PLSSQL how to convert any result to opposite sign - plsql

PLSSQL how to convert any result to opposite sign if the result i have in subtracting 2 items is negative-convert it to positive and if result is positive then convert to negative automatically

Why not just multiply with -1.


Ordering a list of negative and positive numbers in R

I'm trying to order a list of negative and positive numbers in ascending order with values. For example, I would have numbers ranging from -3 to up to around 3.5. I have attempted to order them using the code below:
df1 <- df[order(df$"col1"),]
My result starts with -0.00, and then descends to -5. Then starts at +0.00, and grows to positive 4.00 ish. Meaning it isn't being ranked how I was expecting to be (going from -5 to 0 then to positive 4.
Is there a way to address this? Thanks!

How to remove ending zeros in binary bit sequence in R?

I need to remove ending zeros from binary bit sequences.
The length of the bit sequence is fixed, say 52. i.e.,
0101111.....01100000 (52-bit),
10111010..1010110011 (52-bit),
10111010..1010110100 (52-bit).
From converting decimal number to normalized double precision, significand is 52 bit, and hence zeros are populated to the right hand side even if significand is less than 52 bit at first step. I am reversing the process: i.e., I am trying to convert a normalized double precision in memory to decimal number, hence, I have to remove zeros (at the end) that are used to populate 52 bits for significand.
It is not guaranteed that the sequence in hand necessarily have 0s in the end (like the 2nd example above). If there is, all ending zeros must be truncated:
f(0101111.....01100000) # 0101111.....011; leading 0 must be kept
f(10111010..1010110011) # 10111010..1010110011; no truncation
f(10111010..1010110100) # 10111010..10101101
Unfortunately, the number of truncated 0s at the end differs. (5 in the 1st example; 2 in the 3rd example).
It is OK for me if input and output class are string:
f("0101111.....01100000") # "0101111.....011"; leading 0 must be kept
f("10111010..1010110011") # "10111010..1010110011"; no truncation
f("10111010..1010110100") # "10111010..10101101"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
This is a simple regular expression.
f <- function(x) sub('0+$', '', x)
0 - matches the character 0.
0+ - the character zero repeated at least one time, meaning, one or more times.
$ matches the end of the string.
0+$ the character 0 repeated one or more times and nothing else until the end of the string.
Replace the sub-string matched by the pattern with the empty string, ''.
Now test the function.
#[1] "0101111011"
#[1] "010000000101010110001"
#[1] "010000000101010110001"
#[1] "00010000000101010110001"

How to obtain the maximum sum of the array with the following condition?

Suppose the problem posed is as follows:
On Mars there lives a colony of worms. Each worm is represented as elements in an 1D array. Worms decide to eat each other but any worm can eat only its nearest neighbour. Each worm has a preset amount of energy(i.e the value of the element). On Mars, the laws dictate that when a worm i with energy x eats another worm with energy y, the i-th worm’s final energy becomes x-y. A worm is allowed to have negative energy levels.
Find the maximum value of energy of the last standing worm.
Sample data:
0,-1,-1,-1,-1 has answer 4.
2,1,2,1 has answer 4.
What will be the suitable logic to address this problem?
This problem has a surprisingly simple O(N) solution.
If any two members in the array have different signs, the answer is then sum of absolute values of all elements.
To see why, imagine a single positive value in the array, all other elements are negative (Example 1). Now the best strategy would be keeping this value positive and gradually eating all neighbors away to increase this positive value. The position of the positive value doesn't matter. The strategy is same in case of a single negative element.
In more general case, if an array of size N have values of different signs, we can always find an array of size N-1 with different signs, because there must be a pair of neighbors with different sign, which we can combine to form a number of any sign we prefer.
For example with this array : [1,2,-5,4,-10]
we can combine either (2,-5) or (4,-10). Lets combine (4,-10) to get [1,2,-5,-14]
We can only take (2,-5) now. So our array now is : [1,-7,-14]
Again only (1,-7) possible. But this time we have to keep combined value positive. So we are left with: [8,-14]
Final combining gives us 22, sum of all absolute values.
In case of all values with same sign, our first move would be to produce an opposite sign combining a neighbor pair with as little "cost" as possible. Intuitively, we don't want to waste two big numbers on this conversion. If we take x,y neighbor pair, when combined the new value (of opposite sign) will be abs(x-y). Since result is simply sum of absolute values, we can interpret it as - "loosing" abs(x) and abs(y) from maximum possible output and "gaining" abs(x-y) instead. So the "cost" for using this pair for sign conversion is abs(x)+abs(y)-abs(x-y). Since we need to minimise this cost, we choose from initial array neighbor pair that have lowest such value.
So if we take the above array but now all values are positive [1,2,5,4,10]:
"cost" of converting (1,2) to -1 is 1+2-abs(-1)=2.
"cost" of converting (2,5) to -3 is 2+5-abs(-3)=4.
"cost" of converting (5,4) to -1 is 5+4-abs(-1)=8.
"cost" of converting (4,10) to -6 is 4+10-abs(-6)=8.
So, we take and convert pair (1,2) to -1. Then just sum absolute values of resultant array to get 20. Notice that this value is exactly 2 less than our previous example.

Subsetting a vector with 0s and 1s like seq(3) using [c(0,0,1)]

I tried to subset my vector with [c(0,0,1,0,1...)], but it returned a vector of 1s for each "1" in the binary vector I intended to use as a slicer, not the expected values which were to be picked out of the vector to the left.
Works fine, but
returns 1, which I didn't expect.
Just trying to understand how or why it's returning 1's instead of pulling the value that coincides with TRUE or 1.
It is treating c(0,0,1) as a vector of position indicies.
Edit: by this I mean it is taking the 0th element twice then the 1st. Nothing in the 0th element so you get a single number which is the first element of your sequence, the number 1.
If you wanted it to be treated as your question suggests you could convert to a logical with as.logical
# [1] 3

Identifying most frequent fractional numbers in vector

I have a vector that contains fractional numbers:
I would like to determine the most frequent (i.e. majority) number in the vector and return that number.
table(a) doesn't work because it will return the whole table. I want it to return only 0.5.
In case of ties I would like to choose randomly.
I have a function that does this for integers:
a<-tabulate(x,nbins=max(x)); b<-which(a==max(a))
if (length(b)>1) {a<-sample(b,1)} else{b}
However, this won't work for fractions.
Can someone help?
You can use
If you want the numeric one as in your case, then coerce it to numeric
To randomize the tie case, you can add randomize the table
as.numeric(names(which.max(sample(table(a))))) #note this works only if length(unique(a)) > 1
