Why is my approximation of the Gamma function not exact? - math

So I'm setting out to recreating some math functions from the math library from python.
One of those functions is the math.gamma-function. Since I know my way around JavaScript I thought I might try to translate the JavaScript implementation of the Lanczos approximation on Rosetta code into Applescript code:
on gamma(x)
set p to {1.0, 676.520368121885, -1259.139216722403, 771.323428777653, -176.615029162141, 12.507343278687, -0.138571095266, 9.98436957801957E-6, 1.50563273514931E-7}
set E to 2.718281828459045
set g to 7
if x < 0.5 then
return pi / (sin(pi * x) * (gamma(1 - x)))
end if
set x to x - 1
set a to item 1 of p
set t to x + g + 0.5
repeat with i from 2 to count of p
set a to a + ((item i of p) / (x + i))
end repeat
return ((2 * pi) ^ 0.5) * (t ^ x + 0.5) * (E ^ -t) * a
end gamma
The required function for this to run is:
on sin(x)
return (do shell script "python3 -c 'import math; print(math.sin(" & x & "))'") as number
end sin
All the other functions of the Javascript implementation have been removed to not have too many required functions, but the inline operations I introduced produce the same result.
This Javascript-code works great when trying to run it in the browser-console, but my Applescript implementation doesn't produce answers anywhere near the actual result. Is it because...
...I implemented something wrong?
...Applescript doesn't have enough precision?
...something else?

You made two mistakes in your code:
First of all, the i in your repeat statement starts at 2 rather than 1, which is fine for (item i of p), but it needs to be subtracted by 1 in the (x + i).
Secondly, in the code (t ^ x + 0.5) in the return statement, the t and x are being calculated first since they are exponents and then added to 0.5, but according to the JavaScript implementation the x and 0.5 need to be added together first instead.


Checking for a counterexample to a conjecture on even deficient-perfect numbers using Pari-GP

I am trying to check for counterexamples to the conjecture stated in this MSE question, using the Pari-GP interpreter of Sage Cell Server.
I reproduce the statement of the conjecture here: If N > 8 is an even deficient-perfect number and Q = N/(2N - sigma(N)), then Q is prime.
Here, sigma(N) is the classical sum of divisors of N.
I am using the following code:
for(x=9, 1000, if(((Mod(x,(2*x - sigma(x))) == 0)) && ((fromdigits(Vecrev(digits(x / (2*x - sigma(x)))))) == (x / (2*x - sigma(x)))) && !(isprime((x / (2*x - sigma(x))))), print(x,factor(x))))
However, the Pari-GP interpreter of Sage Cell Server would not accept it, and instead gives the following error message:
*** at top-level: for(x=9,1000,if(((Mod(x,(2*x-sigma(x)))==0))&&
*** ^----------------------------
*** Mod: impossible inverse in %: 0.
What am I doing wrong?
Here's a better implementation of your algorithm
forfactored(X = 9, 10^7,
my (s = sigma(X), t = 2*X[1] - s);
if (t <= 0, next);
my ([q, r] = divrem(X[1], t));
if (r == 0 && fromdigits(Vecrev(digits(q))) == q && !ispseudoprime(q),
It's a bit more readable but most importantly it avoids factoring the same x over and over again: each time you write sigma(x), we need to factor x (the interpreter is not clever enough to compute subexpressions once). In fact, it doesn't perform a single factorization, through the use of forfactored which performs a sieve instead (and the variable X contains [x, factor(x)]). This is about 3 times faster than the original implementation in this range.
I let it run to 10^9 (about 10 minutes), there was no further counterexample.
I got it to work myself.
Here is the code that I used:
for(x=9, 10000000, if((2*x > sigma(x)) && ((Mod(x,(2*x - sigma(x))) == 0)) && ((fromdigits(Vecrev(digits(x / (2*x - sigma(x)))))) == (x / (2*x - sigma(x)))) && !(isprime((x / (2*x - sigma(x))))), print(x,factor(x))))
The search returns the odd counterexample N = 9018009, which is expected.
It did not return any even counterexamples, in the specified range.

Julia: Why ridge regression not working (optim)

I am trying to implement ridge-regression from scratch in Julia but something is going wrong.
# Imports
using DataFrames
using LinearAlgebra: norm, I
using Optim: optimize, LBFGS, minimizer
# Read Data
out = CSV.read(download("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jbrownlee/Datasets/master/housing.csv"), DataFrame, header=0)
# Separate features and response
y = Vector(out[:, end])
X = Matrix(out[:, 1:(end-1)])
λ = 0.1
# Functions
loss(beta) = norm(y - X * beta)^2 + λ*norm(beta)^2
function grad!(G, beta)
G = -2*transpose(X) * (y - X * beta) + 2*λ*beta
function hessian!(H, beta)
H = X'X + λ*I
# Optimization
start = randn(13)
out = optimize(loss, grad!, hessian!, start, LBFGS())
However, the result of this is terrible and we essentially get back start since it is not moving. Of course, I know I could simply use (X'X + λ*I) \ X'y or IterativeSolvers.lmsr(X, y) but I would like to implement this myself.
The problem is with the implementation of the grad! and hessian! functions: you should use dot assignment to change the content of the G and H matrices:
G .= -2*transpose(X) * (y - X * beta) + 2*λ*beta
H .= X'X + λ*I
Without the dot you replace the matrix the function parameter refers to, but the matrix passed to the function (which will then be used by the optimizer) remains unchanged (presumably a zero matrix, that's why you got back the start vector).

How to halt a loop in Julia and printing the ErrorMsg at the same time without using any macros?

I am writing a simple newton method
x_(n+1) = x_n - f(x_n) / f_prime(x_n)
to find the roots (can be a real number or a complex number) of a quadratic function:
f(x) = a*x*x + b*x + c
(a, b, c are given constants and are all real numbers). I know Newton method will fail if the start point or some iteration point in the loop has a zero derivative. I want to use a if statement inside my for/while loop to avoid this situation. Does Julia have something like stop 0 syntax in Fortran ?
The generic Newton's Method root-finding code:
function newton_root_finding(f, f_diff, x0, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8)
f_x0 = f(x0)
f_diff_x0 = f_diff(x0)
x1 = x0 - f_x0 / f_diff_x0
f_diff_x1 = f_diff(x1)
#assert abs(f_diff_x0) > atol + rtol * abs(f_diff_x0) "Zero derivative. No solution found."
while abs(f_x0) > atol + rtol * (abs(f_x0))
x0 = x1
f_x0 = f(x0)
f_diff_x0 = f_diff(x0)
x1 = x0 - f_x0 / f_diff_x0
return x1
function quadratic_func(x)
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 2.0
return a*x*x + b*x + c
function quadratic_func_diff(x)
a = 1.0
b = 0.0
c = 2.0
return 2.0*a*x + 1.0*b + 0.0*c
newton_root_finding(quadratic_func, quadratic_func_diff, 1.0 + 0.5im)
In the above code I used a #assert macro to make it happens, but I don't want to use any macro. I want to use a if statement inside my while loop to halt it. Another thing I've noticed is that if I change to #assert abs(f_diff_x0) != 0 this test will be ignored. Is that because of some round-off errors that "zero derivative" doesn't exactly equal to 0?
The way to exit from the inside of a loop in general is a break statement; a return fulfills the same purpose, because it just exits the whole function.
For the comparisons you can use Base.isapprox(x, y; atol=atol, rtol=rtol). It's documentation starts with:
Inexact equality comparison: true if norm(x-y) <= max(atol, rtol*max(norm(x), norm(y))).
norm falls back to abs for numbers. And I think you might have a bug in both comparisons, always comparing the value at x0 to itself.
As for the breaking on zero derivatives, an #assert is, I think, appropriate here: if you get zero derivative, you don't stop iteration and return the result, but you throw an error to signify an infeasible condition. I'd thus write your function as follows:
function newton_root_finding(f, ∂f, x0, rtol=1e-8, atol=1e-8)
x_old = x0
y_old = f(x0)
while true
df_old = ∂f(x_old)
#assert !isapprox(df_old, 0, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) "Zero derivative. No solution found."
x_new = x_old - y_old / df_old
y_new = f(x_new)
isapprox(y_old, y_new, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) && return x_new
x_old, y_old = x_new, y_new
This returns 3.357392012620626e-26 + 1.4142135623730951im on your test case, approximately sqrt(2)im.
To address your first question, you can use break to exit the while loop, like
function test()
i = 0
while true
i += 1
if i > 10
return i
As to your second question, when comparing floating point numbers it is often better to use isapprox (provide an atol if you compare against zero) instead of == or !=.

finding intersection point using scilab

How can I find intersection points in the graph shown below using fsolve function (from scilab)?
Here is what I've tried so far:
function y=f(x)
y = 30 + 0 * x;
function y= g(x)
k1 = find(x >= 5 & x <= 11);
if k1<>[] then
y(k1)= -59.535905 +24.763399*x(k1) -3.135727*x(k1)^2+0.1288967*x(k1)^3;
k2=find(x >= 11 & x <= 12);
if k2 <> [] then
y(k2)=1023.4465 - 270.59543 * x(k2) + 23.715076 * x(k2)^2 - 0.684764 * x(k2)^3;
k3 = find(x >= 12 & x <= 17);
if k3 <> [] then
y(k3) =-307.31448 + 62.094807 *x(k3) - 4.0091108 * x(k3)^2 + 0.0853523 * x(k3)^3;
k4 = find(x >= 17 & x <= 50);
if k4 <> [] then
y(k4) = 161.42601 - 20.624104 *x(k4) + 0.8567075 * x(k4)^2 - 0.0100559 * x(k4)^3;
plot(t, g(t));
plot2d(t, f(t));
deff('res = fct', ['res(1) = f(x)'; 'res(2) = g(x)']);
k1=[5, 45];
xsol1 = fsolve(k1, f, g)
Your original post was utterly unreadable and chaotic. It took me while to edit it and understand what you are trying to achieve. However I will try to help you. Lets go step by step:
I am not sure why you have used find function this way. probably you were trying to vectorize the g function? Please consider that Scilab does not broadcast functions over arrays by default. You need to either vectorize them or use feval to do so. Please read this other answer I have written before. find is a vectorized operation applying on an array, a Boolean operation and a scalar, finding the elements of the array which satisfy the operation. For example from the find page:
beers = ["Desperados", "Leffe", "Kronenbourg", "Heineken"];
find(beers == "Leffe")
returns 2 and
A = rand(1, 20);
w = find(A < 0.4)
returns those elements of array A which are smaller than 0.4.
Please learn about conditionals and specifically if, then, elsif, else, end statements. If you learn this you will not use the find function in that way. Sometimes you have so many ifs in a row, then try to use select, case, else, end instead. Your second function could be written as:
function y = g(x)
if x < 5 | 50 < x then
error("Out of range");
elseif x <= 11 then
y = -59.535905 + 24.763399 * x - 3.135727 * x^2 + 0.1288967 * x^3;
elseif x <= 12 then
y = 1023.4465 - 270.59543 * x + 23.715076 * x^2 - 0.684764 * x^3;
elseif x <= 17 then
y = -307.31448 + 62.094807 * x - 4.0091108 * x^2 + 0.0853523 * x^3;
y = 161.42601 - 20.624104 * x + 0.8567075 * x^2 - 0.0100559 * x^3;
Now apparently you want to find the points on this curve which have a value of 30. Although there are methods to find these points automatically plotting can be very helpful to find the proper range:
t = [5:50];
plot(t, feval(t, g) - 30)
showing that the the two solutions are in the range of 20 < x1 < 30 and 40 < x < 50.
Now if we use fsolve with the proper initial values it gives us good results:
--> deff('[y] = g2(x)', 'y = g(x) - 30');
--> fsolve([25; 45], g2)
ans =
The third parameter of the fsolve function is the Jacobin / derivative of the g(x) function. You either should calculate the derivatives of the above polynomials manually (or use a proper symbolic software like Maxima), or define them as polynomials using poly function. See this tutorial for example. Then differentiate them, defining a new function like dgdx.

Numerically stable evaluation of sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)

Is there an elegant way of numerically stable evaluating the following expression for the full parameter range x,a >= 0?
f(x,a) = sqrt(x+a) - sqrt(x)
Also is there any programming language or library that does provide this kind of function? If yes, under what name? I have no specific problem using the above expression right now, but encountered it many times in the past and always thought that this problem must have been solved before!
Yes, there is! Provided that at least one of x and a is positive, you can use:
f(x, a) = a / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))
which is perfectly numerically stable, but hardly worth a library function in its own right. Of course, when x = a = 0, the result should be 0.
Explanation: sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x) is equal to (sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)) * (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)) / (sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x)). Now multiply the first two terms to get sqrt(x+a)^2 - sqrt(x)^2, which simplifies to a.
Here's an example demonstrating the stability: the troublesome case for the original expression is where x + a and x are very close in value (or equivalently when a is much smaller in magnitude than x). For example, if x = 1 and a is small, we know from a Taylor expansion around 1 that sqrt(1 + a) should be 1 + a/2 - a^2/8 + O(a^3), so sqrt(1 + a) - sqrt(1) should be close to a/2 - a^2/8. Let's try that for a particular choice of small a. Here's the original function (written in Python, in this case, but you can treat it as pseudocode):
def f(x, a):
return sqrt(x + a) - sqrt(x)
and here's the stable version:
def g(x, a):
if a == 0:
return 0.0
return a / ((sqrt(x + a) + sqrt(x))
Now let's see what we get with x = 1 and a = 2e-10:
>>> a = 2e-10
>>> f(1, a)
>>> g(1, a)
The value we should have got is (up to machine accuracy): a/2 - a^2/8 - for this particular a, the cubic and higher order terms are insignificant in the context of IEEE 754 double-precision floats, which only provide around 16 decimal digits of precision. Let's compute that value for comparison:
>>> a/2 - a**2/8
