I am newish to R and very new to GIS plotting on R with sf and ggplot2 packages. I have a dataset "comuni" containing all communes in Italy (similar to counties) and one of all motorways in Italy called "only_motorway". I know that I can use certain regions as a cookie cutter and keep only the motorways that are contained within such regions using st_intersection() function. However, I would like to do the inverse where, given I have a shapefile of the A3 motorway, I would like to keep only those communes that are crossed by that specific motorway.
I've tried using st_intersection function in the following way:
only_motorway_A3 <- only_motorway %>%
filter(ref == "A3")
comuni_A3 <- st_intersection(only_motorway_A3,comuni)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = comuni_A3,
color = "black", size = 0.1, fill = "black") +
geom_sf(data = only_motorway_A3, size = 0.15, color = "green") +
coord_sf(crs = 32632) +
But the results is the picture below:
ie both only_motorway_A3 and comuni_A3 have the same geometry column and they both plot the highway line. What I wanted to plot instead was the highway line (in green) from only_motoway_A3 and all around it the communes crossed by it (in black) from comuni_A3. I hope it is clear and thank you in advance for your help!
Consider a sf::st_join() call, using first your polygons and secondly your line string objects, with parameter left set to false.
It will perform an inner (filtering) spatial join of the two objects. Only those polygons (the first argument) that contain a motorway will be retained.
I am facing the following problem:
when using the shape file of intercommunal limits in France (which you can download here: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/r/971027a8-3ceb-48c6-97e3-59deaf7e2704), plotting the map is really slow:
epci_france <- read_sf("./epci_shape/EPCI_SHAPEFILE.shp")
geom_sf(data = test,
aes(geometry = geometry),
color = "black")+
guides(fill = "none")+
I think this is due to the high number of points in the shapefile.
Following comments in here: https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2655, I tried
sum(rapply(st_geometry(epci_france), nrow))
[1] 1913182
which looks like a lot of points. I am looking for a way to lower this number, i.e. lower the precision of the limits of the geometry. I tried smooth from library(smoothr), but it has the opposite effect: it increases the number of points. I tried to cast it to other formats with st_cast, but it did not work either.
How should I proceed? My objective is to have a simple delimitation of the intercommunal limits to make choropleth maps. Thanks!
I would like to make a map in R that colours in the FAO Fishing Areas according to a data set (in my case, length data of shark species).
I would prefer to do a choropleth map in ggplot but other types of maps are also fine. Worst case scenario a base map of FAO areas that I can add bubbles to. Even just an existing base map of FAO areas would be great. Any suggestions welcome!
I went to this page and clicked through to find this link to retrieve a GeoJSON file:
download.file("http://www.fao.org/fishery/geoserver/fifao/ows?service=WFS&request=GetFeature&version=1.0.0&typeName=fifao:FAO_AREAS_CWP&outputFormat=json", dest="FAO.json")
From here on, I was following this example from the R graph gallery, with a little help from this SO question and these notes:
library(dplyr) ## for joining values to map
spdf <- geojson_read("FAO.json", what = "sp")
At this point, plot(spdf) will bring up a plain (base-R) plot of the regions.
spdf_fortified <- tidy(spdf)
## make up some data to go with ...
fake_fish <- data.frame(id = as.character(1:324), value = rnorm(324))
spdf2 <- spdf_fortified %>% left_join(fake_fish, by = "id")
ggplot() +
geom_polygon(data = spdf2, aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group,
fill = value), color="grey") +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
theme_void() +
theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = 'lightgray', colour = NA)) +
coord_map() +
coord_sf(crs = "+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=45") ## Gall projection
some of the steps are slow, it might be worth looking up how to coarsen/lower resolution of a spatial polygons object (if you just want to show the picture, the level of resolution might be overkill)
to be honest the default sequential colour scheme might be better but all the cool kids seem to like "viridis" these days so ...
There are probably better ways to do a lot of these pieces (e.g. set map projection, fill in background colour for land masses, ... ?)
despite having some experience with R, I am much less experienced using R for GIS-like tasks.
I have a shapefile of all communities within Germany and created a new object that only shows the borders of the 16 states of Germany.
gem <- readOGR(path/to/shapefile.shp) # reading shapefile
gemsf <- st_read(path/to/shapefile.shp) # reading shapefile as sf object
f00 <- gUnaryUnion(gem, id = gem#data$SN_L) # SN_L is the column of the various states - this line creates a new sp object with only the states instead of all communities
f002 <- sf::st_as_sf(f00, coords = c("x","y")) # turning the object into an sf object, so graphing with ggplot is easier
To check my work so far I plotted the base data (communities) using
gemsf %>%
ggplot(data = .,) + geom_sf( aes(fill = SN_L)) # fill by state
as well as plot(f002) which creates a plot of the 16 states, while the ggplot-code provides a nice map of Germany by community, with each state filled in a different color.
Now I'd like to overlay this with a second layer that indicates the borders of the states (so if you e.g. plot population density you can still distinguish states easily).
My attempt to do so, I used "standard procedure" and added another layer
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = gemsf, aes(fill = SN_L)) + # fill by state
geom_sf(data = f002) # since the f002 data frame/sf object ONLY has a geometry column, there is no aes()
results in the following output: https://i.ibb.co/qk9zWRY/ggplot-map-layer.png
So how do I get to add a second layer that only provides the borders and does not cover the actual layer of interest below? In QGIS or ArcGIS, this is common procedure and not a problem, and I'd like to be able to recreate this in R, too.
Thank you very much for your help!
I found a solution which I want to share with everyone.
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = gemsf_data, aes(fill = log(je_km2))) + # fill by state
geom_sf(data = f002, alpha = 0, color = "black") + # since the f002 data frame/sf object ONLY has a geometry column, there is no aes()
The trick was adding "alpha" not in the aes() part, but rather just as shown above.
I want to create a map of Germany where each state is shaded according to its gross domestic product. I know how to do this in R (and put the code below). Is there a possibility to do this in Julia in an equally simple way?
shpData = st_read("./geofile.shp")
GDPData <- read.delim("./stateGDP.csv", header=FALSE)
GDPData <- rename(GDPData,StateName=V1,GDP=V2)
GDPData %>%
left_join(shpData) ->mergedData
ggplot(mergedData) + geom_sf(data = mergedData, aes(fill = BIP,geometry=geometry)) + coord_sf(crs = st_crs(mergedData))-> pBIP1
You'd load the Shapefile and use Plots to plot it.
The ideomatic code is something like
using Plots, Shapefile, CSV
shp = Shapefile.shapes(Shapefile.Table("geofile.shp"))
GDPData = CSV.read("stateGDP.csv")
plot(shp, fill_z = GDPData.V2')
Note the ' which transposes the values to a column vector - this will tell Plots to apply the colors to individual polygons.
perhaps you have an idea and could help me. I have following data:
lon.x <- c(11.581981, 13.404954, 9.993682, 7.842104 , 11.741185)
lat.x <- c(48.135125, 52.520007, 53.551085, 47.999008, 48.402880)
lon.y <- c(8.801694, 7.842104 , 11.581981, 13.404954, 7.842104 )
lat.y <- c(53.079296,47.999008, 48.135125, 52.520007, 47.999008)
pred <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
data <- data.frame(cbind(lon.x, lat.x, lon.y, lat.y, pred))
where "lon.x" and "lat.x" are longitude-latitude points of a city and "lon.y" and "lat.y" of another city. So there are pairs of cities.
Now, I would like to make a map in R, with
(1) the direct distances between the x and y coordinates as a line
(2) which will receive a different color based on the variable "pred", this could be red for higher values and blue for lower, or thicker lines with higher values of "pred".
The result should be a simple map, with lines between the cities, that are shaped based on the variable "pred". For instance, the line between the first pair of cities would be thinner, while the last one would be thicker. Is that possible?
I have currently only made to receive a (very complicated) google map of Germany:
map <- get_map(location = 'Germany', zoom = 6.2)
But I am not sure how to plot points and especially relations between the points that differ based on "pred". Also a very simple map (not so detailed google map) would be best! Any idea? THANKS!
You can use ggplot2 to add lines onto the plot.
map <- get_map(location = 'Germany', zoom = 6)
ggmap(map) +
geom_segment(data=data, aes(x=lon.x, xend=lon.y, y=lat.x, yend=lat.y, color=pred), size=2) +
scale_color_continuous(high="red", low="blue")
As for the simpler map, you can download shape files (just the outlines of countries) from www.gadm.org. Level 0 maps are just the country, level 1 have state boundaries, etc. To use one of these, download the file from the website and use this code:
gadm <- fortify(gadm)
ggplot(gadm) +
geom_path(aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group)) +
geom_segment(data=data, aes(x=lon.x, xend=lon.y, y=lat.x, yend=lat.y, color=pred), size=2) +
scale_color_continuous(high="red", low="blue")