample of storage that is yet to be used.. Any help to clarify the issue that I went through would be much appreciated.. Thanks in advance
There are more quota than just the total size of the bucket. From the pricing page:
GB stored: 5 GB
GB downloaded: 1 GB/day
Upload operations: 20K/day
Download operations: 50K/day
Given your description you exceeded one of the daily limits, likely the bandwidth usage, which is 1 GB/day. That would also explain why it started working again on the next day.

batchget with 1 request in throwing "Quota exceeded for quota group 'AnalyticsDefaultGroup' and limit 'CLIENT_PROJECT-1d"

Hi this was working for me a couple of weeks ago, however i keep getting this now.
Quota exceeded for quota group 'AnalyticsDefaultGroup' and limit 'CLIENT_PROJECT-1d'
error 429
As far as i am aware this should reset midnight pacific time. But it does not seem to have done that.
Even on the test account I get this error, I know I have resolved the issue that was causing it but I don't know why I still get this error.
Has it blacklisted the viewid? or IP? How can I get more info so I can resolve this issue.

Access denied due to invalid subscription key error

My app has been working fine since I changed my free account to a Pay-As-You-Go account but yesterday I started receiving the Access denied due to invalid subscription key error
I haven't changed anything. What can be the source of this error?
Microsoft CRIS servers were experiencing down time starting from ~ 10 pm GMT (according to my observation) on Wednesday 04/19 till 9 am GMT Thursday 14/20. I've experienced problems with log in, deployment access. But some of their servers went back and I was able to log in console. However all my deployments weren't accessible including newly created one. So, as their system went down, you might have problems accessing your deployment. Even if error description is related to invalid subscription key, it might be that issue. It's a new service and I still see 500 Internal errors in console often. If issue is still reproducing, I recommend you to contact their support team They are very helpful. However they respond during European working hours.
I have experienced similar issues when we hit the API limits. It would not be a bad idea to check if either the number of requests per second or the volume has been reached ( in case of bootstrap keys it is 1000 hits)

503 Over Quota Every morning

Every morning between 8 and 9 am CET my site shows this error:
Error Over Quota
This application is temporarily over its serving quota. Please try again later.
although billing is enabled and the site has been running for many months now. On the old billing status page, there's a setting for Maximum Daily Budget (Set this to handle peak traffic and to buffer against sudden traffic surges.) which is set to $0.00, but even if I change that to e.g. $10.00, it still shows the 503 error, so it seems this has nothing to do with it.
The new billing page looks like this:
It happens every morning between 7 and 8 am CET, so that would be around midnight PST which would at least indicate that it still might have something to do with billing?
Here's how the external monitoring system shows the outages, i.e. multiple outages every morning and then no problems for the rest of the day.
The Google Developers Console Overview page Errors by status code also shows the 503 error in green.
If I look at the monitoring logs most of the 503 errors between 7 and 9am for the following pages:
And then there are some 500 errors, e.g. at 8 am
08:07:08.092 ... [26/Nov/2014:23:07:08 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 500 0 - "Pingdom.com_bot_version_1.4_(" "" ms=921 cpu_ms=1042 loading_request=1 exit_code=108 instance=00c61b117c9ad93b9da1f63314065ff8f4188095 app_engine_release=1.9.16
08:07:08.092 This request caused a new process to be started for your application, and thus caused your application code to be loaded for the first time. This request may thus take longer and use more CPU than a typical request for your application.
08:07:08.092 Process terminated due to exceeding quotas.
The (new) quota details page says Quotas are reset every 24 hours. Next reset: 1 hours and now it's 8:30 am CET. All of the listed resources are rated Okay.
If I go to the old Quota Detailsp page, though, I see that my requests' Frontend Instance Hourshave reached 100% and are rated Limited.
So I went back to the new console under Compute / App Engine / Settings which showed Your budget today is $10.00. Effective tomorrow, you will be using only free quota. which I now increased to a daily budget of USD 5.
My site now still shows the 503 error, but hopefully this will be the solution. I should be able to tell in 24 hours, shouldn't I?
If anyone from Google App Engine is reading this, there might be some inconsistencies between the old and new panels that should probably be fixed.
My problem has been solved by increasing the daily budget vom 0 to 5, although it took a couple of hours to take effect. We haven't had any notifications from the monitoring system, so it seems to be all fine now.

PaypalSandbox error

I am working on php . I submit my transaction to paypalsandbox
but transaction is not completed and gives error
An error occurred while processing your request. Before submitting this again, log in and check your Account History to ensure that the transaction didn't complete.
If any one know the solution please help me.
I'm having this in testing too. It was working about 9 hours ago, and as I'm testing from 3 different servers with two different configs, it may be that it's a PayPal issue rather than a user error.
Found this which suggest it happens from time to time. I'm seeing this error now, rather than the one reported previously.
