GNU Make: always build pre-targets but don't rebuild target - gnu-make

Imagine my Makefile has something like:
.PHONY: all directories
all: directories programs
directories: obj
mkdir obj
programs: Foo
Foo: obj/Foo.o
${CXX} obj/Foo.o ${LDFLAGS} -o Foo
obj/%.o : %.cpp
rm -rf Foo obj
I can execute make and it will create the obj subdirectory then do a nice compile and link. Works great. But if I do make clean Foo, it's going to fail. The clean removed the subdir and because I bypassed all to just make a single target, it doesn't recreate obj.
So I can do this:
Foo: directories obj/Foo.o
${CXX} obj/Foo.o ${LDFLAGS} -o Foo
But then it ALWAYS does the link:
$ make
g++ obj/Foo.o -o Foo
$ make
g++ obj/Foo.o -o Foo
But if I remove the directories part from Foo:
$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
This is even worse:
obj/%.o : directories %.cpp
So, my question... Is there some way that I can tell an individual target to do some of the pre-setup without that target then always being rebuilt? I could probably make fake targets like this:
makeFoo: directories Foo
But that's annoying. I could also have all be:
all: setup programs
setup: directories
And then do make setup Foo. That's only moderately annoying. What I'd really like is the rule for the objects to ensure the directory exists without adding any spam or unnecessary rebuilds. I suppose I could add something to that particular rule to ensure the directory exists:
obj/Foo.o: Foo.cpp
if [ -d obj ]; then \
mkdir obj \
Is there a cleaner way?

Thanks to Andreas, I made some adjustments. Here's my entire sample Makefile:
.PHONY: all directories
all: directories programs
directories: | obj
mkdir obj
programs: Foo
Foo: obj/Foo.o
${CXX} obj/Foo.o ${LDFLAGS} -o Foo
obj/%.o : %.cpp | obj
rm -rf obj Foo
And here are my runs:
$ make clean Foo
rm -rf obj Foo
mkdir obj
g++ -O3 --std=c++17 -g -c -o obj/Foo.o Foo.cpp
g++ obj/Foo.o -o Foo
$ make Foo
make: 'Foo' is up to date.
The trick was order-only dependencies -- the pipe thing. See the rule for obj/%.o and directories. Note that it works the same if I do it this way or if my obj/%.o rule used directories instead.


Does Makefile "-B" get passed to "child" Makefiles

If I have a Makefile that calls another Makefile:
$(MAKE) -C path/to/Makefile all
And I run:
make -B my_target
Will the -B flag be passed to the other Makefile when it is called $(MAKE) -C path/to/Makefile all?

Makefile | How to check only once whether an output dir already exists?

Currently the shell script checks for the existence of intended object directory right before each compiler call. How do I modify my Makefile so that the code checks only once before it moves on to compiling all the prerequisites?
Here is my Makefile:
HDIR := hdr
SDIR := src
ODIR := obj
EXET := a
OBJS := main.o mainhdr.o testcode.o
OSRC := $(addprefix $(ODIR)/, $(OBJS))
CXX := g++
CXXFLAGS := -I$(HDIR) -g -Wall -std=c++17
all: $(EXET)
$(EXET): $(OSRC)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(SDIR)/%.cpp
if [ ! -d "$(ODIR)" ]; then mkdir $(ODIR); fi
$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#
## foo.bak:
## if [ ! -d "$(ODIR)" ]; then mkdir $(ODIR); fi
.PHONY: clean
rm -r $(EXET) $(ODIR)
I have tried putting:
if [ ! -d "$(ODIR)" ]; then mkdir $(ODIR); fi
as suggested here right before the clean task, but that doesn't seem to work. I could be understanding it wrong, but isn't that the Makefile is executed recursively so by putting that block of code at the end it should be at the tip of recursion and thus executed before everything else?
On newer gnu-make, you can use 'order-only-prerequisites`. This eliminate the timestamp checking, and only required that the prerequisite will exists. This works well to ensure that directories will be created before files are stored into them, and can significantly speedup build jobs
mkdir $(ODIR)
# Note pipe '|' to separate order only prereq.
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(SDIR)/%.cpp | $(ODIR)
$(CXX) -c $(CXXFLAGS) $^ -o $#

Makefile errors when I change a directory name

I have a Makefile that compiles, but I want to change the name of one of the directories from "release" to "objects". This is the original Makefile -
# This makefile compiles ....
INCLUDE = -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/FL/images -I/usr/include/freetype2
CFLAGS=-w -D LINUX -O3 -fpermissive
LDFLAGS= -L/usr/X11R6/lib$(LIBSELECT) -lpthread -lfltk -lXext -lXft -lfontconfig -lXinerama -lpthread -ldl -lm -lX11
SOURCES_RAW= robot_driver_agent.cpp robot_driver_position.cpp robot_driver_priorityqueue.cpp main.cpp robot_driver_tree.cpp robot_driver_stack.cpp robot_driver_grid.cpp robot_driver_path.cpp grid_analyzer.cpp tcpserver.cpp tcpclient.cpp servercontrol.cpp clientcontrol.cpp robot.cpp udpserver.cpp udpclient.cpp owncontrol.cpp guiwindow.cpp rs232.cpp
TARGETD:= go_d
OBJECTS:=$(patsubst %.o, $(OBJDIR)/%.o, $(OBJECTS))
SOURCES:=$(patsubst %.cpp, $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp, $(SOURCES))
all: $(TARGET)
$(CC) -w -D LINUX $(INCLUDE) $^ -o $# $(LDFLAGS)
release/%.o: src/%.cpp
test -d $(OBJDIR) || mkdir $(OBJDIR)
$(CC) -g -c $< $(CFLAGS) -o $#
debug: $(TARGETD)
$(CC) -w -D LINUX $(INCLUDE) $^ -o $# $(LDFLAGS)
%.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.cpp
$(CC) -c -g $< $(CFLAGS)-o $#
.PHONY : clean
rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.o
rm -f $(TARGET) $(TARGETD)
All I do is change the OBJDIR symbol to "objects" so it would just be -
But when I do that, I get the error -
make: *** No rule to make target `objects/robot_driver_agent.o', needed by `go'.
What am I missing? Is "objects" a word reserved for something in make so I can't use it for directories? Is it something in the make file that I need to change? Honestly, I don't know that much about makefiles so any help at all would be great. Thanks.
You have a rule:
release/%.o: src/%.cpp
So that when OBJDIR=release and Make wants to build release/robot_driver_agent.o, it knows just what to do. Then you try OBJDIR=objects, it wants to build objects/robot_driver_agent.o, and it doesn't know how because there's no rule that fits. Try changing the rule to:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: src/%.cpp

Recursive Make issue

I'm trying my hand at using recursive make to eliminate things like having multiple CFLAGS variables, one for each target. There is only one level of recursion, there is no crazy directory tree traversal happening here. I just want to dump my object files into their target specific folders.
So far I have come up with something that is really elegant (edit: alright it's more elegant than the single-makefile solution i had from before. Which had way too much repetition!) but unfortunately does not work.
I think that by posting the format here it will be apparent what it is that I am trying to do.
# ./makefile
.PHONY: all clean
export CC = g++
export INCLUDE = -I ../include/
export SRC = Main.cpp Graphics.cpp Thread.cpp Net.cpp Otherstuff.cpp
export LINKEROPT = -lglew32 -lopengl32 -lsdl -lws2_32 -lglu32 -lmorelibraries
$(MAKE) -f make.unittest
$(MAKE) -f make.unittest
$(MAKE) -f make.debug
$(MAKE) -f make.release
-rm -rf build_* *.exe
# I am on windows so the targets are .exe's
Here is the file make.debug:
### sub-makefile for the debug build target. Contains target specific build settings.
DIRNAME = build_debug
TARGETNAME = program_debug
CFLAGS = -Wextra -Wall -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG
# my goal is to have as much of my makefile code being "reusable" as possible
# so that I can easily add targets.
OBJ = $(patsubst %.cpp,$(DIRNAME)/%.o,$(SRC))
DEPS = $(patsubst %.cpp,$(DIRNAME)/%.d,$(SRC))
-include $(DEPS)
# default behavior. Set up the build directory. Then build the debug target.
# this is the build dir
mkdir $(DIRNAME)
$(DIRNAME)/%.o: %.cpp
#echo -e "Compiling for $(TARGETDESCR): $< --> $#"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -c $< -o $#
#echo -e "Generating dependencies: $< --> $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$#)"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -MM -MT $# -MF $(patsubst %.o,%.d,$#) $<
# I realize there is a way to generate the deps while compiling in one pass
# but I'll figure it out later
#echo -e "Linking $(TARGETDESCR): $#.exe"
$(CC) -L ../lib/win32/ -o $# $(OBJ) $(LINKEROPT)
As you can see, I can very quickly add a new build target with its own set of CFLAGS by copying over the sub-makefile and lightly modifying it, and then adding a few entries to the main makefile.
So the problem here is that it doesn't recognize changes in files. Only when I edit Main.cpp will it recompile build_debug/Main.o. I'm really unsure about where I can start to figure out what's incorrect.
I've created a monster.
When I suggested recursive make in that other post it was to deal with a specific -- and very strange -- problem of inclusion. I do not subscribe to the dogma that recursive make is pure evil, but it does have disadvantages, and should not be used as a cure-all.
First, let's eliminate a bad (and ongoing) source of redundancy. In you main makefile, instead of
$(MAKE) -f make.debug
$(MAKE) -f makefile.sub DIRNAME = build_debug TARGETNAME = program_debug TARGETDESCR = DEBUG CFLAGS = -Wextra -Wall -O0 -g3 -DDEBUG
where makefile.sub is the "template" part of your various sub-makefiles. I know that doesn't look like an improvement, but this way you have only one sub-makefile, not N. (I also think you're using too many target-specific variables, but we can discuss that later.)
Once you're comfortable with this, you can use target-specific variables within makefile.sub, so that in the main makefile you can replace
$(MAKE) -f makefile.sub DIRNAME=build_unittest ...
$(MAKE) -f makefile.sub DIRNAME=build_debug ...
$(MAKE) -f makefile.sub DIRNAME=build_release ...
$(MAKE) -f makefile.sub unittest debug release
It's not clear to me what problem you're having with recognizing changes in files (when should Make rebuild build_debug/Main.o, if hasn't changed?), but it's probably a direct consequence of using make recursively (see "disadvantages", above) and we can probably fix it without too much grief.
In your sub-makefile, put the all rule before the -include line, so that it will be the default rule. When you call $(MAKE), you don't specify a target, so Make chooses the default target, which is (usually) whichever one comes first. The contents of the %.d files have the form of rules, so if you include them first, one of them (i.e. build_debug/Main.o: Main.cpp) will win.

How to include clean target in Makefile?

I have a Makefile that looks like this
CXX = g++ -O2 -Wall
all: code1 code2
$(CXX) $^ -o $#
$(CXX) $^ -o $#
What I want to do next is to include clean target so that every time
I run make it will automatically delete the existing binary files of code1 and code2 before creating the new ones.
I tried to put these lines at the very end of the makefile, but it doesn't work
rm -f $#
echo Clean done
What's the right way to do it?
The best thing is probably to create a variable that holds your binaries:
binaries=code1 code2
Then use that in the all-target, to avoid repeating:
all: clean $(binaries)
Now, you can use this with the clean-target, too, and just add some globs to catch object files and stuff:
.PHONY: clean
rm -f $(binaries) *.o
Note use of the .PHONY to make clean a pseudo-target. This is a GNU make feature, so if you need to be portable to other make implementations, don't use it.
In makefile language $# means "name of the target", so rm -f $# translates to rm -f clean.
You need to specify to rm what exactly you want to delete, like rm -f *.o code1 code2
By the way it is written, clean rule is invoked only if it is explicitly called:
make clean
I think it is better, than make clean every time. If you want to do this by your way, try this:
CXX = g++ -O2 -Wall
all: clean code1 code2
$(CXX) $^ -o $#
$(CXX) $^ -o $#
rm ...
echo Clean done
