What's the theoretical loophole that allows F# (or any functional language) to apply a function mulitple times on the same input - functional-programming

In F# if I write
let p = printfn "something"
it will evaluate the expression once. Any subsequent references to p will evaluate to unit.
From a theoretical perspective, the definition of a function, this makes sense. A function should only return the same result for the same input.
However if I want the side-effect to occur (i.e. the output to the screen), then I need the pass an argument to p. Typically this argument is the unit value.
let p () = printfn "something"
But why will F# evaluate the function each time, when the argument is the same each time the function is applied? Surely the same reasoning should apply as in the first case? The input to the function p doesn't change therefore there is no need to evaluate it more than once.

The action printfn is, strictly speaking, not a function. It is, particularly, not a pure function, because it's not referentially transparent. This is possible because F# isn't a strictly functional language (it's a 'functional first' language). It makes no explicit distinction between pure functions and impure actions.
The return value of printfn "something" is () (unit), which means that p is bound to the unit value (). The fact that something is printed on the screen is a side effect of evaluating the expression.
F# is an eagerly evaluated language. That's why you see something printed on the screen as a side effect of binding printfn "something" to p. Once the expression is evaluated, p is only bound to () - the value.
F# doesn't memoize function calls, so when you change p to a function, it'll evaluate the function every time you call it with (). Since all functions can be impure, the compiler can't tell whether or not memoization would be appropriate, so it doesn't do that.
Other languages do this in different ways. Haskell, for example, is lazily evaluated, and also explicitly distinguishes between pure functions and impure actions, so it can apply different optimization in cases like these.

To expand on the answer given in the comments, the first p is an immutable value, while the second p is a function. If you refer to an immutable value multiple times, then (obviously) its value doesn't change over time. But if you invoke a function multiple times, it executes each time, even if the arguments are the same each time.
Note that this is true even for pure functional languages, such as Haskell. If you want to avoid this execution cost, there's a specific technique called memoization that can be used to return cached results when the same inputs occur again. However, memoization has its own costs, and I'm not aware of any mainstream functional language that automatically memoizes all function calls.


are instances of the IO type values?

By IO I am loosely referring to the type that is typically used to wrap impure functions (IO.delay) to be invoked at a later time (my understanding after reading Grokking Functional Programming. I am aware it could also wrap values - IO.pure)
On the other hand, in the Value of Values presentation, Rich Hickey states that (besides being immutable) values are comparable. In particular, a function is equal to another function if they both return the same value given the same arguments no matter when they are called. That is, pure functions are values. A corollary being that a pure function is equal to itself.
However, an impure function, which given the same arguments may return different values depending on when you call it, is not even equal to itself according to the definition highlighted above. Hence, I conclude impure functions are not values as they are not even equal to themselves.
How could instances of the IO type which wrap impure functions be values? The wrapped impure function is not a value. How could the wrapper be a value? According to the premise made above, an instance of the IO type which wraps an impure function is not even equal to itself!

Functional Programming: Are maps sequential? Implications for closures

I will illustrate with Julia:
Suppose I have a function counter() that is a closure.
function mycl()
function counter()
Now suppose I create the function mycoutner:
and now map this function over an array of length 10, with all elements being 1.
The output is as follows:
julia> map(x->x+mycounter(),ones(1:10))
10-element Array{Int64,1}:
It appears the function is applied sequentially over the to-be-mapped array.
Ultimately I am trying to avoid for loops, but with the local state variable of the closure mutating state, I need this to be applied sequentially. This seems to be the case, is this an adopted standard? (haven't tested the equivalent R version using *apply). And is this really "functional" because the local state variable is mutating?
The current Julia implementation of map does apply its function argument to its collection argument(s) in order, although that is not an explicitly documented feature. In the future, evaluation order might change when multithreading becomes a non-experimental language feature, but that won't happen without warning. It's also likely that it will occur not by changing the behavior of map, but either as an opt-in feature – e.g. via tmap for "threaded map" – or as an optimization in cases where the compiler knows that the function being mapped is purely functional.
To answer the second question first, no, your code is not purely functional since it mutates state.
As for the first question, it depends on each language. In Scheme, R7RS says "[t]he map procedure applies proc element-wise to the elements
of the lists and returns a list of the results, in order" (page 51, emphasis by me), where it seems somewhat ambiguous whether "in order" refers to the order of the lists or that of the elements of the lists (perhaps the former). In OCaml, the manual says that List.map "applies function f to a1, ..., an, and builds the list [f a1; ...; f an] with the results returned by f" which is also ambiguous but its implementation is written explicitly sequentially using let as a::l -> let r = f a in r :: map f l.
The pure functional function you are looking for is an "accumulating map", which avoids state, instead threading an accumulative parameter. See for example the various haskell implementations.
This function is fairly straightforward to implement in Julia also, though it can be argued that a for loop is more appropriate. In any event, a for loop with a single mutable state variable is far better than using a higher-order function with a closure that mutates state, as in the former the mutation is obvious and contained, whereas in the latter the mutation is unclear when calling the map function.

What do "continuations" mean in functional programming?(Specfically SML)

I have read a lot about continuations and a very common definition I saw is, it returns the control state.
I am taking a functional programming course taught in SML.
Our professor defined continuations to be:
"What keeps track of what we still have to do"
; "Gives us control of the call stack"
A lot of his examples revolve around trees. Before this chapter, we did tail recursion. I understand that tail recursion lets go of the stack to hold the recursively called functions by having an additional argument to "build" up the answer. Reversing a list would be built in a new accumulator where we append to it accordingly. Also, he said something about functions are called(but not evaluated) except till we reach the end where we replace backwards. He said an improved version of tail recursion would be using CPS(Continuation Programming Style).
Could someone give a simplified explanation of what continuations are and why they are favoured over other programming styles?
I found this stackoverflow link that helped me, but still did not clarify the idea for me:
I just don't get continuations!
Continuations simply treat "what happens next" as first class objects that can be used once unconditionally, ignored in favour of something else, or used multiple times.
To address what Continuation Passing Style is, here is some expression written normally:
let h x = f (g x)
g is applied to x and f is applied to the result.
Notice that g does not have any control. Its result will be passed to f no matter what.
in CPS this is written
let h x next = (g x (fun result -> f result next))
g not only has x as an argument, but a continuation that takes the output of g and returns the final value. This function calls f in the same manner, and gives next as the continuation.
What happened? What changed that made this so much more useful than f (g x)? The difference is that now g is in control. It can decide whether to use what happens next or not. That is the essence of continuations.
An example of where continuations arise are imperative programming languages where you have control structures. Whiles, blocks, ordinary statements, breaks and continues are all generalized through continuations, because these control structures take what happens next and decide what to do with it, for example we can have
while(condition1) {
if(condition2) break;
if(condition3) continue;
return statement3;
The while, the block, the statement, the break and the continue can all be described in a functional model through continuations. Each construct can be considered to be a function that accepts the
current environment containing
the enclosing scopes
optional functions accepting the current environment and returning a continuation to
break from the inner most loop
continue from the inner most loop
return from the current function.
all the blocks associated with it (if-blocks, while-block, etc)
a continuation to the next statement
and returns the new environment.
In the while loop, the condition is evaluated according to the current environment. If it is evaluated to true, then the block is evaluated and returns the new environment. The result of evaluating the while loop again with the new environment is returned. If it is evaluated to false, the result of evaluating the next statement is returned.
With the break statement, we lookup the break function in the environment. If there is no function found then we are not inside a loop and we give an error. Otherwise we give the current environment to the function and return the evaluated continuation, which would be the statement after the the while loop.
With the continue statement the same would happen, except the continuation would be the while loop.
With the return statement the continuation would be the statement following the call to the current function, but it would remove the current enclosing scope from the environment.

understanding referential transparency

Generally, I have a headache because something is wrong with my reasoning:
For 1 set of arguments, referential transparent function will always return 1 set of output values.
that means that such function could be represented as a truth table (a table where 1 set of output parameters is specified for 1 set of arguments).
that makes the logic behind such functions is combinational (as opposed to sequential)
that means that with pure functional language (that has only rt functions) it is possible to describe only combinational logic.
The last statement is derived from this reasoning, but it's obviously false; that means there is an error in reasoning. [question: where is error in this reasoning?]
UPD2. You, guys, are saying lots of interesting stuff, but not answering my question. I defined it more explicitly now. Sorry for messing up with question definition!
Question: where is error in this reasoning?
A referentially transparent function might require an infinite truth table to represent its behavior. You will be hard pressed to design an infinite circuit in combinatory logic.
Another error: the behavior of sequential logic can be represented purely functionally as a function from states to states. The fact that in the implementation these states occur sequentially in time does not prevent one from defining a purely referentially transparent function which describes how state evolves over time.
Edit: Although I apparently missed the bullseye on the actual question, I think my answer is pretty good, so I'm keeping it :-) (see below).
I guess a more concise way to phrase the question might be: can a purely functional language compute anything an imperative one can?
First of all, suppose you took an imperative language like C and made it so you can't alter variables after defining them. E.g.:
int i;
for (i = 0; // okay, that's one assignment
i < 10; // just looking, that's all
i++) // BUZZZ! Sorry, can't do that!
Well, there goes your for loop. Do we get to keep our while loop?
while (i < 10)
Sure, but it's not very useful. i can't change, so it's either going to run forever or not run at all.
How about recursion? Yes, you get to keep recursion, and it's still plenty useful:
int sum(int *items, unsigned int count)
if (count) {
// count the first item and sum the rest
return *items + sum(items + 1, count - 1);
} else {
// no items
return 0;
Now, with functions, we don't alter state, but variables can, well, vary. Once a variable passes into our function, it's locked in. However, we can call the function again (recursion), and it's like getting a brand new set of variables (the old ones stay the same). Although there are multiple instances of items and count, sum((int[]){1,2,3}, 3) will always evaluate to 6, so you can replace that expression with 6 if you like.
Can we still do anything we want? I'm not 100% sure, but I think the answer is "yes". You certainly can if you have closures, though.
You have it right. The idea is, once a variable is defined, it can't be redefined. A referentially transparent expression, given the same variables, always yields the same result value.
I recommend looking into Haskell, a purely functional language. Haskell doesn't have an "assignment" operator, strictly speaking. For instance:
my_sum numbers = ??? where
i = 0
total = 0
Here, you can't write a "for loop" that increments i and total as it goes along. All is not lost, though. Just use recursion to keep getting new is and totals:
my_sum numbers = f 0 0 where
f i total =
if i < length numbers
then f i' total'
else total
i' = i+1
total' = total + (numbers !! i)
(Note that this is a stupid way to sum a list in Haskell, but it demonstrates a method of coping with single assignment.)
Now, consider this highly imperative-looking code:
main = do
a <- readLn
b <- readLn
print (a + b)
It's actually syntactic sugar for:
main =
readLn >>= (\a ->
readLn >>= (\b ->
print (a + b)))
The idea is, instead of main being a function consisting of a list of statements, main is an IO action that Haskell executes, and actions are defined and chained together with bind operations. Also, an action that does nothing, yielding an arbitrary value, can be defined with the return function.
Note that bind and return aren't specific to actions. They can be used with any type that calls itself a Monad to do all sorts of funky things.
To clarify, consider readLn. readLn is an action that, if executed, would read a line from standard input and yield its parsed value. To do something with that value, we can't store it in a variable because that would violate referential transparency:
a = readLn
If this were allowed, a's value would depend on the world and would be different every time we called readLn, meaning readLn wouldn't be referentially transparent.
Instead, we bind the readLn action to a function that deals with the action, yielding a new action, like so:
readLn >>= (\x -> print (x + 1))
The result of this expression is an action value. If Haskell got off the couch and performed this action, it would read an integer, increment it, and print it. By binding the result of an action to a function that does something with the result, we get to keep referential transparency while playing around in the world of state.
As far as I understand it, referential transparency just means: A given function will always yield the same result when invoked with the same arguments. So, the mathematical functions you learned about in school are referentially transparent.
A language you could check out in order to learn how things are done in a purely functional language would be Haskell. There are ways to use "updateable storage possibilities" like the Reader Monad, and the State Monad for example. If you're interested in purely functional data structures, Okasaki might be a good read.
And yes, you're right: Order of evaluation in a purely functional language like haskell does not matter as in non-functional languages, because if there are no side effects, there is no reason to do someting before/after something else -- unless the input of one depends on the output of the other, or means like monads come into play.
I don't really know about the truth-table question.
Here's my stab at answering the question:
Any system can be described as a combinatorial function, large or small.
There's nothing wrong with the reasoning that pure functions can only deal with combinatorial logic -- it's true, just that functional languages hide that from you to some extent or another.
You could even describe, say, the workings of a game engine as a truth table or a combinatorial function.
You might have a deterministic function that takes in "the current state of the entire game" as the RAM occupied by the game engine and the keyboard input, and returns "the state of the game one frame later". The return value would be determined by the combinations of the bits in the input.
Of course, in any meaningful and sane function, the input is parsed down to blocks of integers, decimals and booleans, but the combinations of the bits in those values is still determining the output of your function.
Keep in mind also that basic digital logic can be described in truth tables. The only reason that that's not done for anything more than, say, arithmetic on 4-bit integers, is because the size of the truth table grows exponentially.
The error in Your reasoning is the following:
"that means that such function could be represented as a truth table".
You conclude that from a functional language's property of referential transparency. So far the conclusion would sound plausible, but You oversee that a function is able to accept collections as input and process them in contrast to the fixed inputs of a logic gate.
Therefore a function does not equal a logic gate but rather a construction plan of such a logic gate depending on the actual (at runtime determined) input!
To comment on Your comment: Functional languages can - although stateless - implement a state machine by constructing the states from scratch each time they are being accessed.

What is this functional "pattern" called?

I was fooling around with some functional programming when I came across the need for this function, however I don't know what this sort of thing is called in standard nomenclature.
Anyone recognizes it?
function WhatAmIDoing(args...)
return function()
return args
Edit: generalized the function, it takes a variable amount of arguments ( or perhaps an implicit list) and returns a function that when invoked returns all the args, something like a curry or pickle, but it doesn't seem to be either.
WhatAmIDoing is a higher-order function because it is a function that returns another function.
The thing that it returns is a thunk — a closure created for delayed computation of the actual value. Usually thunks are created to lazily evaluate an expression (and possibly memoize it), but in other cases, a function is simply needed in place of a bare value, as in the case of "constantly 5", which in some languages returns a function that always returns 5.
The latter might apply in the example given, because assuming the language evaluates in applicative-order (i.e. evaluates arguments before calling a function), the function serves no other purpose than to turn the values into a function that returns them.
WhatAmIDoing is really an implementation of the "constantly" function I was describing. But in general, you don't have to return just args in the inner function. You could return "ackermann(args)", which could take a long time, as in...
function WhatAmIDoing2(args...)
return function()
return ackermann(args)
But WhatAmIDoing2 would return immediately because evaluation of the ackermann function would be suspended in a closure. (Yes, even in a call-by-value language.)
In functional programming a function that takes another function as an argument or returns another function is called a higher-order function.
I would say that XXXX returns a closure of the unnamed function bound on the values of x,y and z.
This wikipedia article may shed some light
Currying is about transforming a function to a chain of functions, each taking only one parameter and returning another such function. So, this example has no relation to currying.
Pickling is a term ususally used to denote some kind of serialization. Maybe for storing a object built from multiple values.
If the aspect interesting to you is that the returned function can access the arguments of the XXXX function, then I would go with Remo.D.
As others have said, it's a higher-order function. As you have "pattern" in your question, I thought I'd add that this feature of functional languages is often modelled using the strategy pattern in languages without higher-order functions.
Something very similar is called constantly in Clojure:
Only the function that constantly returns takes an arbitrary amount of arguments, making it more general (and flexible) than your pattern.
I don't know if this pattern has a name, but would use it in cases where normally functions are expected, but all I care for is that a certain value is returned:
(map (constantly 9) [1 2 3])
=> (9 9 9)
Just wondering, what do you use this for?
A delegate?
Basically you are returning a function?? or the output of a function?
Didn't understand, sorry...
