Modelsim shows an unknown warning about vmap command - modelsim

I created the library "work", but then when I try to use the command "vmap work work" I get the following warning about 20 times in a row: " ** Warning: (vmap-7) Failed to open lock file "C:/intelFPGA/20.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../modelsim.ini_lock" in create mode.
Permission denied. (errno = EACCES)".
Afterwards it shows the following error: "-- Giving up waiting on lock. Lockfile is "C:/intelFPGA/20.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../modelsim.ini_lock".
** Error: WriteIniString C:/intelFPGA/20.1/modelsim_ase/win32aloem/../modelsim.ini failed: 2".
I couldn't find anything about this create mode or modelsim.ini_lock in my pc, google or this site. However, the vhd files run as expected.
Does someone know how to fix this?

Did you change the permission settings of modelsim_ase?
I had the same problem occur after I modified the settings.
My solution is to open the property settings of the file "modelsim.ini" in modelsim_ase folder and make it "read-only".


Error with install.packages using renv|knit|rmarkdown

I'm updating the renv folder from a project in order to adjust the libraries, but it seems I'm having a permission problem. After running renv::init() and trying to installing manually the remaining libraries using install.packages() I always get the message
Error: failed to retrieve '' [error code 23]
1: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
2: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination
Using .libPath() I can see that the renv was created in the "AppData" hidden folder
1] "C:/Users/André Ferreira/AppData/Local/R/cache/R/renv/library/MacroBRA_Wrld-09789847/R-4.2/x86_64-w64-mingw32"
So checking my permissions, I couldn't see anything wrong. Any thoughts about this problem? The thing it's that when I open my .Rmd file and try to knit, I receive the same message "1: curl: (23) Failure writing output to destination", now from rmarkdown retrieve installation, so it may be a configuration/permission problem.
Adding "C:\rtools42\usr\bin" and "C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.1\bin" in the environment variable didn't help.
As I could see, opening an empty file from rstudio, I could use install.packages() without problem.
Although this doesn't solve the problem directly, you can also instruct renv to use a different library path with something like:
# use a project-local library path
RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY = renv/library
in your project's .Renviron file. Depending on your environment, you might also consider placing the library path in an alternate location.
See for more details.

RStudio home directory doesn't exist

I have a brand new laptop with freshly installed R and RStudio.
When I open RStudio, the following error message pops up:
Warning message:
In normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) :
path[1]="C:/Users/tianj/OneDrive/??": The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect
I checked environment variables, there are two entries that seemed to be wrong:
HOME C:/Users/tianj/OneDrive/??
R_USER C:/Users/tianj/OneDrive/??
I believe ?? here must be 桌面 which is actually Chinese alias of desktop. I googled a lot, it seems that the only way to modify env variables permanently is to create a .Renvrion file at ~/, however, in my case ~/ doesn't even exist. usethis::edit_r_environ also gives an error:
Error: [EINVAL] Failed to make directory 'C:/Users/tianj/OneDrive/??': invalid argument
I also tried to add env variables in Windows settings:
but then another issue would appear:
'C:/Users/tianj/../Downloads/rest_of_the_path_to_file', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
R (or actually RStudio?) will add excess ../ in the path. So I have to remove env variables from Windows system.
Because of the issue, I cannot open or save any file using RStudio's interface, though relative R functions work without a problem.
How can I fix this issue? Is there another way to change default environment variables?

Could not Publish (TypeError): null is not and object (evaluating b.g.) - Rmarkdown

I'm trying to publish an RMarkdown document to my RPubs account, but I get the next error when clicking on "Publish":
Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(con, "r") :
cannot open file 'C:/Users/.../File.Rmd': No such file or directory
It also pops up a window saying the next two warnings:
First pop up: "Could not Publish - Error ocurred while executing method"
Second pop up: "Could not Publish - (TypeError): null is not an object evaluating 'b.g.')
My R version is 3.4.2, RStudio version is 1.1.383, knitr version is 1.17.
I have also checked is the working directory contains the files I'm using at the script, and all seems properly set.
This error only happens when I click on Publish. If I try to knit to HTML or to PDF it works. I have tried to restart and reinstall also both R and RStudio but the error persists.
Has anyone had the same error and knows how to solve it?
Thank you very much!
Is the file saved? Are you in the correct directory?
Please check getwd().
I managed to solve it. The problem was that the path of the working directory contained an accent. I changed the path to another folder without accents and it worked.

Why is RSelenium always giving an error when I want to define a Firefox profile

I am using RSelenium and want to set a Firefox profile. So I tried to reproduce the example of the answer to this question. However, no matter what I change I always get the following error. What am I doing wrong?
I already read in the RSelenium manual that for windows systems RTools should be installed when one wants to make a Firefox profile. I did but nothing changed.
The error is the following:
Error in file(tmpfile, "rb") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning messages:
1: running command '"zip" -r9Xjq "C:\Users\mariu\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQfl3bl\" "C:\Users\mariu\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQfl3bl/firefoxprofile/prefs.js" ' had status 127
2: In file(tmpfile, "rb") :
cannot open file 'C:\Users\mariu\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpQfl3bl\': No such file or directory
the problem is that Rselenium cannot create a zip file of your Firefox Profile (error status 127), therefore cannot read it in the next command line.
I resolved following this answer:
Create zip file: error running command " " had status 127 .
Do as the link says , shut down R, restart your pc and it should work.
Sometimes, for some reasons, it is not enough to add Rtools file location to Environmental Variables as was mentioned here. To solve the problem you need to add path within R using folowing code:
writeLines('PATH="${RTOOLS40_HOME}\\usr\\bin;${PATH}"', con = "~/.Renviron")
Then PC needs to be reseted. After that you can check whether path was setted correctly.
## "C:\\rtools40\\usr\\bin\\make.exe
If output of sys.which is "" then something went wrong. By the way the entire procedure has been described here:

Building PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows results in a strange error

I am trying to build PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows from the c:\fastio\phantomjs\phantomjs directory. For some reason, the build process fails after a while, with 2 errors (see error message below):
1) It tries to access "C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe". Obviously, the backslash characters between directory names are somehow getting stripped away deep in the build process - possibly a mismatch between Windows-style "\" and Linux-style "/" (but this is only a guess).
2) There's another error, "Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/".
If I remove sh.exe from the PATH, the build still gets to this point, and only error #2 appears, leading me to think that error #2 is the real problem here.
Here is the full error message (as far as I can tell this is happening while building WebKit):
sh: C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe: command not found
Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/ at C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/dom/ line 315.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Users\Eugene\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c2ba306e536fdf878271f7fe636a147ff37326ad\bin\perl.EXE' : return code '0x7f'
(By the way, I saw this question but I'm already past the issues described there, my error is happening later in the build process.)
How can I make this work?
Full logs below:
Console output:
QT build log file build_qt_4-285-20-0859.log:
WebKit build log file build_webkit_4-285-20_0859.log:
PhantomJS build log file build_phantomjs_4-285-20_0859.log:
Looks like I found the solution myself, here were my steps:
Remove as much as possible from the PATH leaving only the entries critical to the build process
Most importantly, remove all GitHub's git directories from the PATH
Install GIT separately (not from GitHub but from, add its cmd directory only (not its bin directory) to the PATH
Install ActivePerl separately, add it to the PATH
It's moving past the error I asked about with the steps above (still not sure if it will finish the build successfully, it's taking a while).
