<a-entity class="rota" id="duck1" color="#fdfd96" scale="0.1 0.1 .1" position="2 0 -7" animation="property: rotation; to:0 -360 0; loop:true; easing:linear; dur:30000">
<a-entity class="rota" color="#F0FFF0" gltf-model="spaceship.glb" animation__mouseenter="property: rotation; to:0 360 0; easing:linear; dur:4000; startEvents: mouseenter" position="0 0 1" scale="2 3 3" collison-check="el: #otherduck; radius: 0.15; other-radius: 0.15;"> </a-entity>
In the first animation it makes the object take the whole revolution in a loop, completing it at specific interval. Whereas, I am using same animation(animation_mouseenter) setting inside then it just rotates along y-axis at a fix point given by previously animation. I want animation_mouseenter to work in a manner same as previous one but comparitively faster then previous animation.
In there is another issue as well. Now it just respond to first mouseenter call but not later. I know this is because I have not used from in animation_mouseenter. But I don't want animation to start from one particular location, rather I want it to occur whenever there's a mouse over the entity.
The outer entity is a parent of the inner entity.
The inner entity's position is set relative to the parent (outer) entity.
When you rotate the outer entity, you will see the inner entity moving round in a cicle, around a pivot point that is the position of the outer entity.
When you rotate the inner entity, you are just rotating the inner entity, so it will just spin on its own axis.
An analogy: imagine a cookie on the edge of a plate. The outer animation is likely spinning the plate: the cookie moves around. The inner animation is like spinning the cookie: it stays still and just spins.
For the effect you want, I think you need to move the inner animation onto the outer entity (spin the plate, not the cookie).
You can still trigger it with the mouseover event because the mouseover event will bubble up from child to parent. Alternatively, you could use a small component to relay events from one object to another (here's an existing component that could help you to do that https://github.com/diarmidmackenzie/key-bindings).
I followed the docs exactly as described (refer
in a super basic WebVR scene on Glitch and it seems the code related to reflecting a sphere along the Z-axis won't work. It seems to be fairly straightforward, so I can't imagine why there should be any trouble. Am I doing something stupid or is it really not working? I know I could use a-sky but I want more control over position, rotation, etc (it needs to be an element in the world).
A-Frame Version: 1.0.4
Platform / Device: Windows ASUS Rog Zephyrus Laptop, Desktop browser (tested on Firefox and Edge)
Reproducible Code Snippet or URL: https://east-stock.glitch.me/. Ideally, you shouldn't be able to see the sphere from "outside" it, as in this scene, and the red should appear once you navigate "inside" the sphere.
Just so you have it, this is what I put in my scene:
geometry="primitive: sphere; radius: 4"
material="color: red"
scale="1 1 -1"
position="0 0 -5"
You need to add some properties to the material of the sphere to get it to work.
geometry="primitive: sphere; radius: 4"
material="color: red; side: back; shader: flat; "
scale="1 1 1"
position="0 0 -5"
You only want to show the 'back' of the faces of the sphere, that's what the side:back does. You probably don't want the sphere to reflect the light, therefore in this case I would add the shader:flat parameter so it is rendered flat.
I am rotating a glTF model of the moon. I want it to rotate around its center, rather than around the center of the scene.
I tried the answer here:
How to change the rotation axis for an animated A-Frame object?
but it doesn't seem to work for me (the object doesn't rotate at all).
I have tried the code here as well: https://blog.prototypr.io/learning-a-frame-how-to-do-animations-2aac1ae461da
But the object doesn't rotate when I use that either.
So far I have only been able to get it to rotate using this code:
<a-entity gltf-model="#moon" scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" position="0 0 0"
animation="property: rotation; to: 0 360 0; loop: true; dur: 10000"></a-entity>
But using that, it rotates around the center of the scene rather than rotating on it's own central axis, if that makes sense. (Global axis rather than local axis?)
This is how I am loading in A-Frame:
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.9.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
Add a parent entity around it then the model will rotate around that.
<a-entity gltf-model="#moon" scale="0.5 0.5 0.5" position="0 0 0"
animation="property: rotation; to: 0 360 0; loop: true; dur: 10000"></a-entity>
The other way to fix this is to place your axis in the 3D app that created the model, and export the gltf again.
Aframe seems to have changed the way it handles mouse events without changing the documentation. Can you help me trigger mouseenter and mouseleave events?
My code is here, running in the glitch framework:
(Click "show live" (top left) to run it in a new tab, click "remix to edit" (top right) to make changes to the code)
A circular cursor appears, with a box. If you click and drag the screen you can move the cursor over the box. If you then click, the box will animate in a y axis spin
But just moving the cursor over the box should scale the box up - and moving the cursor away from the box should scale the box back down - using "mouseenter" and "mouseleave"
This, in fact, works if you substitute the Aframe src to an earlier version (0.2.0) which I have commented out in my code - if you want to try it.
The documentation for the current release (0.8.0) still seems to support mouseenter events:
and specifies:
"mouseenter: Emitted on both cursor and intersected entity (if any) when cursor intersects with an entity"
For the record, Aframe version 0.8.2 reacts like 0.8.0
Can you tell me what's what?
<a-event> is deprecated since 0.4.0. Use the event-set-component:
<a-box color="#0000FF"
width="1" height="1" depth="1"
position="0 0 -5"
rotation="45 45 45"
scale="1 1 1"
event-set__mouseenter="scale: 2 2 2"
event-set__mouseleave="scale: 1 1 1">
<a-animation attribute="rotation" begin="click" repeat="indefinite" to="0 360 0"></a-animation>
Demo: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/rainy-camera-1?path=index.html:14:7
I would like to programmatically rotate the camera in the A-FRAME scene in a similar way that you can click and drag the mouse to rotate the camera around the scene. Is this possible to do?
A more detailed description of the problem will help you get a more precise answer. A-Frame already lets you click and drag the mouse to move the camera via the look-controls component . There's also a component called orbit controls that rotates the camera around a target point. If you want to implement your own, create a and apply a component to the camera that manipulates its rotation on the tick method
tick: function () {
You apply your component in the HTML as follows:
<a-entity camera your-component></a-entity>
In case when look-controls component is used, it will override the rotation of the camera element, so one has to set internal attributes of the look-controls component.
Overriding mouse control rotation value in that component can be done like this:
Right now, the cursor does not seem to identify entities which are invisible. However, I can make visible entities become invisible using the animations.
Any way to do the inverse?
Try using making objects invisible using the material opacity rather than the entire object visible.
<a-entity material="opacity: 0"></a-entity>