Right now I have a mobile app with both ios and android version using firebase.
Users and events tracking is done with firebase.
The firebase account is also linked to google analytics for better reports and analytics.
I can add inside both firebase and analytics a web tracking source which would be a third tracking source for this case.
But since I want to track a landing page and not a web version of my mobile app I feel that doesn't correspond to my use case.
What I would want is to be able to tell how many of my users downloaded the app by clicking on the landing page download button.
I also would also like to be able to track how users got on the landing page.
For example I would like to have stats on how many views and app download a post on a specific blog or a specific ad generated.
I though this would be quite simple to setup with firebase / google analytics but I'm not so sure anymore.
If I add my landing page as a third web tracking source, I actually think it will affect the stats of my mobile app usage.
Does someone here had the need for something similar ?
How did you set your landing page tracking ?
For some reason sharing links on LinkedIn from my client's site does not work.
I've checked the specifications on https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/46687/making-your-website-shareable-on-linkedin?lang=en and it looks like all the og meta tags re correct. Sharing on other social media works without problems. It's only on LinkedIn where the Open Graph data is not picked up.
Here is a sample URL which does not work on LinkedIn:
Am I missing something?
Would you be able to share a bit more on how you're getting the tags to render on Facebook and the like?
I encountered the same problem (My site runs on Angular), but my approach was to redirect the LinkedInBot via .htaccess.
Eventually, I gave up, and wrote a custom share button with LinkedIn's rest API
With it, you will be able to specify the details of the share, and avoid the messy workarounds for LinkedIn.
Direct Sharing on LinkedIn
Sharing via REST API
Original link: http://blog.crazy.technology/post/Clash-of-Clans---How-to-use-the-Web-API-570dd2b2
I have been working on developing an iOS mobile application that allows a user to sign in using FB, create a post and allows users to share the post on their FB. Before Facebook's API deprecation the post on Facebook had the image I wanted to share as well as the meta-tags.
It was just one click and the user would be redirected to the application using deep linking.
Post deprecation many developers have started using OpenGraph, but while using the Article Object I have still run into problems.
Do I need to go through a FB review for using the OpenGraph actions? Has anybody been successful in getting around the API deprecation by using OpenGraph?
I am currently working on a project for new homes throughout neighborhoods in Indiana. I'm using Google Fusion tables to populate the map on my site.
We want to be able to force users to sign in after they click the "builder site" link on the info card (the pop up from the google location marker). Is there a way to add events to the google info cards?
You can't do this with stock Fusion Tables info windows because we scrub any JavaScript in them. You can code this up yourself if you want; see this question for an example.
A cleaner way might be to process all the links on your own HTTP server, showing the login page if necessary or redirecting to the builder site if not. That would work with no custom client code, but would require the appropriate server-side setup.
We're developing a PHP console app that will be a running as a daemon using the PEAR System_Daemon class. The script is ideally a timed loop, that executes indefinitely until terminated.
What this loop does is query a database of players of our FB game on timed intervals, and then make posts using certain criteria to their Facebook walls/timelines.
Our app will be hosted on our Facebook page, which will also contain some albums, photos and videos that we are using to feature on these posts.
Posting on Walls/Timelines
My question is, whether we would be able to use the Facebook PHP SDK to, from within our console application, running as a service, share these albums from our console app, as posts on the users timeline, without having need for confirmation from the FB user in any way, providing we have acquired the appropriate extended permissions of course.
Appearance Sharing vs Uploading
Will the appearance for sharing an album, or video appear the same, on the users timeline as if they posted it themselves, or will the post simply appear as a thumbnail with text next to it.
I've noticed that Facebook nowadays posts photos in a neat collage with more than one thumbnail, and this is the effect that we want to achieve. Also, if not mistaken, I believe that videos added to your wall post also shows inline, as a nice large video, instead as a thumbnail.
Would we rather have to upload these images to a Facebook users account, and if so, is it possible to create new Albums on a users FB account, using the PHP SDK, and the required extended permissions granted? Or can we achieve the same look and feel by simply sharing?
Hosting media externally
Can we add photo's to users profiles, hosted externally perhaps, that will allow the PHP script to post them to an album on their account without needing to upload?
We are trying to avoid uploads, as this will have a performance impact on the server side application.
Providing you request the correct permissions, you can upload photos to the user's account using the Graph API quite easily. To post multiple photos you will have to make multiple API calls. If you post to the wall, the photos will be added to the "Wall Photos" album.
The Graph API does allow you to create albums on the user's behalf, and lets you upload photos straight to the album too. This will create photo stories on the wall like the image you posted in your question.
What you can do, however, is host the files externally. Facebook will always load the images from their server so you have to upload them to facebook. If you want to host the photos externally, you must post the images to the user's wall / timeline as links, but these won't appear under the user's Photos or under Albums.
Hope this answers all your questions. Documentation for uploading photos and creating albums can be found on the Facebook developer website.