FirebaseFirestoreSwift - No Such Module w/ SPM - firebase

Xcode 13.1 on a Mac M1. Moving from Cocoapods to SPM. Add the dependency. One of my classes uses the #DocumentID tag which uses FirebaseFirestoreSwift. However, even though it is imported in the class I get the error No such module FirebaseFirestoreSwift.
It clearly sees this module as when I start typing the import statement, it comes up. However, it won't compile with the error listed above. I tried to remove and reinstall the dependency, but same result. Numerous clean build folders and exiting and coming back into Xcode. No joy.
What can I do here?

You have to add the FirebaseFirestoreSwift-beta package. See how here


Force sbt to reload whole build definition

sbt.version 0.13.15
How can I force sbt to reload and recompile all build definition regardless whether they are changed or not?
The story:
I have a multiproject build consiting of multiple sbt and scala files. When I first loaded the project (I am not an author) by sbt -v in console I got a list of deprecated warnings (mainly operators like <<= <+= <++=). I want to fix all these but now when I start sbt -v again I do not get these warnings any more. Not even after reload.
I tried to modify build file (removing import) and reloading then. It showed me errors caused by removed import but no warnings. After fixing import back it showed no warnings still.
Only way I was able to see the list again was to change build file in a way which directly affects build definition and reload it then...
Bottom line
So yes I can edit every single sbt file and reload it then. But I wonder there must be a better way. There must be a way how to either force-reload whole build definition or recall that list of warnings somehow.
Thanks for ideas on this!
I found out that compiled build definition is stored in project/target. So to achieve what I want it is enough to remove this dir and then reload. It's not a command from sbt but it works.

Errors running Grunt and Sass

I've been trying to get Sass up and running with Bootstrap. I've followed the tutorial, going so far as to install exact versions of the dependencies listed rather than the default/latest versions. I've done this from scratch at least three times. I've uninstalled and reinstalled different versions of Sass and Compass (mainly according to Sass --compass --watch Error: Cannot load compass), as well as older versions of Ruby (I just installed 2.3.3, down from the latest release).
But whenever I get to running the grunt sass command, something goes wrong. I've gotten errors about not being able to load Compass. If I search and rectify that, I'll go through an error or two more (not on hand sorry, I've closed everything out), but keep ending up on:
C:/Ruby23-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/compass-core-1.1.0.alpha.3/lib/compass/core/caniuse.rb:72: warning: circular argument reference - browsers
Use --trace for backtrace.
Warning: Exited with error code 1 Use --force to continue.
I've looked up this error, and I've tried doing the bundle update listed here, but end up right back where I started with the same problems (since now there are updated versions of dependencies that apparently don't play well together, and compass things don't work again).
I know how to use Sass, I just can't practice since I can't get it running. I'm newer to coding, and I don't know Ruby at all, so I'm stuck now that my search-fu has failed me. My machine is running Windows 10. I am specifically looking to set up Sass to run with Bootstrap 4 (yes, I know it's in alpha, it's what I'm required to use for work) and there doesn't seem to be any good documentation out there about how to actually get it running properly.

OpenFlipper fails to compile, unable to find Qt

On its website OpenFlipper says it can be compiled in three steps as:
cd build
cmake ..
make # or, even better, make -j8
However I get an error saying Qt is unable to be found at the cmake step and that I should specify a QT5_INSTALL_PATH. However even if I do this OpenFlipper is still issuing the same complaint!
You are not supposed to specify where Qt is installed in the QT5_INSTALLED_DIR but prior to that as environment variable in your terminal:
# assuming Qt was installed in your home directory, as is default
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/Qt5.7.0/5.7/gcc_64/
# note that you now have to call cmake etc from that process
Compiling and running it after that you might get errors telling you GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object is not present, even if your glxinfo | grep ARB_vertex_buffer is telling you it is.* Clicking "Ignore" results in a crash. To mitigate this, you have to manually change (4,3) to (3,0) in
If you still experience errors, try deleting your cmake cache, this is accomplished by using cmake-gui (was in the package cmake-qt-gui for me) and hitting "Delete Cache"
(optional) remove the very annoying warning message you get at every start of OpenFlipper by removing the line concerning "renderers shipped" in
*: My teaching assistant told me that there is a bug in Qt (<5.9) that forces OpenFlipper to use the OpenGL Compatibility Profile. Additionally Intel and AMD drivers hand back an OpenGL 3.0 Core Context when asked for an OpenGL 4.3 Compatibility Context (my TA described this behavior as a "bug", I'm not so sure about this), leading to a crash in Qt. So this should be resolved in Qt 5.9 (not out yet). This seems to affect also mainly integrated graphics, so one could try using a dedicated GPU.

Meteor: Random.fraction() issue

I'm getting the following error when after installing my Meteor app (developed on an older version of Meteor) on Meteor version
ReferenceError: Random is not defined
Offending line:
Players.insert({name: names[i], score: Math.floor(Random.fraction()*10)*5});
I've never had a problem with this line of code before and according to the docs this should still work.
Any ideas?
You've got to install the random package, it's not installed by default anymore. A simple meteor add random will suffice.
Some basic packages were removed from Meteor to reduce its initial footprint. Perhaps if you run meteor add random your issue will be solved. The update process was supposed to detect your use of Random and automatically install the package but perhaps it slipped through.
If you are working inside of a package, you may need to add random#1.0.4 to your api.use().
For a list of packages that are no longer installed by default, see this link: . It also contains some other interesting notes about the update.

WinPython with PyQt5

I'm trying to get PyQt5 working with WinPython. PyQt5 comes with a readme file for installation, and I have unsuccessfully tried a few combinations of what I thought the first part of the readme tells me to do.
I have:
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Qt 5.4
PyQt-gpl-5.4 is in the folder (only partially sure that this is where I should have put it)
My current attempt at getting everything working is: I'm trying to run the file in PyQt-gpl-5.4, but when I do so I consistently get the following error:
Error: PyQt5 requires Qt v5.0 or later. You seem to be using v4.8.6.
Make sure the correct version of qmake is on your PATH.
What I think is the required version of qmake being referred to is in the folder
However, I have no idea how to fix the error by adding the qmake in this folder to PATH. My most recent attempt was to add the folder using Spyder's Tools->PYTHONPATH manager, but this made no difference. I also tried adding it using sys.path.append('C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin'), but this didn't work either. I have since removed the folder name from both of these locations.
How do I get PyQt5 working with WinPython-64bit-, or I think equivalently, how to I get the file in the PyQt-gpl-5.4 folder to run?
You definitely don't want the source code (i.e. PyQt-gpl-5.4) in the site-packages folder, because that's where the compiled modules will end up. Instead, it should just go in a temporary folder whilst you compile it.
When you run, you must take care to use the executable for the specific python that you are targeting. I do not know anything about WinPython, but for a normal python installation this means doing something like this:
As a first step, before attempting to actually compile anything, it would be advisable to take at look at all the configuration options that are available, like this:
C:\Python34\python --help
(There's also the Installing PyQt5 section in the PyQt Docs).
This will tell you, for instance, that the simplest way to specify the Qt installation you are targeting would be something like this:
C:\Python34\python --qmake C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\qmake
Sorry, that last part is wrong: the --qmake option isn't available on Windows, so you have to add the directory containing the qmake executable to your PATH. This can be done with the following command:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin
