Confusing non-numeric argument to binary operator error - r

I cannot seem to even create a reproducible example on this as it works fine when I go through the code one line at a time.
The error message I get is as follows:
"Error in testData[, colCheck][length(testData[, colCheck])] - testData[, :
non-numeric argument to binary operator "
Both colCheck and testData$linearcorrd15N are numeric and like I said, the calculation works fine when I run it at that line. The error comes only when I run the function from QTest(df, colCheck).
Here is an example of what some of the code looks like. It will not produce an error, but maybe you can see something that I don't.
QTest <- function(testData, colCheck)
# testData <- This is the entire data frame for the std/ref that has too high
# of a SD, this way the data frame can be returned without the outlier
# colCheck <- The column name for values that were flagged for having too high of a SD
# This Q test info provided by:
#Get the mean of the highest and lowest values
testData <- arrange(testData, desc(testData[, colCheck]))
len <- length(testData[,colCheck])-1
high <- sapply(1:len, function(i) testData[,colCheck][i])
meanhigh <- mean(high)
testData <- arrange(testData, (testData[, colCheck]))
low <- sapply(1:len, function(i) testData[,colCheck][i])
meanlow <- mean(low)
#If the mean of the lowest numbers is lower than the mean of the highest numbers, do this
if(meanlow < meanhigh){
QexpVal <- abs((testData[, colCheck][2] - testData[, colCheck][1])/
(testData[, colCheck][length(testData[, colCheck])] - testData[, colCheck][1]))
outlier <- testData[,colCheck][1]
closest <- testData[,colCheck][2]
#else if the mean of the lowest numbers is higher than the mean of the highest numbers, do this
} else {
QexpVal <- abs((testData[, colCheck][length(testData[,colCheck])-1] - (testData[, colCheck][length(testData[,colCheck])])) /
(testData[,colCheck][length(testData[,colCheck])]) - (testData[,colCheck][1]))
outlier <- testData[,colCheck][length(testData[,colCheck])]
closest <- testData[,colCheck][length(testData[,colCheck])-1]
df <- data.frame(Row = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Identifier.2 = "36-UWSIF-UT Glut1", linearcorrd15N = c(-11.63433,
-22.13869, -57.21795, -17.06438, -16.23358))
colCheck <- as.numeric(grep("linearcorrd15N", colnames(std1)))
QTestCorrVals <- QTest(df, colCheck)

It seems you realy overcomplicate this function by pushing the whole table in the function and loop over everything and read a value again from the whole table...
just the part to get meanhigh and meanlow requires this:
v <- df[, colCheck]
v <- v[order(v)]
n <- length(v)
meanhigh <- mean(v[2:n])
meanlow <- mean(v[1:n-1])
Or if you use the decreasing ordering this:
v <- df[, colCheck]
v <- v[order(v, decreasing = T)]
n <- length(v)
meanhigh <- mean(v[1:n-1])
meanlow <- mean(v[2:n])
Full function
Hereby the full code using this approach and I agree that is not the specific question you asked, but the way you coded it is highly inefficient and error prone by every time take the whole data.frame and subset it and recalculate lengths every time. Also you just have to order once, as if the lowest is on top, the highest is per definition on the bottom. Then play around with the 1 for first and 2 for second and n for last and n-1 for second last.
df <- data.frame(Row = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Identifier.2 = "36-UWSIF-UT Glut1", linearcorrd15N = c(-11.63433,
-22.13869, -57.21795, -17.06438, -16.23358))
colCheck <- as.numeric(grep("linearcorrd15N", colnames(df)))
QTest <- function(v) {
v <- v[order(v)]
n <- length(v)
meanhigh <- mean(v[2:n])
meanlow <- mean(v[1:n-1])
if(meanlow < meanhigh) {
QexpVal <- abs((v[2]-v[1])/(v[n]-v[1]))
outlier <- v[1]
closest <- v[2]
} else {
QexpVal <- abs((v[n-1]-v[n])/(v[n]-v[1]))
outlier <- v[n]
closest <- v[n-1]
QTestCorrVals <- QTest(df[, colCheck])
Side note
Using the column index number works slightly different whether your data is a data.frame or a data.table
df[, colCheck]
dt <- data.table(df)
dt[, ..colCheck]
dt[, colCheck] # throws an error


Rfast segmentation fault on independence test

I am having troubles using the G2-test function of the Fast function in R since it outputs a segmentation fault even though it seems to me that the input parameters are correct.
More specifically, I am able to run the example code in the manual page
nvalues <- 3
nvars <- 10
nsamples <- 5000
data <- matrix( sample( 0:(nvalues - 1), nvars * nsamples, replace = TRUE ), nsamples, nvars )
dc <- rep(nvalues, nvars)
res<-g2Test( data, 1, 2, 3, c(3, 3, 3) )
But I'm not able to make it run on my data. The function g2Test takes as input a matrix of numbers, three integer that stands for the column on which to condition (in the example we are studying the dependence of the first on the second conditioned on the third) and a vector with the number of unique values per column.
My code follows the same principles reading data from the ALARM csv file
# open the file
path <- "datasets/alarm.csv"
dataset <- read.csv(path)
# search for the indexes of the column I'm interested in and the amount of unique values per column
c1 <- "PVS"
c2 <- "ACO2"
s <- c("VALV", "VLNG", "VTUB", "VMCH")
n <- colnames(dataset)
col_c1 <- match(c1, n)
col_c2 <- match(c2, n)
cols_c3 <- c()
uni <- c(length(unique(dataset[c1])[[1]])[[1]],length(unique(dataset[c2])[[1]])[[1]])
if (!s[1]=="()"){
for(v in s){
idx <- match(v, n)
cols_c3 <- append(cols_c3,idx)
uni <- append(uni,length(unique(dataset[v])[[1]])[[1]])
# transforming the str DataFrame into a integer matrix
for (nn in n){
dataset[nn] <- unclass(as.factor(dataset[nn][[1]]))
ds <- as.matrix(dataset)
colnames(ds) <- NULL
# running the G2 test
res <- g2Test(ds, col_c1, col_c2, cols_c3, uni)
But it results into a segmentation fault
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x1f103f96a, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: g2Test(ds, col_c1, col_c2, cols_c3, uni)
Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace
The same happens if I condition on just one variable and not on multiple ones.
I really don't understand why this happens since it seems to me that my case is the same as the example on the reference, just with different data. I would really appreciate any help for debugging this issue, please tell me if I need to specify further infos.
First, I'm sorry that I missed that you had originally included your data!
Alright, I wish I would have realized this sooner (as you will, as well...). The columns have to be consecutive and the values must start at zero. So what does that mean? You have to rearrange the columns so that col_c1 is the first column, col_c2 is the second column, and so on. You have to subtract all values by one (since the lowest value is 1).
This is what I did (and how I checked it):
# there was no PVS, I assume this was PVSAT
c1 <- "PVSAT"
# c1 <- "PVS"
# there was no ACO2, I assume this was ARTCO2
c2 <- "ARTCO2"
# c2 <- "ACO2"
# there are no columns with these names...
# s <- c("VALV", "VLNG", "VTUB", "VMCH")
This next chunk is exactly as you wrote it:
n <- colnames(dataset)
col_c1 <- match(c1, n)
col_c2 <- match(c2, n)
cols_c3 <- c()
uni <- c(length(unique(dataset[c1])[[1]])[[1]],length(unique(dataset[c2])[[1]])[[1]])
if (!s[1]=="()"){
for(v in s){
idx <- match(v, n)
cols_c3 <- append(cols_c3,idx)
uni <- append(uni,length(unique(dataset[v])[[1]])[[1]])
# transforming the str DataFrame into a integer matrix
for (nn in n){
dataset[nn] <- unclass(as.factor(dataset[nn][[1]]))
ds <- as.matrix(dataset)
This is where I made the minimum zero:
# look at the number of unique values before changing, as a means of validation
sapply(1:ncol(ds), function(x) length(unique(ds[, x])))
# look at the minimum, as a means of validation
sapply(1:ncol(ds), function(x) min(ds[,x]))
# the minimum value must be zero
ds <- ds - 1
# check
sapply(1:ncol(ds), function(x) min(ds[,x]))
sapply(1:ncol(ds), function(x) length(unique(ds[, x])))
# looked as expected
Next, I rearranged the columns. I did this before removing the names so I could use the names to ensure the order was correct.
# the data must be consecutive numbers
# catch names before and after
n2 <- dimnames(ds)
# some of the results from this:
# [[2]]
# create the list of column indicies other than those getting called in g2Test
tellMe <- c(1:ncol(ds))
tellMe <- tellMe[-c(col_c1, col_c2, sort(cols_c3))]
# rearrange using the indices
ds <- ds[, c(col_c1, col_c2, sort(cols_c3), tellMe)]
# check it
(n3 <- dimnames(ds))
# some of the results from this
# [[2]]
All that's left is removing the names (just as you did) and then calling the function. Since the indices changed, your objects won't work here, though.
colnames(ds) <- NULL
# running the G2 test
# res <- g2Test(ds, col_c1, col_c2, sort(cols_c3), uni)
res2 <- g2Test(ds, 1, 2, c(3,4,5,6), c(3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4))
# $statistic
# [1] 19.78506
# $df
# [1] 1024

How to write function to return plot but also an object (data.frame)?

Description and goal: In R Studio, I would like to define a function that drops columns of a given data.frame if it contains a too high share of missing values, defined by a cutoff value in percent. This function should return information about the subsetted data.frame (number of remaining columns and remaining share of missing cases) together with the subsetted data.frame itself for further analyses. Additionally, there should be an option to visualize remaining missing cases using the function vis_miss() of the identically named package.
Packages used:
Data: <- tibble(col_1 = c(1:5),
col_2 = c(1,2,NA,NA,NA))
My function:
cut_cols <- function(df, na.perc.cutoff, vis_miss=FALSE) {
df <- df[lapply(df, function(x) sum( / length(x)) < na.perc.cutoff]
cat(paste0("Remaining cols: ", ncol(df)),
paste0("\nRemaining miss: ", paste0(round(sum( / prod(dim(df)) * 100, 2), "%\n")))
if (vis_miss==TRUE) {return(vis_miss(df[1:nrow(df),c(1:ncol(df))], warn_large_data=F))}
cut_cols(, 0.5, vis_miss = F) # without visualization
cut_cols(, 0.5, vis_miss = T) # with visualization
As you might have already seen in the example above, only the first line, where vis_miss = F actually returns the data.frame but not the second line, where vis_miss = T. I assume that this is because of the extra if () {} clause, which returns a plot and then ends the process without printing df. Is there a way to prevent this from happening so that the first line also returns the new data.frame?
You were correct in your suspicion that the if(){} clause was stopping the df from printing. I think return() stops any function from running further. If that's the case then it's best practice to put it at the end of any function.
Further, use print(df) to make sure your function outputs your data frame. Here are a few changes to your code
cut_cols <- function(df, na.perc.cutoff, vis_miss=FALSE) {
df <- df[lapply(df, function(x) sum( / length(x)) < na.perc.cutoff]
cat(paste0("Remaining cols: ", ncol(df)),
paste0("\nRemaining miss: ", paste0(round(sum( / prod(dim(df)) * 100, 2), "%\n")))
if (vis_miss==TRUE) {return(vis_miss(df[1:nrow(df),c(1:ncol(df))], warn_large_data=F))}
cut_cols(, 0.5, vis_miss = T)
Here's another option if it interests you. You can assign both the df and the plot to a list then call the list.
cut_cols <- function(df, na.perc.cutoff, vis_miss=FALSE) {
df <- df[lapply(df, function(x) sum( / length(x)) < na.perc.cutoff]
cat(paste0("Remaining cols: ", ncol(df)),
paste0("\nRemaining miss: ", paste0(round(sum( / prod(dim(df)) * 100, 2), "%\n")))
# empty list
list_ <- c()
# assign df to first index of list
list_[[1]] <- df
if (vis_miss==TRUE){
plot <- vis_miss(df[1:nrow(df),c(1:ncol(df))], warn_large_data=F)
# assign plot to second index in list
list_[[2]] <- plot
output <- cut_cols(, 0.5, vis_miss = T)
Calling output will print both the df and plot. output[[1]] will print just the df. output[[2]] will print just the plot.

for loop with 2 vectors to calculate power in R fails

I have 2 vectors containing numbers, I'm using to simulate power of my study but keeps getting this error at the for loop section
Error in pwr.2p2n.test(h, n1 = i, n2 = j, sig.level = 0.05) :
number of observations in the first group must be at least 2
would be grateful for your suggestions to get it working
##sample code
grp1.n <- seq(30,150,5) ##group 1, N
grp2.n <- seq(30,150,5)-15 ## group 2, N - 15
h=0.85 #specify large effect size
grp1.length <- length(grp1.n)
grp2.length <- length(grp2.n)
power.holder <- array(numeric(grp1.length*grp2.length), dim=c(grp1.length,grp2.length),dimnames=list(grp1.n,grp2.n))
for (i in 1:grp1.length){
for (j in 1:grp2.length){
result.pwr.2p2n.test <- pwr.2p2n.test(h, n1=i, n2=j, sig.level=0.05)
power.holder[i,j] <- ceiling(result.pwr.2p2n.test$power)
I'm not entirely sure if this is what you want, but I think it is:
grp1.n <- seq(30,150,5) ##group 1, N
grp2.n <- seq(30,150,5)-15 ## group 2, N - 15
h=0.85 #specify large effect size
grp1.length <- length(grp1.n)
grp2.length <- length(grp2.n)
power.holder <- array(numeric(grp1.length*grp2.length), dim=c(grp1.length,grp2.length),dimnames=list(grp1.n,grp2.n))
for (i in 1:grp1.length){
for (j in 1:grp2.length){
result.pwr.2p2n.test <- pwr.2p2n.test(h, n1=grp1.n[i], n2=grp2.n[j], sig.level=0.05)
power.holder[i,j] <- ceiling(result.pwr.2p2n.test$power)
The changes are in the pwr.2p2n.test function as well as the object you want to return.
Old: pwr.2p2n.test(h, n1=i, n2=j, sig.level=0.05)
New: pwr.2p2n.test(h, n1=grp1.n[i], n2=grp2.n[j], sig.level=0.05)
Note there was also a missing } bracket in your code.

How to sum over range and calculate a series in R?

Here is the formula which I am trying to calculate in R.
So far, this is my approach using a simplified example
t <- seq(1, 2, 0.1)
expk <- function(k){exp(-2*pi*1i*t*k)}
dat <- ts(rnorm(100), start = c(1994,3), frequency = 12)
arfit <- ar(dat, order = 4, aic = FALSE) # represent \phi in the formula
tmp1 <- numeric(4)
for (i in seq_along(arfit$ar)){
ek <- expk(i)
arphi <- arfit$ar[i]
tmp1[i] <- ek * arphi
tmp2 <- sum(tmp1)
denom = abs(1-tmp2)^2
s2 <- t/denom
Error : Warning message:
In tmp1[i] <- ek * arphi :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
I was trying to avoid using for loop and tried using sapply as in solutions to this question.
denom2 <- abs(1- sapply(seq_along(arfit$ar), function(x)sum(arfit$ar[x]*expf(x))))^2
but doesnt seem to be correct. The problem is to do the sum of the series(over index k) when it is taking values from another vector as well, in this case, t which is in the numerator.
Any solutions ?
Any suggestion for a test dataset, maybe using 0 and 1 to check if the calculation is done correctly in this loop here ?
Typing up the answer determined in chat. Here's a solution involving vapply.
First correct expk to:
expk <- function(k){sum(exp(-2*pi*1i*t*k))}
Then you can create this function and vapply it:
myFun <- function(i) return(expk(i) * arfit$ar[i])
tmp2 <- sum(vapply(seq_along(arfit$ar), myFun, complex(1)))

R filter() dealing with NAs

I am trying to implement Chebyshev filter to smooth a time series but, unfortunately, there are NAs in the data series.
For example,
t <- seq(0, 1, len = 100)
x <- c(sin(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)),NA, cos(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)))
I am using Chebyshev filter: cf1 = cheby1(5, 3, 1/44, type = "low")
I am trying to filter the time series exclude NAs, but not mess up the orders/position. So, I have already tried na.rm=T, but it seems there's no such argument.
z <- filter(cf1, x) # apply filter
Thank you guys.
Try using x <- x[!] to remove the NAs, then run the filter.
You can remove the NAs beforehand using the compelete.cases function. You also might consider imputing the missing data. Check out the mtsdi or Amelia II packages.
Here's a solution with Rcpp. This might be helpful is speed is important:
t <- seq(0, 1, len = 100)
x <- c(sin(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)),NA, cos(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)))
NAs <- x
x2 <- x[!]
#do something to x2
src <- '
Rcpp::NumericVector vecX(vx);
Rcpp::NumericVector vecNA(vNA);
int j = 0; //counter for vx
for (int i=0;i<vecNA.size();i++) {
if (!(R_IsNA(vecNA[i]))) {
//replace and update j
vecNA[i] = vecX[j];
return Rcpp::wrap(vecNA);
fun <- cxxfunction(signature(vx="numeric",
if (identical(x,fun(x2,NAs)))
# [1] "worked"
I don't know if ts objects can have missing values, but if you just want to re-insert the NA values, you can use ?insert from R.utils. There might be a better way to do this.
install.packages(c('R.utils', 'signal'))
t <- seq(0, 1, len = 100)
x <- c(sin(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)), NA, NA, cos(2*pi*t*2.3) + 0.25*rnorm(length(t)), NA)
cf1 = cheby1(5, 3, 1/44, type = "low")
xex <- na.omit(x)
z <- filter(cf1, xex) # apply
z <- as.numeric(z)
for (m in attributes(xex)$na.action) {
z <- insert(z, ats = m, values = NA)
Here is a function you can use to filter a signal with NAs in it.
The NAs are ignored rather than replaced by zero.
You can then specify a maximum percentage of weight which the NAs may take at any point of the filtered signal. If there are too many NAs (and too few actual data) at a specific point, the filtered signal itself will be set to NA.
# This function applies a filter to a time series with potentially missing data
filter_with_NA <- function(x,
window_length=12, # will be applied centrally
myfilter=rep(1/window_length,window_length), # a boxcar filter by default
max_percentage_NA=25) # which percentage of weight created by NA should not be exceeded
# make the signal longer at both sides
signal <- c(rep(NA,window_length),x,rep(NA,window_length))
# see where data are present and not NA
present <- is.finite(signal)
# replace the NA values by zero
signal[!is.finite(signal)] <- 0
# apply the filter
filtered_signal <- as.numeric(filter(signal,myfilter, sides=2))
# find out which percentage of the filtered signal was created by non-NA values
# this is easy because the filter is linear
original_weight <- as.numeric(filter(present,myfilter, sides=2))
# where this is lower than one, the signal is now artificially smaller
# because we added zeros - compensate that
filtered_signal <- filtered_signal / original_weight
# but where there are too few values present, discard the signal
filtered_signal[100*(1-original_weight) > max_percentage_NA] <- NA
# cut away the padding to left and right which we previously inserted
filtered_signal <- filtered_signal[((window_length+1):(window_length+length(x)))]
