FIREBASE: Missing ability to select apps under on Project - firebase

Firebase used to have the ability to choose an app under Analytics, now that is missing. How would I get all my individual stats per app. This was here I want to say a month or so ago, but now it's missing. The drop down option is still available Crashlytics and Performance, but is missing in Analytics.

There was a major update to the Analytics dashboard in the Firebase console about a month ago. You can read all about it in the blog post Improving the Google Analytics dashboard in Firebase and in the Help Center page on New Google Analytics 4 functionality in Google Analytics for Firebase.
From what I understand, filters such as the one for a specific app, are now part of the Comparisons feature of Google Analytics.


how to hide conversions and revenue sections in Google Analytics Reports

I am in a need of sharing a Google analytics access of my website to a developer and want to hide revenue and conversions sections in Google Analytics account/property/view.
any guidance how is it possible to do that?
if you want to share access to the report in Google analytics web application then the simple answer is you can't, access to a Google analytics account is all or nothing
you could grab the data for them through the API using a service account and design your own reports display of the data
It is not possible to give visibility to only some sections or metrics of a view. You can use API (like said to DalmTo) or more simple to provide data with an external dashboard, for example with Google Data Studio, which fetches data from your Google Analytics and shows only the ones you want to share.

How to get full Google Analytics reporting features for Firebase

I have set up Firebase and Google Analytics for my mobile app. However, I noticed that the reporting functions in GA is much limited (comparing to the demo project). For example, I cannot customize my dashboard. Streamview is also very limited.
What I need to do to get the full GA functions for my firebase app?
Google Analytics and Google Analytics for Firebase are different platforms from one another. If you haven't already, you can link Firebase to Google Analytics. This will give you access to use some of the advanced features of Google Analytics. See this Firebase Blog and Firebase Analytics FAQ page for your reference.

UWP Google Analytics full integration Tutorial needed

I have created a UWP app and integrated google analytics SDK in it from the following link Since the help of this library does not portray a complete work flow I need a working example to set things up with analytics. I want to track product additions and checkouts. I am able to send page views and clicks to analytics as well as bundle up product details with hit requests.
Please help me to understand how to see the sent products in Google Analytics dashboard and reports.
I finally managed to get Google Analytics working with UWP. I wrapped up my data with events and prepared custom reports in Analytics dashboard on the basis of wrapped data.

Embed Google Analytics existing dashboard

In the Google Analytics console I can easily create charts and add them to dashboards. But how can I display those charts or dashboards on a 3rd party website?
I've seen the Embed API, but it looks like the definition of the reports is always in the Javascript. Is it not possible to say something like display the dashboard that I already created which name/id is XYZ?
Or is there a way, when creating a report in Google Analytics, to get its definition so that I can easily use it? I saw Query Explorer but it doesn't help.
No you can not take the Google Analytics dashboard and display it on another website.
The best option there is to date is the Embedded API which you mentioned. Although it has its limitations. The Embedded API is designed to display a specific users Google Analytics Dashboard who ever is logged in. If you are trying to share the information from your account with other users it wont work unless they also have access to your Google Analytics account.
The Query Explorer shows you what the google Analytics API is capable of. You can develop your own tool to show this information to your users.

How To Retrieve Individual Google Analytics Statistics For Website

When registering your website with Google Analytics, is it possible to then create your own dashboard on your website and retrieve individual Google Analytics data segments instead of logging into Google and watch the statistics from there?
In short building your own dashboard, using Google Analytics data? Perhaps Google Analytics have some sort of API one can use to specify what to return to the website to display?
Thanks in advance
You could also checkout the Embed API. it makes creating dashboards simple by making the auth step simple.
Just google for the question.
and probably this is the best tool you can get from anywhere to fetch all your data :
