I have the below task keeps running I know this because it runs a query in Snowflake and I keep getting the DUO push notification. every. 5. seconds! What can I do to stop this and only have it run when the DAG runs
This is the task:
create_foreign_keys = SnowflakeQueryOperator(
This is the method being called in the sql part:
def run_fk_alter_statements(self, schema, additional_fk):
fk_query_path = "/fkeys.sql"
fd = open(f'{fk_query_path}', 'r')
query = fd.read()
additions = []
for fk in additional_fk:
additions.append(f""" or (t2.table_name = '{fk['table_name']}' and t2.column_name = '{fk['column_name']}'
and t1.table_name = '{fk['ref_table_name']}' and t1.column_name = '{fk['ref_column_name']}')\n""".upper())
raw_out = self.execute_query(query.format(schema=schema, fks=''.join(additions)), fetch_all=True)
query_jobs = []
for raw_query in raw_out:
return query_jobs
The sql=SnowHook().run_fk_alter_statements(schema,query) call in your instantiation of the SnowflakeQueryOperator is actually top-level code so it will execute every time the DAG is parsed by the Scheduler. You need to find a way to have that function called within an operator's execute() method.
You could add a TaskFlow function/PythonOperator task to push the output from run_fk_alter_statements() to XCom and then the SnowflakeQueryOperator uses this XCom to execute the SQL(s) that's generated.
I am new to Apache Airflow and I am trying to figure out how to unit/integration test my dags/tasks
Here is my directory structure
I created a simple DAG which has a task to reads data from a Postgres table
def read_files(ti):
sql = "select id from files where status='NEW'"
pg_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id="metadata")
connection = pg_hook.get_conn()
cursor = connection.cursor()
files = cursor.fetchall()
ti.xcom_push(key="files_to_process", value=files)
with DAG(dag_id="check_for_new_files", schedule_interval=timedelta(minutes=30),
start_date=datetime(2022, 9, 1), catchup=False) as dag:
check_files = PythonOperator(task_id="read_files",
Is it possible to test this by mocking Airflow/Postgres connection etc
yes it is possible to do test in dags, here is an example of basic things you can do:
import unittest
from airflow.models import DagBag
class TestCheckForNewFilesDAG(unittest.TestCase):
"""Check Dag"""
def setUp(self):
self.dagbag = DagBag()
def test_task_count(self):
"""Check task count for a dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
self.assertEqual(len(dag.tasks), 1)
def test_contain_tasks(self):
"""Check task contains in hello_world dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
tasks = dag.tasks
task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id, tasks))
self.assertListEqual(task_ids, ['read_files'])
def test_dependencies_of_read_files_task(self):
"""Check the task dependencies of a taskin hello_world dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
read_files_task = dag.get_task('read_files')
# to be use in case you have upstream task
upstream_task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id,
self.assertListEqual(upstream_task_ids, [])
downstream_task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id,
self.assertListEqual(downstream_task_ids, [])
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestHelloWorldDAG)
In case of verifying that manipulated data of files are moved correctly the documentations suggest:
You can also implement checks in a DAG to make sure the tasks are producing the results as expected. As an example, if you have a task that pushes data to S3, you can implement a check in the next task. For example, the check could make sure that the partition is created in S3 and perform some simple checks to determine if the data is correct.
I think this is an excellent and straightforward way to verify a specific task.
Here there are other useful links you can use:
In the next ones, they talk about mock
I am trying to write unittests for some of the tasks built with Airflow TaskFlow API. I tried multiple approaches for example, by creating a dagrun or only running the task function but nothing is helping.
Here is a task where I download a file from S3, there is more stuff going on but I removed that for this example.
def updates_process(files):
context = get_current_context()
updates_file_path = utils.download_file_from_s3_bucket(files.get("updates_file"))
except FileNotFoundError as e:
# Do something else
Now I was trying to write a test case where I can check this except clause. Following is one the example I started with
class TestAccountLinkUpdatesProcess(TestCase):
def test_file_not_found_error(self, download_file_from_s3_bucket, get_current_context, log):
download_file_from_s3_bucket.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
task = account_link_updates_process({"updates_file": "path/to/file.csv"})
I also tried by creating a dagrun as shown in the example here in docs and fetching the task from the dagrun but that also didin't help.
I was struggling to do this myself, but I found that the decorated tasks have a .function parameter: https://github.dev/apache/airflow/blob/be7cb1e837b875f44fcf7903329755245dd02dc3/airflow/decorators/base.py#L522
You can then use .funciton to call the actual function. Using your example:
class TestAccountLinkUpdatesProcess(TestCase):
def test_file_not_found_error(self, download_file_from_s3_bucket, get_current_context, log):
download_file_from_s3_bucket.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
task = dags.delta_load.updates.updates_process
# Call the function for testing
task.function({"updates_file": "path/to/file.csv"})
This prevents you from having to set up any of the DAG infrastructure and just run the python function as intended!
This is what I could figure out. Not sure if this is the right thing but it works.
class TestAccountLinkUpdatesProcess(TestCase):
TASK_ID = "updates_process"
def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
cls.dag = dag_delta_load()
def test_file_not_found_error(self, download_file_from_s3_bucket, get_current_context, log):
download_file_from_s3_bucket.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
task = self.dag.get_task(task_id=self.TASK_ID)
task.op_args = [{"updates_file": "file.csv"}]
UPDATE: Based on the answer of #AetherUnbound I did some investigation and found that we can use task.__wrapped__() to call the actual python function.
class TestAccountLinkUpdatesProcess(TestCase):
def test_file_not_found_error(self, download_file_from_s3_bucket, get_current_context, log):
download_file_from_s3_bucket.side_effect = FileNotFoundError
update_process.__wrapped__({"updates_file": "file.csv"})
I have list that I loop to create the tasks. The list are static as far as size.
for counter, account_id in enumerate(ACCOUNT_LIST):
task_id = f"bash_task_{counter}"
if account_id:
trigger_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="echo hello there",
trigger_task = BashOperator(
bash_command="echo hello there",
trigger_task.status = SKIPPED # is there way to somehow set status of this to skipped instead of having a branch operator?
I tried this manually but cannot make the task skipped:
start = DummyOperator(task_id='start')
task1 = DummyOperator(task_id='task_1')
task2 = DummyOperator(task_id='task_2')
task3 = DummyOperator(task_id='task_3')
task4 = DummyOperator(task_id='task_4')
start >> task1
start >> task2
start >> task3
raise AirflowSkipException
except AirflowSkipException as ase:
log.error('Task Skipped for task3')
start >> task4
raise AirflowSkipException
except AirflowSkipException as ase:
log.error('Task Skipped for task4')
yes there you need to raise AirflowSkipException
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowSkipException
raise AirflowSkipException
For more information see the source code
Have a fixed number of tasks to execute per DAG. This is really fine and this is also planning how much max parallel task your system should handle without degrading downstream systems. Also, having fixed number of tasks makes it visible in the web UI and give you indication whether they are executed or skipped.
In the code below, I initialized the list with None items and then update the list with values based on returned data from the DB. In the python_callable function, check if the account_id is None then raise an AirflowSkipException, otherwise execute the function. In the UI, the tasks are visible and indicates whether executed or skipped(meaning there is no account_id)
def execute(account_id):
if account_id:
print(f'************Executing task for account_id:{account_id}')
raise AirflowSkipException
def create_task(task_id, account_id):
return PythonOperator(task_id=task_id,
list_from_dbhook = [1, 2, 3] # dummy list. Get records using DB Hook
# Need to have some fix size. Need to allocate fix resources or # of tasks.
# Having this fixed number of tasks will make this tasks to be visible in UI instead of being purely dynamic
record_size_limit = 5
ACCOUNT_LIST = [None] * record_size_limit
for index, account_id_val in enumerate(list_from_dbhook):
ACCOUNT_LIST[index] = account_id_val
for idx, acct_id in enumerate(ACCOUNT_LIST):
task = create_task(f"task_{idx}", acct_id)
Trying to get a few tasks concurrently on cloud composer:
arr = {}
for i in xrange(3):
print("i: " + str(i))
command_formatted = command_template.format(str(i))
create_training_instance = bash_operator.BashOperator(
arr[i] = create_training_instance
Getting the following error:
Broken DAG: [/home/airflow/gcs/dags/scale_simple.py] Dependency
, create_training_instance already
The task_id should always be unique for a single task. So, you can use something like create_training_instance_{}.format(i) as task_id.
You need to parameterize your task id as well, e.g.,
task_id='create_training_instance' --> 'create_traiing_instance-{}'.format(i)
Is it possible to setup Nagios alerts for airflow dags?
In case the dag is failed, I need to alert the respective groups.
You can add an "on_failure_callback" to any task which will call an arbitrary failure handling function. In that function you can then send an error call to Nagios.
For example:
dag = DAG(dag_id="failure_handling",
def handle_failure(context):
# first get useful fields to send to nagios/elsewhere
dag_id = context['dag'].dag_id
ds = context['ds']
task_id = context['ti'].task_id
# instead of printing these out - you can send these to somewhere else
logging.info("dag_id={}, ds={}, task_id={}".format(dag_id, ds, task_id))
def task_that_fails(**kwargs):
raise Exception("failing test")
task_to_fail = PythonOperator(
If you run a test on this:
airflow test failure_handling task_to_fail 2018-08-10
You get the following in your log output:
INFO - dag_id=failure_handling, ds=2018-08-10, task_id=task_to_fail