One project two google analytics ids - google-analytics

Following this
question I want to ask one more clarification:
I have a project. An application that I host on two different machines with two different domains for two different clients.
I have two applications registered in the Google Analytics portal.
Can I add the both tags as explained in the linked question and will I get data for the different application depending on which server I have hosted the app or, no matter the client, if I log into the first system, i will be registered on the second as well?
I am asking as the project is already build and packaged when I do the differentiation which goes to which server and am looking for quicker solution.

A quicker solution would be using one GA property for tracking all your applications and having a user-level custom dimension there indicating which application it is.
An alternative, would be using N properties each for its own application and then use a rollup property:
Your case doesn't sound like a case justifying using two properties at the same time on each of the apps. Please elaborate your case better if you still believe you have to use double tracking. Double tracking is a brutish solution and there are almost always more elegant solutions.


DTAP storing script variables in a simple and fast way

I am setting up a DTAP environment for Google App Maker. Google App Maker enables working in a singe file very well, however there is one use case that I would like to simplify.
For each deployment I need to "know" certain things in the back end script. Things like the ip address of the SQL server, or usernames and passwords. This information needs to be retrieved fast and often, given the stateless nature of
The best solution so far is a settings form, combined with google drive tables and caching. This works, but it is not simple, and things could fail easily. The other approach is hard coded and linked to the deployment url. This is fast and simple, but also means that all the credentials are in the source.
I am looking for a better solution. Apps Script used to have the script properties. Is there a similar option in App Maker, with a UI to maintain the settings.
There is no built-in UI to manage script properties, but App Maker's runtime (Apps Script) provides API to perform CRUD operations on it:
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('testKey', 'testValue');
...and you can 'easily' build the UI on top of this API. In answer for this question are highlighted major steps to achieve this: Google App Maker how to create Data Source from Google Contacts
Here is a feature request for the first party support. You can up-vote it by giving it a star:

Symfony2 : implement multiple projects sharing same logics

I've read a lot on this topic, but cannot find out a clear answer on how to structure a complex project around symfony2...
My new project will be structured with :
1) one back office website hosted on a subdomain of our partner's website
2) one partner's website
3) one (or more) customer's website
Of course, each of these websites will share logics from "core" bundles (i.e : core entities, core user logic, etc...), but they also need to have custom routing, custom templates, and so on...
I think that I have 2 options :
1) define 1 bundle per website and define routing based on the hostname, but it seems that it is not recommended
2) implement one SF2 instance by website, and copy/deploy core bundles into each instances
What is the best solution ? And is there another solution on how to implement some kind of complex project?
It's difficult to say which is best for your particular situation: I've used both approaches for projects. I actually have one project which uses both approaches simultaneously, consisting of two Symfony applications: One generating the main website, the other generating a separate application containing some other functionality, with separate bundles for the "user" functionality and the "admin" functionality. We used Varnish to dispatch requests to the correct application, based on the URL path.
In my experience I've found that having multiple applications adds a degree of complexity to the overall solution. This makes it more complicated to work with and to hold the "big picture" of the whole system in your head. There's also potentially a cost implication, if you want to run your applications on separate servers. You also need to consider that there's overhead on getting the whole solution set up for local development, which is definitely a concern if you're in a team of more than one.
The flip-side of this is that working on one part of the whole solution (i.e. one app) is often more straightforward: Configuration values/dependencies for the other applications won't need to be set up, you only need to get working the bare minimum for that one standalone app. This approach also affords you a lot of flexibility and the ability to concentrate changes on one particular area of the solution. For example: If you wanted to make some changes to the partner's website, if that was generated by a completely separate application, it becomes straightforward to do this. You know that there won't be knock-on effects to your other applications. This goes for shared code too, providing you version it correctly: With composer, your separate applications can depend on different versions of your shared bundles/libraries if necessary. Another benefit of having separate applications is the ability to scale them independently of each other. If your customer website gets much more traffic than your partner's site, you can set it up on better hardware/virtualised instances, giving you finer grained control over performance/costs.
Sharing code is relatively straightforward with Composer and is not one of the main concerns here, in my opinion: Think carefully about the above factors when making your decision.

executing code of a webapp from mutiple tenants within a single process

Can you explain multi tenancy in more detail? how to check whether that is working or not?
What is a http adaptor? Can we create two http adaptors in a single process?Correct me if I am wrong?
To give you a brief overview of multi tenant concepts may run through several pages. IMHO, the concept of multi tenancy for a developer can be mentioned as,
Single code base or multiple code bases (Based on the level of multi-tenancy) set up in a server or in a server farm to cater to all the disparate tenant's that may have varying user experience, varying applications (managed through subscription) and each tenant given a feel of dedicated application by showing them their own data and the corresponding bills for what features of the app they are using.
If you maintain a single code base, it is complicated in terms of development and a piece of cake when it comes to upgrade or bug fix etc...
You should Google around for multi-tenancy. The sample link is :
Please fell free to post your specific focus area in multi-tenancy and technology that you are opting for so the community help will be to the grain.

Issue tracking with automatically generated issues

In my company we are now looking to start using an issue tracker. So far we've been using our task management system for issue tracking, and now we need something more advanced.
We found out that we have lots (1000s) of small issues that we can automatically generate, and we want to handle them based on a prioritized queue. Such small issues are usually content issues. Sometimes issues are outright errors that come up, and we want to prioritize these based on how critical the error is and how many users encountered it.
Another feature we are looking for is the ability to aggregate issues that are identical, based on some identification string we can generate. We would also like it to be possible to aggregate issues manually - i.e. mark two issues as duplicates in an easy way via the UI.
Finally, we are interested in the issue tracker to have a usable set of tools for managing issues manually - prioritizing, setting owners, generating reports, etc.
My question to you is: what issue tracker would you recommend we use?
If the question is still active, I am a developer # It is an issue tracking system with both web access and Win/Mac desktop apps, SVN, GIT integration, public API, prioritisation and a bunch of other useful features, which you have not mentioned in your question. You can create a free account there and try the system - maybe it is the one you are looking for.
If you will have any questions regarding the system (especially web interface and API) - you can ask me here. I will gladly help you.
PS: this response is not an advertisement - just trying to be helpful.

Providing SaaS functionality to a .NET portal with DLLs

I'm not sure I'm asking the right question here, but I'm looking to provide web based functionality from one ASP.NET application to another remote 'portal-like' application. Is it possible to simply give the portal a DLL? As an example, let's say the SaaS web app has a patient-entry form that I want to be able to use from the portal application. I would like the portal app to be able to set preferences (permissions, color, style, etc), make a function call, and have that capability presented within a certain div or something. Is there any .NET technologies that provide this kind of integration?
Here is a link to a quick diagram I made trying to describe the scenario: I know there are other ways of doing this (eg JSON-P calls), but I need to give the portal developers something they can control on their end. Also, if anything changes they'll know I will send them a new version of the DLL which will indicate to them the new functionality.
I'll give you a shopping list of things to check out:
Workflow Foundation -
Microsoft SAAS platform -
Depending on exactly what you're looking for, you might also research "multitenancy".
To answer your original question, yes, you can do it with DLL's, but there are easier ways to do it.
