Detect BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE error when instantiating a driver with WebdriverIO - webdriver

I am creating a new Appium WebDriver session using WebdriverIO API:
const options = {...};
const driver: Browser<"async">;
try {
driver = await remote(options);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error:", error);
In BrowserStack there is a limit on the number of parallel tests that one can run. I am hitting that limit and my call to remote errors and, in the catch, I get this inside variable error:
Failed to create session.
Which does not give me much info on why the call failed. On the other hand, the driver is emitting logs that give such an answer:
XXXX-XX-XXTXX:XX:XX.XXXZ ERROR webdriver: [BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE] All parallel tests are currently in use, including the queued tests. Please wait to finish or upgrade your plan to add more sessions.: [BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE] All parallel tests are currently in use, including the queued tests. Please wait to finish or upgrade your plan to add more sessions.
at Object.getErrorFromResponseBody (/home/vsts/work/1/s/node_modules/webdriverio/node_modules/webdriver/build/utils.js:189:12)
at /home/vsts/work/1/s/node_modules/webdriverio/node_modules/webdriver/build/request.js:168:31
at (<anonymous>)
at asyncGeneratorStep (/home/vsts/work/1/s/node_modules/webdriverio/node_modules/webdriver/build/request.js:9:103)
at _next (/home/vsts/work/1/s/node_modules/webdriverio/node_modules/webdriver/build/request.js:11:194)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
How can I get more information about the nature of the error as I am calling remote? I want to detect the occurrence of BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE so that I can implement, in code, some strategies around this issue (like retrying after some randomized time).

The error BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE indicates that all your running threads and queued threads are full and no more test can be triggered.
Once you have maxed out your running + queued threads, any new sessions initiated are dropped with BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE.
You will not be able to trigger any more tests until there are threads available.
You can take a look at by setting maxInstances. This will allow you to limit the number of tests triggered.

Actually the error is a proper Error object and has message and stack available. The log shown is encapsulated in the message, so the following is just fine:
try {
driver = await remote(options);
} catch (error) {
if (error.message.indexOf("BROWSERSTACK_ALL_PARALLELS_IN_USE") >= 0) {
// Retry
// Do something else


The configured execution strategy 'SqlRetryingExecutionStrategy' does not support user-initiated transactions

I have ASP.Net 4.7.2 window service which is processing NServiceBus messages. Currently it is deployed to On-Premise server. It has retry mechanism as well and working fine. Now I am going to containerizing it. While running into docker window container, it is doing SQL operation using Entity framework and giving exception as mentioned below:
The configured execution strategy 'SqlRetryingExecutionStrategy' does not support user-initiated transactions. Use the execution strategy returned by 'DbContext.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy()' to execute all the operations in the transaction as a retriable unit.
While running locally by installing manually or on On-Premise server, it is working fine but in container it is throwing exception.
Can any one help me what can be the root cause?
It sounds like the piece of code does manual transaction management and is not wrapped within an execution strategy execute.
if your code initiates a transaction using BeginTransaction() you are defining your own group of operations that need to be treated as a unit, and everything inside the transaction would need to be played back shall a failure occur.
The solution is to manually invoke the execution strategy with a delegate representing everything that needs to be executed. If a transient failure occurs, the execution strategy will invoke the delegate again.
using var db = new SomeContext();
var strategy = db.Database.CreateExecutionStrategy();
() =>
using var context = new SomeContext();
using var transaction = context.Database.BeginTransaction();

How to use RedisPool to manage several Redis connections with Swoole websocket

I have a Swoole websocket server and I would like to use a RedisPool to manage several Redis connections to pick one for each query when I get a message. When I try to get a connection from my RedisPool, Swoole outputs an error "Error: Uncaught Swoole\Error: API must be called in the coroutine in #swoole-src/library/core/ConnectionPool.php:69", so I tried to encapsulate my query with Co\Run :
Co\run(function() use ($key, $pool) {
go(function () use ($key, $pool) {
$redis = $pool->get();
$result = $redis->get($key);
Then I get "Warning: Swoole\Coroutine\Scheduler::start(): eventLoop has already been created. unable to start Swoole\Coroutine\Scheduler"
I suppose the eventLoop has already been started by my websocket server. Is there a way to access the server eventLoop or another method to run a Coroutine ?

Cosmo ChangeFeed -Errors,exceptions and Service fail scenario's

I am using Change Feed Processor Library.Want to know the best way to handle service failure along with the exceptions/errors scenario's in ProcessChangesAsync method. Below are the events am referring to.
1) Service failure - Service having the processor library crashed in the middle of some operation. How to start the process from the same document(doc on failure instance)? is there any inbuilt mechanism where change feed will start with the last failed documents? E.g. Let assume,in current batch we have 10 docs.5 processed successfully and then service breaks because of network failure or by some other reasons.Will my process starts with 6th document once service is re-started? How to achieve this?
2) Exception and Errors- Any errors in ProcessChangesAsync method can be handle using try catch at the global level but how to persist those failure records and make them available for the next batch? Again,looking for any available inbuilt mechanism in change feed process.
1) The Processor Library, by default, checkpoints after a successful run of ProcessChangesAsync. In the latest library version, you can customize the Checkpointer to do manual checkpoints in case you need it. If for some reason the processor shuts down before checkpointing, then it will start processing next from the the last successful checkpoint stored in the Leases collection. In your case, it will start with the first document again, so you will never lose a change but you could experience double processing (this is an "at least once" model).
2) There is no built-in mechanism that you can leverage, handling exceptions within the ProcessChangesAsync is your responsibility. You could not only add a global try/catch but, in the case you are looping over the documents, add a try/catch inside the loop, to handle a failing document (maybe send it to queue for later analysis/post-process) without losing the batch. If you require logging for those errors (I'm assuming that's what you mean by persisting errors?), then the latest version is compatible with LibLog, so plugging your own custom logging is as simple as:
using Microsoft.Azure.Documents.ChangeFeedProcessor.Logging;
var hostName = "SampleHost";
var tracelogProvider = new TraceLogProvider(); //You can use any provider supported by LibLog
using (tracelogProvider.OpenNestedContext(hostName))
// After this, create IChangeFeedProcessor instance and start/stop it.
Extra info for the comments
To avoid exceptions halting the batch or causing a batch to be reprocessed, you can have handling like this:
public async Task ProcessChangesAsync(IChangeFeedObserverContext context, IReadOnlyList<Document> documents, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
foreach(var document in documents)
// Do your work for the document
catch(Exception ex)
// Something happened with the current document, handle it, send it to a queue / another storage to analyze, log it. This catch will make the loop continue with the next.
catch(Exception ex)
// Something unhandled happened, log it and avoid throwing it again so the next batch is processed

How can I cancel/abort a zone in Dart?

I have an http web server that I'm trying to detect long-running requests and abort them. The following code successfully returns to the client upon timeout, but the async zone still continues to run to completion. How can I actually kill the request handler?
var zone = runZoned(() {
var timer = new Timer(new Duration(seconds: Config.longRequestTimeoutSeconds), () {
if (!completer.isCompleted) { // -- not already completed
log.severe('request timed out');
// TODO: This successfully responds to the client early, but it does nothing to abort the zone/handler that is already running.
// Even though the client will never see the result (and won't have to wait for it), the zone/handler will continue to run to completion as normal.
// TODO: Find a way to kill/abort/cancel the zone
completer.complete(new shelf.Response(HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, body: 'The server timed out while processing the request'));
return innerHandler(request) // -- handle request as normal (this may consist of several async futures within)
.then((shelf.Response response) {
timer.cancel(); // -- prevent the timeout intercept
if (!completer.isCompleted) { // -- not already completed (not timed out)
Nothing can kill running code except itself. If you want code to be interruptible, you need some way to tell it, and the code itself needs to terminate (likely by throwing an error). In this case, the innerHandler needs to be able to interrupt itself when requested. If it's not your code, that might not be possible.
You can write a zone that stops execution of asynchronous events when a flag is set (by modifying etc.), but you must be very careful about that - it might never get to an asynchronous finally block and release resources if you start throwing away asynchronous events. So, that's not recommended as a general solution, only for very careful people willing to do manual resource management.

How to check if fails when server connection is down?

When the Meteor server connection is lost, how can I verify that failed? doesn't return any value. Basically Ctrl+Z in the Meteor shell when your app is running, then do something in the app that triggers a i.e. adding a new blog post:'createPhrase', phrase, function(error) {
console.log("This NEVER gets called if server is down.");
if (error) {
I tried using Session vars, but the reactivity screws it up, i.e. the code below will trigger an error in my template handler (that get's flashed to the browser quickly) and as soon as isMyError is set to true, then when the is successful the error goes away as per isMyError = false, but this looks really sloppy.
Session.set("isMyError", true);'createPhrase', phrase, function(error) {
console.log("This NEVER gets called if server is down.");
Session.set("isMyError", false);
if (error) {
Template.index.isMeteorStatus = function () {
myClientStatus = Meteor.status();
if ( (myClientStatus.connected === false) || (Session.get("isMyError") === true) ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Meteor's calls are generally entered into a queue that are sent to the server in the order that they are called. If there is no connection they stay in the queue until the server is connected once more.
This is the reason nothing is returned because Meteor hopes that it can reconnect then send the call and when it does it does eventually return a result then.
If you want to validate whether the server is connected at the point of the call it's best to check Meteor.status().connected (which is reactive) and only run if it is else throw an error
else throwError("Error - not connected");
You could also use navigator.onLine to check whether the network is connected.
The reason you would experience a 60 second delay with Meteor.status().connected on the true status of whether meteor is connected or not is there isn't really a way for a browser to check if its connected or not.
Meteor sends a periodic heartbeat, a 'h' on the websocket/long polling wire to check it is connected. Once it realizes it didn't get a heartbeat on the other end it marks the connection disconnected.
However, it also marks it as disconnected if a or some data is sent through and the socket isn't able to send any data. If you use a beforehand to Meteor.status().connected it would realize much sooner that it is disconnected. I'm not sure it would realize it immediately that you can use them one line after the next, but you could use a Meteor.setTimeout after a second or two to fire the call.
Attempt to succeed:
Meteor is designed very well to attempt to succeed. Instead of 'attempting to fail' with an error stating the network is not available its better to try and queue everything up until the connection is back.
The best thing to do would be to avoid telling the user the network is down because usually they would know this. The queued tasks ensure the userflow would be unchanged as soon as the connection is back.
So it would be better to work with the queues that are built into the reconnection process rather than to avoid them.
