Monitor language specific API Calls for Microsoft Translator API - microsoft-cognitive

Is there any way to monitor the Language Specific USAGE of Translator API (e.g. xx number of characters for english to japanese for Microsoft Translator API. I couldn't see any such metrics in the Metrics Monitoring Section.

Currently it's not available, We have added to Azure metrics feature request to the Translator service and it will be added in the near future.


Is the Batch Geocoder Nearing End of Life?

The current Batch Geocoder Introduction page states:
"Note: This service is no longer being actively developed. We will only provide critical fixes for this service in future. Instead, you can use the new Geocoding and Search API v7 service."
I do not see mention of geocoding large dataset of addresses in the "Geocoding and Search API v7" API Reference. As a matter of fact, the "Geocoding and Search API v7" API Reference webpage is titled, "Geocoding and Search API v1 (1.0)" which is also strange.
Is the Batch Geocoder nearing end of life? If so, does any documentation exist that describes the new approach to geocoding large datasets?
Not at v7 is the newer API with more features and will keep on offering new features and will be actively developed. The older version is no more actively developing. Also v7 API offers to use Geocoder API with our platform (Cloud based product). The additional benefits are as follows :
HERE Geocoding and Search leverages the freshness, breadth and depth of HERE Map Content
It provides a rich and comprehensive set of capabilities that enable you to build applications that your end-users need and desire.
It is fully integrated in the HERE Platform to enable you to create, process, ingest and search your own data sets. (Note: Bring Your Own Data capabilities are only available to customers with a HERE Platform Workspace license.)

NodeJs websocket client for Custom Speech Service

I would like to create a websocket client for the Custom Speech service using a programming language such as Java, NodeJs, Go. Where can I find some technical information on how to consume that websocket from scratch (the expected message, fields, etc)?. I already read the CSS documentation but it focuses on how to use the SDK libraries for C#, javaScript, Android. What should I take into account if wanted to create my own SDK for a different language?
Thanks in advance.
Custom Speech Service uses the same API interface as the Bing Speech API, so you can use the Speech Protocol documentation at
You can also start with the Websocket Javascript implementation sample at

Is it possible to get my personal info from linkedin api without oauth?

I'm setting up a personal page, and I would like to display my past work experiences and other data I have on linked-in so it is automatically updated when I update my linked-in profile. Is this possible without having to do oauth? I just want my own data.
As the company says on their REST API page:
In order for your applications to access LinkedIn member data and/or act on their behalf, they must be authenticated. LinkedIn relies on the industry standard OAuth 2.0 protocol for granting access, due to its simplicity and ease of implementation.
See also this previous SO question.
This doesn't mean, however, that OAuth can't be handled for you:
As a convenience, if you are developing a front-end JavaScript or
Android application, we provide SDKs to handle the authentication
process for you.
Additionally, there are several 3rd party libraries available in the
open source community that abstract the OAuth 2.0 authentication
process for you in every major programming language.
As for the major languages they support, LinkedIn provides walkthroughs in PHP, Python, and Java on their API Get Started page.

How to create a cognitive service to use Video API

I'm not able to create a cognitive service to use Video API.
Its currently not available from
Azure Portal.
Does anybody know the process of creating one.
For a variety of reasons, the Azure Portal only lists APIs for which a paid tier exists.
You should be able to find all the information you need on the Microsoft Cognitive Service Video API site, including a link to get a free tier API key.

HERE maps enterprise routing api with base licence

is enterprise-routing API supported with free base license if not are there some speed limits information accesible only with base licence? I could not find these information in their docs. Thank you
Speed Limit information can be obtained using the getLinkInfo endpoint as in this example:,13.3846&app_id=XXX&app_code=YYY.
According to Available Features and Functionality page, the getLinkInfo endpoint is not checked as being allowed with "Limited Free Usage with Base Web Key". Hence you should probably enquire about an enterprise license using the get in touch button on the Getting Started page
