Is it possible to reach value of#NLexpression? - julia

How is it possible to attain the value of #NLexpression when the variables are fixed? In the following code variables have fixed but value of K1 has not been reached.
using JuMP, Distributions,Juniper
#-----Model parameters--------------------------------------------------------
sig, C1, c0 = 2, 300, 10;
E, landa, T0, T1, T2, gam1, gam2, a1, a2, a3, ap = 0.05, 0.01, 0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 50, 25;
f(x) = cdf(Normal(0, 1), x);
ALT= Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver"=>optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0),
"mip_solver"=>optimizer_with_attributes(Gurobi.Optimizer, "logLevel" => 0),"registered_functions" =>[Juniper.register( :f, 1, f; autodiff = true)])
# variables-----------------------------------------------------------------
JuMP.register(ALT, :f, 1, f; autodiff = true);
#variable(ALT, hp == xhat[3]);
#variable(ALT, Lp ==xhat[1]);
#variable(ALT, np==xhat[2], Int);
k1=#NLexpression(ALT,hp/(1-f(Lp-sig*sqrt(np))+f(-Lp - sig*sqrt(np))));
the error is this:
julia> JuMP.value(k1)
ERROR: type Nothing has no field status
[1] getproperty(::Nothing, ::Symbol) at .\Base.jl:33
[2] get at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\Juniper\dNHnx\src\MOI_wrapper\results.jl:4 [inlined]
[3] get(::MathOptInterface.Bridges.LazyBridgeOptimizer{Juniper.Optimizer}, ::MathOptInterface.TerminationStatus) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\MathOptInterface\bygN7\src\Bridges\bridge_optimizer.jl:587
[4] get(::MathOptInterface.Utilities.CachingOptimizer{MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizer,MathOptInterface.Utilities.UniversalFallback{MathOptInterface.Utilities.Model{Float64}}}, ::MathOptInterface.TerminationStatus) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\MathOptInterface\bygN7\src\Utilities\cachingoptimizer.jl:553
[5] _moi_get_result(::MathOptInterface.Utilities.CachingOptimizer{MathOptInterface.AbstractOptimizer,MathOptInterface.Utilities.UniversalFallback{MathOptInterface.Utilities.Model{Float64}}}, ::MathOptInterface.VariablePrimal, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\JuMP.jl:844
[6] get(::Model, ::MathOptInterface.VariablePrimal, ::VariableRef) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\JuMP.jl:877
[7] value(::VariableRef; result::Int64) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\variables.jl:767
[8] #103 at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\nlp.jl:1159 [inlined]
[9] value(::NonlinearExpression, ::JuMP.var"#103#104"{Int64}) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\nlp.jl:1102
[10] #value#102 at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\nlp.jl:1159 [inlined]
[11] value(::NonlinearExpression) at C:\Users\admin\.julia\packages\JuMP\YXK4e\src\nlp.jl:1159
[12] top-level scope at none:1
would you please help me how the error is solved?

Please update to Juniper v0.8.0. I fixed this issue a few days ago.
p.s., in future, please consider posting on the JuMP community forum: There are more readers of JuMP-specific questions.


Julia DifferentialEquations.jl says "InexactError"

This is my first attempt on a complex coupled ode equation:
using DifferentialEquations
using Plots
function chaos!(dx, x, p, t)
dx[1] = 1im*((p[3] * x[1] - 2 * real(x[2])) * x[1] - 0.5) - x[1] / 2
dx[2] = -1im*(0.5 * p[2] * abs(x[2])^2 + x[2]) - x[2] * p[1] / 2
x0 = [1, 1];
tspan = (0, 100);
p =[0.001, 1.4, -0.95]
prob = ODEProblem(chaos!, x0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob,Tsit5())
And it goes:
ERROR: InexactError: Float64(-0.5 - 3.45im)
[1] Real
# .\complex.jl:44 [inlined]
[2] convert
# .\number.jl:7 [inlined]
[3] setindex!
# .\array.jl:903 [inlined]
[4] chaos!(dx::Vector{Float64}, x::Vector{Float64}, p::Vector{Float64}, t::Float64)
# Main .\Untitled-1:5
[5] ODEFunction
# C:\Users\CTCY\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\BoNUy\src\scimlfunctions.jl:345 [inlined]
I don't quite get what it is trying to tell me. What does "inexacterror" even means?
The initial condition needs to be complex:
x0 = ComplexF64[1, 1];

Juniper optimize using Ipopt and Cbc for MINLP with constraints including maximum and minimum ERROR: LoadError: AssertionError: length(x) == d.len

I have used Juniper for solving MINLP problem imitating a facility location problem for data centers allocation using Ipopt and Cbc and registering a function for evaluating the maximum as follows
f(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10) = maximum(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10)
optimizer = Juniper.Optimizer nl_solver= optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0) mip_solver = optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer, "logLevel" => 0) model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(optimizer, "nl_solver"=>nl_solver, "mip_solver"=>mip_solver, "registered_functions" => [
Juniper.register(:f, 10, f; autodiff=true)
JuMP.register(model,:f, 10, f; autodiff=true)
The decision variable here is the allocation[i,j] which is a binary matrix indicating whether a j customer branch will be associated with i datawarehouse. Our constraints are about:
limiting that a customer is served by one data center
we will only build 3 data centers
we have minimum latency requirements for customer branches which are related to the distance
After running the optimization we get the following error when running the optimize! method :
ERROR: LoadError: AssertionError: length(x) == d.len Stacktrace: [1] eval_objective(::JuMP._UserFunctionEvaluator, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},true}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\nlp.jl:1168 [2] eval_and_check_return_type(::Function, ::Type{T} where T, ::JuMP._UserFunctionEvaluator, ::Vararg{Any,N} where N) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\_Derivatives\forward.jl:5 [3] forward_eval(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{JuMP._Derivatives.NodeData,1}, ::SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Bool,Int64}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::JuMP._Derivatives.UserOperatorRegistry) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\_Derivatives\forward.jl:163 [4] _forward_eval_all(::NLPEvaluator, ::Array{Float64,1}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\nlp.jl:503 [5] macro expansion at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\nlp.jl:571 [inlined] [6] macro expansion at .\timing.jl:233 [inlined] [7] eval_constraint(::NLPEvaluator, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,1},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},true}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\JuMP\qhoVb\src\nlp.jl:569 [8] eval_constraint(::Ipopt.Optimizer, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\Ipopt\P1XLY\src\MOI_wrapper.jl:1113 [9] (::Ipopt.var"#eval_g_cb#48"{Ipopt.Optimizer})(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\Ipopt\P1XLY\src\MOI_wrapper.jl:1305 [10] eval_g_wrapper(::Int32, ::Ptr{Float64}, ::Int32, ::Int32, ::Ptr{Float64}, ::Ptr{Nothing}) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\Ipopt\P1XLY\src\Ipopt.jl:202 [11] solveProblem(::IpoptProblem) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\Ipopt\P1XLY\src\Ipopt.jl:513 [12] optimize!(::Ipopt.Optimizer) at C:\Users\oswel\.julia\packages\Ipopt\P1XLY\src\MOI_wrapper.jl:1441
We don't know why does this happen or how to solve it.
Our code is shown here:
f(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10) = maximum(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10)
optimizer = Juniper.Optimizer
nl_solver= optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0)
mip_solver = optimizer_with_attributes(Cbc.Optimizer, "logLevel" => 0)
model = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(optimizer, "nl_solver"=>nl_solver, "mip_solver"=>mip_solver, "registered_functions" => [
Juniper.register(:f, 10, f; autodiff=true)
JuMP.register(model,:f, 10, f; autodiff=true)
# variables
dist_to_branches = rand(1:400, (5,10))
Latency_branches = rand(1:80, (1,10)) # branches latency requirements (10x1)
distance_to_latency = 0.1
#variable(model, allocation[1:5,1:10], Bin ) # allocation of each branch to a certain datacenter
# Constraints
# maximum each data center serves 6 locations
for i in 1:5
#constraint(model, sum(allocation[i,j] for j in 1:10) <= 6)
# each branch is served by only one data center
for j in 1:10
#constraint(model, sum(allocation[i,j] for i in 1:5) == 1)
# only 3 datacenters can be built
#NLconstraint(model, sum( f( allocation[i,1] , allocation[i,2] , allocation[i,3] , allocation[i,4] , allocation[i,5] , allocation[i,6] , allocation[i,8] , allocation[i,9] , allocation[i,10]) for i in 1:5) == 3 )
# constraint for latency
for j in 1:10
#constraint(model, distance_to_latency * sum(allocation[i,j] * dist_to_branches[i,j] for i in 1:5) <= Latency_branches[j])
# objective
#objective(model, Min, sum( sum(allocation[i,j] * dist_to_branches[i,j] for i in 1:5) for j in 1:10))
If you want to use maximum in an optimization model you need to introduce a proxy variable and make the model linear.
Suppose that you have:
#variable(m, 4 <= x <= 10)
#variable(m, 3 <= y <= 12)
You do not write now:
#objective(m, Min, max(x,y))
Rather than that you introduce a proxy variable:
#variable(m, z)
#constraint(m, z >= x)
#constraint(m, z >= y)
#objective(m, Min, z)
In this way you end up with a linear model (and, in your case, you do not even need Juniper)

dose JuMP.setRHS apply for non-linear modles in julia?

In the following code, RHS of NL-constraints should change. but the error happens.
ERROR: UndefVarError: setRHS not defined. could you please learn me why this error happens?. thanks for your helps
using JuMP,CPLEX, Ipopt
ALT= Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Juniper.Optimizer, "nl_solver"=>optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0),
"mip_solver"=>optimizer_with_attributes(CPLEx.Optimizer, "logLevel" => 0),"registered_functions" =>[Juniper.register( :f, 1, f; autodiff = true)])
# variables-----------------------------------------------------------------
f(x) = cdf(Normal(0, 1), x);
JuMP.register(ALT, :f, 1, f; autodiff = true);
#variable(ALT, h >= 0.1);
#variable(ALT, L >= 0.0001);
#variable(ALT, n>=2, Int);
#NLconstraint(ALT, f(-L) <= 1/400);
#NLobjective(ALT, Min, f2)
You are using outdated JuMP version examples. As of today you should use set_normalized_rhs:
set_normalized_rhs(con_ref, some_rhs_value)
Note that this sets the normalized RHS that is after it has been pre-computed by JuMP. For example for #constraint(model, 2x - 5 <= 2) the normalized value is 7.
See also for more details.

Finding difference between Mathematica code and R code for solving set of equations

I have this Mathematica code trying to solve a set of equations:
f[k_, n_, p_, a_, b_] :=p*(Binomial[n, k]*a^k*(1 - a)^(n - k)) + (1 - p)*Binomial[n, k]*b^k*(1 - b)^(n - k));
mom1 = Sum[k^1 *f[k, n, p, a, b], {k, 0, n}] - 3.3;
mom2 = Sum[k^2*f[k, n, p, a, b], {k, 0, n}] - 13.04;
mom3 = Sum[k^3*f[k, n, p, a, b], {k, 0, n}] - 58.08;
mom4 = Sum[k^4*f[k, n, p, a, b], {k, 0, n}] - 281.96;
estimate = NSolve[{mom1 == 0, mom2 == 0, mom3 == 0, mom4 == 0, n > 6}, {p, a, b, n}, Reals]
And gives me the following output:
{{p -> -0.0000925709, a -> -1.15159, b -> 0.343157, n -> 9.61271}}
I am trying to do the same thing using R Software instead, by using the following code:
init=c(0.2, 9, 0.2, 0.2);
GetMoment<-function(x, k, ord){
(k^ord)*DensityFn(x, k)
DensityFn<-function(x, k){
x[1]*dbinom(k, x[2], x[3])+(1-x[1])*dbinom(k, x[2], x[4])
y <- integer(4)
y[1]=sum(GetMoment(x, 0:x[2], 1))-3.3;
y[2]=sum(GetMoment(x, 0:x[2], 2))-13.04;
y[3]=sum(GetMoment(x, 0:x[2], 3))-58.08;
y[4]=sum(GetMoment(x, 0:x[2], 4))-281.96;
out=nleqslv(init, target);
These should be equivalent, however the R output gives me the following output:
[1] 0.2 9.0 0.2 0.2
[1] -2.438 -24.314 -226.394 -2120.652
[1] 6
[1] "Jacobian is singular (1/condition=0.0e+000) (see allowSingular option)"
[1] 1 1 1 1
[1] 0
[1] 1
[1] 1
Are the in fact the same? How come Mathematica manages to find a solution while my R code does not?
Note that the values of a and p (since I presume that you are assuming a mixture distribution) given by Mathematica do not make sense theoretically.
Hence, R does not find this solutions since you are using dbinom and it does not accept negative probabilities. Thus, there seems to be no solution to your problem.

Multiply two matrices in Julia

I have this code and I want to run it but I got some error, I think It's about type of my data but I can't understand how should I write it for preventing it.
function dacmm(i0::Int64, i1::Int64, j0::Int64, j1::Int64,
k0::Int64, k1::Int64, A::Int64, B::Int64, c::Int64, n::Int64, basecase::Int64)
## A, B, C are matrices
## We compute C = A * B
if n > basecase
n = n/2
dacmm(i0, i1, j0, j1, k0, k1, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0, i1, j0, j1+n, k0, k1+n, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0+n, i1, j0, j1, k0+n, k1, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0+n, i1, j0, j1+n, k0+n, k1+n, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0, i1+n, j0+n, j1, k0, k1, A, B, C, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0, i1+n, j0+n, j1+n, k0, k1+n, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0+n, i1+n, j0+n, j1, k0+n, k1, A, B, c, n, basecase)
dacmm(i0+n, i1+n, j0+n, j1+n, k0+n, k1+n, A, B, c, n, basecase)
for i= 1:n, j=1:n, k=1:n
c[i+k0,k1+j] = c[i+k0,k1+j] + A[i+i0,i1+k] * B[k+j0,j1+j]
basecase = 2;
A = [rem(rand(Int32),5) for i =1:n, j = 1:n];
B = [rem(rand(Int32),5) for i =1:n, j = 1:n];
C = zeros(Int32,n,n);
ArgumentError: invalid index: 1.0
[1] to_indices at ./indices.jl:215 [inlined]
[2] to_indices at ./indices.jl:213 [inlined]
[3] getindex at ./abstractarray.jl:882 [inlined]
[4] dacmm(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Array{Int64,2}, ::Array{Int64,2}, ::Array{Int32,2}, ::Float64, ::Int64) at ./In[24]:16
[5] dacmm(::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Int64, ::Array{Int64,2}, ::Array{Int64,2}, ::Array{Int32,2}, ::Int64, ::Int64) at ./In[24]:6
[6] include_string(::String, ::String) at ./loading.jl:515
As the stack trace points out, you tried to call a method of the dacmm function which takes a Float64 in the penultimate argument:
[4] dacmm(::Int64, ::Int64, ... ::Float64, ::Int64) at ./In[24]:16
[5] dacmm(::Int64, ::Int64, ... ::Int64, ::Int64) at ./In[24]:6
but no such method is available. You ended up there because n = n/2 returned a float not an integer.
The problem doesn't occur in the original code because there, the function's arguments weren't too restricted with type information.
