What exactly is kept alive in Alive TCP Connection? - http

Please bear the naivity of this question as I have close to no knowledge of networking. Please help me understand this thing more clearly.
Suppose, there is a river and people from both the ends needs to travel back and forth from one end to another. So a bridge can act as connection between both ends, Till the time, bridge is alive, The connection is said to be alive and travelling is possible. I want to know what does it mean to keep a TCP connection alive and what is exactly kept alive? As in case of river, bridge was kept alive.

Contrary to a bridge a TCP connection is not a physical thing but only a logical association between to ends. Data get delivered between the ends hop by hop through several intermediate systems. Single packets might get lost on the way or even the other end or some intermediate systems might crash so that connectivity is lost completely.
As long as regular data exchange is done between the ends such conditions can quickly be detected. If one end sends data the other has to acknowledge these - if the acknowledgement is missing the packet gets retransmitted. If data are still not acknowledged after retransmissions the connection is considered broken.
But the ends might not continuously exchange data. If the connection is idle (i.e. no data exchange) then it will not be detected that something got broken. TCP keep alive works around this problem by regularly exchanging packets on idle connections and expecting an acknowledgment. These are packets with no data payload since no data are there to be transmitted.

In both these end-points, some data (or state variables) needs to be associated with each connection which is necessary to execute TCP protocol. E.g., sender needs to remember sequence numbers, maintain copies of all sent/but not acknowledged packets. Receiver needs to track sequence numbers too, store copies of packets that are out of order, and reconstruct original stream from received packets. These state data structures are created (i.e., memory is allocated) when the connection is established, and are destroyed (memory is freed) when the connection is terminated (e.g., after exchanging FINs). This state is accociated with each open TCP socket. A good practice is not to have connections open forever without exchanging data (e.g., if one of the communication partners has crashed, it won't be able to do proper connection termination), so if the connection is idle for a long period (which i don't know exactly) it is reasonable that the socket is closed. The concept is known as "soft state", which basically means that each state (memory) has an expiration inactivity time untill it is deleted. If the socket is closed, then when new data has to be sent, new connection has to be established. Yes it does involve sending packets, but it has overhead of sending TCP packets without any payload for one RTT, before the first data is sent.
In theory TCP connection exists only on end-points of the connection. In practice, however, there are also many kinds of so called "middleboxes", which is a general name for network device that is not a router or a switch. These middleboxes sometimes also need to maintain state accociated with each TCP connections, so these keepalives will also refresh the state on these middleboxes.
But in both cases, these keepalives basically tell to reset inactivity timer associate with state for this connection.


Does TCP kills dead idle connection after keepalive packet is sent

My understandings for TCP keepalive:
This keepalive does not really "keeping connection alive". Instead, "detectAlive" may be a more proper word: Tcp levels exchange heartbeat packet to detect whether an idle conneciton dead or alive.
Here are my questions:
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, does the TCP level automatically closes the connection?
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, how does application level know that infomation? By knowing that infomation it thus close the socket and release the resource
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, does the TCP level automatically closes the connection?
TCP is a protocol. It "knows" nothing. The specific implementation in the OS though will detect if the TCP connection can no longer exchange data with or without payload (i.e. keep alive) and will close the local state of the connection. It will not do the normal TCP connection close which involves sending FIN etc, because it can be assumed that the connection is broken.
After TCP knows that the connection is dead, how does application level know that information? By knowing that infomation it thus close the socket and release the resource
This depends on the application. The application needs to somehow monitor the state of the socket, i.e. doing a write, read, select or similar. These functions will then no longer block and the broken state of the connection can be determined for example based on error code in read/write or similar. If the application instead does not care about the socket for some time it will only realize the problem once it starts caring again.

Will TCP connection quanlity deteriorate as time passes?

I need to write a receiver that receives market data feed via websocket. One of my colleague said that we need to reset the connection every one hour because TCP data is buffered. I don't quite understand. Is it true that TCP connection quanlity will deteriorate as time passes?
This isn't just false, it's complete hogwash.
Network connections do not "degrade." If you are ever seeing degradation, something between the two endpoints is having problems or the application is poorly written.
I have seen many cases were network protocols (TCP/IP, for instance) are blamed for memory leaks and other bad programming issues.
Is it true that TCP connection quality will deteriorate as time passes?
This is false.
One of my colleague said that we need to reset the connection every one hour because TCP data is buffered.
Your colleague is mistaken. Yes, TCP data is buffered, which is perfectly fine under normal conditions. TCP has flow control, so if the receiver isn't reading the data correctly, or is not reading the data fast enough, the buffer could fill up over time and block the sender until buffer space is cleared. That would be a problem with the way the receiver is coded, not a problem with TCP itself.
Is it true that TCP connection quality will deteriorate as time passes?
Absolutely not. Given a stable network, and proper coding management, a TCP connection can happily stay alive for days, weeks, even years without problem.

TCP-Connection - keep up or reconnect?

I have a general question regarding TCP-IP communication...
for the time being I try to create a small communication between an ATMega and a Raspberry Pi. I will transmit some data for example every 5 minutes (e.g. 100 byte) via TCP/IP Protocol.
Does it make sense to keep the connection open or shall I create a new connection for each dataset?
Thanks for your help...
I would lean towards keeping the TCP connection open rather than opening a new one everytime.
Here are a few reasons. First, by using the same connection, you would save on not having to send TCP handshake message (SYN-based messages) and teardown messages (FIN-based messages). In your case, if you are going to transmit 100 bytes every 5 minutes, the overhead of SYN/FIN messages might be more than that. Second, if you already have the connection open, then you would save on time since there is no need to do the reconnection. Third, TCP might go to slow-start every time you start the connection -- should not be a problem with 100 bytes, but if you need to send more bytes, then with every new connection, TCP would start its send window with 1 MSS. But, if you reuse an existing connection, TCP would (probably) use the current window.
An open connection doesn't consume any resources (bandwith etc.) except for the ports it holds on both devices. Basically every TCP-connection that has been opened and not been closed is still open, save unintended disconnections etc.
For detecting those is also doesn't make a difference wether you keep open or reopen:
If the connection dropped out in the meantime you'll receive the more or less same error.

tcpip 3-way handshake

Why is data not transferred during the 3rd part of TCP 3-way handshake?
(A to B)SYN
(A to B) ACK.... why cant data be transferred along with this ACK?
I've always believed it was to keep the session establishment phase separate from the data transfer phase so that no real data is transferred until both ends of the session have agreed on the sequence numbers and session options, especially since packets arriving may be from a totally different, previous, session that just happens to have the same endpoints.
However, on further investigation, I'm not entirely certain that transmitting data with the handshake packets is disallowed. The section on TCP connection establishment in my Internetworking with TCP/IP1 book contains the following snippet:
Because of the protocol design, it is possible to send data along with the initial sequence numbers in the handshake segments. In such cases, the TCP software must hold the data until the handshake completes. Once a connection has been established, the TCP software can release data being held and deliver it to a waiting application program quickly.
Since it's certainly possible to construct a TCP packet with SYN (or ACK) and data, this may well be allowed. I've never seen it happen in the wild but, then again, I've never seen a hairy-eared dwarf lemur in the wild either, though I'm assured they exist.
It may be that it's the sockets software that prevents data going out before the session is fully established but TCP appears to consider it valid. It appears you can send data with a SYN-ACK packet (phase 2 of the connection establishment) since you have the other end's sequence number and options. Likewise, sending data with the phase 3 ACK packet appears to be possible as well.
The reason the TCP software holds on to the data until the handshake is fully complete is probably due to the reason mentioned above - only once both ends have agreed on the sequence numbers can you be sure that the data is not from a previous session.
1 Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume 1 Principles, Protocols and Architecture, 3rd edition, Douglas E. Comer, ISBN 0-13-216987-8.

Rejecting a TCP connection before it's being accepted?

There are 3 different accept versions in winsock. Aside from the basic accept which is there for standard compliance, there's also AcceptEx which seems the most advanced version (due to it's overlapped io capabilities), and WSAAccept. The latter supports a condition callback, which as far as I understand, allows the rejection of connection requests before they're accepted (when the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT option is enabled). None of the other versions supports this functionality.
Since I prefer to use AcceptEx with overlapped io, I wonder how come this functionality is only available in the simpler version?
I don't know enough about the inner workings of TCP to tell wehter there's actually any difference between rejecting a connection before it has been accepted, and disconnecting a socket right after a connection has been established? And if there is, is there any way to mimic the WSAAccept functionality with AcceptEx?
Can someone shed some light over this issue?
When a connection is established, the remote end sends a packet with the SYN flag set. The server answers with a SYN,ACK packet, and after that the remote end sends an ACK packet, which may already contain data.
There are two ways to break a TCP connection from forming. The first is resetting the connection - this is the same as the common "connection refused" message seen when connecting to a port nobody is listening to. In this case, the original SYN packet is answered with a RST packet, which terminates the connection immediately and is stateless. If the SYN is resent, RST will be generated from every received SYN packet.
The second is closing the connection as soon as it has been formed. On the TCP level, there is no way to close the connection both ways immediately - the only thing you can say is that "I am not going to send any more data". This happens so that when the initial SYN, SYN,ACK, ACK exchange has finished, the server sends a FIN packet to the remote end. In most cases, telling the other end with FIN that "I am not going to send any more data" makes the other end close the connection as well, and send it's own FIN packet. A connection terminated this way isn't any different from a normal connection where no data was sent for some reason. This means that the normal state tracking for TCP connections and the lingering close states will persist, just like for normal connections.
Now, on the C API side, this looks a bit different. When calling listen() on a port, the OS starts accepting connections on that port. This means that is starts replying SYN,ACK packets to connections, regardless if the C code has called accept() yet. So, on the TCP side, it makes no difference whether the connection is somehow closed before or after accept. The only additional concern is that a listening socket has a backlog, which means the number of non-accepted connections it can have waiting, before it starts saying RST to the remote end.
However, on windows, the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT call allows the application to take control of the backlog queue. This means that the server will not answer anything to a SYN packet until the application does something with the connection. This means, that rejecting connections at this level can actually send RST packets to the network without creating state.
So, if you cannot get the SO_CONDITIONAL_ACCEPT functionality enabled somehow on the socket you are using AcceptEx on, it will show up differently to the network. However, not many places actually use the immediate RST functionality, so I would think the requirement for that must mean a very specialized system indeed. For most common use cases, accepting a socket and then closing it is the normal way to behave.
I can't comment on the Windows side of things but as far as TCP is concerned, rejecting a connection is a bit different than disconnecting from it.
For one, disconnecting from a connection means there were more resources already "consumed" (e.g. ports state maintained in Firewalls & end-points, forwarding capacity used in switches/routers etc.) in both the network and the hosts. Rejecting a connection is less resource intensive.
