how to EC-CUBE3.0.15 upgrade into EC_CUBE4.1.0 - symfony

I'm just try to upgrade ec-cube3.0.15 to ec-cube4.1.0 but in both file structure in lot of different then can't get any success anyone can help to find out solution. It's easily to find upgrade serious into oven but try to series 3 to series 4 into then not getting solution. please help me to find out this solution....
Thanks in advance
your faithfully friend.


(Beginner) I need help pulling out a column and turning it into a vector from a dataframe

Screenshot of dataframe:
Long story short, I am a student barely learning the steps of using R. I am having a bit of trouble figuring out these steps of an assignment. I tried looking for resources which led me here so if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it.
I tried various different codes but I couldn't figure out as each one kept on giving me an error. I figured I'd ask here for help

Error: ebirdst::calc_full_extent() function does not exist

I am trying to use the ebirdst package for some exploratory data analysis, following this tutorial. Everything going according to plan until I run this line:
week_ext <- calc_full_extent(occ_proj)
and get this error:
Error in calc_full_extent(occ_proj) : could not find function "calc_full_extent"
I know sometimes new functions won't show up, or it can be a version issue, but the tutorial I'm referencing is from 2018 and everything else works perfectly. Does anyone know why a crucial function would just not be there? Or what steps to take? I've looked to see if there are any analogous functions and can't find any.
Also this is my first stackoverflow question--I've always been able to solve my issues based on existing questions, but there seems to be very little out there on ebirdst--so please let me know if I need to provide more info/context.

Is it possible to add LKH package to Julia in version

To solve a tsp in my codes, I need to use LKH package. But I couldn't add the package to the Julia in version. Unfortunately all my codes in this version.
If you don't mind would you please help me?
Thanks very much.
The following link is for adding LKH package but it doesn't work in before version of Julia.
It is probably much easier to upgrade your own code to v1.x, than to "downgrade" someone else's package to 0.6.
The easiest way to update your code is to install v0.7, run your code on that, and then fix all the things you get "deprecation warnings" about.
Version 0.7 was a special version designed to help upgrading to v1.0, and when you run your code on that, you will get warnings/hints about how to fix your code.
If you think this is a hassle, take comfort in the knowledge that your updated code will be runnable for many years. Julia is stable, and v1.x code will not become outdated for a very long time.
This is, imho, better than digging yourself further and further down into a v0.6 hole, which will get increasingly difficult to climb out of.

How to find and plot Implied volatility in R

I'm writing because I want to find and plot implied volatility to the BS model using R. However, I'm not used to coding in R and I honestly don't know where to start so I wanted to ask if anyone on this forum has written such a code in R and therefor maybe could bed able to help me?
Thanks a lot!
Edit: I see I may have offended a few people by simply asking for code. I apologize for that. All I perhaps need to ask is where people on this forum usually get financial data to use in R from?
Posted by: Renato Vitolo
Quantitative risk analyst at Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Error handling is not stupendous, I ought to admit, but it's past bedtime. Try this from an R terminal:
Example 1: data taken from
Example 2: data taken from

R package for implementing firefly algorithm?

I am interested in implementing firefly algorithm to solve some optimization problems. Since the majority of my work is based on R, I am searching a R package to do it.
Through searching the internet, it is realized that such algorithm is available for "matlab". However, it seems that no package is currently available in R.
Does anyone knows anything or have any suggestion about it?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
Now in R, you can use metaheuristicOpt for implementing firefly algorithm.

