Why is Blazor using post instead of WebSockets? - signalr

I have a Blazor Server app. When I run the app in Visual Studio, I see this message in the Browser console:
WebSocket connected to wss://localhost:44329/_blazor?id=HX5t9UdbZwj35PkMxV3Fkw.
So it looks to me like SignalR is working as expected. On the Network Tab, I see signalR working as expected with message:
However, now I publish the App to IIS. The app works fine. However, if I look in the browser console, I no longer see WebSocket being connected. What I see in the network tab looks like this:
Request URL: https://blazor/_blazor?id=O_acVtnuEIOjlRAosu1YFg
Request Method: POST
There are many many of these like 1 per second.
So it looks like SignalR is no longer being used.
Why is this? What do I need to do to ensure SignalR is being used?

Make sure WebSockets has been enabled on IIS. Here is a brief overview:


.NET Core 2 MVC - Not loading on HTTP, does load on HTTPS

I am working on an API in .NET core 2.
Everything works great when testing on https://localhost:44333, but when trying on http://localhost:44333 it does not work anymore. It just loads, and loads, and loads.... Nothing to see in the logs or anything like that.
The thing is, I need to get it working on HTTP because I want to try it on my phone in the app. So I use iisexpress-proxy to proxy it. This works when I can access the API on HTTP, but it doesn't work with HTTPS.
So therefor I need it to work with HTTP, but I have no idea why it does not work on HTTP. All my previous projects worked fine on HTTP and for some reason this one does not. I have looked in my startup if it might be forced or something like that, but I cannot find any...
You probably need more information than this, but I don't know what you need, so If you ask in the comments I will provide some more information/logs/code you name it.
The http version will be served on a different port. You'll need to look at your project properties to see which port it's being served on.
Just as some background:
There's effectively a client-side and server-side component to SSL. The http or https is the client-side component. That means the browser or other web client will either try to negotiate a secure socket or not, respectively. The server-side component is the port binding, which will either be a secure socket or not.
The forever-loading is because your client is trying to make a non-secure request, but the server's socket is attempting to negotiate SSL. It's like one person speaking Chinese and the other speaking Spanish. They're both communicating, but nothing gets accomplished.

SignalR not working with Windows-integrated authentication

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 app (.NET 4.5) and SIgnalR works fine with forms-based authentication (hosted via IIS/IIS Express)
As soon as I change the app to windows-integrated authentication (<authentication mode="Windows"/> in "web.config") it stops working.
jquery.signalR-2.2.2.min.js:9 WebSocket connection to ws://localhost:51030/signalr/connect?transport=webSockets&blhablahblah failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403
After adding the [Authorize] attribute to my hub, the error changes to
WebSocket connection to ws://localhost:51030/signalr/connect?transport=webSocketsblahblah failed: HTTP Authentication failed; no valid credentials available
Other parts of the app are working just fine, windows-auth is enabled on the server and works, etc. etc.
How do I solve this?
And if it is unsolvable for some reason (it could be Chrome not supporting windows auth on websocket connections or something else) - why doesn't it fall back to non-websocket protocol? and how do I force the fallback?
UPDATE: I created a github issue https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues/3953. The problem is not that I can't connect. The problem is that I cannot handle the error to fall back to another transport. Neither .fail() not .error() are being invoked. Try-catch doesn't help either.
Update from 2020: looks like Chrome now supports NTLM on WS-connections, not an issue any more
...10 hours later after asking the question...
Partially solved (answering my own question)
After playing with it I can confirm, that adding the [Authorize] attribute to my hub (or alternatively, adding GlobalHost.HubPipeline.RequireAuthentication(); to your "Startup.cs") actually does help. It does fall back now to an alternative transport, even though the error is still thrown into the browser's console.
You can also specify which transport it falls back to, by calling:
$.connection.hub.start( { transport: ['webSockets', 'longPolling'] });
in case you don't like the default priority (I guess, "hidden iframe" is the default second option).
The reason
The error is caused by Chrome, it does not support NTLM on websocket connections. Funny enough, IE, MS Edge and Firefox do support it ("Chrome is the new IE" huh).
There's an open issue in Chromium bugtracker for this here https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=423609 if anyone wants to add any input to Chromium devs.
I too was experiencing this error, but only when developing locally using http; I think Chrome doesn't like unsecured ws:// connections. Once I deployed to server with secure https connection, the WebSocket connection was upgraded to wss://, and Chrome stopped complaining, worked fine with WebSockets--didn't have to fall back to other transport.
tl:dr; Make sure to use https for your site.

fiddlercore to mock responses for testing

I need to simulate web response for web requests during some tests. I was going to use fiddler core for that. So fiddler just acts like a proxy and Im able to set response for every request I like. But I need to run something like console application or standalone application to make fiddler core able to intercept the requests. And I need it to be somehow initialized inside my asp.net mvc test application, so that tester could access these fake data, by just using the urls, without the need to run fiddler or any other applications.
For now I tried to run my fiddler application in Controller action method, but it doesnt intercept anything.
I also tried to add URLMonInterop.SetProxyInProcess(""+ myPort, ""), but it doesnt work either.
Is there any way to self host fiddler core app and make it intercept the requests?
In the end I managed to host fiddler core inside asp.net mvc app. I made initialization in a static method of a static class and it did the trick. Also, for some reason after calling shutdown and then performing initialization again I cant proxify anything. I even cal GC.Collect, nothing helps, but refreshing the host process, in my case IIS express.
As documented, SetProxyInProcess affects URLMon clients only, and .NET doesn't use URLMon for networking.
.NET clients typically pick up the current proxy setting automatically, but if you're running FiddlerCore in a different user account, that's not going to work (and you probably don't want your mocker to be messing with any traffic except your test application). So, instead you should configure your application explicitly to proxy its traffic through your FiddlerCore instance; see http://fiddlerbook.com/fiddler/help/hookup.asp#Q-DOTNET and http://fiddlerbook.com/fiddler/help/hookup.asp#Q-IIS and if your services are local http://fiddlerbook.com/fiddler/help/hookup.asp#Q-LocalTraffic

JMeter NTLM/Windows Authentication Load Testing

What is to be done?
We have an application deployed on the Sharepoint (corporate) Server which uses the windows credentials to log into the application.
App URL format: http://testmachine:1000/sites/test/
Windows Credentials Format: user_id#domain.co.in
The objective is to perform the load/performance testing on the application (especially the log in functionality) for such n number of users.
Normally when I hit the app URL in the Firefox/IE, it pops up a window asking for credentials. I enter the credentials, browse the app and then log out. I intend to capture this in JMeter and simulate this for large number of users.
Where I’m stuck?
Now I start the JMeter proxy server, and then try the same steps as above. But when the pop up window appears, JMeter simply doesn’t record the it nor it does record anything else after the login.
What I’ve tried?
If I try the same steps after enabling “Automatically detect intranet network” in IE, then it simply auto detects my windows credentials (No credentials pop-up), logs me into the app (this is not recorded in JMeter either) and takes me to the home page. And any page thereafter I hit gets recorded in JMeter.
I’ve also tried to use the HTTP Authorization Manager using following parameters:
BaseURL : http://testmachine:1000/sites/test/
Password: i_wont_tell_you
Domain: \
It didn't help. I am quite confused about how-to-use the above element. And not even sure whether its a right approach to get the solution to my problem.
Any help/suggestions?
P.S. I know about a tool called Badboy, but have to go for it as a last resource. Also not even sure if it records the pop windows.
And sorry if the post is verbose.
I have also tried -
Username: USER_ID and Domain: my_company_domain
But this is not the actual problem. Problem is, when I try to hit the pages (automation) which I've recorded previously return success response even if I haven't used the HTTP Authorization Manager. I'm not sure what I'm missing.
OK. Finally I got what was missing.
First, I had to change the implementation of every request to HttpClient3.1
Second, it was really frustrating to see that JMeter documentation was misleading.
It says that the config file httpclient.parameters, should be edited as following:
But it didn't work. Changing it to true worked like a charm.
Hope this helps other people.
JMeter works at the HTTP layer so the proxy will only capture requests made over this protocol layer. It sounds to me like you have already found the right approach to use for recording by using '“Automatically detect intranet network” in IE', you can use this method to capture most requests and you will have to figure out authentication manually. How you do this depends on how your application communicates with your server to authenticate a user.

Intercepting the SOAP envelop in an HttpRequest

I want to look at the XML created in my HttpRequest but can't see how. I've tried looking at the request during runtime but no luck.
I'm working in a .NET 4.0 project (just for context here, not that it matters much starting with 2.0)
I'm making a call to a third party API via my project's service reference:
SomeResponseType response = _apiClient.AddUser(userToAdd);
So how do I capture what AddUser is creating in terms of the raw XML being sent to the host without having to go through the pain of creating an Intercept filter which is not the easiest thing to put together?
You should be able to use Fiddler on your machine to capture the underlying HTTP request.
Alternatively, if you're using WCF, you can enable tracing via your config file. To go this route, see Configuring Message Logging. Then you can use the Service Trace Viewer Tool (SvcTraceViewer.exe) to pretty print your logs.
You can use a network sniffing tool such as Fiddler (www.fiddler2.com). Simply fire up Fiddler and then run your app. Fiddler will capture all of the traffic that is going across the wire, and you can look at the XML that is being sent and received from the SOAP service.
